Beispiel #1
        public IImmutableList <Transport.Column> GetSchema(string sql, SqlParameters sqlParameters, HttpContext httpContext)
            var resultColumns = _sqlExecutor.GetSchema(sql, sqlParameters).Columns;

        public void SaveRule()
            string queryString = "";

            var p = new SqlParameters(this);

            if (ID != 0)
                queryString =
                    "UPDATE " + FillFrom_Table +
                    " SET " +
                    modeField + "=" + p.modeValue + ", " +
                    messageFromField + "=" + p.messageFromValue + ", " +
                    messageToField + "=" + p.messageToValue + ", " +
                    messageTextField + "=" + p.messageTextValue + ", " +
                    signedByField + "=" + p.signedByValue + ", " +
                    documentTypeField + "=" + p.documentTypeValue + ", " +
                    modeDocTypeField + "=" + p.modeDocTypeValue + ", " +
                    personField + "=" + p.personValue + ", " +
                    documentField + "=" + p.documentValue + ", " +
                    noDocumentField + "=" + p.noDocumentValue + ", " +
                    notSignedByField + "=" + p.notSignedByValue + ", " +
                    noPersonField + "=" + p.noPersonValue + ", " +
                    nameField + "=" + p.nameValue + " " +
                    " WHERE " + ID_Field + "=" + p.idValue;
                queryString =
                    "INSERT INTO " + FillFrom_Table + " (" +
                    folderIDField + ", " +
                    modeField + ", " +
                    messageFromField + ", " +
                    messageToField + ", " +
                    messageTextField + ", " +
                    signedByField + ", " +
                    documentTypeField + ", " +
                    modeDocTypeField + ", " +
                    personField + ", " +
                    documentField + ", " +
                    noDocumentField + ", " +
                    noPersonField + ", " +
                    notSignedByField + ", " +
                    nameField +
                    ") VALUES  (" +
                    p.folderValue + ", " +
                    p.modeValue + ", " +
                    p.messageFromValue + ", " +
                    p.messageToValue + ", " +
                    p.messageTextValue + ", " +
                    p.signedByValue + ", " +
                    p.documentTypeValue + ", " +
                    p.modeDocTypeValue + ", " +
                    p.personValue + ", " +
                    p.documentValue + ", " +
                    p.noDocumentValue + ", " +
                    p.noPersonValue + ", " +
                    p.notSignedByValue + ", " +
                    p.nameValue + ")";

            using (var cm = new SqlCommand(queryString))
                using (cm.Connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                    catch (SqlException sex)
                        Env.WriteSqlToLog(sex, cm);
                    catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #3
        public async Task <Transport.TransportPartitionsResult> GetPartitions(bool canHandlePartitions, string sql, SqlParameters sqlParameters, HttpContext httpContext)
            var sqlTree = _sqlParser.Parse(sql, out var errors);

            foreach (var header in httpContext.Request.Headers)
                if (header.Key.StartsWith("P_", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var parameterName = header.Key.Substring(2);

                    if (header.Value.Count > 1)
                        throw new SqlErrorException("Two parameters found with the same name in the http headers.");
                    var value = header.Value.First();

                    var base64Value = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value));

                    //Add the parameter as base64 inline parameter
                    sqlTree.Statements.Insert(0, new SetVariableStatement()
                        VariableReference = new SqlParser.Expressions.VariableReference()
                            Name = parameterName
                        ScalarExpression = new Base64Literal()
                            Value = base64Value

            if (errors.Count > 0)
                throw new SqlErrorException(errors.First().Message);

            //Apply the row level security filter on the query
            await RowLevelSecurityHelper.ApplyRowLevelSecurity(sqlTree, httpContext, _metadataStore, _serviceProvider);

            var schema = _sqlExecutor.GetSchema(sqlTree, sqlParameters);

            //Take table name and get the partition resolver
            if (!_metadataStore.TryGetTable(schema.TableName, out var table))
                throw new SqlErrorException($"The table {schema.TableName} was not found.");

            //Get the partitions
            var discoveryService  = _serviceProvider.GetService <IDiscoveryService>();
            var partitionsBuilder = new PartitionsBuilder(sqlTree);
            var partitions        = await table.PartitionResolver.GetPartitions(canHandlePartitions, partitionsBuilder, httpContext, new PartitionOptions(_serviceProvider, discoveryService));

            var partitionListBuilder = ImmutableList.CreateBuilder <Transport.TransportPartition>();

            foreach (var partition in partitions)
                List <TransportServiceLocation> locations = new List <TransportServiceLocation>();
                foreach (var location in partition.Locations)
                    locations.Add(new TransportServiceLocation(location.Host, location.Tls));
                partitionListBuilder.Add(new Transport.TransportPartition(locations, partition.SqlTree.Print()));

