Beispiel #1
		protected void Page_Command(Object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
				if ( e.CommandName == "Import.Load" )
					gID = Sql.ToGuid(e.CommandArgument);
					Response.Redirect(Request.Path + "?ID=" + gID.ToString());
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Import.Delete" )
					gID = Sql.ToGuid(e.CommandArgument);
					txtACTIVE_TAB.Value = "1";
					ViewState["ID"] = Guid.Empty;
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Import.Save" )
					reqNAME.Enabled = true;
					if ( Page.IsValid )
						// 03/16/2010   The ViewState will be the primary location for the ID. 
						gID = Sql.ToGuid(ViewState["ID"]);
						// 10/12/2006   Save the sample data with the mappings. 
						XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xmlMapping, "Sample", xml.OuterXml);
						// 09/17/2013   Add Business Rules to import. 
						StringBuilder sbRulesXML = new StringBuilder();
						if ( dtRules != null && dtRules.Rows.Count > 0 )
							SplendidRulesTypeProvider typeProvider = new SplendidRulesTypeProvider();
							RuleValidation validation = new RuleValidation(typeof(SplendidImportThis), typeProvider);
							RuleSet rules = RulesUtil.BuildRuleSet(dtRules, validation);
							string sXOML = RulesUtil.Serialize(rules);
							using ( StringWriter wtr = new StringWriter(sbRulesXML, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) )
								dtRules.WriteXml(wtr, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema, false);
							( ref gID
							, Security.USER_ID
							, txtNAME.Text
							, SourceType()
							, sImportModule
							, chkHasHeader.Checked
							, false
							, xmlMapping.OuterXml
							, sbRulesXML.ToString()
						XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xmlMapping, "Sample", String.Empty);
						// 03/16/2010   Preserve the name.
						//txtNAME.Text = String.Empty;
						ViewState["ID"] = gID;
						txtACTIVE_TAB.Value = "1";
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Import.Run" || e.CommandName == "Import.Preview" )
					if ( Page.IsValid && !bDuplicateFields )
						// 10/10/2006   The temp file name is stored in the session so that it is impossible for a hacker to access. 
						string sTempFileID   = Sql.ToString(ViewState["TempFileID"]);
						string sTempFileName = Sql.ToString(Session["TempFile." + sTempFileID]);
						if ( Sql.IsEmptyString(sTempFileID) || Sql.IsEmptyString(sTempFileName) )
							txtACTIVE_TAB.Value = "3";
							throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("Import.LBL_NOTHING")));

						// 10/10/2006   If there is a validation error, we want to display the mappings page. 
						// If there is no error, or if the error was during import, then show the results page. 
						txtACTIVE_TAB.Value = "4";
						// 12/17/2008   The results tab is now 6. 
						// 09/17/2013   Add Business Rules to import. Results tab is now 7. 
						txtACTIVE_TAB.Value = "7";
						// 02/05/2010   An ACT! import can take a long time. 
						Server.ScriptTimeout = 20 * 60;
						// 09/04/2010   Log the import time. 
						SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), "Begin Import");
						GenerateImport(sTempFileName, e.CommandName == "Import.Preview");
						SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), "End Import");
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Import.Upload" )
					reqFILENAME.Enabled = true;
					if ( Page.IsValid )
						HttpPostedFile pstIMPORT = fileIMPORT.PostedFile;
						if ( pstIMPORT != null )
							if ( pstIMPORT.FileName.Length > 0 )
								string sFILENAME       = Path.GetFileName (pstIMPORT.FileName);
								string sFILE_EXT       = Path.GetExtension(sFILENAME);
								string sFILE_MIME_TYPE = pstIMPORT.ContentType;
								// 09/04/2010   ACT Imports are taking a long time.  Time the stream conversion to see where the problem lies. 
								SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), "Begin Upload: " + sFILENAME);
								// 05/06/2011   We need to be able to distinguish between Excel 2003 and Excel 2007. 
								xml = SplendidImport.ConvertStreamToXml(sImportModule, SourceType(), txtCUSTOM_DELIMITER_VAL.Text, pstIMPORT.InputStream, sFILE_EXT);
								if ( xml.DocumentElement == null )
									throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("Import.LBL_NOTHING")));
								// 08/21/2006   Don't move to next step if there is no data. 
								XmlNodeList nlRows = xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(sImportModule.ToLower());
								if ( nlRows.Count == 0 )
									throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("Import.LBL_NOTHING")));
								// 10/10/2006   Don't store the file name in the ViewState because a hacker could find a way to access and alter it.
								// Storing the file name in the session and an ID in the view state should be sufficiently safe. 
								string sTempFileID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
								string sTempFileName = Security.USER_ID.ToString() + " " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + " " + sFILENAME + ".xml";
								xml.Save(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), sTempFileName));
								// 01/30/2010   Were were not storing the full path in the Session for cleanup. 
								Session["TempFile." + sTempFileID] = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), sTempFileName);
								ViewState["TempFileID"] = sTempFileID;
								// 10/10/2006   We only need to save a small portion of the imported data as a sample. 
