public override void Run()
            var interpolation = new SplineInterpolation(new Dictionary <double, double> {
                { (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(24)).Ticks, 0.5 },
                { (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(23)).Ticks, 0.56 },
                { (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(22)).Ticks, 0.43 },
                { (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(20)).Ticks, 0.78 },
                { (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(18)).Ticks, 0.93 },
                { (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(17)).Ticks, 0.54 },
                { (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(16)).Ticks, 0.23 },
                { (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(15)).Ticks, 0.245 }

            var result = new[] {
                interpolation.GetValue((DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(24)).Ticks),
                interpolation.GetValue((DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(23)).Ticks),
                interpolation.GetValue((DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(21)).Ticks),
                interpolation.GetValue((DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(19)).Ticks),
                interpolation.GetValue((DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(15)).Ticks),
                interpolation.GetValue((DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(14)).Ticks),
                interpolation.GetValue((DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(13)).Ticks),
                interpolation.GetValue((DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(12)).Ticks),
                interpolation.GetValue((DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(25)).Ticks)
Beispiel #2
    void CheckWhichAlgorithm()
        header = GameObject.Find("Heading").GetComponent <Text>();
        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Bernstein"))
            header.text = "BB Form".ToString();
            bernstien = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <BernstienBasis>();
            BB        = true;

        else if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("DeCastleju"))
            header.text = "DeCastleju's Algorithm".ToString();
            NLI    = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <DeCastleju_Algorithm>();
            Nested = true;
        else if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("NewtonForm"))
            header.text = "Newton's Form".ToString();
            newton = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <NewtonForm>();
            NEWTON = true;
        else if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("SplineInterpolation"))
            header.text = "Spline Interpolation 2D".ToString();
            spline   = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <SplineInterpolation>();
            spline2D = true;
    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        if (target != null)
            Vector3 difference = target.transform.position - transform.position;
            //difference.y = 0f;
            //difference.y = -1f;
            //difference *= distance;

            difference.y = 0f;
            difference *= distance;

            Vector3 newPos = target.transform.position - difference;
            newPos.y = height;
            //newPos.y = cameraHeight;

            newPos = SplineInterpolation.Interpolate(previousPos, transform.position, newPos, SplineInterpolation.Extrapolate(transform.position, newPos), Time.deltaTime);

            previousPos = transform.position;

            transform.position = newPos;

            Vector3 lookTarget = target.GetComponent <CarController>().GetVelocity() + target.transform.position;

            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(lookTarget - transform.position), Time.deltaTime);
Beispiel #4
        public MatrixValue Function(MatrixValue original, ScalarValue x)
            var spline = new SplineInterpolation(original);
            var M      = new MatrixValue(1, 2);

            M[1, 1].Re = x.Re;
            M[1, 2].Re = spline.ComputeValue(x.Re);
        /// <summary>
        /// Rysuje wykres dla wybranych danych
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        private void DrawChart(object obj)
            if (WindValuesChanged)

            WindDirection     = AvailableWindDirection;
            WindSpeed         = AvailableWindSpeed;
            WindValuesChanged = false;

            IsDataChanged = false;

            var listToInterpolate = new List <PointD>();

            if (!AllRecords)
                DataCollection = new ObservableCollection <DataGps>(DataCollection.Where(x => x.WindSpeed == WindSpeed && x.WindDirection == WindDirection));

            foreach (var x in DataCollection)
                double pointX = Math.Cos((90 - x.BoatDirection) / (180 / Math.PI)) * x.BoatSpeed;
                double pointY = Math.Sin((90 - x.BoatDirection) / (180 / Math.PI)) * x.BoatSpeed;

                listToInterpolate.Add(new PointD(pointX, pointY));


            listToInterpolate = new List <PointD>(SplineInterpolation.FitGeometric(listToInterpolate));

            ChartViewModel.AddNewSeries(listToInterpolate, BoatsCollection, SelectedIndexBoat, SessionCollection, SelectedIndexSession,
                                        _minX, _maxX, _minY, _maxY, AvailableWindSpeed, AvailableWindDirection, AllRecords, _isDataFromExcel);

            if (_isDataFromExcel)
                DataCollection = new ObservableCollection <DataGps>(ExcelDataCollection);
Beispiel #6
        public MatrixValue Function(MatrixValue original, MatrixValue x)
            var spline = new SplineInterpolation(original);

Beispiel #7
    public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
      bool updateCurve = false;

