Beispiel #1
        public async Task TestDirectoryMapping1()
            var contextFactory = new SqliteInMemoryContextFactory <DirectoryContext>();

            using (var ctx = contextFactory.ConstructContext())
                var rec = await ctx.Submisions
                          .Include(e => e.HomeAddress)
                          .ThenInclude(add => add.State)
                          .Include(e => e.HomePhone)
                          .Include(e => e.AdultTwoMobilePhone)
                          .Include(e => e.AdultTwoMobilePhone)
                          .Include(e => e.AdultOneEmail)
                          .Include(e => e.AdultTwoEmail)
                          .FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.Id == 1);

                Assert.IsNotNull(rec, "should be 1 record");
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(rec, typeof(SubmisionEntitiy), "Should be true");

                Assert.IsNotNull(rec.HomeAddress, "Should load this child table");
                Assert.IsNotNull(rec.HomeAddress.State, "Should load this child table");
                Assert.IsNotNull(rec.HomePhone, "Should load this child table");
                Assert.IsNotNull(rec.AdultTwoMobilePhone, "Should load this child table");
                Assert.IsNotNull(rec.AdultTwoMobilePhone, "Should load this child table");
                Assert.IsNotNull(rec.AdultOneEmail, "Should load this child table");
                Assert.IsNotNull(rec.AdultTwoEmail, "Should load this child table");
        public async Task TestLoggingMapping1()
            var contextFactory = new SqliteInMemoryContextFactory <LogContext>();

            using (var ctx = contextFactory.ConstructContext())
                var recs = await ctx.LogHeaders
                           .Include(e => e.Details)

                var rec = recs.FirstOrDefault();

                Assert.IsNotNull(recs, "should be 1 record");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, recs.Count, "should be 1 record");
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(recs, typeof(List <LogHeaderEntity>), "Should be equal");

                Assert.IsNotNull(rec, "should be 1 record");
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(rec, typeof(LogHeaderEntity), "Should be equal");
                Assert.IsNotNull(rec.Details, "should be 2 records");
                Assert.AreEqual(2, rec.Details.Count, "should be 2 records");
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(rec.Details, typeof(ICollection <LogDetailEntity>), "Should be equal");
        public async Task TestLocalizationMapping1()
            var contextFactory = new SqliteInMemoryContextFactory <LocalizationContext>();

            using (var ctx = contextFactory.ConstructContext())
                var recs = await ctx.Translations.ToListAsync();

                Assert.IsNotNull(recs, "should be 5 records");
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(recs, typeof(List <LocalizationValueEntity>), "Should be true");
                Assert.AreEqual(5, recs.Count, "Should be 5 records");
        protected IDirectoryManager FactoryManager(ConfigSettingsDto settings = null, IDbContextFactory <LogContext> logCtxFactory = null, IDbContextFactory <DirectoryContext> dirCtxFactory = null, IDbContextFactory <ExportContext> xprtCtxFactory = null)
            if (settings == null)
                settings = new ConfigSettingsDto
                    StateCacheTtlSeconds       = 1200,
                    TranslationCacheTtlSeconds = 1200

            if (logCtxFactory == null)
                logCtxFactory = new SqliteInMemoryContextFactory <LogContext>();

            if (dirCtxFactory == null)
                dirCtxFactory = new SqliteInMemoryContextFactory <DirectoryContext>();

            if (xprtCtxFactory == null)
                xprtCtxFactory = new SqliteInMemoryContextFactory <ExportContext>();

            var cacheAccessor  = new CacheAccessor(new MemoryCache(), settings);
            var dirAccessor    = new DirectoryAccessor(dirCtxFactory);
            var logAccessor    = new LogAccessor(logCtxFactory);
            var exportAccessor = new ExportAccessor(xprtCtxFactory);

            var dirEngine = new DirectoryEngine(dirAccessor, cacheAccessor, exportAccessor);

            return(new DirectoryManager(dirEngine, logAccessor));