								// Trying to save too much data in ViewState can cause memory errors. 
								// 10/31/2006   It is taking too long to reduce the size of a large XML file. 
								// Instead, extract the three rows and attach to a new XML document. 
								XmlDocument xmlSample = new XmlDocument();
								xmlSample.AppendChild(xmlSample.CreateProcessingInstruction("xml" , "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\""));
								// 10/31/2006   Select only the nodes that apply.  We need to make sure to skip unrelated nodes. 
								for ( int i = 0; i < nlRows.Count && i < 3 ; i++ )
									XmlNode node = nlRows[i];
									xmlSample.DocumentElement.AppendChild(xmlSample.ImportNode(node, true));
								// 10/31/2006   We are getting an OutOfMemoryException.  Try to free the large XML file. 
								xml = null;
								nlRows = null;
								xml = xmlSample;
								// 09/04/2010   Store the sample data in the Session to prevent a huge download. 
								// We are seeing a 13M html file for an 8M import file. 
								Session[sImportModule + ".xmlSample." + sFILENAME] = xml.OuterXml;
								ViewState["xmlSample"] = sImportModule + ".xmlSample." + sFILENAME;

								bool bUpdateMapping = (Request["ID"] == null);
								UpdateImportMappings(xml, bUpdateMapping, bUpdateMapping);
								txtACTIVE_TAB.Value = "4";
								SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), "End Upload: " + sFILENAME);
					if ( xml.DocumentElement == null )
						throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("Import.LBL_NOTHING")));
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Cancel" )
					string sRelativePath = Sql.ToString(Application["Modules." + sImportModule + ".RelativePath"]);
					if ( Sql.IsEmptyString(sRelativePath) )
						sRelativePath = "~/" + sImportModule + "/";
				// 04/08/2012   LinkedIn OAuth events. 
				// 04/13/2012   Move the authorization URL lookup to the Soure Type change event so that the button click will do the action.  
				// Attempting after a postback has issues with popup blockers. 
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Import.SignIn" )
					string sRedirectURL = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + Sql.ToString(Application["rootURL"]) + "Import/OAuthLanding.aspx";
					if ( this.SourceType() == "LinkedIn" )
						string sLinkedInApiKey    = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.LinkedIn.APIKey"   ]);
						string sLinkedInApiSecret = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.LinkedIn.SecretKey"]);
						Spring.Social.LinkedIn.Connect.LinkedInServiceProvider linkedInServiceProvider = new Spring.Social.LinkedIn.Connect.LinkedInServiceProvider(sLinkedInApiKey, sLinkedInApiSecret);
						Spring.Social.OAuth1.OAuthToken oauthToken = linkedInServiceProvider.OAuthOperations.FetchRequestToken(sRedirectURL, null);
						string authenticateUrl = linkedInServiceProvider.OAuthOperations.BuildAuthorizeUrl(oauthToken.Value, null);
						txtOAUTH_TOKEN        .Value = oauthToken.Value ;
						txtOAUTH_SECRET       .Value = oauthToken.Secret;
						txtOAUTH_VERIFIER     .Value = String.Empty     ;
						txtOAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN .Value = String.Empty     ;
						txtOAUTH_ACCESS_SECRET.Value = String.Empty     ;
						RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.SourceType() + "Popup", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">'" + authenticateUrl + "', '" + this.SourceType() + "Popup" + "', 'width=600,height=360,status=1,toolbar=0,location=0');</script>");
					else if ( this.SourceType() == "Twitter" )
						// 04/08/2012   We were getting (401) Unauthorized until we specified a valid Callback URL in the Twitter Application ( 
						string sTwitterConsumerKey    = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.Twitter.ConsumerKey"   ]);
						string sTwitterConsumerSecret = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.Twitter.ConsumerSecret"]);
						Spring.Social.Twitter.Connect.TwitterServiceProvider twitterServiceProvider = new Spring.Social.Twitter.Connect.TwitterServiceProvider(sTwitterConsumerKey, sTwitterConsumerSecret);
						Spring.Social.OAuth1.OAuthToken oauthToken = twitterServiceProvider.OAuthOperations.FetchRequestToken(sRedirectURL, null);
						string authenticateUrl = twitterServiceProvider.OAuthOperations.BuildAuthorizeUrl(oauthToken.Value, null);
						txtOAUTH_TOKEN        .Value = oauthToken.Value ;
						txtOAUTH_SECRET       .Value = oauthToken.Secret;
						txtOAUTH_VERIFIER     .Value = String.Empty     ;
						txtOAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN .Value = String.Empty     ;
						txtOAUTH_ACCESS_SECRET.Value = String.Empty     ;
						RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.SourceType() + "Popup", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">'" + authenticateUrl + "', '" + this.SourceType() + "Popup" + "', 'width=600,height=360,status=1,toolbar=0,location=0');</script>");
					else if ( this.SourceType() == "Facebook" )
						string sFacebookAppID     = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.facebook.AppID"    ]);
						string sFacebookAppSecret = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.facebook.AppSecret"]);

