public ExportController(IConfiguration config, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, SqlDict dict)
     this.config = config;
     mut         = config["MUTATION"] == "HDD" ? Mutation.HDD : Mutation.CHD;
     logger      = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("ExportController");
     this.dict   = dict;
Beispiel #2
        public IActionResult GetPastChanges([FromQuery] string entryId, [FromQuery] string lang)
            if (entryId == null || lang == null)
                return(StatusCode(400, "Missing parameter(s)."));
            int         idVal = EntryId.StringToId(entryId);
            string      hw, trg;
            EntryStatus status;

            SqlDict.GetEntryById(idVal, out hw, out trg, out status);
            var changes = SqlDict.GetEntryChanges(idVal);

            // Remove first item (most recent change). But first, backprop potential trg and status change
            if (changes[0].HeadBefore != null)
                hw = changes[0].HeadBefore;
            if (changes[0].BodyBefore != null)
                trg = changes[0].BodyBefore;
            if (changes[0].StatusBefore != 99)
                status = (EntryStatus)changes[0].StatusBefore;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            HistoryRenderer.RenderPastChanges(sb, entryId, hw, trg, status, changes, lang);
            return(new ObjectResult(sb.ToString()));
 /// <summary>
 /// Ctor: init controller within app environment.
 /// </summary>
 public SmartsController(CountryResolver cres, LangRepo langRepo, SqlDict dict,
                         QueryLogger qlog, IConfiguration config)
     this.cres     = cres;
     this.langRepo = langRepo;
     this.dict     = dict;
     this.qlog     = qlog;
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Ctor: infuse dependencies.
 /// </summary>
 public IndexController(PageProvider pageProvider, IConfiguration config,
                        ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, Auth auth, SqlDict dict)
     mut            = config["MUTATION"] == "HDD" ? Mutation.HDD : Mutation.CHD;
     baseUrl        = config["baseUrl"];
     dpc            = new DynpageController(pageProvider, config, loggerFactory, auth, dict, null, null, null, null);
     gaCode         = config["gaCode"];
     captchaSiteKey = config["captchaSiteKey"];
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Ctor: Infuse app services.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Default null values make controller accessible to <see cref="IndexController"/>.
 /// That way, functionality is limited to serving static pages.
 /// </remarks>
 public DynpageController(PageProvider pageProvider, IConfiguration config, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
                          Auth auth, SqlDict dict, CountryResolver cres, QueryLogger qlog, Sphinx sphinx, LangRepo langRepo)
     this.cres         = cres;
     this.pageProvider = pageProvider;
     this.dict         = dict;
     this.sphinx       = sphinx;
     this.qlog         = qlog;
     this.config       = config;
     this.logger       = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("DynpageController");
     this.auth         = auth;
     this.langRepo     = langRepo;
        private void doExport()
            string exportFileName = Path.Combine(config["exportFolder"], config["exportFileNameRaw"]);
            bool   fileUpToDate   = false;

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(exportFileName))
                FileInfo fi     = new FileInfo(exportFileName);
                DateTime dtFile = fi.LastWriteTimeUtc;
                DateTime dtData = SqlDict.GetLatestChangeUtc();
                fileUpToDate = dtFile > dtData;
            if (fileUpToDate)

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(exportFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8))
                    using (SqlDict.Exporter exporter = new SqlDict.Exporter())
                        // #20 Dictionary export mixes \r\n and \n
                        sw.NewLine = "\n";
                        EntryBlockWriter ebw = new EntryBlockWriter(sw);
                        while (true)
                            List <EntryVersion> history;
                            int entryId;
                            exporter.GetNext(out history, out entryId);
                            if (history == null)
                            //// DBG: reduced export
                            //DateTime limit = new DateTime(2016, 11, 1);
                            //if (history[history.Count - 1].Timestamp < limit) continue;
                            ebw.WriteBlock(entryId, history);
Beispiel #7
        public IActionResult GetHistoryItem([FromQuery] string entryId, [FromQuery] string lang)
            if (entryId == null || lang == null)
                return(StatusCode(400, "Missing parameter(s)."));
            int idVal = EntryId.StringToId(entryId);

            string      hw, trg;
            EntryStatus status;

            SqlDict.GetEntryById(idVal, out hw, out trg, out status);
            StringBuilder     sb      = new StringBuilder();
            List <ChangeItem> changes = SqlDict.GetEntryChanges(idVal);
            ChangeItem        ci      = changes[0];

            ci.EntryBody   = trg;
            ci.EntryHead   = hw;
            ci.EntryStatus = status;
            HistoryRenderer.RenderItem(sb, trg, status, changes[0], lang);
            return(new ObjectResult(sb.ToString()));
Beispiel #8
        public IActionResult GetEditEntryData([FromQuery] string entryId, [FromQuery] string lang)
            if (entryId == null || lang == null)
                return(StatusCode(400, "Missing parameter(s)."));

