Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询多条记录,包含授权状态的
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">角色的Guid</param>
        /// <param name="menuKey">菜单的Guid</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Task <ApiResult <Page <SysBtnFunDto> > > GetPagesAsync(string key, string menuKey)
            var res = new ApiResult <Page <SysBtnFunDto> >();

                using (Db)
                    var query = Db.Queryable <SysBtnFun>()
                                .Where(m => m.MenuGuid.Contains(menuKey))
                                .Select(it => new SysBtnFunDto()
                        Guid   = SqlFunc.GetSelfAndAutoFill(it.Guid),
                        Status = SqlFunc.Subqueryable <SysPermissions>().Where(g => g.BtnFunGuid == it.Guid && g.Types == 3 && g.MenuGuid == menuKey && g.RoleGuid == key).Any()
                                .ToPage(1, 100);
                    res.success = true;
                    res.message = "获取成功!";
              = query;
            catch (Exception ex)
                res.message    = ApiEnum.Error.GetEnumText() + ex.Message;
                res.statusCode = (int)ApiEnum.Error;
            return(Task.Run(() => res));
Beispiel #2
        private void Multiple2()
            Expression <Func <Student, School, object> > exp = (it, school) => new ViewModelStudent3()
                SchoolName = school.Name, Id = SqlFunc.GetSelfAndAutoFill(it.Id)
            OracleExpressionContext expContext = new OracleExpressionContext();

            expContext.IsSingle = false;
            expContext.Resolve(exp, ResolveExpressType.SelectMultiple);
            var selectorValue = expContext.Result.GetString();
            var pars          = expContext.Parameters;

                @" ""SCHOOL"".""NAME"" AS ""SCHOOLNAME"" ,it.*",
                new List <SugarParameter>()
                "Select.Multiple Error");
Beispiel #3
        public void Q2()
            using (var db = GetInstance())
                var t1 = db.Queryable <Student>().ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT `ID`,`SchoolId`,`Name`,`CreateTime` FROM `STudent`", null, t1.Key, null, "single t1 Error");

                var t2 = db.Queryable <Student>().With(SqlWith.NoLock).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT `ID`,`SchoolId`,`Name`,`CreateTime` FROM `STudent` ", null, t2.Key, null, "single t2 Error");

                var t3 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT `ID`,`SchoolId`,`Name`,`CreateTime` FROM `STudent` ORDER BY `ID` ASC", null, t3.Key, null, "single t3 Error");

                var t4 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id).Take(3).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT `ID`,`SchoolId`,`Name`,`CreateTime` FROM `STudent`    ORDER BY `ID` ASC LIMIT 0,3", null, t4.Key, null, "single t4 Error");

                var t5 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id).Skip(3).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT `ID`,`SchoolId`,`Name`,`CreateTime` FROM `STudent`     LIMIT 3,9223372036854775807", null, t5.Key, null, "single t5 Error");

                int pageIndex = 2;
                int pageSize  = 10;
                var t6        = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT `ID`,`SchoolId`,`Name`,`CreateTime` FROM `STudent`    ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT 10,10", null, t6.Key, null, "single t6 Error");

                int studentCount   = db.Ado.GetInt("select count(1) from Student");
                var countIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Count() == studentCount;
                if (!countIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception(" single countIsSuccess Error");

                var t7 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToPageList(pageIndex, pageSize, ref studentCount);
                countIsSuccess = studentCount == db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize * pageIndex).Count();
                if (!countIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single t7 Error");

                int studentMin   = db.Ado.GetInt("select min(id)  from Student");
                var minIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Min(it => it.Id) == studentMin;
                if (!minIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single minIsSuccess Error");

                int studentMax   = db.Ado.GetInt("select max(id)  from Student");
                var maxIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Max(it => it.Id) == studentMax;
                if (!maxIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single maxIsSuccess Error");

                int studentAvg   = db.Ado.GetInt("select avg(id)  from Student");
                var avgIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Avg(it => it.Id) == studentAvg;
                if (!maxIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception(" single avgIsSuccess Error");

