//Updates the values of exhibition item with matching ID
        public static void update(int exhibitionID, string name, string description, string type)
            string sql;

            sql = "updateExhibition @exhibitionID =" + exhibitionID + ",@name='" + name + "',@type='" + type + "',@description=";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, description);
        //Updates the values of media item with matching ID
        public static void update(int mediaID, int artistID, string youtubeURL, string name, string description)
            string sql;

            sql = "updateMedia @mediaID =" + mediaID + ",@artistID=" + artistID + ",@youtubeURL=";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, youtubeURL);
            sql = sql + ",	@name='"+ name + "',@description=";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, description);
        //Inserts new artist into database with given details
        //Returns the ID of item inserted
        public void update()
            string sql;
            int    returnID;

            //Insert artist into the database
            sql = "updateArtist @artistId=" + ArtistID + ",@name='" + name + "', @location =";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, location);
            sql = sql + ",@bio=";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, bio);
        //Inserts a new exhibition into the database with given details
        //Returns the exhibitionID of the item
        public static int insert(string name, string description, int artistID, string type)
            int    returnID;
            string sql = "insertNewExhibition @name='" + name + "',@curatedBy = " + artistID + ",@description=";

            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, description);
            sql = sql + ",@type = '" + type + "'";
            //Don't know why I had to cast this as a decimal first but it was throwing an error when I tried casting to int directly
            Decimal returnValue = (Decimal)SqlComm.SqlReturn(sql);

            returnID = (int)returnValue;
        //Inserts media item into the database
        //Returns the id of item inserted
        public static int insert(int exhibitionID, int artistID, string youtubeURL, string filename, string name, string description)
            string sql;
            int    returnID;

            sql = "insertNewMedia @exhibition=" + exhibitionID + ",@artist=" + artistID + ",@youtubeURL=";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, youtubeURL);
            sql = sql + ",	@filename='"+ filename + "',	@name='"+ name + "',@description=";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, description);
            //Don't know why I had to cast this as a decimal first but it was throwing an error when I tried casting to int directly
            Decimal returnValue = (Decimal)SqlComm.SqlReturn(sql);

            returnID = (int)returnValue;
        //Inserts new artist into database with given details
        //Returns the ID of item inserted
        public static int insert(int userID, string name, string location, string bio)
            string sql;
            int    returnID;

            //Insert artist into the database
            sql = "insertNewArtist @userID=" + userID + ",@name='" + name + "', @location =";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, location);
            sql = sql + ",@bio=";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, bio);
            //Don't know why I had to cast this as a decimal first but it was throwing an error when I tried casting to int directly
            Decimal returnValue = (Decimal)SqlComm.SqlReturn(sql);

            returnID = (int)returnValue;