public PassCalculator(SatellitesController satellites, SqLiteDb database) { _satellites = satellites; _db = database; InitializeComponent(); FormClosing += PassCalcHider; var location = _db.GetPosition(); nbxLocLat.Value =; nbxLocLng.Value = location.lng; lviewPasses.View = View.Details; lviewPasses.GridLines = true; lviewPasses.FullRowSelect = true; lviewPasses.Columns.Add("Start", 120); lviewPasses.Columns.Add("Name", 60); lviewPasses.Columns.Add("Duration", 55); lviewPasses.Columns.Add("Elevation", 60); lviewPasses.Click += PassSelected; }
public SatChooser(SatellitesController satellites, SqLiteDb db) { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; InitializeComponent(); Satellites = satellites; Db = db; FormClosing += SatChooserHider; UpdateAllLists(); lbxStoredSats.DoubleClick += btnAddToShown_Click; }
protected override void RunDbSchemaUpdates(SqLiteDb db, SqliteDbInterface moduleInterface) { DbInterface localInterface = (DbInterface)moduleInterface; long version = db.GetVersion(); if (version < CurrentVersion) { db.DropTables(localInterface.GetAllModules()); db.CreateTables(localInterface.GetAllModules()); } }
public BufferedScreenController(Panel panel, SatellitesController satellitesController, SqLiteDb db) { _panel = panel; _satellites = satellitesController; _db = db; SetupGraphics(); // Setup Timer _timer = new Timer(); _timer.Interval = 1000; _timer.Tick += Redraw; _timer.Start(); _panel.SizeChanged += PanelResizeEvent; _satellites.SelectionChanged += Redraw; }
public SimulationScreen() { InitializeComponent(); var satController = new SatellitesController(); var database = new SqLiteDb(); foreach (var sat in database.GetAllSatellites()) { var newTles = TLEApi.GetCurrentTleData(sat); if (newTles.IsSuccess) { database.UpdateTle(newTles.Value); } } Controller = new BufferedScreenController(pnlSimulation, satController, database); SatChooser = new SatChooser(satController, database); TimeTravel = new TimeTravel(); PassCalculator = new PassCalculator(satController, database); }
protected override void InitModules(SqLiteDb db) { HexContent = new DbHexContent(this, db); }
public DbHexContent(SqliteDbInterface dbInterface, SqLiteDb db) : base(dbInterface, db) { }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MainViewModel" /> class.</summary> public MainViewModel() { this.logger.Info("Запуск приложения Alisa"); try { this.FilteredTEPCmd = new Command(arg => this.ApplyFilter()); // Сервисные this.WriteTEPCmd = new Command(arg => this.WriteTEP()); this.DBCreateCmd = new Command(arg => this.DBCreate()); this.LogMailCmd = new Command(arg => this.LogMail()); this.FilterAndSaveCmd = new Command(arg => this.FilterAndSave()); this.TEP = new TEPModel { }; this.Misc = new Misc { }; // Вычитывание параметров из XML // Инициализация модели настроек var settingsXml = new SettingsXml <RootElement>(SettingsPath); this.settings.MSSQL = new MSSQL(); this.settings.SQLite = new SQLite(); this.settings.Mail = new Mail { To = new List <string>() }; this.settings.Reserv = new Reserv(); if (File.Exists(SettingsPath)) { this.settings = settingsXml.ReadXml(this.settings); } else { this.settings = this.SetDefaultValue(this.settings); // Значения по умолчанию settingsXml.WriteXml(this.settings); } this.rDB = new RuntimeDb(this.settings.MSSQL); Misc.Master = this.settings.Reserv.Master ? "Master" : "Slave"; // Вычитывание списка тегов из файла this.tags = this.rf.ReadFile(TagPath); // Коэффициенты this.CoeffModels = new ObservableCollection <CoeffModel> { }; this.CoeffModels = this.rf.ReadCoeff(CoeffPath); this.sqliteDb = new SqLiteDb(this.settings.SQLite); if (!File.Exists(DataBaseName)) { this.sqliteDb.CreateBase(); this.sqliteDb.TEPCreateTable(); } // Таймер вычитывания значений из БД this.readTEPTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2); this.readTEPTimer.Tick += this.ReadTEP; this.readTEPTimer.Start(); // Расчет ТЭП this.calculateTEPTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 6); this.calculateTEPTimer.Tick += this.CalculateTEP; this.calculateTEPTimer.Start(); // Таймер на вызов метода записи 2-х часовок this.write2HourTEPTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0); this.write2HourTEPTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(this.Write2HourTEP); this.write2HourTEPTimer.Start(); // Таймер на отправку писем this.sendMailTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0); this.sendMailTimer.Tick += this.SendMail; this.sendMailTimer.Start(); // Таймер проверки связи с БД MSSQL this.checkConnectionTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10); this.checkConnectionTimer.Tick += this.CheckConnection; this.checkConnectionTimer.Start(); // Таймер на доступ к записи отчета this.accessReportTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0); this.accessReportTimer.Tick += this.AccessReport; this.accessReportTimer.Start(); this.LiveTEP = new LiveTEP { }; this.TEPtoBase = new LiveTEP { }; this.Filters = new Filters { }; this.Filters.StartDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)); this.Filters.EndDate = DateTime.Now; this.HistTEP = new ObservableCollection <HistTEP> { }; this.Filters.OnCount += this.Filter; this.Filters.Day = true; this.ApplyFilter(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.logger.Error(ex.Message); } }
public void Init(SqLiteDb db, SqliteDbInterface moduleInterface) { _db = db; _moduleInterface = moduleInterface; }
protected abstract void RunDbSchemaUpdates(SqLiteDb db, SqliteDbInterface moduleInterface);