                int studentSum   = db.Ado.GetInt("select sum(id)  from Student");
                var sumIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Sum(it => it.Id) == studentSum;
                if (!sumIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single sumIsSuccess Error");

                var t8 = db.Queryable <Student>()
                         .Where(it => it.Id == 1)
                         .WhereIF(true, it => SqlFunc.Contains(it.Name, "a"))
                         .OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).With(SqlWith.NoLock).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT `ID`,`SchoolId`,`Name`,`CreateTime` FROM `STudent`   WHERE ( `ID` = @Id0 )  AND  (`Name` like concat('%',@MethodConst1,'%'))   ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT 10,10", new List <SugarParameter>()
                    new SugarParameter("@Id0", 1), new SugarParameter("@MethodConst1", "a")
                }, t8.Key, t8.Value, "single t8 Error");

                var t9 = db.Queryable <Student>()
                         .Select(it => new { it.Id, it.Name, x = it.Id }).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT  `ID` AS `Id` , `Name` AS `Name` , `ID` AS `x`  FROM `STudent`  WHERE `ID` IN (@InPara0)  ", new List <SugarParameter>()
                    new SugarParameter("@InPara0", 1)
                }, t9.Key, t9.Value, "single t9 error");
                var t10 = db.Queryable <Student>().Select(it => new StudentEnum()
                    Id = SqlFunc.GetSelfAndAutoFill(it.Id)
                base.Check("SELECT * FROM `STudent` ", null, t10.Key, t10.Value, "single t10 error");
Beispiel #4
        public void Q2()
            using (var db = GetInstance())
                var t1 = db.Queryable <Student>().ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent]", null, t1.Key, null, "single t1 Error");

                var t2 = db.Queryable <Student>().With(SqlWith.NoLock).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent] WITH(NOLOCK)", null, t2.Key, null, "single t2 Error");

                var t3 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent] ORDER BY [ID] ASC", null, t3.Key, null, "single t3 Error");

                var t4 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id).Take(3).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT * FROM (SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime],ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ID] ASC) AS RowIndex  FROM [STudent] ) T WHERE RowIndex BETWEEN 1 AND 3", null, t4.Key, null, "single t4 Error");

                var t5 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id).Skip(3).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT * FROM (SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime],ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ID] ASC) AS RowIndex  FROM [STudent] ) T WHERE RowIndex BETWEEN 4 AND 9223372036854775807", null, t5.Key, null, "single t5 Error");

                int pageIndex = 2;
                int pageSize  = 10;
                var t6        = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT * FROM (SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime],ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ID] DESC) AS RowIndex  FROM [STudent] ) T WHERE RowIndex BETWEEN 11 AND 20", null, t6.Key, null, "single t6 Error");

                int studentCount   = db.Ado.GetInt("select count(1) from Student");
                var countIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Count() == studentCount;
                if (!countIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception(" single countIsSuccess Error");

                var t7 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToPageList(pageIndex, pageSize, ref studentCount);
                countIsSuccess = studentCount == db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize * pageIndex).Count();
                if (!countIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single t7 Error");

                int studentMin   = db.Ado.GetInt("select min(id)  from Student");
                var minIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Min(it => it.Id) == studentMin;
                if (!minIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single minIsSuccess Error");

                int studentMax   = db.Ado.GetInt("select max(id)  from Student");
                var maxIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Max(it => it.Id) == studentMax;
                if (!maxIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single maxIsSuccess Error");

                int studentAvg   = db.Ado.GetInt("select avg(id)  from Student");
                var avgIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Avg(it => it.Id) == studentAvg;
                if (!maxIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception(" single avgIsSuccess Error");

                int studentSum   = db.Ado.GetInt("select sum(id)  from Student");
                var sumIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Sum(it => it.Id) == studentSum;
                if (!sumIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single sumIsSuccess Error");

