/// <summary>
        /// Parse the mass list text, then show a status dialog if:
        ///     errors are found, or
        ///     errors are not found and "silentSuccess" arg is false
        /// Shows a special error message and forces the user to alter their entry if the list is missing Precursor m/z, Product m/z or Peptide Sequence.
        /// Return false if no errors found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="silentSuccess">If true, don't show the confirmation dialog when there are no errors</param>
        /// <returns>True if list contains any errors and user does not elect to ignore them</returns>
        private bool CheckForErrors(bool silentSuccess)
            IdentityPath testSelectPath = null;
            List <MeasuredRetentionTime>     testIrtPeptides    = null;
            List <SpectrumMzInfo>            testLibrarySpectra = null;
            List <TransitionImportErrorInfo> testErrorList      = null;
            List <PeptideGroupDocNode>       testPeptideGroups  = null;
            var columns = Importer.RowReader.Indices;

            MissingEssentialColumns = new List <string>();
            CheckEssentialColumn(new Tuple <int, string>(columns.PeptideColumn, Resources.ImportTransitionListColumnSelectDlg_PopulateComboBoxes_Peptide_Modified_Sequence));
            CheckEssentialColumn(new Tuple <int, string>(columns.PrecursorColumn, Resources.ImportTransitionListColumnSelectDlg_PopulateComboBoxes_Precursor_m_z));
            CheckEssentialColumn(new Tuple <int, string>(columns.ProductColumn, Resources.ImportTransitionListColumnSelectDlg_PopulateComboBoxes_Product_m_z));
            var docNew = _docCurrent.ImportMassList(_inputs, Importer, null,
                                                    _insertPath, out testSelectPath, out testIrtPeptides, out testLibrarySpectra,
                                                    out testErrorList, out testPeptideGroups);

            if (testErrorList.Any())
                // There are errors, show them to user
                var          isErrorAll = ReferenceEquals(docNew, _docCurrent);
                DialogResult response;
                if (MissingEssentialColumns.Count != 0)
                    // If the transition list is missing essential columns, tell the user in a
                    // readable way
                    string errorMessage = Resources.ImportTransitionListErrorDlg_ImportTransitionListErrorDlg_This_transition_list_cannot_be_imported_as_it_does_not_provide_values_for_;
                    for (var i = 0; i < MissingEssentialColumns.Count; i++)
                        errorMessage = errorMessage + @" " + MissingEssentialColumns[i];
                    MessageDlg.Show(this, errorMessage);
                    using (var dlg = new ImportTransitionListErrorDlg(testErrorList, isErrorAll, silentSuccess))
                        response = dlg.ShowDialog(this);

                    return(response == DialogResult.Cancel); // There are errors, and user does not want to ignore them
            else if (!silentSuccess)
                // No errors, confirm this to user
                MessageDlg.Show(this, Resources.PasteDlg_ShowNoErrors_No_errors);

            return(false); // No errors
Beispiel #2
        private static SrmDocument InitWiffDocument(TestFilesDir testFilesDir)
            const LabelAtoms labelAtoms = LabelAtoms.C13 | LabelAtoms.N15;
            List <StaticMod> heavyMods  = new List <StaticMod>
                new StaticMod("Heavy K", "K", ModTerminus.C, null, labelAtoms, null, null),
                new StaticMod("Heavy R", "R", ModTerminus.C, null, labelAtoms, null, null),
            SrmSettings settings = SrmSettingsList.GetDefault();

            settings = settings.ChangePeptideModifications(mods => mods.ChangeHeavyModifications(heavyMods));
            SrmDocument doc = new SrmDocument(settings);

            IdentityPath selectPath;
            string       path = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("051309_transition list.csv");
            // Product m/z out of range
            var docError = doc;
            List <MeasuredRetentionTime>     irtPeptides;
            List <SpectrumMzInfo>            librarySpectra;
            List <TransitionImportErrorInfo> errorList;
            var inputs = new MassListInputs(path)
                FormatProvider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                Separator      = TextUtil.SEPARATOR_CSV

            docError.ImportMassList(inputs, null, out selectPath, out irtPeptides, out librarySpectra, out errorList);
            Assert.AreEqual(errorList.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(errorList[0].Column, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(errorList[0].Row, 19);

            doc    = doc.ChangeSettings(settings.ChangeTransitionInstrument(inst => inst.ChangeMaxMz(1800)));
            inputs = new MassListInputs(path)
                FormatProvider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                Separator      = TextUtil.SEPARATOR_CSV
            doc = doc.ImportMassList(inputs, null, out selectPath);

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(doc, 2, 9, 9, 18, 54);
Beispiel #3
        public static SrmDocument RoundTripTransitionList(AbstractMassListExporter exporter)

