Beispiel #1
        public void ValidSqlParameterized(string username)
            var x = new SqlPhrase("Select top 1 from users where type = ")
                    + "CUSTOMER".SqlStringConst()
                    + (SqlPhrase)"AND role="
                    + 17
                    + (SqlPhrase)"AND username"
                    + SqlComparison.Equal.For(username)
                    + username;

            string actualSql = null;

            DynamicParameters actualParams = null;

            x.EmitParameterized((val, parms) =>
                actualSql    = val;
                actualParams = parms;

            var expectedSql = username != null
                ? "Select top 1 from users where type = @p0 AND role= @p1 AND username = @p2"
                : "Select top 1 from users where type = @p0 AND role= @p1 AND username IS @p2";

            Assert.Equal(expectedSql, actualSql);

            Assert.Equal("CUSTOMER", actualParams.Get <string>("p0"));
            Assert.Equal(17, actualParams.Get <int>("p1"));
            Assert.Equal(username, actualParams.Get <string>("p2"));
Beispiel #2
        // Special case term for RelativePath
        // as we want to return images not only in the relative path folder, but its subfolder as well.
        // Construct Partial Sql phrase used in Where for RelativePath that includes subfolders
        // Form: ( RelativePath='Station1\\Deployment2' OR RelativePath GLOB 'Station1\\Deployment2\\*' )
        //   or if relativePath is empty: ""
        public static string RelativePathGlobToIncludeSubfolders(string relativePathColumnName, string relativePath)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(relativePath))

            // Form: ( DataTable.RelativePath='relpathValue' OR DataTable.RelativePath GLOB 'relpathValue\*' )
            string term1 = SqlPhrase.DataLabelOperatorValue(relativePathColumnName, CustomSelection.TermToSqlOperator(Constant.SearchTermOperator.Equal), relativePath, false);
            string term2 = SqlPhrase.DataLabelOperatorValue(relativePathColumnName, CustomSelection.TermToSqlOperator(Constant.SearchTermOperator.Glob), System.IO.Path.Combine(relativePath, "*"), false);

            return(Sql.OpenParenthesis + term1 + Sql.Or + term2 + Sql.CloseParenthesis);
 public void ValidSelect()
        // Create and return the query composed from the search term list
        public string GetFilesWhere()
            int numberOfDateTimesSearchTerms = 0;

            string where = String.Empty;

            // Construct and show the search term only if that search row is activated
            // Form after the ForEach should be:
            // "" if nothing in it
            // WHERE a=b for single terme
            // WHERE a=b AND c=d ... for multiple terms
            foreach (SearchTerm searchTerm in this.SearchTerms.Where(term => term.UseForSearching))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                    // Because there is at least one search term, we will need the WHERE clause
                    where += Sql.Where;
                // We want to see how many DateTime search terms we have. If there are two, we will be 'and-ing them nt matter what.
                if (searchTerm.ControlType == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime)
                // check to see if the search should match an empty string
                // If so, nulls need also to be matched as NULL and empty are considered interchangeable.
                string whereForTerm;
                string dataLabel = (this.DetectionSelections.Enabled == true) ? Constant.DBTables.FileData + "." + searchTerm.DataLabel : searchTerm.DataLabel;
                // Check to see if the search and operator should match an empty value, in which case we also need to deal with NULLs
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm.DatabaseValue) && searchTerm.Operator == Constant.SearchTermOperator.Equal)
                    // Form: ( dataLabel IS NULL OR  dataLabel = '' );
                    whereForTerm = SqlPhrase.LabelIsNullOrDataLabelEqualsEmpty(dataLabel);
                    // Form: dataLabel operator "value", e.g., DataLabel > "5"
                    Debug.Assert(searchTerm.DatabaseValue.Contains("\"") == false, String.Format("Search term '{0}' contains quotation marks and could be used for SQL injection.", searchTerm.DatabaseValue));
                    whereForTerm = SqlPhrase.DataLabelOperatorValue(dataLabel, TermToSqlOperator(searchTerm.Operator), searchTerm.DatabaseValue);
                    if (searchTerm.ControlType == Constant.Control.Flag)
                        whereForTerm += Sql.CollateNocase; // so that true and false comparisons are case-insensitive

                // if there is a term in the query other than ' Where 'add either and 'And' or an 'Or' to it
                if (where != Sql.Where)
                    if (numberOfDateTimesSearchTerms == 2)
                        where += Sql.And;
                        numberOfDateTimesSearchTerms = 0;
                        switch (this.TermCombiningOperator)
                        case CustomSelectionOperatorEnum.And:
                            where += Sql.And;

