public static RollResultContractItem CalculateFutureResult(IContract contract, Func<FutureSeries, FutureStatic> getFutureFuc, Func<FutureSeries, string> getContractFunc, Func<FutureSeries, double> getBondPriceFunc)

            var market = AsFuture(contract).BbgBase.Market();
            var country = (BondAnalytics.Country) Enum.Parse(typeof(BondAnalytics.Country), market);
            // byran lim config coded in we use this until we have a centralised place for the curve static
            var fcstCfg = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs(market, bForecastCurve: true);
            var discCfg = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs(market, bForecastCurve: false);

            var rollresults = contract.ContractSeries.Select(c =>
                var s = c as FutureSeries;
                if (s == null)
                    return null;

                var forCurve = SymmetryDataModel.GetDiscountCurve(fcstCfg.SymForecastCurveName, c.Date);
                var disCurve = SymmetryDataModel.GetDiscountCurve(fcstCfg.SymDiscountCurveName, c.Date);
                var mms = BondCalc.CalcMeasure(CalcMeasure.MMS, getBondPriceFunc(s), country, getFutureFuc(s).FirstNoticeDate, disCurve, forCurve,
                                                DateTime.MinValue, s.CurrentFuture.Expiry, DateTime.MinValue, 0, 6, true, BondAnalytics.DayCountType.Act360, 12,12,null);

                var mmsSeries = new Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>(c.Date, new RollResultItem
                    Name = getContractFunc(s),
                    Value = mms,

                return new {m = mmsSeries};
            }).Where(x => x != null).ToArray();
            return new RollResultContractItem
                MMS = new DatedDataCollectionGen<RollResultItem>(rollresults.Select(r => r.m.Item1).ToArray(), rollresults.Select(r => r.m.Item2).ToArray()),
        // function to return carry adjusted smooth series, together with Bond ISIN, series price, convfac
        public static Frame<DateTime, String> GenerateCarryAdjSeries(
            string ticker,
            DateTime start,
            DateTime end,
            string countryCode,
            ICarbonClient client = null
            //variables used for futureSeriesBuilder 
            var eRollMethod = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetRollMethods("FirstNoticeDate");
            var eInterpolationTypes = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetInterpolationType("None");
            var eSmoothingTypes = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetSmoothingTypes("None");

            #region Configs
            SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs config = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs(countryCode, false);
            string ccy = config.ccy;
            string calendarCode = config.calendarcode;
            string futuresStaticMoniker = config.futuresStaticMoniker;
            string carbonEnv = config.carbonEnv;
            BondAnalytics.Country country =;
            BondAnalytics.DayCountType dct = config.dct;
            List<string> contractSortOrder = config.contractSortOrder;

            List<DateTime> holidays = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetHolidays(calendarCode, client);

            // in rolling series US is following calendar of USGS rather than USNY
            var dateRange = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetAllDatesInDateime(start, end, countryCode.ToUpper() == "US" ? "USGS" : calendarCode, client, "1b");

            //Get Rolling Series
            HashSet<string> futuresList = new HashSet<string> { "TU", "FV", "TY", "UXY", "US", "WN", "DU", "OE", "RX", "UB", "IK", "BTS", "OAT" };
            bool tickerIsFuture = futuresList.Contains(ticker);
            bool isCT = ticker.ToUpper().Contains("CT");
            var rollType = isCT ? "ct" : "ctd";
            string moniker = string.Format("symapp.roll.{0}.{1}.{2}", rollType, ticker.Market(), ticker).ToLower();
            string fmoniker;

            // Carbon frame //
            var frame = client.GetFrameAsync<DateTime>(moniker).Result;
            if (!frame.ColumnKeys.Contains("price")) return null;// need better null value checker here

            Series<DateTime, string> bondISIN = null;
            Series<DateTime, double> bondPrice = null;
            Dictionary<DateTime, string> futureTicker = new Dictionary<DateTime, string>();
            Dictionary<DateTime, double> convFac = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();
            Dictionary<DateTime, double> futurePrice = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();
            Dictionary<DateTime, double> smoothSeries = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();
            Series<DateTime, double> futureConvertedPrice = null;

            //Repo series and carry series
            Dictionary<DateTime, double> repoSeries = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();
            Dictionary<DateTime, double> carrySeries = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();

            //DV01 series (Future DV01 = CTD DV01/ConvFac; CT DV01 = Bond DV01)
            Dictionary<DateTime, double> DV01Series = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();

            //Variables needed for futures
            Frame<string, string> combinedStatic = null;
            int RowNum = 0;

                bondISIN = frame.GetColumn<string>("ticker").Between(start, end);//Need check on sorted by date
                bondPrice = frame.GetColumn<double>("price").Between(start, end);
            catch (Exception)
                //Error handling
            //Future tickers and Future Price as well as conversion factors
            if (tickerIsFuture)
                fmoniker = string.Format("symapp.roll.{0}.{1}.{2}", "f" + rollType, ticker.Market(), ticker).ToLower();
                frame = client.GetFrameAsync<DateTime>(fmoniker).Result;
                if (!frame.ColumnIndex.KeySequence.Contains("price")) return null;//need better null value checker here
                    futureConvertedPrice = frame.GetColumn<double>("price").Between(start, end).Sort();
                catch (Exception)
                    //Error handling

                //Get the future static table
                List<string> tickers = new List<string>();
                tickers.Add(ticker.ToUpper() + ".Front");
                    seriesBuilder = new FuturesSeriesBuilder(tickers, dateRange, holidays, futuresStaticMoniker, client, carbonEnv, rollMthd: eRollMethod, interpType: eInterpolationTypes, contractSortOrder: config.contractSortOrder, smoothingType: eSmoothingTypes);
                var futStatic = seriesBuilder.FuturesStatic;
                //Bond Static
                Dictionary<String, TimeSeriesBondStatic> bndStatics = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetBondStaticsFromFuturesBuilder(seriesBuilder, config, client);
                combinedStatic = SpreadSeriesBuilder.combineFuturesAndBondStatic(bndStatics, futStatic);

                RowNum = combinedStatic.RowCount;

            double futureConvertedPx = 0.0;
            double lastRepo = 0.0;
            double fwdPrice = 0.0;
            object dailyRepo = null;
            bool bHaveEverthing = true;
            DateTime prevD8 = DateTime.MinValue;

            //loop through each date to find the corresponding future ticker and conversion factors
            // and add repo and carry for bond series
            // can we get the sorted key list
            #region buildSeries
            foreach (DateTime d8 in bondISIN.Keys.OfType<DateTime>())
                // DV01Series
                string currBondISIN = bondISIN.TryGet(d8).Value;

                Double bondDV01 = 0.0;

                DateTime settleDate = d8;

                var currBondStatic = AnalyticsUtilities.GetBondStaticData(client, currBondISIN);
                if (currBondStatic == null)
                    bHaveEverthing = false;
                    DV01Series.Add(d8, 0.0);//Need better handling on empty bond static

                    if (config.bondSettleLag > 0)
                        settleDate = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(settleDate.AddDays(1), holidays);
                    if (config.bondSettleLag > 1)
                        settleDate = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(settleDate.AddDays(1), holidays);
                    bondDV01 = BondAnalytics.SolveYield(country, settleDate, bondPrice.TryGet(d8).Value, currBondStatic.EffectiveDate, currBondStatic.FirstCouponDate,
                        currBondStatic.MaturityDate, currBondStatic.Coupon, currBondStatic.CpnFreq)[1];
                    DV01Series.Add(d8, bondDV01);