            return(new Transport.TransportPartitionsResult(ConvertColumns(schema.Columns), partitionListBuilder.ToImmutable()));
Beispiel #4
        private void pcatBrowseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cn.IsOpen)
                //Open the dialog for the user to choose a spreadsheet
                OpenFileDialog openSheetDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                openSheetDialog.FileName    = "";
                openSheetDialog.Filter      = "Excel 2007 Workbook (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                openSheetDialog.FilterIndex = 1;

                if (openSheetDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && Path.GetExtension(openSheetDialog.FileName) == ".xlsx")
                    using (new CursorWait())
                        label1.Text = "Importing spreadsheet data. This may take a moment.";

                        //Update UI
                        mcatBrowseButton.Visible = false;
                        pcatBrowseButton.Visible = false;

                        //open the file as a Spreadsheet Light document
                        SLDocument            ss    = new SLDocument(openSheetDialog.FileName);
                        SLWorksheetStatistics stats = ss.GetWorksheetStatistics();

                        //iterate through rows until the final row is reached
                        for (int r = 2; r <= stats.EndRowIndex; r++)
                            //Get the string values from the table
                            string lname    = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 1).Trim();
                            string fname    = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 2).Trim();
                            string mi       = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 3).Trim();
                            string email    = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 4).Trim();
                            string address1 = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 5).Trim();
                            string address2 = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 6).Trim();
                            string city     = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 8).Trim();
                            string state    = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 9).Trim();
                            string zip      = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 10).Trim();
                            string country  = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 11).Trim();

                            //add each row to the standard data table
                            pcatTable.Rows.Add("", lname, fname, mi, email, address1, address2, city, state, zip, country);
                        //close the SLDocument, as the data is now in a datatable

                        if (cn.IsOpen)
                            //clear any old results from the table
                            cn.Execute("DELETE FROM LECOM_MATCHING_PCAT_TABLE", SQLTypes.Text);

                            SqlParameters dtParm = new SqlParameters();
                            dtParm.Add("exampleDT", pcatTable, SqlDbType.Structured);
                            dtParm.List[0].TypeName = "dbo.LecomMatchingPcatTableType";
                            cn.Execute("dbo.Lecom_MatchingImportPcat", SQLTypes.StoredProcedure, dtParm);
                            label1.Text = "Excel data import complete! Click below to view the match report.";
                            pcatReportViewButton.Visible = true;
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a valid Excel 2007 file!");
Beispiel #5
        //This button gets LECOM Candidates
        private void sqlConnectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //define datasets and tables
            DataTable candidacyStandard = new DataTable();

            if (maskedTextBox1.Text.Length == 4)
                using (new CursorWait())
                    //update UI
                    label1.Text = "Fetching LECOM candidates. Please wait.";
                    label2.Text = "";
                    maskedTextBox1.Visible   = false;
                    sqlConnectButton.Visible = false;

                    string dbName = "tmsEPrd", server = "SIS";
                    string connectionString = System.String.Format("Server={0};Database={1};Connection Timeout=90;Max Pool Size=2048;Pooling=true;Trusted_Connection=True;", server, dbName);

                    string yr_code        = maskedTextBox1.Text;
                    string strSQL         = string.Format(strSQLTemplate, yr_code);

                        //This connection is different from cn
                        conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString);

                        //Check if the SQL Connection is open
                        if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                            System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand     cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSQL, conn);
                            System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter da  = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(cmd);


                            //make a table of candidates with values as strings
                            DataTable candidacyStrings = new DataTable();
                            candidacyStrings.Columns.Add("Email", typeof(string));
                            candidacyStrings.Columns.Add("DIV_CDE", typeof(string));

                            cmd = null;

                            if (candidacyStandard.Rows.Count > 0)
                                for (int r = 0; r < candidacyStandard.Rows.Count; r++)
                                    string email   = "";
                                    string div_cde = "";
                                    email   = candidacyStandard.Rows[r][0].ToString().Trim();
                                    div_cde = candidacyStandard.Rows[r][1].ToString().Trim();
                                    candidacyStrings.Rows.Add(email, div_cde);

                                if (cn.IsOpen)
                                    //delete any previously imported candidates
                                    cn.Execute("DELETE FROM LECOM_MATCHING_CURRENT_YEAR_CANDIDACY", SQLTypes.Text);

                                    //populate a separate table in Sarah db with this year's candidates
                                    SqlParameters CParm = new SqlParameters();
                                    CParm.Add("exampleDT", candidacyStrings, SqlDbType.Structured);
                                    CParm.List[0].TypeName = "dbo.LecomMatchingCurrentYearCandidacyTableType";
                                    cn.Execute("dbo.Lecom_MatchingCurrentYearCandidacy", SQLTypes.StoredProcedure, CParm);