                        case CustomSelectionOperatorEnum.Or:
                            where += Sql.Or;

                            throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Unhandled logical operator {0}.", this.TermCombiningOperator));
                where += whereForTerm;
            // If no detections, return the above
            if (GlobalReferences.DetectionsExists == false || this.DetectionSelections.Enabled == false)

            // Add the Detection selection terms
            // Form prior to this point: SELECT DataTable.* INNER JOIN DataTable ON DataTable.Id = Detections.Id
            // (and if a classification it adds: // INNER JOIN Detections ON Detections.detectionID = Classifications.detectionID

            // There are four basic forms to come up as follows, which determines whether we should include add 'WHERE'
            // The first is a detection and uses the detection category (i.e., any category but All Detections)
            // - WHERE Detections.category = <DetectionCategory> GROUP BY ...
            // The second is a dection but does not use a detection category(i.e., All Detections chosen)
            // - GROUP BY ...
            // XXXX The third uses applies to both
            // - WHERE Detections.category = <DetectionCategory> GROUP BY ...
            // - GROUP BY...

            // Form: WHERE or AND/OR
            // Add Where if we are using the first form, otherwise AND
            bool addAndOr = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where) && this.DetectionSelections.AllDetections == false && this.DetectionSelections.EmptyDetections == false)
                where += Sql.Where;
                addAndOr = true;

            // DETECTION, NOT ALL
            // FORM:
            //   If its a detection:  Detections.category = <DetectionCategory>
            //   If its a classification:  Classifications.category = <DetectionCategory>
            // Only added if we are using a detection category (i.e., any category but All Detections)
            if (this.DetectionSelections.AllDetections == false && this.DetectionSelections.EmptyDetections == false)
                if (addAndOr)
                    // Choose whether to use And or Or
                    switch (this.TermCombiningOperator)
                    case CustomSelectionOperatorEnum.And:
                        where += Sql.And;

                    case CustomSelectionOperatorEnum.Or:
                        where += Sql.Or;

                        throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Unhandled logical operator {0}.", this.TermCombiningOperator));
                if (this.DetectionSelections.RecognitionType == RecognitionType.Detection)
                    // a DETECTION
                    // FORM Detections.Category = <DetectionCategory>
                    where += SqlPhrase.DetectionCategoryEqualsDetectionCategory(this.DetectionSelections.DetectionCategory);
                    // a CLASSIFICATION,
                    // FORM Classifications.Category = <ClassificationCategory>
                    where += SqlPhrase.ClassificationsCategoryEqualsClassificationCategory(this.DetectionSelections.ClassificationCategory);

            // Form:  see below to use the confidence range
            // Note that a confidence of 0 captures empty items with 0 confidence i.e., images with no detections in them
            // For the All category, we really don't wan't to include those, so the confidence has been bumped up slightly(in Item1) above 0
            // For the Empty category, we invert the confidence
            Tuple <double, double> confidenceBounds = this.DetectionSelections.ConfidenceThresholdForSelect;

            if (this.DetectionSelections.RecognitionType == RecognitionType.Detection && this.DetectionSelections.RankByConfidence == false)
                // Detection. Form: Group By Detections.Id Having Max ( Detections.conf ) BETWEEN <Item1> AND <Item2>  e.g.. Between .8 and 1
                where += SqlPhrase.GroupByDetectionsIdHavingMaxDetectionsConf(confidenceBounds.Item1, confidenceBounds.Item2);
            else if (this.DetectionSelections.RecognitionType == RecognitionType.Classification && this.DetectionSelections.RankByConfidence == false)
                // Classification. Form: GROUP BY Classifications.classificationID HAVING MAX  ( Classifications.conf ) e.g.,  BETWEEN 0.8 AND 1
                // Note: we omit this phrase if we are ranking by confidence, as we want to return all classifications
                where += SqlPhrase.GroupByClassificationsIdHavingMaxClassificationsConf(confidenceBounds.Item1, confidenceBounds.Item2);
Beispiel #5
        // Combine the search terms in searchTemrs using the termCombiningOperator (i.e. And or OR), and special cases in as needed.
        private string CombineSearchTermsAndOperator(IEnumerable <SearchTerm> searchTerms, CustomSelectionOperatorEnum termCombiningOperator)
            string where = String.Empty;
            foreach (SearchTerm searchTerm in searchTerms)
                // Basic Form after the ForEach iteration should be:
                // "" if nothing in it
                // a=b for the firt term
                // ... AND/OR c=d ... for subsequent terms (AND/OR defined in termCombiningOperator
                // variations are special cases for relative path and datetime
                string whereForTerm = String.Empty;