      // When the sample is started or when <Space> is pressed, we create a random curve.
      if (_curve == null || InputService.IsPressed(Keys.Space, true))
        _curve = new Curve2F
          PreLoop = _loopType,
          PostLoop = _loopType,
          SmoothEnds = _smoothEnds

        // Create random key points.
        for (float x = 0; x <= 1; x += 0.1f)
          float y = RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(0, 1);

          _curve.Add(new CurveKey2F
            Point = new Vector2F(x, y),

            // We use the same interpolation type (spline type) for all curve keys. But 
            // it is possible to use a different interpolation type for each curve key.
            Interpolation = _interpolationType,

        updateCurve = true;

      // If <1> is pressed, we change the loop type.
      if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D1, true))
        // Choose next enumeration value for _loopType.
        if ((int)_loopType + 1 >= EnumHelper.GetValues(typeof(CurveLoopType)).Length)
          _loopType = 0;

        _curve.PreLoop = _loopType;
        _curve.PostLoop = _loopType;
        updateCurve = true;

      // If <2> is pressed, we change the spline type.
      if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D2, true))
        // Choose next enumeration value for _interpolationType.
        if ((int)_interpolationType + 1 >= EnumHelper.GetValues(typeof(SplineInterpolation)).Length)
          _interpolationType = 0;

        // We skip Bézier and Hermite splines because both need additional information per
        // curve key (control points or tangents), which we did not specify in the curve creation.
        while (_interpolationType == SplineInterpolation.Bezier
            || _interpolationType == SplineInterpolation.Hermite)

        _curve.ForEach(key => key.Interpolation = _interpolationType);
        updateCurve = true;

      // If <3> is pressed, we toggle "SmoothEnds". 
      // If SmoothEnds is enabled the curve is smoother at the first and at the last 
      // key point. The effect of SmoothEnds is visible, for example, if the loop type 
      // is "Oscillate" and the spline type is "CatmullRom".
      if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D3, true))
        _smoothEnds = !_smoothEnds;
        _curve.SmoothEnds = _smoothEnds;
        updateCurve = true;

      if (updateCurve)
        var debugRenderer = GraphicsScreen.DebugRenderer2D;
          string.Format("\n\nLoop type = {0}\nInterpolation = {1}\nSmoothEnds = {2}",
          _curve.PreLoop, _curve[0].Interpolation, _curve.SmoothEnds));

        // Draw two lines to create chart axes.
        debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(100, 300, 0), new Vector3F(1000, 300, 0), Color.Black, true);
        debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(300, 100, 0), new Vector3F(300, 320, 0), Color.Black, true);

        Vector2F scale = new Vector2F(400, 200);
        Vector2F offset = new Vector2F(300, 100);

        // Draw a small cross for all curve key points.
        for (int index = 0; index < _curve.Count; index++)
          CurveKey2F key = _curve[index];
          Vector2F point = scale * key.Point + offset;
          debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point.X - 5, point.Y - 5, 0), new Vector3F(point.X + 5, point.Y + 5, 0), Color.Black, true);
          debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point.X + 5, point.Y - 5, 0), new Vector3F(point.X - 5, point.Y + 5, 0), Color.Black, true);

        // Draw the curve.
        const float stepSize = 0.02f;
        for (float x = -0.5f; x < 1.7f; x += stepSize)
          Vector2F point0 = scale * _curve.GetPoint(x) + offset;
          Vector2F point1 = scale * _curve.GetPoint(x + stepSize) + offset;
          debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point0.X, point0.Y, 0), new Vector3F(point1.X, point1.Y, 0), Color.Black, true);

Beispiel #8
        public PathAnimationSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            Rectangle bounds = GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds;

            // Create a 2D path.
            Path2F path = new Path2F
                // Path is cyclic.
                PreLoop  = CurveLoopType.Cycle,
                PostLoop = CurveLoopType.Cycle,

                //  End of path should smoothly interpolate with start of path.
                SmoothEnds = true,

            // The spline type.
            const SplineInterpolation splineInterpolation = SplineInterpolation.BSpline;