            // The data we'll return.
            EditEntryData res = new EditEntryData();

            // Is this an authenticated user?
            int    userId;
            string userName;

            auth.CheckSession(HttpContext.Request.Headers, out userId, out userName);
            // Can she approve entries?
            if (userId != -1)
                res.CanApprove = auth.CanApprove(userId);

            // Retrieve entry
            int         idVal = EntryId.StringToId(entryId);
            string      hw, trg;
            EntryStatus status;

            SqlDict.GetEntryById(idVal, out hw, out trg, out status);
            CedictParser parser = new CedictParser();
            CedictEntry  entry  = parser.ParseEntry(hw + " " + trg, 0, null);

            res.Status     = status.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
            res.HeadSimp   = entry.ChSimpl;
            res.HeadTrad   = entry.ChTrad;
            res.HeadPinyin = "";
            for (int i = 0; i != entry.PinyinCount; ++i)
                if (res.HeadPinyin.Length > 0)
                    res.HeadPinyin += " ";
                var pys = entry.GetPinyinAt(i);
                res.HeadPinyin += pys.GetDisplayString(false);
            res.TrgTxt = trg.Trim('/').Replace('/', '\n').Replace('\\', '/');

            // Entry HTML
            entry.Status = status;
            EntryRenderer er = new EntryRenderer(lang, entry, true, "mainEntry");

            er.OneLineHanziLimit = 12;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            er.Render(sb, null);
            res.EntryHtml = sb.ToString();

            // Entry history
            List <ChangeItem> changes = SqlDict.GetEntryChanges(idVal);

            HistoryRenderer.RenderEntryChanges(sb, hw, trg, status, changes, lang);
            res.HistoryHtml = sb.ToString();

            return(new ObjectResult(res));
Beispiel #9
 public EditController(LangRepo langRepo, SqlDict dict, Auth auth)
     this.langRepo = langRepo;
     this.dict     = dict;
     this.auth     = auth;
        public IActionResult VerifyHead([FromQuery] string lang, [FromQuery] string simp, [FromQuery] string trad, [FromQuery] string pinyin)
            if (simp == null)
                return(StatusCode(400, "Missing 'simp' parameter."));
            if (trad == null)
                return(StatusCode(400, "Missing 'trad' parameter."));
            if (pinyin == null)
                return(StatusCode(400, "Missing 'pinyin' parameter."));

            NewEntryVerifyHeadResult res = new NewEntryVerifyHeadResult();
            StringBuilder            sb  = new StringBuilder();

            // Prepare pinyin as list of proper syllables
            List <PinyinSyllable> pyList = new List <PinyinSyllable>();

            string[] pyRawArr = pinyin.Split(' ');
            foreach (string pyRaw in pyRawArr)
                PinyinSyllable syll = PinyinSyllable.FromDisplayString(pyRaw);
                if (syll == null)
                    syll = new PinyinSyllable(pyRaw, -1);
            string pyInOne = "";

            foreach (var syll in pyList)
                if (pyInOne != "")
                    pyInOne += " ";
                pyInOne += syll.GetDisplayString(false);

            // Is this a dupe?
            string      head          = trad + " " + simp + " [" + pyInOne + "]";
            CedictEntry existingEntry = SqlDict.GetEntryByHead(head);

            if (existingEntry != null)
                res.Duplicate       = true;
                res.ExistingEntryId = EntryId.IdToString(existingEntry.StableId);
                EntryRenderer er = new EntryRenderer(lang, existingEntry, true);
                er.Render(sb, null);
                res.ExistingEntry = sb.ToString();
                return(new ObjectResult(res));

            // OK, we're good.
            res.Duplicate = false;

            // Return all entries, CEDICT and HanDeDict, rendered as HTML
            CedictEntry[] ced, hdd;
            langRepo.GetEntries(simp, out ced, out hdd);
            sb.Append("<div id='newEntryRefCED'>");
            foreach (CedictEntry entry in ced)
                EntryRenderer er = new EntryRenderer(lang, entry, trad, pyList);
                er.Render(sb, null);
            sb.Append("<div id='newEntryRefHDD'>");
            foreach (CedictEntry entry in hdd)
                EntryRenderer er = new EntryRenderer(lang, entry, trad, pyList);
                er.Render(sb, null);
            res.RefEntries = sb.ToString();

            // Tell our caller
            return(new ObjectResult(res));
 public NewEntryController(LangRepo langRepo, SqlDict dict)
     this.langRepo = langRepo;
     this.dict     = dict;