                                    label1.Text = "Candidate import complete! Please click 'Browse' and choose the excel spreadsheet you want to import.";
                                    //Make options available
                                    mcatBrowseButton.Visible = true;
                                    pcatBrowseButton.Visible = true;

                                    //prep for excel import

                                    //Declare the MCAT table's columns
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("LECOM", typeof(string)).MaxLength          = 5;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("legal_state_cd", typeof(string)).MaxLength = 2;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("aamc_id", typeof(string)).MaxLength        = 8;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("test_date", typeof(DateTime));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("lname", typeof(string)).MaxLength     = 50;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("fname", typeof(string)).MaxLength     = 50;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("mname", typeof(string)).MaxLength     = 50;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("suffix", typeof(string)).MaxLength    = 50;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("address", typeof(string)).MaxLength   = 256;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("city", typeof(string)).MaxLength      = 50;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("state_cd", typeof(string)).MaxLength  = 2;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("postal_cd", typeof(string)).MaxLength = 20;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("country", typeof(string)).MaxLength   = 50;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("email", typeof(string)).MaxLength     = 50;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("sex", typeof(string)).MaxLength       = 1;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("age_at_test", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("major_cd", typeof(string)).MaxLength = 2;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("major", typeof(string)).MaxLength    = 50;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("primary_interest_cd", typeof(string));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("primary_interest", typeof(string)).MaxLength = 50;
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("cpbs_score", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("cpbs_cb_lower", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("cpbs_cb_upper", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("cpbs_%ile_rank", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("cars_score", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("cars_cb_lower", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("cars_cb_upper", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("cars_%ile_rank", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("bbfl_score", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("bbfl_cb_lower", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("bbfl_cb_upper", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("bbfl_%ile_rank", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("psbb_score", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("psbb_cb_lower", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("psbb_cb_upper", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("psbb_%ile_rank", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("total_score", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("total_cb_lower", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("total_cb_upper", typeof(int));
                                    mcatTable.Columns.Add("total_%ile_rank", typeof(int));

                                    //PCAT table columns
                                    pcatTable.Columns.Add("LECOM", typeof(string)).MaxLength    = 5;
                                    pcatTable.Columns.Add("lname", typeof(string)).MaxLength    = 50;
                                    pcatTable.Columns.Add("fname", typeof(string)).MaxLength    = 50;
                                    pcatTable.Columns.Add("MI", typeof(string)).MaxLength       = 1;
                                    pcatTable.Columns.Add("email", typeof(string)).MaxLength    = 50;
                                    pcatTable.Columns.Add("address1", typeof(string)).MaxLength = 100;
                                    pcatTable.Columns.Add("address2", typeof(string)).MaxLength = 100;
                                    pcatTable.Columns.Add("city", typeof(string)).MaxLength     = 50;
                                    pcatTable.Columns.Add("state", typeof(string)).MaxLength    = 2;
                                    pcatTable.Columns.Add("zip", typeof(string)).MaxLength      = 20;
                                    pcatTable.Columns.Add("country", typeof(string)).MaxLength  = 20;
                                MessageBox.Show("Error: no candidacy results returned!");
                                label1.Text = "Welcome! Please enter the current applicant year code in the box below and click the button to get started.";
                                sqlConnectButton.Visible = true;
                                maskedTextBox1.Visible   = true;
                            MessageBox.Show("Error: connection state not open. Current state is '" + conn.State.ToString() + "'");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Unexpected error " + ex.ToString());
                MessageBox.Show("Year code not valid. Please enter a valid year code.");
 public static IEnumerable <T> CallSp <T>(this DatabaseFacade database, string spName, SqlParameters parameters)
     where T : new()
     return(RunCustomCommand <T>(database, spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, parameters.Array));
Beispiel #7
        private void mcatBrowseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cn.IsOpen)
                //Open the dialog for the user to choose a spreadsheet
                OpenFileDialog openSheetDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                openSheetDialog.FileName    = "";
                openSheetDialog.Filter      = "Excel 2007 Workbook (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                openSheetDialog.FilterIndex = 1;

                if (openSheetDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && Path.GetExtension(openSheetDialog.FileName) == ".xlsx")
                    using (new CursorWait())
                        label1.Text = "Importing spreadsheet data. This may take a moment.";
                        mcatBrowseButton.Visible = false;
                        pcatBrowseButton.Visible = false;

                        //open the file as a Spreadsheet Light document
                        SLDocument            ss    = new SLDocument(openSheetDialog.FileName);
                        SLWorksheetStatistics stats = ss.GetWorksheetStatistics();