                // If we are using detections, then we have to qualify the data label e.g., DataTable.X
                string dataLabel = (this.DetectionSelections.Enabled == true) ? Constant.DBTables.FileData + "." + searchTerm.DataLabel : searchTerm.DataLabel;

                // Check to see if the search term is querying for an empty string
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm.DatabaseValue) && searchTerm.Operator == Constant.SearchTermOperator.Equal)
                    // It is, so we also need to expand the query to check for both nulls an empty string, as both are considered equivalent for query purposes
                    // Form: ( dataLabel IS NULL OR  dataLabel = '' );
                    whereForTerm = SqlPhrase.LabelIsNullOrDataLabelEqualsEmpty(dataLabel);
                    // The search term is querying for a non-empty value.
                    Debug.Assert(searchTerm.DatabaseValue.Contains("\"") == false, String.Format("Search term '{0}' contains quotation marks and could be used for SQL injection.", searchTerm.DatabaseValue));
                    if (dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath || dataLabel == Constant.DBTables.FileData + "." + Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath)
                        // Special case for RelativePath and DataTable.RelativePath,
                        // as we want to return images not only in the relative path folder, but its subfolder as well.
                        // Form: ( DataTable.RelativePath='relpathValue' OR DataTable.RelativePath GLOB 'relpathValue\*' )
                        string term1 = SqlPhrase.DataLabelOperatorValue(dataLabel, TermToSqlOperator(Constant.SearchTermOperator.Equal), searchTerm.DatabaseValue, false);
                        string term2 = SqlPhrase.DataLabelOperatorValue(dataLabel, TermToSqlOperator(Constant.SearchTermOperator.Glob), searchTerm.DatabaseValue + @"\*", false);
                        whereForTerm += Sql.OpenParenthesis + term1 + Sql.Or + term2 + Sql.CloseParenthesis;
                    else if (dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime)
                        // A special form for DateTime, as we only want to consider the Date portion of the DateTime
                        whereForTerm = SqlPhrase.DataLabelDateTimeOperatorValue(dataLabel, TermToSqlOperator(searchTerm.Operator), searchTerm.DatabaseValue);
                        // Standard search term
                        // Form: dataLabel operator "value", e.g., DataLabel > "5"
                        whereForTerm = SqlPhrase.DataLabelOperatorValue(dataLabel, TermToSqlOperator(searchTerm.Operator), searchTerm.DatabaseValue, searchTerm.ControlType == Constant.Control.Counter);

                    if (searchTerm.ControlType == Constant.Control.Flag)
                        // Because flags can have capitals or lower case, we need to make the search case insenstive
                        whereForTerm += Sql.CollateNocase; // so that true and false comparisons are case-insensitive

                // We are now ready to assemble the search term
                // First, and only if there terms have already been added to  the query, we need to add the appropriate operator
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                    switch (termCombiningOperator)
                    case CustomSelectionOperatorEnum.And:
                        where += Sql.And;

                    case CustomSelectionOperatorEnum.Or:
                        where += Sql.Or;

                        throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Unhandled logical operator {0}.", termCombiningOperator));
                // Now we add the actual search terms
                where += whereForTerm;
            // Done. Return this portion of the where clause
Beispiel #6
        // Create and return the query composed from the search term list
        public string GetFilesWhere()
            string where = String.Empty;

            // Collect all the standard search terms which the user currently selected as UseForSearching
            IEnumerable <SearchTerm> standardSearchTerms = this.SearchTerms.Where(term => term.UseForSearching &&
                                                                                  (term.DataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.File || term.DataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Folder ||
                                                                                   term.DataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath || term.DataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime ||
                                                                                   term.DataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality || term.DataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.UtcOffset || term.DataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag));

            // Collect all the non-standard search terms which the user currently selected as UseForSearching
            IEnumerable <SearchTerm> nonstandardSearchTerms = this.SearchTerms.Where(term => term.UseForSearching).Except(standardSearchTerms);

            // Combine the standard terms using the AND operator
            string standardWhere = CombineSearchTermsAndOperator(standardSearchTerms, CustomSelectionOperatorEnum.And);

            // Combine the non-standard terms using the operator defined by the user (either AND or OR)
            string nonStandarWhere = CombineSearchTermsAndOperator(nonstandardSearchTerms, this.TermCombiningOperator);

