Beispiel #1
        private string GetComponentsList(int category = 1)
            int    start  = 0;
            int    length = 12;
            string htm    = "";

            SqlClasses.Editor SqlEditor = new SqlClasses.Editor(R);
            SqlReader         reader    = SqlEditor.GetComponentsList(category, start, length);

            if (reader.Rows.Count > 0)
                while (reader.Read() != false)
                    htm += "<div class=\"list-item\" cname=\"" + reader.Get("title") + "\" ctitle=\"" + reader.Get("description") + "\" onmousedown=\"R.editor.components.dragNew.start(event)\" onmouseover=\"R.editor.components.toolbar.mouseEnter(this)\" onmouseout=\"R.editor.components.toolbar.mouseLeave()\" >";
                    htm += "<img src=\"/components/" + reader.Get("componentid").Replace("-", "/") + "/icon.png\" alt=\"" + reader.Get("title") + "\" cid=\"" + reader.Get("componentid") + "\" /></div>";
Beispiel #2
        private string GetComponentCategories()
            string htm = "";

            htm  = "";
            htm += AddCategory(1, "General", "All the tools you need to create content, including text, photos, videos, panels, menus, lists, and buttons.", "components/textbox");
            htm += AddCategory(2, "Page", "Add the title of your page, a list of relavent pages, user comments & ratings, and other page-specific content.", "components/page/title");
            if (R.Page.isDemo == false)
                SqlClasses.Editor SqlEditor = new SqlClasses.Editor(R);
                SqlReader         reader    = SqlEditor.GetComponentCategories();
                if (reader.Rows.Count > 0)
                    while (reader.Read() != false)
                        htm += AddCategory(reader.GetInt("componentcategory"), reader.Get("title"), reader.Get("description"), "/apps/" + reader.Get("name"));
Beispiel #3
 private string GetComponentsList(int category = 1)
     int start = 0;
     int length = 12;
     string htm = "";
     SqlClasses.Editor SqlEditor = new SqlClasses.Editor(R);
     SqlReader reader = SqlEditor.GetComponentsList(category, start, length);
     if (reader.Rows.Count > 0)
         while (reader.Read() != false)
             htm += "<div class=\"list-item\" cname=\"" + reader.Get("title") + "\" ctitle=\"" + reader.Get("description") + "\" onmousedown=\"R.editor.components.dragNew.start(event)\" onmouseover=\"R.editor.components.toolbar.mouseEnter(this)\" onmouseout=\"R.editor.components.toolbar.mouseLeave()\" >";
             htm += "<img src=\"/components/" + reader.Get("componentid").Replace("-", "/") + "/icon.png\" alt=\"" + reader.Get("title") + "\" cid=\"" + reader.Get("componentid") + "\" /></div>";
     return htm;
Beispiel #4
 private string GetComponentCategories()
     string htm = "";
     htm = "";
     htm += AddCategory(1, "General", "All the tools you need to create content, including text, photos, videos, panels, menus, lists, and buttons.", "components/textbox");
     htm += AddCategory(2, "Page", "Add the title of your page, a list of relavent pages, user comments & ratings, and other page-specific content.", "components/page/title");
     if (R.Page.isDemo == false)
         SqlClasses.Editor SqlEditor = new SqlClasses.Editor(R);
         SqlReader reader = SqlEditor.GetComponentCategories();
         if (reader.Rows.Count > 0)
             while (reader.Read() != false)
                 htm += AddCategory(reader.GetInt("componentcategory"), reader.Get("title"), reader.Get("description"), "/apps/" + reader.Get("name"));
     return htm;