                        //iterate through rows until the final row is reached
                        for (int r = 2; r <= stats.EndRowIndex; r++)
                            //Get the string values from the table
                            string   legal_state_cd        = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 1).Trim();
                            string   aamc                  = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 2).Trim();
                            DateTime date                  = ss.GetCellValueAsDateTime(r, 3);
                            string   lname                 = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 4).Trim();
                            string   fname                 = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 5).Trim();
                            string   mname                 = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 6).Trim();
                            string   suffix                = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 7).Trim();
                            string   address               = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 8).Trim();
                            string   city                  = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 9).Trim();
                            string   state                 = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 10).Trim();
                            string   postal_cd             = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 11).Trim();
                            string   country               = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 12).Trim();
                            string   email                 = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 13).Trim();
                            string   sex                   = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 14).Trim();
                            int      age                   = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 15);
                            string   major_cd              = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 16).Trim();
                            string   major                 = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 17).Trim();
                            string   primary_interest_cd   = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 18).Trim();
                            string   primary_interest      = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 19).Trim();
                            int      cpbs_score            = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 20);
                            int      cpbs_cb_lower         = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 21);
                            int      cpbs_cb_upper         = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 22);
                            int      cpbs_percentile_rank  = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 23);
                            int      cars_score            = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 24);
                            int      cars_cb_lower         = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 25);
                            int      cars_cb_upper         = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 26);
                            int      cars_percentile_rank  = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 27);
                            int      bbfl_score            = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 28);
                            int      bbfl_cb_lower         = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 29);
                            int      bbfl_cb_upper         = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 30);
                            int      bbfl_percentile_rank  = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 31);
                            int      psbb_score            = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 32);
                            int      psbb_cb_lower         = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 33);
                            int      psbb_cb_upper         = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 34);
                            int      psbb_percentile_rank  = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 35);
                            int      total_score           = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 36);
                            int      total_cb_lower        = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 37);
                            int      total_cb_upper        = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 38);
                            int      total_percentile_rank = ss.GetCellValueAsInt32(r, 39);

                            //add each row to the standard data table
                            mcatTable.Rows.Add("", legal_state_cd, aamc, date, lname, fname, mname, suffix, address, city, state, postal_cd, country, email, sex, age, major_cd, major, primary_interest_cd, primary_interest, cpbs_score, cpbs_cb_lower, cpbs_cb_upper, cpbs_percentile_rank, cars_score, cars_cb_lower, cars_cb_upper, cars_percentile_rank, bbfl_score, bbfl_cb_lower, bbfl_cb_upper, bbfl_percentile_rank, psbb_score, psbb_cb_lower, psbb_cb_upper, psbb_percentile_rank, total_score, total_cb_lower, total_cb_upper, total_percentile_rank);;
                        //close the SLDocument, as the data is now in a datatable

                        if (cn.IsOpen)
                            //clear any old results from the table
                            cn.Execute("DELETE FROM LECOM_MATCHING_MCAT_TABLE", SQLTypes.Text);

                            SqlParameters dtParm = new SqlParameters();
                            dtParm.Add("exampleDT", mcatTable, SqlDbType.Structured);
                            dtParm.List[0].TypeName = "dbo.LecomMatchingMcatTableType";
                            cn.Execute("dbo.Lecom_MatchingImportMcat", SQLTypes.StoredProcedure, dtParm);
                            label1.Text = "Excel data import complete! Click below to view the match report.";
                            mcatReportViewButton.Visible = true;
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a valid Excel 2007 file!");
        protected virtual string VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression m)
            //Here's what happens with a MethodCallExpression:
            //  If a method is called that contains a single argument,
            //      then m.Object is the object on the left hand side of the method call, example:
            //      x.Path.StartsWith(content.Path)
            //          m.Object = x.Path
            //          and m.Arguments.Length == 1, therefor m.Arguments[0] == content.Path
            //  If a method is called that contains multiple arguments, then m.Object == null and the
            //      m.Arguments collection contains the left hand side of the method call, example:
            //      x.Path.SqlStartsWith(content.Path, TextColumnType.NVarchar)
            //          m.Object == null
            //          m.Arguments.Length == 3, therefor, m.Arguments[0] == x.Path, m.Arguments[1] == content.Path, m.Arguments[2] == TextColumnType.NVarchar
            // So, we need to cater for these scenarios.