            // Add path keys. The parameter of a path key is the time in seconds.
            path.Add(new PathKey2F
                Parameter     = 0,
                Point         = new Vector2F(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Center.Y),
                Interpolation = splineInterpolation,
            path.Add(new PathKey2F
                Parameter     = 0.5f,
                Point         = new Vector2F(bounds.Center.X / 2.0f, 2.0f * bounds.Center.Y / 3.0f),
                Interpolation = splineInterpolation,
            path.Add(new PathKey2F
                Parameter     = 1.0f,
                Point         = new Vector2F(bounds.Center.X, 1.0f * bounds.Center.Y / 3.0f),
                Interpolation = splineInterpolation,
            path.Add(new PathKey2F
                Parameter     = 1.5f,
                Point         = new Vector2F(3.0f * bounds.Center.X / 2.0f, 2.0f * bounds.Center.Y / 3.0f),
                Interpolation = splineInterpolation,
            path.Add(new PathKey2F
                Parameter     = 2.0f,
                Point         = new Vector2F(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Center.Y),
                Interpolation = splineInterpolation,
            path.Add(new PathKey2F
                Parameter     = 2.5f,
                Point         = new Vector2F(bounds.Center.X / 2.0f, 4.0f * bounds.Center.Y / 3.0f),
                Interpolation = splineInterpolation,

            path.Add(new PathKey2F
                Parameter     = 3.0f,
                Point         = new Vector2F(bounds.Center.X, 5.0f * bounds.Center.Y / 3.0f),
                Interpolation = splineInterpolation,
            path.Add(new PathKey2F
                Parameter     = 3.5f,
                Point         = new Vector2F(3.0f * bounds.Center.X / 2.0f, 4.0f * bounds.Center.Y / 3.0f),
                Interpolation = splineInterpolation,
            path.Add(new PathKey2F
                Parameter     = 4.0f,
                Point         = new Vector2F(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Center.Y),
                Interpolation = splineInterpolation,

            // Create a path animation using the path.
            // (Start at parameter value 0 and loop forever.)
            Path2FAnimation pathAnimation = new Path2FAnimation(path)
                StartParameter = 0,
                EndParameter   = float.PositiveInfinity,

            AnimationService.StartAnimation(pathAnimation, _animatablePosition).UpdateAndApply();
Beispiel #9
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var           srcXY    = new SortedDictionary <double, double>();
            List <double> refinedX = new List <double>();

            DataGridViewCell cell;
            double           value, valueX, valueY;
            object           cellValue, cellValueX, cellValueY;

            foreach (DataGridViewRow r in eZDataGridViewXY.Rows)
                cellValueX = r.Cells[0].Value;
                cellValueY = r.Cells[1].Value;
                if ((cellValueX != null && double.TryParse(cellValueX.ToString(), out valueX)) &&
                    (cellValueY != null && double.TryParse(cellValueY.ToString(), out valueY)))
                    if (!srcXY.ContainsKey(valueX))
                        srcXY.Add(valueX, valueY);

            foreach (DataGridViewRow r in eZDataGridViewID.Rows)
                cellValue = r.Cells[0].Value;
                if (cellValue != null && double.TryParse(cellValue.ToString(), out value))

            var srcX = srcXY.Keys;
            var srcY = srcXY.Values;

            if ((srcX.Max() < refinedX.Max()) && (srcX.Min() > refinedX.Min()))
                MessageBox.Show(@"the range of the refined X must be within the range of the source X", @"Warning",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                _interpY = SplineInterpolation.Execute(srcX.ToArray(), srcY.ToArray(), refinedX.ToArray());
                if (_interpY != null && _interpY.Length <= eZDataGridViewID.RowCount)
                    for (int i = 0; i < _interpY.Length; i++)
                        cell       = eZDataGridViewID.Rows[i].Cells[1];
                        cell.Value = _interpY[i];
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show(@"Something went wrong while calculating the interpolated Y", @"Warning",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Beispiel #10
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            bool updateCurve = false;

            // When the sample is started or when <Space> is pressed, we create a random curve.
            if (_curve == null || InputService.IsPressed(Keys.Space, true))
                _curve = new Curve2F
                    PreLoop    = _loopType,
                    PostLoop   = _loopType,
                    SmoothEnds = _smoothEnds

                // Create random key points.
                for (float x = 0; x <= 1; x += 0.1f)
                    float y = RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(0, 1);

                    _curve.Add(new CurveKey2F
                        Point = new Vector2F(x, y),

                        // We use the same interpolation type (spline type) for all curve keys. But
                        // it is possible to use a different interpolation type for each curve key.
                        Interpolation = _interpolationType,

                updateCurve = true;

            // If <1> is pressed, we change the loop type.
            if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D1, true))
                // Choose next enumeration value for _loopType.
                if ((int)_loopType + 1 >= EnumHelper.GetValues(typeof(CurveLoopType)).Length)
                    _loopType = 0;