                if (tickerIsFuture)
                    //Need gaurantee that the table is sorted
                    int i = 0;
                    while (combinedStatic.GetColumn<DateTime>("fut_notice_first").GetAt(i) <= d8 && i < RowNum)
                    if (i == RowNum)
                        futureTicker.Add(d8, string.Empty);
                        convFac.Add(d8, double.NaN);
                        futurePrice.Add(d8, double.NaN);
                        futureTicker.Add(d8, combinedStatic.GetColumn<string>("ticker").GetAt(i));
                        convFac.Add(d8, combinedStatic.GetColumn<double>("fut_cnvs_factor").GetAt(i));
                        futureConvertedPx = futureConvertedPrice.TryGet(d8).Value;
                        futurePrice.Add(d8, futureConvertedPx / combinedStatic.GetColumn<double>("fut_cnvs_factor").GetAt(i));
                        //update CTD DV01 to be future DV01
                        DV01Series[d8] = DV01Series[d8] / combinedStatic.GetColumn<double>("fut_cnvs_factor").GetAt(i);
                    //Add SmoothSeries
                    if (prevD8 == DateTime.MinValue)
                        smoothSeries.Add(d8, futurePrice[d8]);
                        //check if there is ticker change
                        if (futureTicker[d8] == futureTicker[prevD8])
                            smoothSeries.Add(d8, smoothSeries[prevD8] + futurePrice[d8] - futurePrice[prevD8]);
                            //find the old future price on current date
                            string oldFutureTicker = futureTicker[prevD8];
                            string full_ticker = oldFutureTicker + " COMDTY";
                            var oldFuturePrice = client.GetCbnTimeSeriesDataCell(full_ticker, "eod", d8, "settle");
                            if (oldFuturePrice == null)
                                full_ticker = AnalyticsUtilities.GetAlternativeFuturesName(full_ticker);
                                oldFuturePrice = client.GetCbnTimeSeriesDataCell(full_ticker, "eod", d8, "settle");
                            //Otherwise report error: assume no price change a good way?
                            if (oldFuturePrice == null) oldFuturePrice = futurePrice[prevD8];
                            smoothSeries.Add(d8, smoothSeries[prevD8] + (oldFuturePrice as double? ?? double.NaN) - futurePrice[prevD8]);// potential problem if current res is NaN, all following value would be NaN  
                    //repo and carry series for bond
                        dailyRepo = client.GetCbnTimeSeriesDataCell(currBondISIN, "eod-mlp", d8, "wtdRate");
                        // repoSeries.Add(d8, dailyRepo as double?);
                        //Missing Data 
                        //need to convert it 
                    lastRepo = (dailyRepo as double?) ?? lastRepo;
                    repoSeries.Add(d8, lastRepo);
                    //need bond static info
                    if (currBondStatic == null)
                        bHaveEverthing = false;
                        carrySeries.Add(d8, 0.0);//Need better handling for missing bond static
                        smoothSeries.Add(d8, 0.0);//Need better handling for missing bond static
                        //calculate one-day fwdPrice
                        //Current next business day function doesn't handle number of days so get settleDate the hard way.
                        //one day carry
                        DateTime fwdDate = settleDate;
                        fwdDate = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(fwdDate.AddDays(1), holidays);
                        if (fwdDate <= settleDate)
                            //error handling here : fwdDate must be bigger than settleDate
                        fwdPrice = BondAnalytics.CalcBondFwd(country, settleDate, bondPrice.TryGet(d8).Value, currBondStatic.EffectiveDate, currBondStatic.FirstCouponDate, currBondStatic.MaturityDate,
                            currBondStatic.Coupon, currBondStatic.CpnFreq, fwdDate, lastRepo)[0];
                        carrySeries.Add(d8, bondPrice.TryGet(d8).Value - fwdPrice);

                        //Smooth series for bond
                        if (prevD8 == DateTime.MinValue)
                            smoothSeries.Add(d8, bondPrice.TryGet(d8).Value);//assume no carry added on day 1
                            if (bondISIN.TryGet(prevD8).Value == bondISIN.TryGet(d8).Value)
                                //no change in series   
                                smoothSeries.Add(d8, smoothSeries[prevD8] + bondPrice.TryGet(d8).Value - bondPrice.TryGet(prevD8).Value);
                                string oldBondISIN = bondISIN.TryGet(prevD8).Value;
                                var oldBondPrice = client.GetCbnTimeSeriesDataCell(oldBondISIN, "eod-mlp", d8, "close");
                                if (oldBondPrice == null) oldBondPrice = bondPrice.TryGet(prevD8).Value;// May need better way to handle this error
                                smoothSeries.Add(d8, smoothSeries[prevD8] + (oldBondPrice as double? ?? double.NaN) - bondPrice.TryGet(prevD8).Value);
                //update prevD8
                prevD8 = d8;

            //Sort the dictionary and package into frame for output
            if (tickerIsFuture)
                //building using dictionary
                Dictionary<string, Series<DateTime, string>> resHolder = new Dictionary<string, Series<DateTime, string>>();
                resHolder["futureTicker"] = futureTicker.ToSeries();

                var res = Frame.FromColumns(resHolder);
                res.AddColumn("futruePrice", futurePrice.ToSeries());
                res.AddColumn("CTD_ISIN", bondISIN);
                res.AddColumn("ConvFac", convFac.ToSeries());
                res.AddColumn("DV01", DV01Series.ToSeries());
                res.AddColumn("smoothSeries", smoothSeries.ToSeries());


                return res;
                //if bond
                Dictionary<string, Series<DateTime, string>> resHolder = new Dictionary<string, Series<DateTime, string>>();
                resHolder["BondISIN"] = bondISIN;

                var res = Frame.FromColumns(resHolder);
                res.AddColumn("BondPrice", bondPrice);
                res.AddColumn("repo", repoSeries.ToSeries());
                res.AddColumn("carry", carrySeries.ToSeries());
                res.AddColumn("DV01", DV01Series.ToSeries());
                res.AddColumn("smoothSeries", smoothSeries.ToSeries());

                return res;

        public static Frame<DateTime, String> GenerateInvoiceSpreadTRS(
                    List<string> tickers, 
                    DateTime start,  
                    DateTime end,         
                    string countryCode, 
                    string pnlType = "InvoiceSpread",
                    bool bCumulative = true,
                    bool bOIS = true,
                    string samplingFreq= "1b",   
                    string rollMethod = "FirstNoticeDate", 
                    string holcal = "",
                    double notional = double.NaN,
                    ICarbonClient client = null)
            var eRollMethod         = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetRollMethods(rollMethod);
            var eInterpolationTypes = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetInterpolationType("None");
            var eSmoothingTypes     = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetSmoothingTypes("None"); // Don't smooth, doesn't make sense for PnL
            bool bForecastCurve     = !bOIS;

            start = new DateTime(start.Year, start.Month, start.Day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            end = new DateTime(end.Year, end.Month, end.Day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            #region cache
            string all_tickers = ";";
            foreach (var s in tickers) all_tickers += s;

            string cacheKey = "GenerateInvoiceSpread" + tickers.ToString() + start.ToString() + end.ToString() +
                              countryCode + pnlType + bCumulative.ToString() + bOIS.ToString() + samplingFreq +
                              rollMethod + holcal + notional.ToString();

            if (TimeSeriesCache.ContainsKey(cacheKey))
                return TimeSeriesCache[cacheKey];
            if (client == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No Carbon Client!");
            #region MeasureSetup

            string swapMeasure = "";
            string futMeasure = "";
            string ratio = "";
            bool bDefaultNoCumulative = false;
            switch (pnlType)

                case "InvoiceSpread":
                    if (double.IsNaN(notional)) // work in DV01 terms
                        swapMeasure = "SwapPnlDV01Adj";
                        futMeasure = "FuturesPnlDV01Adj";
                        swapMeasure = "SwapPnl";
                        futMeasure = "FuturesPnl";
                        //ratio = "SpreadHedgeRatio"; // required to construct the correct pnl
                case "Futures":
                    if (double.IsNaN(notional)) // work in DV01 terms
                        swapMeasure = "";
                        futMeasure = "FuturesPnlDV01Adj";
                        swapMeasure = "";
                        futMeasure = "FuturesPnl";
                case "MMS":
                    if (double.IsNaN(notional)) // work in DV01 terms
                        swapMeasure = "SwapPnlDV01Adj";
                        futMeasure = "";
                        swapMeasure = "SwapPnl";
                        futMeasure = "";

                case "MMSDV01":
                    swapMeasure = "MMSDV01";
                    futMeasure = "";
                    bDefaultNoCumulative = true;

                case "FuturesDV01":
                    swapMeasure = "FuturesDV01";
                    futMeasure = "";
                    bDefaultNoCumulative = true;

                case "HedgeRatio":
                    swapMeasure = "SpreadHedgeRatio";
                    futMeasure = "";
                    bDefaultNoCumulative = true;

                    throw new ArgumentException("");

            #region Configs
            SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs config = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs(countryCode, !bOIS);

            string ccy = config.ccy;
            string calendarcode = (holcal != "") ? holcal : config.calendarcode;
            string futuresStaticMoniker = config.futuresStaticMoniker;
            string carbonEnv = config.carbonEnv;
            BondAnalytics.Country country =;
            BondAnalytics.DayCountType dct = config.dct;
            long swpfixfreq = config.swpfixfreq;
            long swpfloatfreq = config.swpfloatfreq;
            long bndCouponFreq = config.bndCouponFreq;
            int BlendIndex = config.BlendIndex;
            string symForecastCurveName = config.SymForecastCurveName;
            string symDiscountCurveName = config.SymDiscountCurveName;
            List<string> contractSortOrder = config.contractSortOrder;