            var objectForMethod        = m.Object ?? m.Arguments[0];
            var visitedObjectForMethod = Visit(objectForMethod);
            var methodArgs             = m.Object == null
                ? m.Arguments.Skip(1).ToArray()
                : m.Arguments.ToArray();

            switch (m.Method.Name)
            case "ToString":
                return(string.Format("@{0}", SqlParameters.Count - 1));

            case "ToUpper":
                return(string.Format("upper({0})", visitedObjectForMethod));

            case "ToLower":
                return(string.Format("lower({0})", visitedObjectForMethod));

            case "SqlWildcard":
            case "StartsWith":
            case "EndsWith":
            case "Contains":
            case "Equals":
            case "SqlStartsWith":
            case "SqlEndsWith":
            case "SqlContains":
            case "SqlEquals":
            case "InvariantStartsWith":
            case "InvariantEndsWith":
            case "InvariantContains":
            case "InvariantEquals":

                string compareValue;

                if (methodArgs[0].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant)
                    //This occurs when we are getting a value from a non constant such as: x => x.Path.StartsWith(content.Path)
                    // So we'll go get the value:
                    var member = Expression.Convert(methodArgs[0], typeof(object));
                    var lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <object> >(member);
                    var getter = lambda.Compile();
                    compareValue = getter().ToString();
                    compareValue = methodArgs[0].ToString();

                //special case, if it is 'Contains' and the member that Contains is being called on is not a string, then
                // we should be doing an 'In' clause - but we currently do not support this
                if (methodArgs[0].Type != typeof(string) && TypeHelper.IsTypeAssignableFrom <IEnumerable>(methodArgs[0].Type))
                    throw new NotSupportedException("An array Contains method is not supported");

                //default column type
                var colType = TextColumnType.NVarchar;

                //then check if the col type argument has been passed to the current method (this will be the case for methods like
                // SqlContains and other Sql methods)
                if (methodArgs.Length > 1)
                    var colTypeArg = methodArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x is ConstantExpression && x.Type == typeof(TextColumnType));
                    if (colTypeArg != null)
                        colType = (TextColumnType)((ConstantExpression)colTypeArg).Value;

                return(HandleStringComparison(visitedObjectForMethod, compareValue, m.Method.Name, colType));

            //case "Substring":
            //    var startIndex = Int32.Parse(args[0].ToString()) + 1;
            //    if (args.Count == 2)
            //    {
            //        var length = Int32.Parse(args[1].ToString());
            //        return string.Format("substring({0} from {1} for {2})",
            //                         r,
            //                         startIndex,
            //                         length);
            //    }
            //    else
            //        return string.Format("substring({0} from {1})",
            //                         r,
            //                         startIndex);
            //case "Round":
            //case "Floor":
            //case "Ceiling":
            //case "Coalesce":
            //case "Abs":
            //case "Sum":
            //    return string.Format("{0}({1}{2})",
            //                         m.Method.Name,
            //                         r,
            //                         args.Count == 1 ? string.Format(",{0}", args[0]) : "");
            //case "Concat":
            //    var s = new StringBuilder();
            //    foreach (Object e in args)
            //    {
            //        s.AppendFormat(" || {0}", e);
            //    }
            //    return string.Format("{0}{1}", r, s);

            //case "In":

            //    var member = Expression.Convert(m.Arguments[0], typeof(object));
            //    var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(member);
            //    var getter = lambda.Compile();

            //    var inArgs = (object[])getter();

            //    var sIn = new StringBuilder();
            //    foreach (var e in inArgs)
            //    {
            //        SqlParameters.Add(e);

            //        sIn.AppendFormat("{0}{1}",
            //                     sIn.Length > 0 ? "," : "",
            //                                    string.Format("@{0}", SqlParameters.Count - 1));

            //        //sIn.AppendFormat("{0}{1}",
            //        //             sIn.Length > 0 ? "," : "",
            //        //                            GetQuotedValue(e, e.GetType()));
            //    }

            //    return string.Format("{0} {1} ({2})", r, m.Method.Name, sIn.ToString());
            //case "Desc":
            //    return string.Format("{0} DESC", r);
            //case "Alias":
            //case "As":
            //    return string.Format("{0} As {1}", r,
            //                                GetQuotedColumnName(RemoveQuoteFromAlias(RemoveQuote(args[0].ToString()))));


                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("No logic supported for " + m.Method.Name);

                //var s2 = new StringBuilder();
                //foreach (Object e in args)
                //    s2.AppendFormat(",{0}", GetQuotedValue(e, e.GetType()));
                //return string.Format("{0}({1}{2})", m.Method.Name, r, s2.ToString());
 protected TEntity ExecuteSingleRowSelect(string sql, SqlParameters sqlParameters = null)
     return(ExecuteSingleRowSelect(sql, DefaultRowMapping, sqlParameters));
        protected override string VisitMemberAccess(MemberExpression m)
            if (m.Expression != null &&
                m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter &&
                m.Expression.Type == typeof(T))
                //don't execute if compiled
                if (Visited == false)
                    var field = _mapper.Map(m.Member.Name);
                    if (field.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"The mapper returned an empty field for the member name: {m.Member.Name} for type: {m.Expression.Type}.");