						Spring.Social.Facebook.Connect.FacebookServiceProvider facebookServiceProvider = new Spring.Social.Facebook.Connect.FacebookServiceProvider(sFacebookAppID, sFacebookAppSecret);
						Spring.Social.OAuth2.OAuth2Parameters parameters = new Spring.Social.OAuth2.OAuth2Parameters()
							RedirectUrl = sRedirectURL,
							Scope = "publish_stream"
						string authenticateUrl = facebookServiceProvider.OAuthOperations.BuildAuthorizeUrl(Spring.Social.OAuth2.GrantType.ImplicitGrant, parameters);
						txtOAUTH_TOKEN        .Value = String.Empty;
						txtOAUTH_SECRET       .Value = String.Empty;
						txtOAUTH_VERIFIER     .Value = String.Empty;
						txtOAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN .Value = String.Empty;
						txtOAUTH_ACCESS_SECRET.Value = String.Empty;
						RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.SourceType() + "Popup", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">'" + authenticateUrl + "', '" + this.SourceType() + "Popup" + "', 'width=600,height=360,status=1,toolbar=0,location=0');</script>");
					else if ( this.SourceType() == "salesforce" )
						string sSalesforceConsumerKey    = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.Salesforce.ConsumerKey"   ]);
						string sSalesforceConsumerSecret = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.Salesforce.ConsumerSecret"]);
						Spring.Social.Salesforce.Connect.SalesforceServiceProvider salesforceServiceProvider = new Spring.Social.Salesforce.Connect.SalesforceServiceProvider(sSalesforceConsumerKey, sSalesforceConsumerSecret);
						Spring.Social.OAuth1.OAuthToken oauthToken = salesforceServiceProvider.OAuthOperations.FetchRequestToken(sRedirectURL, null);
						string authenticateUrl = salesforceServiceProvider.OAuthOperations.BuildAuthorizeUrl(oauthToken.Value, null);
						txtOAUTH_TOKEN        .Value = oauthToken.Value ;
						txtOAUTH_SECRET       .Value = oauthToken.Secret;
						txtOAUTH_VERIFIER     .Value = String.Empty     ;
						txtOAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN .Value = String.Empty     ;
						txtOAUTH_ACCESS_SECRET.Value = String.Empty     ;
						RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.SourceType() + "Popup", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">'" + authenticateUrl + "', '" + this.SourceType() + "Popup" + "', 'width=600,height=360,status=1,toolbar=0,location=0');</script>");
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Import.SignOut" )
					// 04/08/2012   When the OAuth key is deleted, the access tokens become invalid, so delete them. 
					SqlProcs.spOAUTHKEYS_Delete(Security.USER_ID, this.SourceType());
					btnSignIn.Visible  = true;
					btnConnect.Visible = !btnSignIn.Visible;
					btnSignOut.Visible = !btnSignIn.Visible;
					txtOAUTH_TOKEN        .Value = String.Empty;
					txtOAUTH_SECRET       .Value = String.Empty;
					txtOAUTH_VERIFIER     .Value = String.Empty;
					txtOAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN .Value = String.Empty;
					txtOAUTH_ACCESS_SECRET.Value = String.Empty;
					SOURCE_TYPE_CheckedChanged(null, null);
				// 09/17/2013   Add Business Rules to import. 
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Rules.Cancel" )
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Rules.Add" )
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Rules.Delete" )
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Rules.Edit" )
					Guid   gRULE_ID = Sql.ToGuid(e.CommandArgument);
					string sRULE_NAME    = String.Empty;
					int    nPRIORITY     = 0           ;
					string sREEVALUATION = String.Empty;
					bool   bACTIVE       = true        ;
					string sCONDITION    = String.Empty;
					string sTHEN_ACTIONS = String.Empty;
					string sELSE_ACTIONS = String.Empty;
					txtRULE_ID     .Value   = gRULE_ID.ToString() ;
					txtRULE_NAME   .Text    = sRULE_NAME          ;
					txtPRIORITY    .Text    = nPRIORITY.ToString();
					chkACTIVE      .Checked = bACTIVE             ;
					txtCONDITION   .Text    = sCONDITION          ;
					txtTHEN_ACTIONS.Text    = sTHEN_ACTIONS       ;
					txtELSE_ACTIONS.Text    = sELSE_ACTIONS       ;
					Utils.SetSelectedValue(lstREEVALUATION, sREEVALUATION);
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Rules.Update" )
					// 12/07/2010   There does not seem to be a compelling reason to have a rule name. 
					if ( Sql.IsEmptyString(txtRULE_NAME.Text) )
						txtRULE_NAME.Text = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
					Guid   gRULE_ID      = Sql.ToGuid(txtRULE_ID.Value);
					string sRULE_NAME    = txtRULE_NAME   .Text   ;
					int    nPRIORITY     = Sql.ToInteger(txtPRIORITY.Text);
					string sREEVALUATION = lstREEVALUATION.SelectedValue;
					bool   bACTIVE       = chkACTIVE      .Checked;
					string sCONDITION    = txtCONDITION   .Text   ;
					string sTHEN_ACTIONS = txtTHEN_ACTIONS.Text   ;
					string sELSE_ACTIONS = txtELSE_ACTIONS.Text   ;
					//reqRULE_NAME   .Enabled = true;
					reqCONDITION   .Enabled = true;
					reqTHEN_ACTIONS.Enabled = true;
					reqRULE_NAME   .Validate();
					reqCONDITION   .Validate();
					if ( reqRULE_NAME.IsValid && reqCONDITION.IsValid && reqTHEN_ACTIONS.IsValid )
						// 12/12/2012   For security reasons, we want to restrict the data types available to the rules wizard. 