            List<DateTime> holidays = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetHolidays(calendarcode, client);


            var dateRange = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetAllDatesInDateime(start, end, calendarcode, client, samplingFreq);

            // Spread Static.
                spreadconventions = new SpreadConventions(country, dct, swpfixfreq, swpfloatfreq, bndCouponFreq, bForecastCurve, BlendIndex);

            // Futures.
                   seriesBuilder = new FuturesSeriesBuilder(tickers, dateRange, holidays, futuresStaticMoniker, client, carbonEnv, rollMthd: eRollMethod, interpType: eInterpolationTypes, contractSortOrder: contractSortOrder, smoothingType: eSmoothingTypes);
            // Bond Static
            var bndStatics = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetBondStaticsFromFuturesBuilder(seriesBuilder, config, client);

            // Swap Curves
            var curves = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetCurvesFromCarbon(dateRange, ccy, client);

            if (curves == null || bndStatics == null) return null;

            var forecastCurves = curves.Item1;
            var discountCurves = curves.Item2;

                    swapBuilder = new SwapCurveSeriesBuilder(dateRange, symForecastCurveName, symDiscountCurveName, ccy, holidays, forecastCurves, discountCurves, client);

            // Generate Pnls
            Frame<DateTime,string> swapPnl = null;
            Frame<DateTime, string> futPnl = null;
            if (swapMeasure != "")
                SpreadSeriesBuilder swapPnlBuilder = new SpreadSeriesBuilder(swapMeasure, seriesBuilder, swapBuilder,
                    bndStatics, spreadconventions, holidays);
                swapPnl = swapPnlBuilder.SpreadValues;
            if (futMeasure != "")
                SpreadSeriesBuilder futPnlBuilder = new SpreadSeriesBuilder(futMeasure, seriesBuilder, swapBuilder,
                    bndStatics, spreadconventions, holidays);

                futPnl = futPnlBuilder.SpreadValues;

            // Setup pnl correctly
            Frame<DateTime, string> pnl;
            if ( (swapPnl != null) && (futPnl != null))
                // This allows it to match movements on the invoice spread chart.
                // Long TRS = pay fixed, long bond
                // Spread increases, mms increases, yield decreases -> swap/bond +ve pnl

                pnl = futPnl - swapPnl; 
            else if (swapPnl != null)
                pnl = swapPnl;
                pnl = futPnl;

            // Make it cumulative if flagged, but not for hedge ratios etc
            if (bCumulative && !bDefaultNoCumulative)
                pnl = pnl.SortRowsByKey(); // in case
                pnl = TimeSeriesUtilities.DeedleFrameCumsum(pnl);

            //Notional Adjust this thing
            if (!double.IsNaN(notional) && pnlType!="HedgeRatio")
                pnl *= notional/100; // Default 100

            TimeSeriesCache[cacheKey] = pnl;

            return pnl;

        public static Frame<DateTime, String> GenerateRollingBondForwardSeries(
            List<string> tickers,
            DateTime start,
            DateTime end,
            string tenor,
            string countryCode,
            string measure,
            string holidayCode,
            bool bOIS = true,
            int optExDivDays = 0,
            bool bSpreadOrRepo = true,
            List<double> reposOrSpreads = null, 
            ICarbonClient client = null)

            // Checks
            if (client == null) 
                throw new ArgumentException("No Carbon Client!");
            #region cache
            string all_tickers = ";";
            foreach (var s in tickers) all_tickers += s;
            string allRepoOis = "";
            if (reposOrSpreads != null)
                foreach (var s in reposOrSpreads) allRepoOis+= s;

            string cacheKey = "GenerateRollingBondForwardSeries" + tickers.ToString() + start.ToString() + end.ToString() +
                              tenor + countryCode + measure + holidayCode + bOIS.ToString() 
                              + optExDivDays.ToString() + bSpreadOrRepo.ToString() + allRepoOis;

            if (TimeSeriesCache.ContainsKey(cacheKey))
                return TimeSeriesCache[cacheKey];
            #region Checks
            if (start >end) throw new ArgumentException("#Error: start date cannot be after end date");

            var settings = new List<Tuple<string/*moniker*/, string/*tickercol*/, string/*pricecol*/>>();

            // Get Configs
            foreach (var ticker in tickers)
                if (ticker.Contains('.')) // it's a CTD series!
                else if (ticker.ToLower().Contains("ct"))
                    settings.Add(MonikerConfigs.getCTMoniker(countryCode, ticker, client));
                    throw new ArgumentException("#Error: Invalid ticker found - " + ticker);

            #region DATA
            bool bHaveEverything    = true;
            var configs             = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs(countryCode, !bOIS);
            var spreadConventions   = new SpreadConventions(configs);
            var dateRange           = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetAllDatesInDateime(start, end, configs.calendarcode, client, "1b"); // Force daily sampling
            var fwdDates            = dateRange.Select(dte => dte.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString(tenor))).ToList();
            var holidays            = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetHolidays(holidayCode,client);

            // Parcel input repo rates or spreads
            Series<DateTime, double> inputSrs = null;
            if (reposOrSpreads != null )
                if (reposOrSpreads.Count != dateRange.Count && reposOrSpreads.Count != 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("#Error: number of spreads or rates do not much the days in range");
                    var sb = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                    double scale_factor = bSpreadOrRepo ? 10000 : 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dateRange.Count; ++i)
                        if (reposOrSpreads.Count == 1)
                            sb.Add(dateRange[i], reposOrSpreads[0]/scale_factor);
                            sb.Add(dateRange[i], reposOrSpreads[i]/scale_factor);
                    inputSrs = sb.Series;

            // Swap Curves
            var curves = TimeSeriesUtilities.GetCurvesFromCarbon(dateRange, configs.ccy, client);
            if (curves == null) bHaveEverything = false;

            // Prices and tickers from ad-hoc persistence
            var frames = new Dictionary<string, Frame<DateTime, string>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < tickers.Count; ++i)
                var setting = settings[i];
                var ticker  = tickers[i];
                var moniker = setting.Item1;
                var tickercol = setting.Item2;
                var pricecol = setting.Item3;

                var tmp_df = client.GetFrameAsync<DateTime>(moniker, "AdHocData").Result;
                if (tmp_df == null)
                    bHaveEverything = false;
                    // Extract price and ticker cols only
                    var colsOfInterest = new Dictionary<string, Series<DateTime,object>>();

                    // Filter data to contain date range
                    tmp_df = tmp_df.Where(kvp => (kvp.Key >= start) && (kvp.Key <= end));

                    colsOfInterest["price"] = tmp_df.GetColumn<object>(pricecol);
                    colsOfInterest["isin"] = tmp_df.GetColumn<object>(tickercol);

                    frames[ticker] = Frame.FromColumns(colsOfInterest);

            //Bond static
            var bondIsinSet = new HashSet<string>();
            foreach(var kvp in frames)
                var ticker  = kvp.Key;
                var data    = kvp.Value;

                var isins = data.GetColumn<string>("isin").Values;

                //isins.Select(isin => bondIsinSet.Add(isin));
                foreach (string isin in isins)
            var bondStatics = client.BulkGetBondStaticData( bondIsinSet.ToList());
            if (curves == null || bondStatics == null ) return null;

            #region RepoRegion
            Series<DateTime, double> repoSrs = null;
            if (reposOrSpreads == null)
                // Load default repo-OIS Spread
                double[,] repoRates =
                    client.GetRepoRateFromSavedRepoOisSpread(BondAnalytics.CountryMappings[countryCode], dateRange,
                        fwdDates, holidays);

                // Break out if no data
                if (repoRates == null) return null;

                var repoSrsBlder = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                for (int i = 0; i < dateRange.Count; ++i)
                    repoSrsBlder.Add(dateRange[i], repoRates[i, 1]);
                repoSrs = repoSrsBlder.Series;

                // User-defined repo-OIS Spread or repo rates
                if (bSpreadOrRepo)
                    //Inputs are spreads
                    double[,] repoRates =
                    client.CalcRepoRatesFromOisSpread(inputSrs, BondAnalytics.CountryMappings[countryCode], dateRange, fwdDates, holidays);