            // Reverse the output lines and import into a new document
            var          docExport      = exporter.Document;
            var          docImport      = new SrmDocument(docExport.Settings);
            string       transitionList = exporter.MemoryOutput.Values.ToArray()[0].ToString();
            IdentityPath pathAdded;
            var          inputs = new MassListInputs(DuplicateAndReverseLines(transitionList, exporter.HasHeaders),
                                                     CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, TextUtil.SEPARATOR_CSV);

            docImport = docImport.ImportMassList(inputs, IdentityPath.ROOT, out pathAdded);

            IsDocumentState(docImport, 1,
Beispiel #4
        public void VariableModImportListTest()
            // TODO: Deal with multiple variable modifications that produce the same
            //       precursor mass but different product ion masses
            SrmDocument document = new SrmDocument(SrmSettingsList.GetDefault());
            var staticMods = new List<StaticMod>(document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.StaticModifications);
                                        new StaticMod("Met Sulfoxide", "M", null, true, "O", LabelAtoms.None,
                                            RelativeRT.Matching, null, null, new[] { new FragmentLoss("SOCH4") }),
                                        new StaticMod("Met Sulfone", "M", null, true, "O2", LabelAtoms.None,
                                            RelativeRT.Matching, null, null, null),
                                        new StaticMod("Phospho", "S,T,Y", null, true, "PO3H", LabelAtoms.None,
                                            RelativeRT.Matching, null, null, new[] {new FragmentLoss("PO4H3")}),
                                        new StaticMod("K(GlyGly)", "K", null, true, "N2H6C4O2", LabelAtoms.None,
                                            RelativeRT.Matching, null, null, null),
            document = document.ChangeSettings(document.Settings.ChangePeptideModifications(mods =>
            IdentityPath pathTo;
            List<MeasuredRetentionTime> irtPeptides;
            List<SpectrumMzInfo> librarySpectra;
            List<TransitionImportErrorInfo> errorList;
            var inputsPhospho = new MassListInputs(TEXT_PHOSPHO_TRANSITION_LIST, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, TextUtil.SEPARATOR_CSV);
            document.ImportMassList(inputsPhospho, null, out pathTo, out irtPeptides, out librarySpectra, out errorList);
            Assert.AreEqual(27, errorList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, errorList[0].Column);
            Assert.AreEqual(40, errorList[0].Row);

            var docHighMax = document.ChangeSettings(document.Settings.ChangeTransitionInstrument(inst => inst.ChangeMaxMz(1800)));
            var docList = docHighMax.ImportMassList(inputsPhospho, null, out pathTo);

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docList, 3, 68, 134, 157, 481);
            foreach (var nodeTran in docList.PeptideTransitions)
                var it = nodeTran.Transition.IonType;
                Assert.IsTrue(it == IonType.y || it == IonType.b || it == IonType.precursor, "Found unexpected non b, y or precursor ion type.");

            var inputsMultiLoss = new MassListInputs(TEXT_PHOSPHO_MULTI_LOSS, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, TextUtil.SEPARATOR_CSV);
            docHighMax.ImportMassList(inputsMultiLoss, null, out pathTo, out irtPeptides, out librarySpectra, out errorList);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, errorList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, errorList[0].Column);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, errorList[0].Row);

            var docMultiLos = docHighMax.ChangeSettings(docHighMax.Settings.ChangePeptideModifications(mods =>
            docList = docMultiLos.ImportMassList(inputsMultiLoss, null, out pathTo);

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docList, 4, 4, 4, 12);
Beispiel #5
        private static SrmDocument InitWiffDocument(TestFilesDir testFilesDir)
            const LabelAtoms labelAtoms = LabelAtoms.C13 | LabelAtoms.N15;
            List<StaticMod> heavyMods = new List<StaticMod>
                    new StaticMod("Heavy K", "K", ModTerminus.C, null, labelAtoms, null, null),
                    new StaticMod("Heavy R", "R", ModTerminus.C, null, labelAtoms, null, null),
            SrmSettings settings = SrmSettingsList.GetDefault();
            settings = settings.ChangePeptideModifications(mods => mods.ChangeHeavyModifications(heavyMods));
            SrmDocument doc = new SrmDocument(settings);

            IdentityPath selectPath;
            string path = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("051309_transition list.csv");
            // Product m/z out of range
            var docError = doc;
            List<MeasuredRetentionTime> irtPeptides;
            List<SpectrumMzInfo> librarySpectra;
            List<TransitionImportErrorInfo> errorList;
            var inputs = new MassListInputs(path)
                FormatProvider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                Separator = TextUtil.SEPARATOR_CSV
            docError.ImportMassList(inputs, null, out selectPath, out irtPeptides, out librarySpectra, out errorList);
            Assert.AreEqual(errorList.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(errorList[0].Column, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(errorList[0].Row, 19);

            doc = doc.ChangeSettings(settings.ChangeTransitionInstrument(inst => inst.ChangeMaxMz(1800)));
            inputs = new MassListInputs(path)
                FormatProvider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                Separator = TextUtil.SEPARATOR_CSV
            doc = doc.ImportMassList(inputs, null, out selectPath);

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(doc, 2, 9, 9, 18, 54);
            return doc;