                _curve.PreLoop  = _loopType;
                _curve.PostLoop = _loopType;
                updateCurve     = true;

            // If <2> is pressed, we change the spline type.
            if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D2, true))
                // Choose next enumeration value for _interpolationType.
                if ((int)_interpolationType + 1 >= EnumHelper.GetValues(typeof(SplineInterpolation)).Length)
                    _interpolationType = 0;

                // We skip Bezier and Hermite splines because both need additional information per
                // curve key (control points or tangents), which we did not specify in the curve creation.
                while (_interpolationType == SplineInterpolation.Bezier ||
                       _interpolationType == SplineInterpolation.Hermite)

                _curve.ForEach(key => key.Interpolation = _interpolationType);
                updateCurve = true;

            // If <3> is pressed, we toggle "SmoothEnds".
            // If SmoothEnds is enabled the curve is smoother at the first and at the last
            // key point. The effect of SmoothEnds is visible, for example, if the loop type
            // is "Oscillate" and the spline type is "CatmullRom".
            if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D3, true))
                _smoothEnds       = !_smoothEnds;
                _curve.SmoothEnds = _smoothEnds;
                updateCurve       = true;

            if (updateCurve)
                var debugRenderer = GraphicsScreen.DebugRenderer2D;
                    string.Format("\n\nLoop type = {0}\nInterpolation = {1}\nSmoothEnds = {2}",
                                  _curve.PreLoop, _curve[0].Interpolation, _curve.SmoothEnds));

                // Draw two lines to create chart axes.
                debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(100, 300, 0), new Vector3F(1000, 300, 0), Color.Black, true);
                debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(300, 100, 0), new Vector3F(300, 320, 0), Color.Black, true);

                Vector2F scale  = new Vector2F(400, 200);
                Vector2F offset = new Vector2F(300, 100);

                // Draw a small cross for all curve key points.
                for (int index = 0; index < _curve.Count; index++)
                    CurveKey2F key   = _curve[index];
                    Vector2F   point = scale * key.Point + offset;
                    debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point.X - 5, point.Y - 5, 0), new Vector3F(point.X + 5, point.Y + 5, 0), Color.Black, true);
                    debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point.X + 5, point.Y - 5, 0), new Vector3F(point.X - 5, point.Y + 5, 0), Color.Black, true);

                // Draw the curve.
                const float stepSize = 0.02f;
                for (float x = -0.5f; x < 1.7f; x += stepSize)
                    Vector2F point0 = scale * _curve.GetPoint(x) + offset;
                    Vector2F point1 = scale * _curve.GetPoint(x + stepSize) + offset;
                    debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point0.X, point0.Y, 0), new Vector3F(point1.X, point1.Y, 0), Color.Black, true);

Beispiel #11
        public static bool GenerateMeshFromSpline <SplinePointCustomData>(Spline.Spline spline, Transform transform, int subdivisions, float radius, int smoothingIterations, Vector2 customDataDefault, ref Mesh mesh)
            where SplinePointCustomData : ISplinePointCustomData
            var splinePoints = spline.GetComponentsInChildren <SplinePoint>();

            if (splinePoints.Length < 2)

            var splinePointCount = splinePoints.Length;

            if (spline._closed && splinePointCount > 2)

            var points = new Vector3[(splinePointCount - 1) * 3 + 1];

            if (!SplineInterpolation.GenerateCubicSplineHull(splinePoints, points, spline._closed))

            // Sample spline

            // Estimate total length of spline and use this to compute a sample count
            var lengthEst = 0f;

            for (int i = 1; i < splinePointCount; i++)
                lengthEst += (splinePoints[i % splinePoints.Length].transform.position - splinePoints[i - 1].transform.position).magnitude;
            lengthEst = Mathf.Max(lengthEst, 1f);

            var spacing    = 16f / Mathf.Pow(2f, subdivisions + 1);
            var pointCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(lengthEst / spacing);

            pointCount = Mathf.Max(pointCount, 1);

            var sampledPtsOnSpline  = new Vector3[pointCount];
            var sampledPtsOffSpline = new Vector3[pointCount];
            var customData          = new Vector2[pointCount];

            // First set of sample points lie on spline
            sampledPtsOnSpline[0] = points[0];
            customData[0]         = customDataDefault;
            if (splinePoints[0].TryGetComponent(out SplinePointCustomData customDataComp00))
                customData[0] = customDataComp00.GetData();

            for (var i = 1; i < pointCount; i++)
                float t = i / (float)(pointCount - 1);