                //already compiled, return

            if (m.Expression != null && m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
                //don't execute if compiled
                if (Visited == false)
                    var field = _mapper.Map(m.Member.Name);
                    if (field.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"The mapper returned an empty field for the member name: {m.Member.Name} for type: {m.Expression.Type}.");

                //already compiled, return

            if (m.Expression != null &&
                m.Expression.Type != typeof(T) &&
                EndsWithConstant(m) == false &&
                _mappers.TryGetMapper(m.Expression.Type, out var subMapper))
                //if this is the case, it means we have a sub expression / nested property access, such as: x.ContentType.Alias == "Test";
                //and since the sub type (x.ContentType) is not the same as x, we need to resolve a mapper for x.ContentType to get it's mapped SQL column

                //don't execute if compiled
                if (Visited == false)
                    var field = subMapper.Map(m.Member.Name);
                    if (field.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"The mapper returned an empty field for the member name: {m.Member.Name} for type: {m.Expression.Type}");
                //already compiled, return

            // TODO: When m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant and it's an expression like: content => aliases.Contains(content.ContentType.Alias);
            // then an SQL parameter will be added for aliases as an array, however in SqlIn on the subclass it will manually add these SqlParameters anyways,
            // however the query will still execute because the SQL that is written will only contain the correct indexes of SQL parameters, this would be ignored,
            // I'm just unsure right now due to time constraints how to make it correct. It won't matter right now and has been working already with this bug but I've
            // only just discovered what it is actually doing.

            // TODO
            // in most cases we want to convert the value to a plain object,
            // but for in some rare cases, we may want to do it differently,
            // for instance a Models.AuditType (an enum) may in some cases
            // need to be converted to its string value.
            // but - we cannot have specific code here, really - and how would
            // we configure this? is it even possible?

             * var toString = typeof(object).GetMethod("ToString");
             * var member = Expression.Call(m, toString);
            var member = Expression.Convert(m, typeof(object));
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <object> >(member);
            var getter = lambda.Compile();
            var o      = getter();


            //don't execute if compiled
            if (Visited == false)
                return($"@{SqlParameters.Count - 1}");

            //already compiled, return
        protected virtual string VisitBinary(BinaryExpression b)
            string left, right;
            var    operand = BindOperant(b.NodeType);

            if (operand == "AND" || operand == "OR")
                MemberExpression m = b.Left as MemberExpression;
                if (m != null && m.Expression != null)
                    string r = VisitMemberAccess(m);

                    left = string.Format("{0} = @{1}", r, SqlParameters.Count - 1);

                    //left = string.Format("{0}={1}", r, GetQuotedTrueValue());
                    left = Visit(b.Left);
                m = b.Right as MemberExpression;
                if (m != null && m.Expression != null)
                    string r = VisitMemberAccess(m);

                    right = string.Format("{0} = @{1}", r, SqlParameters.Count - 1);

                    //right = string.Format("{0}={1}", r, GetQuotedTrueValue());
                    right = Visit(b.Right);
                left  = Visit(b.Left);
                right = Visit(b.Right);

            if (operand == "=" && right == "null")
                operand = "is";
            else if (operand == "<>" && right == "null")
                operand = "is not";
            else if (operand == "=" || operand == "<>")
                //if (IsTrueExpression(right)) right = GetQuotedTrueValue();
                //else if (IsFalseExpression(right)) right = GetQuotedFalseValue();

                //if (IsTrueExpression(left)) left = GetQuotedTrueValue();
                //else if (IsFalseExpression(left)) left = GetQuotedFalseValue();

            switch (operand)
            case "MOD":
            case "COALESCE":
                return(string.Format("{0}({1},{2})", operand, left, right));

                return(left + " " + operand + " " + right);
Beispiel #12
        private void sqlConnectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //define datasets and tables
            DataTable candidacyStandard = new DataTable();

            if (maskedTextBox1.Text.Length == 4)
                using (new CursorWait())
                    //update UI
                    label1.Text = "Fetching LECOM candidates. Please wait.";
                    label2.Text = "";
                    maskedTextBox1.Visible   = false;
                    sqlConnectButton.Visible = false;

                    string dbName = "tmsEPly", server = "SIS";
                    string connectionString = System.String.Format("Server={0};Database={1};Connection Timeout=90;Max Pool Size=2048;Pooling=true;Trusted_Connection=True;", server, dbName);

                    string yr_code        = maskedTextBox1.Text;
                    string strSQL         = string.Format(strSQLTemplate, yr_code);

                        conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString);