                    // Break out if no data
                    if (repoRates == null) return null;

                    var repoSrsBlder = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < dateRange.Count; ++i)
                        repoSrsBlder.Add(dateRange[i], repoRates[i, 1]);
                    repoSrs = repoSrsBlder.Series;
                    //Inputs are repo rates
                    repoSrs = inputSrs;


            // Calculation loop
            var forecastCurves = curves.Item1;
            var discountCurves = curves.Item2;

            // Overwrite forecast curve if we want OIS
            if (bOIS)
                forecastCurves = discountCurves;

            var outputs = new Dictionary<string, Series<DateTime, double>> ();

            foreach (string ticker in tickers)
                var sb = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                var df = frames[ticker];

                var idx = df.RowKeys;

                var isins   = df.GetColumn<string>("isin");
                var prices  = df.GetColumn<double>("price");
                foreach (var dte in idx)
                    var tryisin = isins.TryGet(dte);
                    var tryprice = prices.TryGet(dte);
                    var tryrepo = repoSrs.TryGet(dte);

                    if (!tryprice.HasValue || !tryisin.HasValue || !tryrepo.HasValue)

                    var isin    = tryisin.Value;
                    var price   = tryprice.Value;
                    var repo    = tryrepo.Value;
                    var fwddate = dte.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString(tenor));
                    var bondstatic  = bondStatics[isin];
                    double value = double.NaN;

                    if (measure == "Repo")
                        value = repo;
                        var fwdprice = BondAnalytics.CalcBondFwd(, dte, price, bondstatic.EffectiveDate,
                            bondstatic.FirstCouponDate, bondstatic.MaturityDate, bondstatic.Coupon, bondstatic.CpnFreq,
                            fwddate, repo, optExDivDays)[0];

                        if (measure == "Price")
                            value = fwdprice;
                            value = MeasureCalculator.calcFwdBondMeasure(measure, bondstatic, fwdprice, dte, fwddate,
                                spreadConventions, forecastCurves, discountCurves, holidays);


                outputs[ticker] = sb.Series;

            var consolidatedMeasures = Frame.FromColumns(outputs);

            // Cache results
            TimeSeriesCache[cacheKey] = consolidatedMeasures;

            return consolidatedMeasures;
Beispiel #5
        public static double Calculate(CalcMeasure Measure, 
                                        DateTime settle,
                                        double price,
                                        Bond bondStatic, 
                                        BondAnalytics.Country eCountry, 
                                        DateTime asOfDate,                                         
                                        List<DateTime> hols)
            // byran lim config coded in we use this until we have a centralised place for the curve static
            // different country has different setting of using forcast and discount curve
            bool bForecastCurve;
            switch (eCountry)
                case BondAnalytics.Country.DE:
                    bForecastCurve = false;
                    bForecastCurve = true;

            var fcstCfg = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs(eCountry.ToString(), bForecastCurve);            

            int trial = 0;
            DiscountCurve forCurve = null;
            DiscountCurve disCurve = null;
            if (discountCurveCache.ContainsKey(fcstCfg.SymForecastCurveName))
                var forTup = discountCurveCache[fcstCfg.SymForecastCurveName].FirstOrDefault(i => i.Item1 == asOfDate);
                if (forTup != null) forCurve = forTup.Item2;
            if (discountCurveCache.ContainsKey(fcstCfg.SymDiscountCurveName))
                var disTup = discountCurveCache[fcstCfg.SymDiscountCurveName].FirstOrDefault(i => i.Item1 == asOfDate);
                if (disTup != null) disCurve = disTup.Item2;
            if (forCurve == null || disCurve == null)
                while (trial < 3)
                        forCurve = SymmetryDataModel.GetDiscountCurve(fcstCfg.SymForecastCurveName, asOfDate);
                        disCurve = SymmetryDataModel.GetDiscountCurve(fcstCfg.SymDiscountCurveName, asOfDate);

                        trial = 5;
                    catch (Exception)

                if (forCurve != null && disCurve != null)
                    var forTup = new Tuple<DateTime, DiscountCurve>(asOfDate, forCurve);
                    var disTup = new Tuple<DateTime, DiscountCurve>(asOfDate, disCurve);
                    if (discountCurveCache.ContainsKey(fcstCfg.SymForecastCurveName))
                        discountCurveCache[fcstCfg.SymForecastCurveName] = new[] {forTup}.ToList();
                    if (discountCurveCache.ContainsKey(fcstCfg.SymDiscountCurveName))
                        discountCurveCache[fcstCfg.SymDiscountCurveName] = new[] { disTup }.ToList();

            if (forCurve == null || disCurve == null)
                return double.NaN;

            DateTime effectiveDate = bondStatic.EffectiveDate ?? DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime maturity = bondStatic.Maturity ?? DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime firstCpnDate = bondStatic.FirstCouponDate ?? DateTime.MinValue;
            double coupon = bondStatic.Coupon;

            long bondCpnFreq = fcstCfg.bndCouponFreq;
            bool bOIS = !fcstCfg.bForecastCurve;
            BondAnalytics.DayCountType dct = fcstCfg.dct;
            long swapFixedFreq = fcstCfg.swpfixfreq;
            long swapFloatFreq = fcstCfg.swpfloatfreq;

            return CalcMeasure(Measure, price, eCountry, settle, disCurve, forCurve, effectiveDate, maturity, firstCpnDate, coupon, bondCpnFreq, bOIS, dct, swapFixedFreq, swapFloatFreq, hols);
         public void SpreadSeries()
             // Params.
             DateTime start = new DateTime(2016, 2, 28);
             DateTime end = new DateTime(2016, 3, 18);
             List<String> tickers = new List<string>() { "TUH6", "TUM6", "TUU6","TU.Front" };

             // Default Configs
             SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs config = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs("US");
             string forecastCurveName       = config.forecastCurveName;
             string discountCurveName       = config.discountCurveName;
             string ccy                     = config.ccy;
             string calendarcode            = config.calendarcode;
             string futuresStaticMoniker    = config.futuresStaticMoniker;
             string carbonEnv               = config.carbonEnv;
             BondAnalytics.Country country  =;
             BondAnalytics.DayCountType dct = config.dct;
             long swpfixfreq                = config.swpfixfreq;
             long swpfloatfreq              = config.swpfloatfreq;
             long bndCouponFreq             = config.bndCouponFreq;
             int BlendIndex                 = config.BlendIndex;
             bool bForecastCurve = true;

             // Bond Static
             Dictionary<string, TimeSeriesBondStatic> bondstatic = new Dictionary<string, TimeSeriesBondStatic>()
                 {"US912828G799", new TimeSeriesBondStatic("US912828G799", new DateTime(2017,12,15), new DateTime(2015,12,15),DateTime.MinValue,1.0)},
                 {"US912828J686", new TimeSeriesBondStatic("US912828J686", new DateTime(2018,03,15), new DateTime(2015,03,16),DateTime.MinValue,1.0)},
                 {"US912828VK31", new TimeSeriesBondStatic("US912828VK31", new DateTime(2018,06,30), new DateTime(2015,07,01),DateTime.MinValue,1.0)}

             //Spread Static
             SpreadConventions spreadconventions = new SpreadConventions(country,dct,swpfixfreq,swpfloatfreq,bndCouponFreq,bForecastCurve,BlendIndex);

             var swapBuilder = new SwapCurveSeriesBuilder(start, end, forecastCurveName, discountCurveName, ccy, mCarbonClient, calendarcode);
             //swapBuilder.DiscountCurves[new DateTime(2016, 03, 18)].PrintDump();
             swapBuilder.ForecastCurves[new DateTime(2016, 03, 18)].PrintDump();
             // Futures.
             var seriesBuilder                  = new FuturesSeriesBuilder(tickers, start, end, calendarcode, futuresStaticMoniker, mCarbonClient,carbonEnv);
             // Spread Series.
             Dictionary<string, double> testVals = new Dictionary<string, double>()
                 {"Price", 109.1015625},
                 {"Yield", 0.009007303 * 10000},
                 {"MMS", 0.009689381* 10000},
                 {"Spread", 6.820787365}

