Beispiel #1
    //using a continous distribution between [ymin,ymax] to calculate the orderInLayer value
    int CalculateLayer(SpriteRenderer sprite)
        //get the y value of the bottom of the sprite
        Vector2 position = sprite.transform.position;
        float   realY    = sprite.transform.position.y - (sprite.bounds.size.y / 2f);
        //check if there is an offset for the sprite to use
        SpriteOffset offset = sprite.GetComponent <SpriteOffset>();

        if (offset != null)
            realY += offset.spriteOffset;
        float actualY = RoundFloat(realY, sensitivity);
        //convert the y value in a scale between [0,1]
        float fit = fittingConstant * (actualY - yMin);

        //invert the fitness value
        fit = 1f - fit;
        //round fit to sensitivity decimal
        fit = RoundFloat(fit, sensitivity);
        //calculate the order in layer removing floating point to fit value
        float orderInLayer = fit * Mathf.Pow(10f, sensitivity);

        return((int)RoundFloat(orderInLayer, 0));
 private void Awake()
     sprOffset       = GetComponent <SpriteOffset>();
     stdColor        = sprOffset.Color;
     textureVertSize = transform.lossyScale.y;