                        //Check if the SQL Connection is open
                        if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                            System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand     cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSQL, conn);
                            System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter da  = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(cmd);


                            //make a table of candidates with values as strings
                            DataTable candidacyStrings = new DataTable();
                            candidacyStrings.Columns.Add("Email", typeof(string));

                            cmd = null;

                            if (candidacyStandard.Rows.Count > 0)
                                for (int r = 0; r < candidacyStandard.Rows.Count; r++)
                                    string email = "";
                                    email = candidacyStandard.Rows[r][0].ToString().Trim();

                                if (cn.IsOpen)
                                    //delete any previously imported data
                                    string deleteSQL = "DELETE FROM LECOM_CURRENT_YEAR_CANDIDACY";
                                    cn.Execute(deleteSQL, SQLTypes.Text);

                                    //populate a separate table in Sarah db with this year's candidates
                                    SqlParameters CParm = new SqlParameters();
                                    CParm.Add("exampleDT", candidacyStrings, SqlDbType.Structured);
                                    CParm.List[0].TypeName = "dbo.LecomCurrentYearCandidacyTableType";
                                    cn.Execute("dbo.LecomCurrentYearCandidacy", SQLTypes.StoredProcedure, CParm);

                                    label1.Text          = "Candidate import complete! Please click 'Browse' and choose the excel spreadsheet you want to import.";
                                    browseButton.Visible = true;
                                MessageBox.Show("Error: no candidacy results returned!");
                            MessageBox.Show("Error: connection state not open. Current state is '" + conn.State.ToString() + "'");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Unexpected error " + ex.ToString());
                MessageBox.Show("Year code not valid. Please enter a valid year code.");
Beispiel #13
        private void browseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Define a standard data table
            DataTable mcatPcat = new DataTable();

            if (cn.IsOpen)
                //Open the dialog for the user to choose a spreadsheet
                OpenFileDialog openSheetDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                openSheetDialog.FileName    = "";
                openSheetDialog.Filter      = "Excel 2007 Workbook (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                openSheetDialog.FilterIndex = 1;

                if (openSheetDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && Path.GetExtension(openSheetDialog.FileName) == ".xlsx")
                    using (new CursorWait())
                        label1.Text = "Importing spreadsheet data. This may take a moment.";
                        browseButton.Visible = false;

                        //Declare the standard data table's columns
                        mcatPcat.Columns.Add("LECOM", typeof(string));
                        mcatPcat.Columns.Add("aamc_id", typeof(string));
                        mcatPcat.Columns.Add("lname", typeof(string));
                        mcatPcat.Columns.Add("fname", typeof(string));
                        mcatPcat.Columns.Add("city", typeof(string));
                        mcatPcat.Columns.Add("state_cd", typeof(string));
                        mcatPcat.Columns.Add("email", typeof(string));

                        //open the file as a Spreadsheet Light document
                        SLDocument            ss    = new SLDocument(openSheetDialog.FileName);
                        SLWorksheetStatistics stats = ss.GetWorksheetStatistics();

                        //iterate through rows until the final row is reached
                        for (int r = 2; r <= stats.EndRowIndex; r++)
                            //Get the string values from the table
                            string aamc  = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 2).Trim();
                            string lname = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 4).Trim();
                            string fname = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 5).Trim();
                            string city  = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 9).Trim();
                            string state = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 10).Trim();
                            string email = ss.GetCellValueAsString(r, 13).Trim();

                            //add each row to the standard data table
                            mcatPcat.Rows.Add("", aamc, lname, fname, city, state, email);
                        //close the SLDocument, as the data is now in a datatable

                        //pass the data to an import procedure and save to Sarah database
                        SqlParameters dtParm = new SqlParameters();
                        dtParm.Add("exampleDT", mcatPcat, SqlDbType.Structured);
                        dtParm.List[0].TypeName = "dbo.LecomMcatPcatTableType";
                        cn.Execute("dbo.LecomImportMcatPcat", SQLTypes.StoredProcedure, dtParm);
                        label1.Text = "Excel data import complete! Click below to view the match report or write an email (to all non-matches on the list).";
                        reportViewButton.Visible = true;
                        emailButton.Visible      = true;
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a valid Excel 2007 file!");
Beispiel #14
 internal MappingParameters(TableMapping mapping, object parameters)
     this._mapping   = mapping;
     this._rawParams = parameters;
     this._sqlParams = new SqlParameters(parameters);
Beispiel #15
        public async ValueTask <Transport.QueryResult> Execute(string sql, SqlParameters sqlParameters, HttpContext httpContext)
            _logger.LogInformation("Executing query: " + sql);
            foreach (var header in httpContext.Request.Headers)
                if (header.Key.StartsWith("P_", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var parameterName = header.Key.Substring(2);

                    if (header.Value.Count > 1)
                        throw new SqlErrorException("Two parameters found with the same name in the http headers.");
                    var value = header.Value.First();
                    // URL decode
                    value = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(value, Encoding.UTF8);

                    sqlParameters.Add(SqlParameter.Create(parameterName, value));
            //Parse the sql
            var sqlTree = _sqlParser.Parse(sql, out var errors);