             Dictionary<string /*metric*/, SpreadSeriesBuilder /*builder*/> spreadbuildermap = new Dictionary<string, SpreadSeriesBuilder>();
             SpreadSeriesBuilder output = null;
             foreach (var metric in testVals.Keys.ToList())
                 output = new SpreadSeriesBuilder(metric, seriesBuilder, swapBuilder, bondstatic, spreadconventions);
                 Console.WriteLine(metric + " :");

                 var row = output.SpreadValues.GetRow<double>(new DateTime(2016, 03, 18));

                 double TUM6 = row.Get("TUM6");
                 double error = Math.Abs(TUM6 - testVals[metric]);
                 Assert.LessOrEqual(error, Math.Pow(10, -3) * 5, "Error found in " + metric + ", test: " + testVals[metric].ToString() + ", actual: " + TUM6.ToString());  // 0.005bps

                 Console.WriteLine("Error :{0}", error);

             // Now let's try to index 1 Mar
             if (output != null)
                 var spreadVals = output.SpreadValues;
                 var myList = spreadVals.RowKeys.ToList();
                 Console.WriteLine("Key List: {0}", myList);

                 // Try on individual series
                 Dictionary<string/*colname*/, Series<DateTime,object>/*actualsrs*/> tmp = new Dictionary<string, Series<DateTime, object>>();

                 foreach (string colname in spreadVals.ColumnKeys)
                     tmp[colname] = spreadVals.Columns[colname].FillMissing("#N/A");

                 spreadVals = Frame.FromColumns(tmp);

                 var row = spreadVals.GetRow<string>(new DateTime(2016, 03, 01));
                 Console.WriteLine("Row values");

         public void SpreadSeriesToArrayTests()
             // Params.
             DateTime start = new DateTime(2016, 2, 28);
             DateTime end = new DateTime(2016, 3, 18);
             List<String> tickers = new List<string>() { "TUH6", "TUM6", "TUU6" };
             string samplingFreq = "1b";

             // Default Configs
             SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs config = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs("US");
             string forecastCurveName = config.forecastCurveName;
             string discountCurveName = config.discountCurveName;
             string ccy = config.ccy;
             string calendarcode = config.calendarcode;
             string futuresStaticMoniker = config.futuresStaticMoniker;
             string carbonEnv = config.carbonEnv;
             BondAnalytics.Country country =;
             BondAnalytics.DayCountType dct = config.dct;
             long swpfixfreq = config.swpfixfreq;
             long swpfloatfreq = config.swpfloatfreq;
             long bndCouponFreq = config.bndCouponFreq;
             int BlendIndex = config.BlendIndex;
             bool bForecastCurve = true;

             // Bond Static
             Dictionary<string, TimeSeriesBondStatic> bondstatic = new Dictionary<string, TimeSeriesBondStatic>()
                 {"US912828G799", new TimeSeriesBondStatic("US912828G799", new DateTime(2017,12,15), new DateTime(2015,12,15),DateTime.MinValue,1.0)},
                 {"US912828J686", new TimeSeriesBondStatic("US912828J686", new DateTime(2018,03,15), new DateTime(2015,03,16),DateTime.MinValue,1.0)},
                 {"US912828VK31", new TimeSeriesBondStatic("US912828VK31", new DateTime(2018,06,30), new DateTime(2015,07,01),DateTime.MinValue,1.0)}

             //Spread Static
             SpreadConventions spreadconventions = new SpreadConventions(country, dct, swpfixfreq, swpfloatfreq, bndCouponFreq, bForecastCurve, BlendIndex);

             // Dates
             var holidays = new List<DateTime>();
             var dateRange = new List<DateTime>();

             using (var client = new CarbonClient(carbonEnv))

                 // Holidays
                 if (calendarcode != "")
                     var nodaHols = client.GetCalendarAsync(calendarcode).Result.Dates;

                     foreach (LocalDate hol in nodaHols)

                 // DateRange
                 DateTime startDate = start.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("1b"), "").AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("-1b"), "");
                 DateTime nextDate = end.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("1b"), "").AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("-1b"), "");
                 //TimeSpan EOD = new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59);
                 /*if (startDate > nextDate)
                     return "Error! Bad Inputs!";
                 var tenor = Tenor.FromString("-" + samplingFreq);
                 while (nextDate >= startDate)
                     nextDate = BondAnalytics.PrevBusDay(nextDate.AddTenor(tenor, ""), holidays);


             var swapBuilder = new SwapCurveSeriesBuilder(dateRange, forecastCurveName, discountCurveName, ccy, holidays, mCarbonClient);

             // Futures.
             var seriesBuilder = new FuturesSeriesBuilder(tickers, dateRange, holidays, futuresStaticMoniker, mCarbonClient, carbonEnv);

             // Spread Series.
             Dictionary<string, double> testVals = new Dictionary<string, double>()
                 {"Price", 109.1015625},
                 {"Yield", 0.009007303 * 10000},
                 {"MMS", 0.009689381* 10000},
                 {"Spread", 6.820787365}

             Dictionary<string /*metric*/, SpreadSeriesBuilder /*builder*/> spreadbuildermap = new Dictionary<string, SpreadSeriesBuilder>();

             SpreadSeriesBuilder output = null;
             foreach (var metric in testVals.Keys.ToList())
                 output = new SpreadSeriesBuilder(metric, seriesBuilder, swapBuilder, bondstatic, spreadconventions);
                 Console.WriteLine(metric + " :");

                 var row = output.SpreadValues.GetRow<double>(new DateTime(2016, 03, 18));

                 double TUM6 = row.Get("TUM6");
                 double error = Math.Abs(TUM6 - testVals[metric]);
                 Assert.LessOrEqual(error, Math.Pow(10, -3) * 5, "Error found in " + metric + ", test: " + testVals[metric].ToString() + ", actual: " + TUM6.ToString());  // 0.005bps

                 Console.WriteLine("Error :{0}", error);

             // Now let's look at converting this to an array
             if (output != null)
                 var objArr = output.getSpreadAsObjArr();

 public SpreadConventions(SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs configs)
     Country =;
     DayCount = configs.dct;
     SwapFixedFrequency = configs.swpfixfreq;
     SwapFloatFrequency = configs.swpfloatfreq;
     BondCouponFrequency = configs.bndCouponFreq;
     bForecastCurve = configs.bForecastCurve;
     BlendIndex = configs.BlendIndex;
Beispiel #9
        // GBP is only currently setup to get spot ASW terms. Will move on to futures only if it becomes necessary.
        public static void run(DateTime start, DateTime end, string samplingFreq, string outputFolderPath)
            Console.WriteLine("Commencing GBP Run");
            // INIT
            BondAnalytics.Country eCountry = BondAnalytics.Country.UK;
            List<string> SwapMeasures = new List<string>() { "MMS", "Spread", "TrueSpread" }; //
            List<string> BondMeasures = new List<string>() { "Price", "Yield"};

            // FIND ALL SECURITIES.
            DateTime fDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(30);
            List<string> rawmlptickers = DataHandler.GetAllSecurities("UKT", "Term", fDate);

            // Remove everything with AuC in it
            List<string> mlptickers = new List<string>();
            foreach (string tic in rawmlptickers)
                if (!tic.ToLower().Contains("auc"))

            Console.WriteLine("Found UKT tickers");

            foreach (string tic in mlptickers)

            // GET THE RIGHT STATICS
            var fcstCfg = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs("UK", bForecastCurve:true);
            var discCfg = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs("UK", bForecastCurve:false);
            var bondStaticMap = new Dictionary<string, BondStatic>();

            foreach (string tic in mlptickers)
                bondStaticMap[tic] = DataHandler.GetBondStatic(tic);

            // GET DATES.
            Console.WriteLine("Setting Dates");
            var res = DataHandler.GetCarbonClient().GetCalendarAsync("GBLO");
            var holsInLocalDate = res.Result.Dates;
            List<DateTime> hols = holsInLocalDate.Select(d => d.ToDateTime()).ToList();

            DateTime startDate =    start.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("-1b"), "").AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("1b"), "");
            DateTime nextDate =     end.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("1b"), "").AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("-1b"), "");
            List<DateTime> dateRange = new List<DateTime>();
            if (startDate > nextDate)
                throw new ArgumentException("Start date cannot be after end date");
            var tenor = Tenor.FromString("-" + samplingFreq);
            while (nextDate >= startDate)
                nextDate = BondAnalytics.PrevBusDay(nextDate.AddTenor(tenor, ""), hols);

            // GET ALL PRICES.
            Console.WriteLine("Setting Prices");
            var result = DataHandler.GetBondPricesAsync(mlptickers, dateRange, eCountry);
            Frame<DateTime, string> bondFrame;
            if (result.IsCompleted) bondFrame =  result.Result;
            else throw new ArgumentNullException("No bond prices came back!");