                SplineInterpolation.InterpolateCubicPosition(splinePointCount, points, t, out sampledPtsOnSpline[i]);

                var tpts        = t * (splinePoints.Length - 1f);
                var spidx       = Mathf.FloorToInt(tpts);
                var alpha       = tpts - spidx;
                var customData0 = customDataDefault;
                if (splinePoints[spidx].TryGetComponent(out SplinePointCustomData customDataComp0))
                    customData0 = customDataComp0.GetData();
                var customData1 = customDataDefault;
                if (splinePoints[Mathf.Min(spidx + 1, splinePoints.Length - 1)].TryGetComponent(out SplinePointCustomData customDataComp1))
                    customData1 = customDataComp1.GetData();
                customData[i] = Vector2.Lerp(customData0, customData1, Mathf.SmoothStep(0f, 1f, alpha));

            // Second set of sample points lie off-spline - some distance to the right
            for (var i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                var ibefore = i - 1;
                var iafter  = i + 1;
                if (!spline._closed)
                    // Not closed - clamp to range
                    ibefore = Mathf.Max(ibefore, 0);
                    iafter  = Mathf.Min(iafter, pointCount - 1);
                    // Closed - wrap into range
                    if (ibefore < 0)
                        ibefore += pointCount;
                    iafter %= pointCount;

                var tangent = sampledPtsOnSpline[iafter] - sampledPtsOnSpline[ibefore];
                var normal  = tangent;
                normal.x = tangent.z;
                normal.z = -tangent.x;
                normal.y = 0f;
                normal   = normal.normalized;
                sampledPtsOffSpline[i] = sampledPtsOnSpline[i] + normal * radius;
            if (spline._closed)
                var midPoint = Vector3.Lerp(sampledPtsOffSpline[0], sampledPtsOffSpline[sampledPtsOffSpline.Length - 1], 0.5f);
                sampledPtsOffSpline[0] = sampledPtsOffSpline[sampledPtsOffSpline.Length - 1] = midPoint;

            // Blur the second set of points to help solve overlaps or large distortions. Not perfect but helps in many cases.
            if (smoothingIterations > 0)
                var scratchPoints = new Vector3[pointCount];

                // Ring buffer style access when closed spline
                if (!spline._closed)
                    for (var j = 0; j < smoothingIterations; j++)
                        scratchPoints[0] = sampledPtsOffSpline[0];
                        scratchPoints[pointCount - 1] = sampledPtsOffSpline[pointCount - 1];
                        for (var i = 1; i < pointCount - 1; i++)
                            scratchPoints[i] = (sampledPtsOffSpline[i] + sampledPtsOffSpline[i + 1] + sampledPtsOffSpline[i - 1]) / 3f;
                            scratchPoints[i] = sampledPtsOnSpline[i] + (scratchPoints[i] - sampledPtsOnSpline[i]).normalized * radius;
                        var tmp = sampledPtsOffSpline;
                        sampledPtsOffSpline = scratchPoints;
                        scratchPoints       = tmp;
                    for (var j = 0; j < smoothingIterations; j++)
                        for (var i = 0; i < sampledPtsOffSpline.Length; i++)
                            // Slightly odd indexing. The first and last point are the same, the indices need to wrap to either the
                            // second element (if overflow) or the penultimate element (if underflow) to ensure tension is maintained at ends.
                            var ibefore = i - 1;
                            var iafter  = i + 1;

                            if (ibefore < 0)
                                ibefore = sampledPtsOffSpline.Length - 2;
                            if (iafter >= sampledPtsOffSpline.Length)
                                iafter = 1;

                            scratchPoints[i] = (sampledPtsOffSpline[i] + sampledPtsOffSpline[iafter] + sampledPtsOffSpline[ibefore]) / 3f;
                            scratchPoints[i] = sampledPtsOnSpline[i] + (scratchPoints[i] - sampledPtsOnSpline[i]).normalized * radius;
                        var tmp = sampledPtsOffSpline;
                        sampledPtsOffSpline = scratchPoints;
                        scratchPoints       = tmp;

            return(UpdateMesh(transform, sampledPtsOnSpline, sampledPtsOffSpline, customData, spline._closed, ref mesh));
Beispiel #12
        static void lab2()
            var spline = new SplineInterpolation(Fi2, Xi2);
