Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args)
            .WithParsed <Options>(o =>
                var sqls    = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                var sqlPath = GernerateSqlFilePath(o, o.File);
                var fileSql = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(sqlPath);
                sqls.Add(o.File, fileSql);

                var sqlServer = new SqlServerInstance(o.ConnectionString);
                foreach (var sql in sqls)
                    var ds = sqlServer.ExecuteQuery(sql.Value);

                    using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook())
                        foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
                            var workshet = workbook.Worksheets.Add(table);
                            for (var iCol = 1; iCol <= table.Columns.Count; iCol++)

                        var outputFileName = GenerateFileName(o, sql.Key, DateTime.Now);
            // Console.Read();
Beispiel #2
        public void When_VerifyDatabaseServer_With_inValid_sqlserver_and_no_username_and_no_password_Should_Return_database_server_not_found()
            // Arrange
            var sqlServerName = "does_not_exists";
            var userName      = string.Empty;
            var password      = string.Empty;

            // Act
            Func <Task> action = async() => await SqlServerInstance.VerifyDatabaseServer(sqlServerName, userName, password);

            // Assert
            action.Should().ThrowAsync <ConnectionFailureException>().WithMessage("Failed to connect to server does_not_exists.");
Beispiel #3
        public void When_TryFindDatabase_With_valid_database_and_no_username_or_password_Should_return_Ok()
            // Arrange
            var serverName = "konfidence2";
            var database   = "TestClassGenerator";
            var userName   = string.Empty;
            var password   = string.Empty;

            // Act
            Action action = () => SqlServerInstance.TryFindDatabase(serverName, database, userName, password);

            // Assert
            action.Should().Throw <SqlClientException>().WithMessage("no password or username provided");
        public static Dictionary<string, int> GetDefaults(SqlServerInstance i)
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, int>
                    {"access check cache bucket count", 0},
                    {"access check cache quota", 0},
                    {"Ad Hoc Distributed Queries", 0},
                    {"affinity I/O mask", 0},
                    {"affinity mask", 0},
                    {"affinity64 I/O mask", 0},
                    {"affinity64 mask", 0},
                    {"Agent XPs", 0},
                    {"allow updates", 0},
                    {"awe enabled", 0},
                    {"blocked process threshold", 0},
                    {"c2 audit mode", 0},
                    {"clr enabled", 0},
                    {"contained database authentication", 0},
                    {"cost threshold for parallelism", 5},
                    {"cross db ownership chaining", 0},
                    {"cursor threshold", -1},
                    {"Database Mail XPs", 0},
                    {"default full-text language", 1033},
                    {"default language", 0},
                    {"default trace enabled", 1},
                    {"disallow results from triggers", 0},
                    {"fill factor (%)", 0},
                    {"ft crawl bandwidth (max)", 100},
                    {"ft crawl bandwidth (min)", 0},
                    {"ft notify bandwidth (max)", 100},
                    {"ft notify bandwidth (min)", 0},
                    {"index create memory (KB)", 0},
                    {"in-doubt xact resolution", 0},
                    {"lightweight pooling", 0},
                    {"locks", 0},
                    {"max degree of parallelism", 0},
                    {"max full-text crawl range", 4},
                    {"max server memory (MB)", 2147483647},
                    {"max text repl size (B)", 65536},
                    {"max worker threads", 0},
                    {"media retention", 0},
                    {"min memory per query (KB)", 1024},
                    {"min server memory (MB)", 0},
                    {"nested triggers", 1},
                    {"network packet size (B)", 4096},
                    {"Ole Automation Procedures", 0},
                    {"open objects", 0},
                    {"optimize for ad hoc workloads", 0},
                    {"PH timeout (s)", 60},
                    {"precompute rank", 0},
                    {"priority boost", 0},
                    {"query governor cost limit", 0},
                    {"query wait (s)", -1},
                    {"recovery interval (min)", 0},
                    {"remote access", 1},
                    {"remote admin connections", 0},
                    {"remote login timeout (s)", 10},
                    {"remote proc trans", 0},
                    {"remote query timeout (s)", 600},
                    {"Replication XPs", 0},
                    {"RPC parameter data validation", 0},
                    {"scan for startup procs", 0},
                    {"server trigger recursion", 1},
                    {"set working set size", 0},
                    {"show advanced options", 0},
                    {"SMO and DMO XPs", 1},
                    {"SQL Mail XPs", 0},
                    {"transform noise words", 0},
                    {"two digit year cutoff", 2049},
                    {"user connections", 0},
                    {"user options", 0},
                    {"Web Assistant Procedures", 0},
                    {"xp_cmdshell", 0}

            // some defaults were different before 2012
            if (i.Version < SqlServerVersions.SQL2012.RTM)
                dict["remote login timeout (s)"] = 20;
            return dict;