            // GET ALL SWAP CURVES.
            Console.WriteLine("Getting Swap Cruves");
            var fCurves = DataHandler.getDiscountCurvesInDateRangeAsync(fcstCfg.SymForecastCurveName, dateRange).Result;
            var dCurves = DataHandler.getDiscountCurvesInDateRangeAsync(fcstCfg.SymDiscountCurveName, dateRange).Result;

            // GET ALL MEASURES.
            var output = new Dictionary<string/*measure*/,Frame<DateTime,string>>();
            var configs = new List<SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs>(){fcstCfg, discCfg};

            // Swap measures
            foreach (string measure in SwapMeasures)
                Console.WriteLine("Calculating {0}", measure);
                foreach (var config in configs)
                    Console.WriteLine("Forecast curve ? {0}", config);
                    var valueMap = new Dictionary<string/*id*/, Series<DateTime,double>>();
                    bool bForecast = config.bForecastCurve;

                    foreach (var ticker in mlptickers)
                        var srs = bondFrame.Columns[ticker];
                        var bndStatic = bondStaticMap[ticker];

                        var sb = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                        foreach (DateTime dte in srs.Keys)
                            // Skip if we're missing data somewhere
                            if (!(dCurves.ContainsKey(dte)  &&

                            if (config.bForecastCurve && !fCurves.ContainsKey(dte)) // only press on if we need forecast curves

                            // Proceed.
                            DiscountCurve discount = dCurves[dte];
                            DiscountCurve forecast = bForecast ? fCurves[dte] : discount;

                            DateTime settle = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dte.Date.AddDays(config.bondSettleLag), hols);
                            double price = srs.TryGetAs<double>(dte).OrDefault(double.NaN);

                            if (double.IsNaN(price)) continue;
                            double value = BondASWCalc.calcMeasure( measure, price, eCountry,
                                                                    dte, settle, discount, forecast, 
                                                                    bndStatic, config, hols);
                            if (double.IsNaN(value)) continue;
                            sb.Add(dte, value);
                        valueMap[ticker] = sb.Series;

                        Console.WriteLine("Completed for  {0}", ticker);

                    var df = Frame.FromColumns(valueMap);
                    string prefix = bForecast ? "L" : "OIS";
                    output[prefix + measure] = df;

                    Console.WriteLine("Swap Measures complete.");

            //Bond Measure
            foreach(string measure in BondMeasures)
                var config = fcstCfg; 

                Console.WriteLine("Calculating {0}", measure);

                var valueMap = new Dictionary<string/*id*/, Series<DateTime, double>>();

                foreach (var ticker in mlptickers)
                    var srs = bondFrame.Columns[ticker];
                    var bndStatic = bondStaticMap[ticker];

                    var sb = new SeriesBuilder<DateTime, double>();
                    foreach (DateTime dte in srs.Keys)
                        // Skip if we're missing data somewhere
                        if (!srs.ContainsKey(dte))

                        // Proceed.

                        DateTime settle = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dte.Date.AddDays(config.bondSettleLag), hols);
                        double price = srs.TryGetAs<double>(dte).OrDefault(double.NaN);

                        if (double.IsNaN(price)) continue;
                        double value = BondASWCalc.calcMeasure(measure, price, eCountry,
                                                                dte, settle, null, null,
                                                                bndStatic, config, hols);
                        if (double.IsNaN(value)) continue;
                        sb.Add(dte, value);
                    valueMap[ticker] = sb.Series;

                    Console.WriteLine("Completed for  {0}", ticker);

                var df = Frame.FromColumns(valueMap);
                output[ measure] = df;

                Console.WriteLine("Bond Measures complete.");

            // SAVE OUTPUT.
            Console.WriteLine("Saving CSV Files");

            var renameMap = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"LTrueSpread", "LOAS"},
                {"OISTrueSpread", "OISOAS"},
                {"LSpread", "LASW"},
                {"OISSpread", "OISASW"}

            foreach (var kvp in output)
                var measure = kvp.Key;
                var df = convertFrameToString(kvp.Value);

                if (renameMap.ContainsKey(measure))
                    measure = renameMap[measure];

                var fileName = outputFolderPath + "\\" + eCountry.ToString()+ "_" +  measure + ".csv";

                df = df.FillMissing("");


                Console.WriteLine("Saved {0}", fileName);
Beispiel #10
        public static double calcMeasure(   string Measure, 
                                            double price, 
                                            BondAnalytics.Country eCountry,
                                            DateTime asof,
                                            DateTime settle,
                                            DiscountCurve discCurve, 
                                            DiscountCurve fcstCurve,
                                            BondStatic bondStatic,
                                            SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs configs,
                                            List<DateTime> hols)

            DateTime effectiveDate  = DateTime.FromOADate( bondStatic.EffectiveDate);
            DateTime maturity       = DateTime.FromOADate( bondStatic.Maturity);
            DateTime firstCpnDate   = DateTime.FromOADate(bondStatic.FirstCoupon);
            double coupon           = bondStatic.Coupon;

            long bondCpnFreq                = configs.bndCouponFreq;
            bool bOIS                       = !configs.bForecastCurve;
            BondAnalytics.DayCountType dct  = configs.dct;
            long fixedFreq                  = configs.swpfixfreq;
            long floatFreq                  = configs.swpfloatfreq; 

            double output = double.NaN;
            switch (Measure)
                case "Price":
                        output= price;
                case "Yield":
                        output= 10000.0 * BondAnalytics.SolveYield(eCountry, settle, price, effectiveDate, firstCpnDate, maturity, coupon, bondCpnFreq)[0];
                case "TrueSpread":
                            DateTime[] dfDates = (bOIS ? discCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray() : fcstCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray());
                            double[] dfs = (bOIS ? discCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray() : fcstCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray());

                            //  Check. Sometimes (holidays) the first date on the curve can be repeated, which will cause an exception in the pricer.
                            if (dfDates[0] == dfDates[1])
                                dfDates = dfDates.GetSubArray(1, dfDates.GetLength(0)).ToArray();
                                dfs = dfs.GetSubArray(1, dfs.GetLength(0)).ToArray();
                            output= -10000.0 * BondAnalytics.SolveZSpread(eCountry, settle, price, effectiveDate, firstCpnDate, maturity, coupon, bondCpnFreq, dfDates, dfs,hols );

                case "MMS":
                    DateTime[] discDfDates = discCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray();
                    DateTime[] fcstDfDates = (bOIS ? discCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray() : fcstCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray());
                    double[] discDfs = discCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray();
                    double[] fcstDfs =(bOIS ? discCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray() : fcstCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray());

                    double mms = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS(settle, maturity, dct, fixedFreq, floatFreq, discDfDates, discDfs, fcstDfDates, fcstDfs, hols, null, null, null, null, null, firstCpnDate, (bOIS ? 5 : 0));
                    output= 10000.0 * mms;
                case "Spread":

                        DateTime[] discDfDates = discCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray();
                        DateTime[] fcstDfDates = (bOIS ? discCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray() : fcstCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray());
                        double[] discDfs = discCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray();
                        double[] fcstDfs = (bOIS ? discCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray() : fcstCurve.AsTuples().Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray());

                        double mms = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS(settle, maturity, dct, fixedFreq, floatFreq, discDfDates, discDfs, fcstDfDates, fcstDfs, hols, null, null, null, null, null, firstCpnDate, (bOIS ? 5 : 0));
                        double yield = BondAnalytics.SolveYield(eCountry,settle ,price, effectiveDate, firstCpnDate, maturity, coupon, bondCpnFreq)[0];
                        output= 10000.0 * (mms - yield);

            return output;
Beispiel #11
        public static Frame<DateTime, string> SymBondFwdTimeSeries(  string[] BondId,
                                                    DateTime StartDate, 
                                                    DateTime EndDate, 
                                                    String TenorString, 
                                                    DateTime FwdDate, 
                                                    object[,] SpreadOrPrice, 
                                                    String Measure, 
                                                    Boolean bOIS, 
                                                    Boolean bSpread, 
                                                    List<DateTime> Holidays)
            bool bHaveEverything = true;

            CarbonClient cbnClient = DataHandler.GetCarbonClient();

                int nBonds = BondId.GetLength(0);

                //  Holidays can be given as holiday code (string) or as array of dates.