						SplendidRulesTypeProvider typeProvider = new SplendidRulesTypeProvider();
						RulesUtil.RulesValidate(gRULE_ID, sRULE_NAME, nPRIORITY, sREEVALUATION, bACTIVE, sCONDITION, sTHEN_ACTIONS, sELSE_ACTIONS, typeof(SplendidImportThis), typeProvider);
						// 10/23/2010   Build the ruleset so that the entire set will get validated. 
						// 12/12/2012   For security reasons, we want to restrict the data types available to the rules wizard. 
						RuleValidation validation = new RuleValidation(typeof(SplendidImportThis), typeProvider);
						RuleSet rules = RulesUtil.BuildRuleSet(dtRules, validation);
			catch(Exception ex)
				//SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
				ctlDynamicButtons.ErrorText += ex.Message;
Beispiel #2
		protected void GenerateImport(string sTempFileName, bool bPreview)
				XmlDocument xmlImport = new XmlDocument();
				xmlImport.Load(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), sTempFileName));
				XmlNodeList nlRows = xmlImport.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(sImportModule.ToLower());
				if ( nlRows.Count == 0 )
					throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("Import.LBL_NOTHING")));
				// 09/17/2013   Add Business Rules to import. 
				SplendidRulesTypeProvider typeProvider = new SplendidRulesTypeProvider();
				RuleValidation validation = new RuleValidation(typeof(SplendidImportThis), typeProvider);
				RuleSet rules = null;
				// 06/02/2014   No sense in building the rules if the rows are empty. 
				if ( dtRules != null && dtRules.Rows.Count > 0 )
					rules = RulesUtil.BuildRuleSet(dtRules, validation);
				// 08/20/2006   Also map the header names to allow for a flexible XML. 
				StringDictionary hashHeaderMappings   = new StringDictionary();
				StringDictionary hashReverseMappings  = new StringDictionary();
				StringDictionary hashDuplicateFilters = new StringDictionary ();
				Hashtable hashDefaultMappings = new Hashtable();
				XmlNodeList nlFields = xmlMapping.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("Fields/Field");
				foreach ( XmlNode xField in nlFields )
					string sName    = xField.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Name").Value;
					string sMapping = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xField, "Mapping");
					string sDefault = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xField, "Default");
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sMapping) )
						// 11/02/2009 Rick.  We need to protect against duplicate dictionary entries. 
						if ( !hashHeaderMappings.ContainsKey(sMapping) )
							hashHeaderMappings.Add(sMapping, sName);
						if ( !hashReverseMappings.ContainsKey(sName) )
							hashReverseMappings.Add(sName, sMapping);
					if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sDefault) )
						// 11/02/2009 Rick.  We need to protect against duplicate dictionary entries. 
						if ( !hashDefaultMappings.ContainsKey(sName) )
							hashDefaultMappings.Add(sName, sDefault);
					bool bDuplicateFilter = Sql.ToBoolean(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xField, "DuplicateFilter"));
					if ( bDuplicateFilter )
						// 11/02/2009 Rick.  We need to protect against duplicate dictionary entries. 
						if ( !hashDuplicateFilters.ContainsKey(sName) )
							hashDuplicateFilters.Add(sName, String.Empty);
				StringBuilder sbDuplicateFilters = new StringBuilder();
				foreach ( string sDuplicateField in hashDuplicateFilters.Keys )
					if ( sbDuplicateFilters.Length > 0 )
						sbDuplicateFilters.Append(", ");
				// 11/01/2006   Use a hash for quick access to required fields. 
				Hashtable hashColumns = new Hashtable();
				foreach ( DataRowView row in vwColumns )
					// 11/02/2009 Rick.  We need to protect against duplicate dictionary entries. 
					if ( !hashColumns.ContainsKey(row["NAME"]) )
						hashColumns.Add(row["NAME"], row["DISPLAY_NAME"]);
				Hashtable hashRequiredFields = new Hashtable();
				DataTable dtRequiredFields = SplendidCache.EditViewFields(sImportModule + ".EditView");
				DataView dvRequiredFields = new DataView(dtRequiredFields);
				dvRequiredFields.RowFilter = "UI_REQUIRED = 1";
				foreach(DataRowView row in dvRequiredFields)
					string sDATA_FIELD = Sql.ToString (row["DATA_FIELD"]);
					if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD) )
						if ( !hashRequiredFields.ContainsKey(sDATA_FIELD) )
							hashRequiredFields.Add(sDATA_FIELD, null);
				dvRequiredFields = null;
				dtRequiredFields = null;
				int nImported   = 0;
				int nFailed     = 0;
				int nDuplicates = 0;
				//int nSkipped  = 0;
				DataTable dtProcessed = new DataTable();
				dtProcessed.Columns.Add("IMPORT_ROW_STATUS", typeof(bool));
				dtProcessed.Columns.Add("IMPORT_ROW_NUMBER", typeof(Int32));
				dtProcessed.Columns.Add("IMPORT_ROW_ERROR"  );
				dtProcessed.Columns.Add("ID");  // 10/10/2006   Every record will have an ID, either implied or specified. 
				SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), "Import Database Table: " + sImportModule);
				DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
				using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
					Hashtable hashTeamNames = new Hashtable();
					if ( Crm.Config.enable_team_management() )
						string sSQL;
						sSQL = "select ID          " + ControlChars.CrLf
						     + "     , NAME        " + ControlChars.CrLf
						     + "  from vwTEAMS_List" + ControlChars.CrLf;
						using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
							cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
							using ( IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader() )
								while ( rdr.Read() )
									Guid   gTEAM_ID   = Sql.ToGuid  (rdr["ID"  ]);
									string sTEAM_NAME = Sql.ToString(rdr["NAME"]);
									sTEAM_NAME = sTEAM_NAME.Trim().ToUpper();
									if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sTEAM_NAME) )
										// 11/02/2009 Rick.  We need to protect against duplicate dictionary entries. 
										if ( !hashTeamNames.ContainsKey(sTEAM_NAME) )
											hashTeamNames.Add(sTEAM_NAME, gTEAM_ID);

					// 11/01/2006   The transaction is optional, just make sure to always dispose it. 
					//using ( IDbTransaction trn = Sql.BeginTransaction(con) )
						IDbTransaction trn = null;
							string sTABLE_NAME = Sql.ToString(Application["Modules." + sImportModule + ".TableName"]);
							if ( Sql.IsEmptyString(sTABLE_NAME) )
								sTABLE_NAME = sImportModule.ToUpper();
							// 03/13/2008   Allow the use of a special Import procedure. 
							// This is so that we can convert text values to their associated GUID value. 
							IDbCommand cmdImport = null;
								// 03/13/2008   The factory will throw an exception if the procedure is not found. 
								// Catching an exception is expensive, but trivial considering all the other processing that will occur. 
								// We need this same logic in SplendidCache.ImportColumns. 
								cmdImport = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "sp" + sTABLE_NAME + "_Import");
								cmdImport = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "sp" + sTABLE_NAME + "_Update");
							// 02/02/2010   ACT! import will also import Notes and Activities (Calls or Meetings). 
							IDbCommand cmdNOTES_Import    = null;
							IDbCommand cmdCALLS_Import    = null;
							IDbCommand cmdMEETINGS_Import = null;
							IDbCommand cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import = null;
							IDbCommand cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import  = null;
							// 01/11/2011   Use a separate procedure as it has different parameters. 
							IDbCommand cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import     = null;
							IDbCommand cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import = null;
							if ( radACT_2005.Checked )
									cmdNOTES_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spNOTES_Import");
									cmdNOTES_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spNOTES_Update");
									cmdCALLS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spCALLS_Import");
									cmdCALLS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spCALLS_Update");
									cmdMEETINGS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spMEETINGS_Import");
									cmdMEETINGS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spMEETINGS_Update");
									cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spPROSPECT_LISTS_Import");
									cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spPROSPECT_LISTS_Update");
							// 01/10/2011   When importing into the Leads module, we need to use the Leads relationship table. 
							// 10/24/2013   These import procedures need to be available to all imports and not just ACT import 
							// to allow direct import into a Prospect List.
							if ( sTABLE_NAME == "CONTACTS" )
									cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import");
									cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Update");
							else if ( sTABLE_NAME == "LEADS" )
									cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import");
									cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Update");
							else if ( sTABLE_NAME == "PROSPECTS" )
									cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import");
									cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "spPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Update");
							IDbCommand cmdImportCSTM = null;
							//IDbCommand cmdImportTeam = null;
							// 09/17/2007   Only activate the custom field code if there are fields in the custom fields table. 
							vwColumns.RowFilter = "CustomField = 1";
							if ( vwColumns.Count > 0 )
								vwColumns.Sort = "colid";
								cmdImportCSTM = con.CreateCommand();
								cmdImportCSTM.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
								cmdImportCSTM.CommandText = "update " + sTABLE_NAME + "_CSTM" + ControlChars.CrLf;
								int nFieldIndex = 0;
								foreach ( DataRowView row in vwColumns )
									// 01/11/2006   Uppercase looks better. 
									string sNAME   = Sql.ToString(row["ColumnName"]).ToUpper();
									string sCsType = Sql.ToString(row["ColumnType"]);
									// 01/13/2007   We need to truncate any long strings to prevent SQL error. 