                var t8 = db.Queryable <Student>()
                         .Where(it => it.Id == 1)
                         .WhereIF(true, it => SqlFunc.Contains(it.Name, "a"))
                         .OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).With(SqlWith.NoLock).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT * FROM (SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime],ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ID] DESC) AS RowIndex  FROM [STudent] WITH(NOLOCK)   WHERE ( [ID] = @Id0 )  AND  ([Name] like '%'+@MethodConst1+'%') ) T WHERE RowIndex BETWEEN 11 AND 20", new List <SugarParameter>()
                    new SugarParameter("@Id0", 1), new SugarParameter("@MethodConst1", "a")
                }, t8.Key, t8.Value, "single t8 Error");

                var t9 = db.Queryable <Student>()
                         .Select(it => new { it.Id, it.Name, x = it.Id }).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT  [ID] AS [Id] , [Name] AS [Name] , [ID] AS [x]  FROM [STudent]  WHERE [Id] IN (@InPara0)   ", new List <SugarParameter>()
                    new SugarParameter("@InPara0", 1)
                }, t9.Key, t9.Value, "single t9 error");

                var t10 = db.Queryable <Student>().Select(it => new StudentEnum()
                    Id = SqlFunc.GetSelfAndAutoFill(it.Id)
                base.Check("SELECT * FROM [STudent] ", null, t10.Key, t10.Value, "single t10 error");

                var t11 = db.Queryable <Student>().GroupBy("id").OrderBy("id").Select("id").ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT id FROM [STudent] GROUP BY id ORDER BY id ", null, t11.Key, t11.Value, "single t11 error");

                var t12 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(it => it.Id != null).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent]  WHERE ( [ID] IS NOT NULL )", null, t12.Key, t12.Value, "single t12 error");
Beispiel #5
        public void Q2()
            using (var db = GetInstance())
                var t1 = db.Queryable <Student>().ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent]", null, t1.Key, null, "single t1 Error");

                var t2 = db.Queryable <Student>().With(SqlWith.NoLock).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent] WITH(NOLOCK)", null, t2.Key, null, "single t2 Error");

                var t3 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent] ORDER BY [ID] ASC", null, t3.Key, null, "single t3 Error");

                var t4 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id).Take(3).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT * FROM (SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime],ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ID] ASC) AS RowIndex  FROM [STudent] ) T WHERE RowIndex BETWEEN 1 AND 3", null, t4.Key, null, "single t4 Error");

                var t5 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id).Skip(3).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT * FROM (SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime],ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ID] ASC) AS RowIndex  FROM [STudent] ) T WHERE RowIndex BETWEEN 4 AND 9223372036854775807", null, t5.Key, null, "single t5 Error");

                int pageIndex = 2;
                int pageSize  = 10;
                var t6        = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT * FROM (SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime],ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ID] DESC) AS RowIndex  FROM [STudent] ) T WHERE RowIndex BETWEEN 11 AND 20", null, t6.Key, null, "single t6 Error");

                int studentCount   = db.Ado.GetInt("select count(1) from Student");
                var countIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Count() == studentCount;
                if (!countIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception(" single countIsSuccess Error");

                var t7 = db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToPageList(pageIndex, pageSize, ref studentCount);
                countIsSuccess = studentCount == db.Queryable <Student>().OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize * pageIndex).Count();
                if (!countIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single t7 Error");

                int studentMin   = db.Ado.GetInt("select min(id)  from Student");
                var minIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Min(it => it.Id) == studentMin;
                if (!minIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single minIsSuccess Error");

                int studentMax   = db.Ado.GetInt("select max(id)  from Student");
                var maxIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Max(it => it.Id) == studentMax;
                if (!maxIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single maxIsSuccess Error");

                int studentAvg   = db.Ado.GetInt("select avg(id)  from Student");
                var avgIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Avg(it => it.Id) == studentAvg;
                if (!maxIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception(" single avgIsSuccess Error");