                //  Get Bond static data

                #region Bond Static Data

                object o = null;
                DateTime[] maturity = new DateTime[nBonds],
                    effectiveDate = new DateTime[nBonds],
                    firstCpnDate = new DateTime[nBonds];
                double[] coupon = new double[nBonds];
                bool bEUR = false;
                long bondCpnFreq = 6;
                BondAnalytics.Country eCountry = BondAnalytics.Country.US, prevCountry = BondAnalytics.Country.US;
                for (int i = 0; i < nBonds; i++)
                    var lid = ((String) BondId[i]).Trim().ToLower();

                    BondStatic bndStatic = DataHandler.GetBondStatic(lid);

                    maturity[i] = DateTime.FromOADate(bndStatic.Maturity);
                    effectiveDate[i] = DateTime.FromOADate(bndStatic.EffectiveDate);
                    firstCpnDate[i] = DateTime.FromOADate(bndStatic.FirstCoupon);
                    coupon[i] = bndStatic.Coupon;

                    BondAnalytics.CountryMappings.TryGetValue(((String) BondId[i]).Substring(0, 2), out eCountry);
                    if (i > 0 && eCountry != prevCountry)
                        throw new ArgumentException("#Error! All bonds must be same country!");
                    prevCountry = eCountry;

                // Let's use spreadseries config
                string sCountry = ((String) BondId[0]).Substring(0, 2); // since all countries are the same
                var fcstConfig = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs(sCountry, bForecastCurve: true);
                var discConfig = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs(sCountry, bForecastCurve: false);

                bEUR = (eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.DE || eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.FR ||
                        eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.IT || eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.ES ||
                        eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.BE
                    ? true
                    : false);
                bondCpnFreq = fcstConfig.bndCouponFreq;
                    //(eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.US || eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.UK || eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.JP || eCountry == BondAnalytics.Country.CA ? 6 : 12);


                //  Build timeseries calendar

                #region DateSeries

                List<DateTime> dateSeries = new List<DateTime>();

                //  Ensure start and end date are good business days. Move dates forward then back to minimise chance of future dates in series.
                DateTime startDate = StartDate.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("1b"), "")
                    .AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("-1b"), "");
                DateTime nextDate = EndDate.AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("1b"), "").AddTenor(Tenor.FromString("-1b"), "");
                if (startDate > nextDate)
                    throw new ArgumentException("nextDate must be after start date");
                var tenor = Tenor.FromString("-" + TenorString);
                while (nextDate >= startDate)
                    nextDate = BondAnalytics.PrevBusDay(nextDate.AddTenor(tenor, ""), Holidays);
                int M = dateSeries.Count();
                //  Keep a track of pricing errors so that a failure for one bond / date does not have to cause a failure of the whole function.
                Boolean[,] bPricingCheck = new Boolean[M, nBonds];


                //  Need discount curve before calculating repo series.
                #region InterestCurves

                String discCurveName = discConfig.SymDiscountCurveName;
                String fcstCurveName = fcstConfig.SymForecastCurveName;
                String ccy = fcstConfig.ccy;

                // Convert DiscountCurve Object to tuples.
                var DiscCurves = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, Tuple<DateTime, double>[]>();
                var FcstCurves = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, Tuple<DateTime, double>[]>();

                // DISC.
                SortedDictionary<DateTime, DiscountCurve> DiscCurvesRaw =
                    DataHandler.getDiscountCurvesInDateRange(discCurveName, dateSeries);
                foreach (var dte in DiscCurvesRaw.Keys)
                    DiscCurves[dte] = DiscCurvesRaw[dte].AsTuples();

                // FCST.
                if (!bOIS && (Measure != "Repo" && Measure != "Yield" && Measure != "Price")) // only get fcst curves here
                    SortedDictionary<DateTime, DiscountCurve> FcstCurvesRaw =
                    DataHandler.getDiscountCurvesInDateRange(fcstCurveName, dateSeries);
                    foreach (var dte in FcstCurvesRaw.Keys)
                        FcstCurves[dte] = FcstCurvesRaw[dte].AsTuples();

                #endregion InterestCurves

                //  Get repo spread. Three cases: default is 20 day moving average of GC-OIS, alternatives are input flat rate or interpolation from input table.
                #region RepoHistory
                double[,] fwdPrices = new double[M, nBonds];
                double[,] repoSpread = new double[M, nBonds];
                //  Two column array - dates / spreads. Linear interpolation in date.
                if ((SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == 2 || SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == nBonds + 1) && SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(0) > 1)
                    int nRepos = SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(0);
                    int nCols = SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1);
                    DateTime[] rDates = new DateTime[nRepos];
                    double[,] rSpreads = new double[nRepos, nBonds];

                    for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < nRepos; i++)
                            if (SpreadOrPrice[i, 0] is double)
                                rDates[i] = DateTime.FromOADate((double)SpreadOrPrice[i, 0]).Date;
                                if (nCols > 1 + j && SpreadOrPrice[i, 1 + j] is double)
                                    rSpreads[i, j] = (double)SpreadOrPrice[i, 1 + j];
                                else if (1 + j >= nCols)
                                    rSpreads[i, j] = rSpreads[i, j - 1];
                                    // Spread override is not a double, pricing fails. Use -1e8 as an error warning.
                                    rSpreads[i, j] = -1e8;
                                rDates[i] = DateTime.MinValue;
                    //  Not very efficient, but need to identify matching dates when not necessarily in order because of input errors.
                    if (bSpread)
                        int k;
                        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                            for (k = 0; k < nRepos; k++)
                                if (rDates[k].Date == dateSeries[i].Date)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                                        if (rSpreads[i, j] < -1e7)
                                            bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                                            repoSpread[i, j] = rSpreads[i, j] / 10000.0;
                            if (k == nRepos)
                                for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                                    bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                        int k;
                        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                            for (k = 0; k < nRepos; k++)
                                if (rDates[k].Date == dateSeries[i].Date)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                                        if (rSpreads[i, j] < -1e7)
                                            bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                                            fwdPrices[i, j] = rSpreads[i, j];
                            if (k == nRepos)
                                for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                                    bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                //  Cases: Single entry, double then this is the flat spread.
                else if (SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(0) == 1 && SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == 1 && SpreadOrPrice[0, 0] is double)
                    if (bSpread)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                                repoSpread[i, j] = (double)SpreadOrPrice[0, 0] / 10000.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                                fwdPrices[i, j] = (double)SpreadOrPrice[0, 0];
                //  Vector, length nBonds
                else if (((SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(0) == nBonds && SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == 1) || (SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == nBonds && SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(0) == 1)) && SpreadOrPrice[0, 0] is double)
                    bool bRow = SpreadOrPrice.GetLength(1) == 1;
                    if (bSpread)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                                repoSpread[i, j] = (double)(bRow ? SpreadOrPrice[j, 0] : SpreadOrPrice[0, j]) / 10000.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                                fwdPrices[i, j] = (double)(bRow ? SpreadOrPrice[j, 0] : SpreadOrPrice[0, j]);
                //  Otherwise (empty, or not a double or a two column array).
                    bSpread = true;

                    //  Repo spread is 20 day moving average of GC - OIS
                    double[] gcHist = new double[M + 19];
                    double[] oisHist = new double[M + 19];

                    var opGC = DataHandler.GetRepoRates(eCountry, dateSeries);

                    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)

                        // Copy GC values over (we need to extend this later)
                        gcHist[i] = opGC[i];

                        if (DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]))
                            oisHist[i] = Math.Round((1.0 / DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].ElementAt(1).Item2 - 1.0) * 360.0 / (DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].ElementAt(1).Item1 - DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].ElementAt(0).Item1).TotalDays, 5);
                            bHaveEverything = false;
                    //  Dates prior to dateSeries[0]
                    List<DateTime> prevDates = new List<DateTime>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
                        prevDates.Add(BondAnalytics.PrevBusDay((i == 0 ? dateSeries[M - 1] : prevDates.Last()).AddDays(-1), Holidays));

                    // Get old curves
                    var PrevDiscCurves = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, Tuple<DateTime, double>[]>();

                    var prevDiscCurvesRaw = DataHandler.getDiscountCurvesInDateRange(discCurveName, prevDates);

                    foreach (var kvp in prevDiscCurvesRaw)
                        PrevDiscCurves[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.AsTuples();

                    // Get old rates
                    double[] oldRepoRates = DataHandler.GetRepoRates(eCountry, prevDates);

                    for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
                        o = oldRepoRates[i];
                        if (o is double)
                            gcHist[M + i] = (double)o / 100.0;
                        else if (i > 0)
                            gcHist[M + i] = gcHist[M + i];
                            gcHist[M + i] = 0.0;