									// String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated. 
									int    nMAX_SIZE = Sql.ToInteger(row["Size"]);
									if ( nFieldIndex == 0 )
										cmdImportCSTM.CommandText += "   set ";
										cmdImportCSTM.CommandText += "     , ";
									// 01/10/2006   We can't use a StringBuilder because the Sql.AddParameter function
									// needs to be able to replace the @ with the appropriate database specific token. 
									cmdImportCSTM.CommandText += sNAME + " = @" + sNAME + ControlChars.CrLf;
									IDbDataParameter par = null;
									switch ( sCsType )
										// 09/19/2007   In order to leverage the existing AddParameter functions, we need to provide default values. 
										case "Guid"    :  par = Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportCSTM, "@" + sNAME, Guid.Empty             );  break;
										case "short"   :  par = Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportCSTM, "@" + sNAME, 0                      );  break;
										case "Int32"   :  par = Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportCSTM, "@" + sNAME, 0                      );  break;
										case "Int64"   :  par = Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportCSTM, "@" + sNAME, 0                      );  break;
										case "float"   :  par = Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportCSTM, "@" + sNAME, 0.0f                   );  break;
										case "decimal" :  par = Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportCSTM, "@" + sNAME, new Decimal()          );  break;
										case "bool"    :  par = Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportCSTM, "@" + sNAME, false                  );  break;
										case "DateTime":  par = Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportCSTM, "@" + sNAME, DateTime.MinValue      );  break;
										default        :  par = Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportCSTM, "@" + sNAME, String.Empty, nMAX_SIZE);  break;
								// 09/19/2007   Exclude ID_C as it is expect and required. We don't want it to appear in the mapping table. 
								cmdImportCSTM.CommandText += " where ID_C = @ID_C" + ControlChars.CrLf;
								Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportCSTM, "@ID_C", Guid.Empty);
								// 10/24/2010   This execute does not seem correct, so remove it. 
							vwColumns.RowFilter = "";
							if ( Crm.Config.enable_team_management() )
								cmdImportTeam = con.CreateCommand();
								cmdImportTeam.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
								cmdImportTeam.CommandText  = "update " + sTABLE_NAME     + ControlChars.CrLf;
								cmdImportTeam.CommandText += "   set TEAM_ID = @TEAM_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf;
								cmdImportTeam.CommandText += " where ID      = @ID     " + ControlChars.CrLf;
								Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportTeam, "@TEAM_ID", Guid.Empty);
								Sql.AddParameter(cmdImportTeam, "@ID"     , Guid.Empty);
							// 11/01/2006   The transaction is optional, but on by default. 
							if ( chkUseTransaction.Checked || bPreview )
								// 10/07/2009   We need to create our own global transaction ID to support auditing and workflow on SQL Azure, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2 and MySQL. 
								trn = Sql.BeginTransaction(con);
								cmdImport.Transaction = trn;
								if ( cmdImportCSTM != null )
									cmdImportCSTM.Transaction = trn;
								//if ( cmdImportTeam != null )
								//	cmdImportTeam.Transaction = trn;
							int i = 0;
							if ( chkHasHeader.Checked )
							// 06/04/2009   If Team is required, then make sure to initialize the TEAM_ID.  Same is true for ASSIGNED_USER_ID. 
							bool bEnableTeamManagement  = Crm.Config.enable_team_management();
							// 01/11/2011   Ignore the Required flag. 
							//bool bRequireTeamManagement = Crm.Config.require_team_management();
							//bool bRequireUserAssignment = Crm.Config.require_user_assignment();
							// 02/04/2010   An ACT! group should be treated as a Prospect List. 
							Hashtable hashProspectLists = new Hashtable();
							if ( radACT_2005.Checked && cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import != null )
								if ( chkUseTransaction.Checked || bPreview )
									cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import.Transaction = trn;
								// 02/04/2010   Prospect Lists should assume the owner of the parent record. 
								Guid gTEAM_ID          = Security.TEAM_ID;
								Guid gASSIGNED_USER_ID = Security.USER_ID;
								// 03/27/2010   Use FindParameter as the Parameter Name may start with @. 
								// 01/10/2011   This logic is the source of a bug where the Prospect List owner was not getting set. 
								// The problem is that cmdImport has not been initialized at this stage, so it does not make sense to use it as the base. 
								IDbDataParameter parTEAM_ID          = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImport, "@TEAM_ID"         );
								IDbDataParameter parASSIGNED_USER_ID = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImport, "@ASSIGNED_USER_ID");
								if ( parTEAM_ID != null )
									gTEAM_ID = Sql.ToGuid(parTEAM_ID.Value);
								if ( parASSIGNED_USER_ID != null )
									gASSIGNED_USER_ID = Sql.ToGuid(parASSIGNED_USER_ID.Value);
								IDbDataParameter parID = Sql.FindParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import, "ID");
								if ( parID != null )
									XmlNodeList nlGroups = xmlImport.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("groups");
									foreach ( XmlNode xGroup in nlGroups )
										foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import.Parameters)
											// 03/27/2010   The ParameterName will start with @, so we need to remove it. 
											string sParameterName = Sql.ExtractDbName(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import, par.ParameterName).ToUpper();
											if ( sParameterName == "TEAM_ID" && bEnableTeamManagement ) // 01/11/2011   Ignore the Required flag. && bRequireTeamManagement )
												par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gTEAM_ID);  // 01/10/2011   Make sure to convert Guid.Empty to DBNull. 
											else if ( sParameterName == "ASSIGNED_USER_ID" ) // 01/11/2011   Always set the Assigned User ID. && bRequireUserAssignment )
												par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gASSIGNED_USER_ID);  // 01/10/2011   Make sure to convert Guid.Empty to DBNull. 