                int studentSum   = db.Ado.GetInt("select sum(id)  from Student");
                var sumIsSuccess = db.Queryable <Student>().Sum(it => it.Id) == studentSum;
                if (!sumIsSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("single sumIsSuccess Error");

                var t8 = db.Queryable <Student>()
                         .Where(it => it.Id == 1)
                         .WhereIF(true, it => SqlFunc.Contains(it.Name, "a"))
                         .OrderBy(it => it.Id, OrderByType.Desc).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).With(SqlWith.NoLock).ToSql();
                base.Check(@"SELECT * FROM (SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime],ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ID] DESC) AS RowIndex  FROM [STudent] WITH(NOLOCK)   WHERE ( [ID] = @Id0 )  AND  ([Name] like '%'+@MethodConst1+'%') ) T WHERE RowIndex BETWEEN 11 AND 20", new List <SugarParameter>()
                    new SugarParameter("@Id0", 1), new SugarParameter("@MethodConst1", "a")
                }, t8.Key, t8.Value, "single t8 Error");

                var t9 = db.Queryable <Student>()
                         .Select(it => new { it.Id, it.Name, x = it.Id }).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT  [ID] AS [Id] , [Name] AS [Name] , [ID] AS [x]  FROM [STudent]  WHERE [Id] IN (@InPara0)   ", new List <SugarParameter>()
                    new SugarParameter("@InPara0", 1)
                }, t9.Key, t9.Value, "single t9 error");

                var t10 = db.Queryable <Student>().Select(it => new StudentEnum()
                    Id = SqlFunc.GetSelfAndAutoFill(it.Id)
                base.Check("SELECT * FROM [STudent] ", null, t10.Key, t10.Value, "single t10 error");

                var t11 = db.Queryable <Student>().GroupBy("id").OrderBy("id").Select("id").ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT id FROM [STudent] GROUP BY id ORDER BY id ", null, t11.Key, t11.Value, "single t11 error");

                var t12 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(it => it.Id != null).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent]  WHERE ( [ID] IS NOT NULL )", null, t12.Key, t12.Value, "single t12 error");

                var id  = 1;
                var t13 = db.Queryable <Student>().Where(it => SqlFunc.Subqueryable <School>().Where(s => s.Id == it.Id && s.Id == id).Max(s => s.Id) == 1).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent] it  WHERE ((SELECT MAX([Id]) FROM [School] WHERE (( [Id] = [it].[ID] ) AND ( [Id] = @Id0 ))) = @Const1 )",
                           new List <SugarParameter>()
                    new SugarParameter("@Id0", 1),
                    new SugarParameter("@Const1", 1)
                }, t13.Key, t13.Value, "single t13 error ");

                var t14 = db.Queryable <Student>()
                          .Where(it => it.Name == "a" && SqlFunc.HasValue(it.Name)).ToSql();
                base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent]  WHERE (( [Name] = @Name0 ) AND ( [Name]<>'' AND [Name] IS NOT NULL ))",
                           new List <SugarParameter>()
                    new SugarParameter("@Name0", "a")
                }, t14.Key, t14.Value, "single t14 error ");

                var t15 = db.Queryable <CapitalEntity>()
                          .Select(x => new
                    TGYArea = SqlFunc.AggregateSum(SqlFunc.IIF(x.FlatProp == "1", x.Areas, 0))
                base.Check("SELECT  SUM(( CASE  WHEN ( [FlatProp] = @FlatProp0 ) THEN [Areas]  ELSE @MethodConst1 END )) AS [TGYArea]  FROM [RENT_CAPITAL] ", new List <SugarParameter>()
                    new SugarParameter("@FlatProp0", "1"),
                    new SugarParameter("@MethodConst1", 0)
                }, t15.Key, t15.Value, "single t15 error");
Beispiel #6
        public void Init()
            var x2 = DB.Queryable <School>().Where(x => x.Id == SqlFunc.Subqueryable <School>().Where(y => y.Id == SqlFunc.Subqueryable <Student>().Where(yy => y.Id == x.Id).Select(yy => yy.Id)).Select(y => y.Id)).ToSql();