                        if (PrevDiscCurves.ContainsKey(prevDates[i]))
                            oisHist[M + i] = Math.Round((1.0 / PrevDiscCurves[prevDates[i]].ElementAt(1).Item2 - 1.0) * 360.0 / (PrevDiscCurves[prevDates[i]].ElementAt(1).Item1 - PrevDiscCurves[prevDates[i]].ElementAt(0).Item1).TotalDays, 5);
                            bHaveEverything = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                        for (int j = i; j < i + 20; j++)
                            repoSpread[i, 0] += (gcHist[j] - oisHist[j]) / 20.0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                        for (int j = 1; j < nBonds; j++)
                            repoSpread[i, j] = repoSpread[i, 0];

                //  Get Price Data (Clean Prices, Repo rates - i.e. term OIS rates + repo spreads)
                #region GetPricingData
                List<double[]> priceSeries = new List<double[]>();
                List<double[]> repoSeries = new List<double[]>();

                // Let's get price data from symmetry service
                if (bSpread)

                    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                        priceSeries.Add(new double[nBonds]);
                        repoSeries.Add(new double[nBonds]);
                        DateTime settleDate = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dateSeries[i].Date.AddDays(1), Holidays);
                        if (eCountry != BondAnalytics.Country.US)
                            settleDate = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dateSeries[i].Date.AddDays(2), Holidays);

                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            if (settleDate.Date > FwdDate.Date)
                                bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                            var priceMonikerName = ((String)BondId[j]).ToLower().Trim();
                            var priceMonikerDate = dateSeries[i];
                            var closeTup = DataHandler.GetCloseSnap(priceMonikerDate, eCountry);
                            var priceMonikerClose = closeTup.Item1;
                            var priceMonikerSource = closeTup.Item2;
                                o = DataHandler.GetHistoryPrice(priceMonikerName, priceMonikerDate, priceMonikerClose, priceMonikerSource);

                            if (o is double)
                                priceSeries[i][j] = (double)o;
                            else if (dateSeries[i].Date < effectiveDate[j].Date || !DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]))
                                //  No price information available
                                bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                                bHaveEverything = false;

                        double oisSwap = 0.0;
                        if (DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]))
                            DateTime[] discDfDates = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray();
                            double[] discDfs = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray();

                            oisSwap = settleDate.Date < FwdDate.Date ? BondAnalytics.CalcMMS(settleDate, FwdDate, BondAnalytics.DayCountType.Act360, 12, 12, discDfDates, discDfs, discDfDates, discDfs, Holidays, null, null, null, null, null, DateTime.MinValue, 5) : 0.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                            repoSeries[i][j] = oisSwap + repoSpread[i, j];

                //  Calculate measures
                #region CalcMeasures
                List<double[]> outputSeries = new List<double[]>();
                for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                    outputSeries.Add(new double[nBonds + (Measure == "Repo" ? 1 : 0)]);
                    DateTime settleDate = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dateSeries[i].Date.AddDays(1), Holidays);
                    if (eCountry != BondAnalytics.Country.US)
                        settleDate = BondAnalytics.NextBusDay(dateSeries[i].Date.AddDays(2), Holidays);
                    for (int j = 0; j < nBonds; j++)
                        //  Only attempt to price if there is a chance of success!
                        if (bPricingCheck[i, j])
                        double fwdPrice = bSpread ? BondAnalytics.CalcBondFwd(eCountry, settleDate, priceSeries[i][j], effectiveDate[j], firstCpnDate[j], maturity[j], coupon[j], bondCpnFreq, FwdDate, repoSeries[i][j])[0] : fwdPrices[i, j];
                        switch (Measure)
                            case "Price":
                                    outputSeries[i][j] = fwdPrice;
                            case "Yield":
                                    outputSeries[i][j] = 10000.0 * BondAnalytics.SolveYield(eCountry, FwdDate, fwdPrice, effectiveDate[j], firstCpnDate[j], maturity[j], coupon[j], bondCpnFreq)[0];
                            case "TrueSpread":
                                    if ((bOIS && DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i])) || FcstCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]))
                                        DateTime[] dfDates = (bOIS ? DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray() : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray());
                                        double[] dfs = (bOIS ? DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray() : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray());

                                        //  Check. Sometimes (holidays) the first date on the curve can be repeated, which will cause an exception in the pricer.
                                        if (dfDates[0] == dfDates[1])
                                            dfDates = dfDates.GetSubArray(1, dfDates.GetLength(0)).ToArray();
                                            dfs = dfs.GetSubArray(1, dfs.GetLength(0)).ToArray();
                                        outputSeries[i][j] = -10000.0 * BondAnalytics.SolveZSpread(eCountry, FwdDate, fwdPrice, effectiveDate[j], firstCpnDate[j], maturity[j], coupon[j], bondCpnFreq, dfDates, dfs, Holidays);
                                        bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                            case "MMS":
                                    if (DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]) && (bOIS || FcstCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i])))
                                        DateTime[] discDfDates = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray();
                                        DateTime[] fcstDfDates = (bOIS ? discDfDates : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray());
                                        double[] discDfs = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray();
                                        double[] fcstDfs = (bOIS ? discDfs : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray());
                                        BondAnalytics.DayCountType dct = (bOIS ? BondAnalytics.DayCountType.Act360 : BondAnalytics.DayCountType.E30360);
                                        int fixedFreq = (bEUR || bOIS ? 12 : 6);
                                        int floatFreq = (bOIS ? 12 : (bEUR ? 6 : 3));

                                        double mms = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS(FwdDate, maturity[j], dct, fixedFreq, floatFreq, discDfDates, discDfs, fcstDfDates, fcstDfs, Holidays, null, null, null, null, null, firstCpnDate[j], (bOIS ? 5 : 0));
                                        outputSeries[i][j] = 10000.0 * mms;
                                        bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                            case "Spread":
                                    if (DiscCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i]) && (bOIS || FcstCurves.ContainsKey(dateSeries[i])))
                                        DateTime[] discDfDates = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray();
                                        DateTime[] fcstDfDates = (bOIS ? discDfDates : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray());
                                        double[] discDfs = DiscCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray();
                                        double[] fcstDfs = (bOIS ? discDfs : FcstCurves[dateSeries[i]].Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray());
                                        BondAnalytics.DayCountType dct = (bOIS ? BondAnalytics.DayCountType.Act360 : BondAnalytics.DayCountType.E30360);
                                        int fixedFreq = (bEUR || bOIS ? 12 : 6);
                                        int floatFreq = (bOIS ? 12 : (bEUR ? 6 : 3));

                                        double mms = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS(FwdDate, maturity[j], dct, fixedFreq, floatFreq, discDfDates, discDfs, fcstDfDates, fcstDfs, Holidays, null, null, null, null, null, firstCpnDate[j], (bOIS ? 5 : 0));
                                        double yield = BondAnalytics.SolveYield(eCountry, FwdDate, fwdPrice, effectiveDate[j], firstCpnDate[j], maturity[j], coupon[j], bondCpnFreq)[0];
                                        outputSeries[i][j] = 10000.0 * (mms - yield);
                                        bPricingCheck[i, j] = true;
                            case "Repo":
                                    if (bSpread)
                                        outputSeries[i][j] = 10000 * repoSpread[i, j];
                                        if (j == 0)
                                            outputSeries[i][nBonds] = 10000 * (repoSeries[i][0] - repoSpread[i, 0]);

                Dictionary<DateTime, Series<string,double>> output = new Dictionary<DateTime, Series<string, double>>(); 

                for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                    SeriesBuilder<string, double> sb = new SeriesBuilder<string, double>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < nBonds + (Measure == "Repo" ? 1 : 0); j++)
                        if (j < nBonds && bPricingCheck[i, j])
                            sb.Add(BondId[j], double.NaN); 
                            if (j >= nBonds)
                                sb.Add("Repo", outputSeries[i][j]); 
                                sb.Add(BondId[j], outputSeries[i][j]); 
                    output[dateSeries[i].Date] = sb.Series;

                var result = Frame.FromRows(output);
                return result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log_.ErrorFormat("Error in BondASWCalc: {0}", ex.Message);
                throw ex;
 public void ShouldGetSpreadSeriesConfigs()
     var config = new SpreadTimeSeriesConfigs("fr", true); 