            //Check for parsing errors
            if (errors.Count > 0)
                throw new SqlErrorException(errors.First().Message);

            //Apply the row level security filter on the query
            await RowLevelSecurityHelper.ApplyRowLevelSecurity(sqlTree, httpContext, _metadataStore, _serviceProvider);

            //Only calculate the sql after the row level security if logging level is debug
            _logger.LogConditionally(LogLevel.Debug, logger => logger.LogDebug($"Sql after row level security: {sqlTree.Print()}"));

            CustomMetadataStore customMetadataStore = new CustomMetadataStore();
            var result = await _sqlExecutor.Execute(sqlTree, sqlParameters, new TableResolverData(

            var columnsBuilder = ImmutableList.CreateBuilder <Transport.Column>();

            foreach (var column in result.Columns)
                if (!_metadataStore.TryGetTypeColumns(column.Type, out var columns))
                    columns = new List <TableColumn>();

                var childrenList = ImmutableList.CreateBuilder <Transport.Column>();
                foreach (var child in columns)

                var(columnType, nullable) = ColumnTypeHelper.GetKoraliumType(column.Type);
                columnsBuilder.Add(new Transport.Column(column.Name, column.Type, column.GetFunction, childrenList.ToImmutable(), columnType, nullable));

            return(new Transport.QueryResult(
                       customMetadataStore.GetMetadataValues().Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(x.Key, x.Value.ToString()))
Beispiel #16
 protected IList <TEntity> ExecuteSelect(string sql, SqlParameters sqlParameters = null)
     return(ExecuteSelect(sql, DefaultRowMapping, sqlParameters));
        protected override string VisitMemberAccess(MemberExpression m)
            if (m.Expression != null &&
                m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter &&
                m.Expression.Type == typeof(T))
                //don't execute if compiled
                if (Visited == false)
                    var field = _mapper.Map(m.Member.Name, true);
                    if (field.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The mapper returned an empty field for the member name: {0} for type: {1}", m.Member.Name, m.Expression.Type));
                //already compiled, return

            if (m.Expression != null && m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
                //don't execute if compiled
                if (Visited == false)
                    var field = _mapper.Map(m.Member.Name, true);
                    if (field.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The mapper returned an empty field for the member name: {0} for type: {1}", m.Member.Name, m.Expression.Type));
                //already compiled, return

            if (m.Expression != null &&
                m.Expression.Type != typeof(T) &&
                TypeHelper.IsTypeAssignableFrom <IUmbracoEntity>(m.Expression.Type) &&
                EndsWithConstant(m) == false)
                //if this is the case, it means we have a sub expression / nested property access, such as: x.ContentType.Alias == "Test";
                //and since the sub type (x.ContentType) is not the same as x, we need to resolve a mapper for x.ContentType to get it's mapped SQL column

                //don't execute if compiled
                if (Visited == false)
                    var subMapper = _mappingResolver.ResolveMapperByType(m.Expression.Type);
                    if (subMapper == null)
                        throw new NullReferenceException("No mapper found for type " + m.Expression.Type);
                    var field = subMapper.Map(m.Member.Name, true);
                    if (field.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The mapper returned an empty field for the member name: {0} for type: {1}", m.Member.Name, m.Expression.Type));
                //already compiled, return

            //TODO: When m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant and it's an expression like: content => aliases.Contains(content.ContentType.Alias);
            // then an SQL parameter will be added for aliases as an array, however in SqlIn on the subclass it will manually add these SqlParameters anyways,
            // however the query will still execute because the SQL that is written will only contain the correct indexes of SQL parameters, this would be ignored,
            // I'm just unsure right now due to time constraints how to make it correct. It won't matter right now and has been working already with this bug but I've
            // only just discovered what it is actually doing.

            var member = Expression.Convert(m, typeof(object));
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <object> >(member);
            var getter = lambda.Compile();
            var o      = getter();


            //don't execute if compiled
            if (Visited == false)
                return(string.Format("@{0}", SqlParameters.Count - 1));
            //already compiled, return
 public static IEnumerable <T> GetCustomQuery <T>(this DatabaseFacade database, string sql, SqlParameters parameters)
     where T : new()
     return(RunCustomCommand <T>(database, sql, CommandType.Text, parameters.Array));