Beispiel #1
        //private bool CheckOutputValue(SqlDataReader reader , SqlSync.SprocTest.Configuration.OutputResult output, int rowNum, out string message)
        //    message = "";
        //    bool passed = true;
        //        try
        //        {
        //            if(reader[output.ColumnName].ToString().ToLower() != output.Value.ToString().ToLower())
        //            {
        //                message = "Invalid Value Returned for Column " + output.ColumnName + ", Row# " + rowNum + ". Expected " + output.Value.ToString() + ", Retrieved " + reader[output.ColumnName].ToString();
        //                passed = false;
        //            }
        //        }
        //        catch(SqlException exe)
        //        {
        //            message = "Sql Error Eetrieving expect column " + output.ColumnName + ". " + exe.Message + " Line Number:" + exe.LineNumber.ToString() + " Error Code:" + exe.ErrorCode.ToString();
        //            passed = false;
        //        }
        //        catch(Exception ex)
        //        {
        //           message = "Error Eetrieving expect column "+output.ColumnName+". "+ex.ToString();
        //           passed = false;

        //        }
        //    return passed;

        public static Database ReadConfiguration(string fileName)
            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to locate configuration file.", fileName);

            Database cfg = null;

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName))
                    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SprocTest.Configuration.Database));
                    object        obj        = serializer.Deserialize(sr);
                    cfg = (SprocTest.Configuration.Database)obj;
                catch (Exception exe)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Unable to deserialize the test configuration file at: " + fileName + "\r\n" + exe.ToString());
            if (cfg == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Unable to deserialize the test configuration file at: " + fileName);

            cfg.FileName = fileName;
Beispiel #2
        public void StartTests(BackgroundWorker bgWorker, DoWorkEventArgs workArgs)
            if (this.cfg == null)
                this.cfg = ReadConfiguration(this.fileName);

            this.connData.DatabaseName = this.cfg.Name;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.cfg.StoredProcedure.Length; i++)
                if (!TestStoredProcedure(this.cfg.StoredProcedure[i], bgWorker, workArgs))
Beispiel #3
 public TestManager(SprocTest.Configuration.Database cfg, ConnectionData connData) : this()
     this.cfg      = cfg;
     this.connData = connData;