											// 02/20/2013   We need to set the MODIFIED_USER_ID. 
											else if ( sParameterName == "MODIFIED_USER_ID" )
												par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gASSIGNED_USER_ID);
												par.Value = DBNull.Value;
										// 05/10/2010   We now support ACT! etime. 
										DateTime dtDATE_MODIFIED = Sql.ToDateTime(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xGroup, "etime"      ));
										string   sNAME           = Sql.ToString  (XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xGroup, "grp_name"   )).Trim();
										string   sDESCRIPTION    = Sql.ToString  (XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xGroup, "description")).Trim();
										if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sNAME) && !hashProspectLists.ContainsKey(sNAME) )
											// 02/04/2010   The modified user is always the person who imported the data. 
											Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import, "@DATE_MODIFIED"   , dtDATE_MODIFIED );
											Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID);
											Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import, "@NAME"            , sNAME           );
											Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_Import, "@DESCRIPTION"     , sDESCRIPTION    );
											hashProspectLists.Add(sNAME, Sql.ToGuid(parID.Value).ToString());
							for ( int iRowNumber = 1; i < nlRows.Count ; i++ )
								XmlNode node = nlRows[i];
								int nEmptyColumns = 0;
								for ( int j = 0; j < node.ChildNodes.Count; j++ )
									string sText = node.ChildNodes[j].InnerText;
									if ( sText == String.Empty )
								// 09/04/2006   If all columns are empty, then skip the row. 
								if ( nEmptyColumns == node.ChildNodes.Count )
								DataRow row = dtProcessed.NewRow();
								row["IMPORT_ROW_NUMBER"] = iRowNumber ;
									if ( !Response.IsClientConnected )
									foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdImport.Parameters)
										// 06/04/2009   If Team is required, then make sure to initialize the TEAM_ID.  Same is true for ASSIGNED_USER_ID. 
										// 03/27/2010   The ParameterName will start with @, so we need to remove it. 
										string sParameterName = Sql.ExtractDbName(cmdImport, par.ParameterName).ToUpper();
										if ( sParameterName == "TEAM_ID" && bEnableTeamManagement ) // 01/11/2011   Ignore the Required flag. && bRequireTeamManagement )
											par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(Security.TEAM_ID);  // 02/26/2011   Make sure to convert Guid.Empty to DBNull. 
										else if ( sParameterName == "ASSIGNED_USER_ID" ) // 01/11/2011   Always set the Assigned User ID. && bRequireUserAssignment )
											par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(Security.USER_ID);  // 02/26/2011   Make sure to convert Guid.Empty to DBNull. 
										// 02/20/2013   We need to set the MODIFIED_USER_ID. 
										else if ( sParameterName == "MODIFIED_USER_ID" )
											par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(Security.USER_ID);
											par.Value = DBNull.Value;
									if ( cmdImportCSTM != null )
										foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdImportCSTM.Parameters)
											par.Value = DBNull.Value;
									if ( cmdImportTeam != null )
										foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdImportTeam.Parameters)
											par.Value = DBNull.Value;
									// 09/19/2007   parID and parID_C are frequently used, so obtain outside the import loop. 
									IDbDataParameter parID   = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImport, "ID");
									IDbDataParameter parID_C = null;
									if ( cmdImportCSTM != null )
										parID_C = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImportCSTM, "ID_C");

									// 10/31/2006   The modified user is always the person who imported the data. 
									// 11/01/2006   The real problem with importing a contact is that the SYNC_CONTACT flag was null, and treated as 1. 
									// It still makes sense to set the modified id. 
									Sql.SetParameter(cmdImport, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID);
									foreach(string sName in hashDefaultMappings.Keys)
										string sDefault = Sql.ToString(hashDefaultMappings[sName]);
										if ( !dtProcessed.Columns.Contains(sName) )
										row["IMPORT_ROW_STATUS" ] = true ;
										row["IMPORT_LAST_COLUMN"] = sName;
										row[sName] = sDefault;
										Sql.SetParameter(cmdImport, sName, sDefault);
										if ( cmdImportCSTM != null )
											Sql.SetParameter(cmdImportCSTM, sName, sDefault);
										//if ( cmdImportTeam != null && sName == "team_id" )
										//	Sql.SetParameter(cmdImportTeam, "@TEAM_ID", sDefault);
									for ( int j = 0; j < node.ChildNodes.Count; j++ )
										string sText = node.ChildNodes[j].InnerText;
										string sName = String.Empty;
										// 08/22/2006   We should always use the header mappings instead of an index as nodes may move around. 
										sName = Sql.ToString(hashHeaderMappings[node.ChildNodes[j].Name]);
										// 09/08/2006   There is no need to set the field if the value is empty. 
										if ( sName.Length > 0 && sText.Length > 0 )
											sName = sName.ToUpper();
											// 08/20/2006   Fix IDs. 