            if (!x2.Key.Contains("STudent"))
                // throw new Exception("bug2 error");

            var UserNameOrName     = "111";
            var OrganizationUnitId = 0;
            var RoleId             = 0;
            var sql = DB.Queryable <User>().//一对多的子查询
                      WhereIF(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UserNameOrName), t1 => t1.Name.Contains(UserNameOrName)).
                      Where(t1 =>
                            SqlFunc.Subqueryable <UserOrganizationUnit>().
                            Where(t2 => t2.UserId == t1.Id).
                            WhereIF(OrganizationUnitId > 0, t2 => t2.OrganizationUnitId == OrganizationUnitId).Any())
                      // Where(t1 => SqlFunc.Subqueryable<UserRole>().
                      //Where(t3 => t3.UserId == t1.Id).
                      //WhereIF(RoleId > 0, t3 => t3.RoleId == RoleId).Any())
                      .Select(t1 => new User {
                Id = SqlFunc.GetSelfAndAutoFill(t1.Id)

            var model = DB.Queryable <ClientsModel, VipAccountsModel, AccountsModel, tLogonHistoryModel, VipBenefitsModel, LevelSettingModel, JewelsModel>((a, b, c, d, e, f, g) => new object[] {
                JoinType.Left, a.ClientID == b.ClientID,
                JoinType.Left, a.ClientID == c.ClientID && c.TournamentID == 0,
                JoinType.Left, a.ClientID == d.ClientID,
                JoinType.Left, (e.MinVipCredit <= b.VipCredit && e.MaxVipCredit >= b.VipCredit) && (e.MinConsumeAmount <= b.AccumulatedConsumeAmount && e.MaxConsumeAmount >= b.AccumulatedConsumeAmount),
                JoinType.Left, (c.ExperiencePoints >= f.MinExperiencePoints && c.ExperiencePoints < f.MaxExperiencePoints) || (c.ExperiencePoints > f.MaxExperiencePoints && f.UserLevel == 30),
                JoinType.Left, g.ClientID == a.ClientID
                        .WhereIF(true, (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) => a.ClientID == 1)
                        .WhereIF(!string.IsNullOrEmpty("a"), (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) => a.NickName == "a")
                        .Select((a, b, c, d, e, f, g) => new
                GoldAmount                = SqlFunc.Subqueryable <ExposureModel>().Where(s => s.TournamentID == 0 && s.ClientID == a.ClientID).Sum(s => SqlFunc.IsNull(SqlFunc.AggregateSum(s.Exposure), 0)),
                ClientID                  = a.ClientID,
                NickName                  = a.NickName,
                UserChannel               = a.UserChannel,
                CountryCode               = d.CountryCode,
                Platform                  = a.Platform,
                Email                     = a.Email,
                PhoneNumber               = a.PhoneNumber,
                RegisteredTime            = a.RegisteredTime,
                DiamondAmount             = SqlFunc.IsNull(g.JewelCount, 0),
                AccumulatedRechargeAmount = SqlFunc.IsNull(b.AccumulatedRechargeAmount, 0),
                VipLevel                  = SqlFunc.IsNull(e.VipLevel, 0),
                UserLevel                 = SqlFunc.IsNull(f.UserLevel, 0)

            var _sql = DB.Insertable(new UserInfo
                BrandId   = -1,
                UserLevel = 1
            }).IgnoreColumns(m => new { m.BlockingTime, m.CreditUpdatetime }).ToSql();

            var _sql2 = DB.Insertable(new UserInfo
                BrandId   = -1,
                UserLevel = 1
            }).IgnoreColumns(m => new { m.UserId }).ToSql();
            var _sql3 = DB.Updateable(new UserInfo
                BrandId   = -1,
                UserLevel = 1
            }).IgnoreColumns(m => new { m.CreditUpdatetime, m.UserId }).ToSql();