            // Combine the standardWhere and nonStandardWhere clauses, depending if one or both of them exists
            if (false == String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(standardWhere) && false == String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nonStandarWhere))
                // We have both standard and non-standard clauses, so surround them with parenthesis and combine them with an AND
                // Form: WHERE (standardWhere clauses) AND (nonStandardWhere clauses)
                where += Sql.Where + Sql.OpenParenthesis + standardWhere + Sql.CloseParenthesis
                         + Sql.And
                         + Sql.OpenParenthesis + nonStandarWhere + Sql.CloseParenthesis;
            else if (false == String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(standardWhere) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nonStandarWhere))
                // We only have a standard clause
                // Form: WHERE (standardWhere clauses)
                where += Sql.Where + Sql.OpenParenthesis + standardWhere + Sql.CloseParenthesis;
            else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(standardWhere) && false == String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nonStandarWhere))
                // We only have a non-standard clause
                // Form: WHERE nonStandardWhere clauses
                where += Sql.Where + nonStandarWhere;

            // If no detections, we are done. Return the current where clause
            if (GlobalReferences.DetectionsExists == false || this.DetectionSelections.Enabled == false)

            // Add the Detection selection terms
            // Form prior to this point: SELECT DataTable.* INNER JOIN DataTable ON DataTable.Id = Detections.Id
            // (and if a classification it adds: // INNER JOIN Detections ON Detections.detectionID = Classifications.detectionID

            // There are four basic forms to come up as follows, which determines whether we should add 'WHERE'
            // The first is a detection and uses the detection category (i.e., any category but All Detections)
            // - WHERE Detections.category = <DetectionCategory> GROUP BY ...
            // The second is a dection but does not use a detection category(i.e., All Detections chosen)
            // - GROUP BY ...
            // XXXX The third uses applies to both
            // - WHERE Detections.category = <DetectionCategory> GROUP BY ...
            // - GROUP BY...

            // Form: WHERE or AND/OR
            // Add Where if we are using the first form, otherwise AND
            bool addAndOr = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where) && this.DetectionSelections.AllDetections == false && this.DetectionSelections.InterpretAllDetectionsAsEmpty == false)
                where += Sql.Where;
                addAndOr = true;

            // DETECTION, NOT ALL
            // FORM:
            //   If its a detection:  Detections.category = <DetectionCategory>
            //   If its a classification:  Classifications.category = <DetectionCategory>
            // Only added if we are using a detection category (i.e., any category but All Detections)
            if (this.DetectionSelections.AllDetections == false && this.DetectionSelections.InterpretAllDetectionsAsEmpty == false)
                if (addAndOr)
                    where += Sql.And;
                if (this.DetectionSelections.RecognitionType == RecognitionType.Detection)
                    // a DETECTION
                    // FORM Detections.Category = <DetectionCategory>
                    where += SqlPhrase.DetectionCategoryEqualsDetectionCategory(this.DetectionSelections.DetectionCategory);
                    // a CLASSIFICATION,
                    // FORM Classifications.Category = <ClassificationCategory>
                    where += SqlPhrase.ClassificationsCategoryEqualsClassificationCategory(this.DetectionSelections.ClassificationCategory);

            // Form:  see below to use the confidence range
            // Note that a confidence of 0 captures empty items with 0 confidence i.e., images with no detections in them
            // For the All category, we really don't wan't to include those, so the confidence has been bumped up slightly(in Item1) above 0
            // For the Empty category, we invert the confidence
            Tuple <double, double> confidenceBounds = this.DetectionSelections.ConfidenceThresholdForSelect;

            if (this.DetectionSelections.RecognitionType == RecognitionType.Detection && this.DetectionSelections.RankByConfidence == false)
                // Detection. Form: Group By Detections.Id Having Max ( Detections.conf ) BETWEEN <Item1> AND <Item2>  e.g.. Between .8 and 1
                where += SqlPhrase.GroupByDetectionsIdHavingMaxDetectionsConf(confidenceBounds.Item1, confidenceBounds.Item2);
            else if (this.DetectionSelections.RecognitionType == RecognitionType.Classification && this.DetectionSelections.RankByConfidence == false)
                // Classification. Form: GROUP BY Classifications.classificationID HAVING MAX  ( Classifications.conf ) e.g.,  BETWEEN 0.8 AND 1
                // Note: we omit this phrase if we are ranking by confidence, as we want to return all classifications
                where += SqlPhrase.GroupByClassificationsIdHavingMaxClassificationsConf(confidenceBounds.Item1, confidenceBounds.Item2);