            DB.Insertable(new DataTest()).ExecuteCommand();

            // 初始化实体表

            var testa = new TestA();

            testa.Col1 = "2333333";
            testa.Col3 = "444";


            Guid newCarTypePictureId = Guid.Empty;
            Guid carTypePictureId    = Guid.Empty;

            DB.CodeFirst.InitTables(typeof(Picture), typeof(JobPlan));
            DB.Updateable <Picture>()
            .UpdateColumns(p => p.Value == SqlFunc.Subqueryable <Picture>()
                           .Where(pp => pp.ID == newCarTypePictureId)
                           .Select(pp => pp.Value))
            .Where(p => p.ID == carTypePictureId)
            DB.Updateable <Picture>()
            .UpdateColumns(p => p.Value == SqlFunc.Subqueryable <Picture>()
                           .Select(pp => pp.Value))

            .Where(p => p.ID == carTypePictureId).ExecuteCommand();
            var list = new List <JobPlan>()
                new JobPlan()
                new JobPlan()

            DB.Updateable(new JobPlan()
            .WhereColumns(s => new { s.CmdNo })
            .UpdateColumns(s => new
            DB.CodeFirst.InitTables(typeof(VMaterialInfo), typeof(TStock), typeof(TTempStock));
            var GoodsList = DB.Queryable <VMaterialInfo, TStock>((vmg, ts) => new object[] {
                JoinType.Left, vmg.FMICode == ts.FMICode
                            .Select((vmg, ts) => new
                AbleQty = SqlFunc.ToInt32(ts.FQty - SqlFunc.Subqueryable <TTempStock>().Where(s => s.FMICode == vmg.FMICode && s.FK_Store == "")
                                          .Select(s => SqlFunc.AggregateSum(s.FKCSL)))

            var GoodsList2 = DB.Queryable <VMaterialInfo, TStock>((vmg, ts) => new object[] {
                JoinType.Left, vmg.FMICode == ts.FMICode
                             .Where((vmg, ts) => ts.FK_Store == "" && vmg.FMICode == vmg.FMICode)
                             .Select((vmg, ts) => new
                PKID       = vmg.PKID,
                FMICode    = vmg.FMICode,
                FMIName    = vmg.FMIName,
                FGauge     = vmg.FGauge,
                FBIName    = vmg.FBIName,
                FK_FOrigin = vmg.FK_FOrigin,
                FOEM       = vmg.FOEM,
                FSIName    = vmg.FSIName,
                FUIName    = vmg.FUIName,
                OutFQty    = SqlFunc.ToInt32(ts.FQty)
                InFQty = SqlFunc.Subqueryable <TStock>().Where(s => s.FMICode == ts.FMICode && s.FK_Store == "").Select(s => SqlFunc.ToInt32(SqlFunc.IsNull(s.FQty, 0)))
                TempQty = SqlFunc.IsNull(SqlFunc.Subqueryable <TTempStock>().Where(s => s.FMICode == vmg.FMICode && s.FK_Store == "")
                                         .GroupBy(s => new { s.FMICode, s.FK_Store })
                                         .Select(s => SqlFunc.AggregateSum(SqlFunc.ToInt32(s.FKCSL))), 0)
                AbleQty = ts.FQty - SqlFunc.Subqueryable <TTempStock>().Where(s => s.FMICode == vmg.FMICode && s.FK_Store == "")
                          .Select(s => SqlFunc.AggregateSum(s.FKCSL))

            DB.CodeFirst.InitTables <h5linkpassloginfo, logtype>();
            DB.Updateable <h5linkpassloginfo>().UpdateColumns(it =>
                                                              new h5linkpassloginfo()
                LogKeyId = SqlFunc.Subqueryable <logtype>().Where(s => s.LogKey == "openpage").Select(s => s.Id),
                StrVal   = "sdsdsdsd"
            }).Where(it => it.Id == 1).ExecuteCommand();