											// 09/30/2006   CREATED_BY counts as an ID. 
											if ( sName == "ID" || sName.EndsWith("_ID") || sName == "CREATED_BY" )
												// 09/30/2006   IDs must be in upper case.  This is primarily for platforms that are case-significant. 
												// 10/05/2006   We need to use upper case for SQL Server as well so that the SugarCRM user names are correctly replaced. 
												sText = sText.ToUpper();
												if ( sText.Length < 36 && sText.Length > 0 )
													sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000".Substring(0, 36 - sText.Length) + sText;
													switch ( sText )
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000JIM_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0001-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000MAX_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0002-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000WILL_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0003-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000CHRIS_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0004-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000SALLY_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0005-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000SARAH_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0006-000000000000";  break;
														// 11/30/2006   The following mappings will really only help when importing SugarCRM sample data. 
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001":  sText = "00000000-0000-0001-0000-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0PRIVATE.JIM":  sText = "00000000-0000-0001-0001-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0PRIVATE.MAX":  sText = "00000000-0000-0001-0002-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-PRIVATE.WILL":  sText = "00000000-0000-0001-0003-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000PRIVATE.CHRIS":  sText = "00000000-0000-0001-0004-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000PRIVATE.SALLY":  sText = "00000000-0000-0001-0005-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000PRIVATE.SARAH":  sText = "00000000-0000-0001-0006-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000EAST":  sText = "00000000-0000-0001-0101-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000WEST":  sText = "00000000-0000-0001-0102-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000NORTH":  sText = "00000000-0000-0001-0103-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000SOUTH":  sText = "00000000-0000-0001-0104-000000000000";  break;
														// 07/09/2010   New IDs used in a prepopulated SugarCRM database. 
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0SEED_JIM_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0011-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0SEED_MAX_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0012-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000-SEED_WILL_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0013-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000SEED_CHRIS_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0014-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000SEED_SALLY_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0015-000000000000";  break;
														case "00000000-0000-0000-0000SEED_SARAH_ID":  sText = "00000000-0000-0000-0016-000000000000";  break;
											// 02/20/2008   Most modules have the TEAM_ID in the main update procedure, 
											// so we need to translate the TEAM_NAME to TEAM_ID inside this loop. 
											else if ( sName == "TEAM_NAME" && Crm.Config.enable_team_management() )
												Guid gTEAM_ID = Guid.Empty;
												string sTEAM_NAME = sText.Trim().ToUpper();
												if ( hashTeamNames.ContainsKey(sTEAM_NAME) )
													gTEAM_ID = Sql.ToGuid(hashTeamNames[sTEAM_NAME]);
												sName = "TEAM_ID";
												sText = gTEAM_ID.ToString();
											if ( !dtProcessed.Columns.Contains(sName) )
											row["IMPORT_ROW_STATUS" ] = true ;
											row["IMPORT_LAST_COLUMN"] = sName;
											row[sName] = sText;
											Sql.SetParameter(cmdImport, sName, sText);
											if ( cmdImportCSTM != null )
												Sql.SetParameter(cmdImportCSTM, sName, sText);
									// 09/17/2013   Add Business Rules to import. 
									// Apply rules before Required Fields or Duplicates check. 
									// For efficiency, don't apply rules engine if no rules were defined. 
									if ( rules != null && dtRules != null && dtRules.Rows.Count > 0 )
										row["IMPORT_LAST_COLUMN"] = "Business Rules Engine";
										SplendidImportThis swThis = new SplendidImportThis(L10n, sImportModule, row, cmdImport, cmdImportCSTM);
										RuleExecution exec = new RuleExecution(validation, swThis);
									StringBuilder sbRequiredFieldErrors = new StringBuilder();
									foreach ( string sRequiredField in hashRequiredFields.Keys )
										IDbDataParameter par = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImport, sRequiredField);
										if ( par == null && cmdImportCSTM != null )
											par = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImportCSTM, sRequiredField);
										if ( par != null )
											if ( par.Value == DBNull.Value || par.Value.ToString() == String.Empty )
												// 02/05/2010   If this is an ACT! import of contacts, then there may not be a Last Name. 
												// In this case, use the Account Name as we want to keep the record. 
												if ( radACT_2005.Checked && sRequiredField == "LAST_NAME" && sImportModule == "Contacts" )
													IDbDataParameter parACCOUNT_NAME = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImport, "ACCOUNT_NAME");
													if ( parACCOUNT_NAME != null )
														// 02/05/2010   Check the value not the parameter. 
														if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(parACCOUNT_NAME.Value) )
															par.Value = parACCOUNT_NAME.Value;
												// 11/02/2006   If ACCOUNT_ID is required, then also allow ACCOUNT_NAME. 
												else if ( sRequiredField == "ACCOUNT_ID" && (sImportModule == "Cases " || sImportModule == "Opportunities") )
													par = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImport, "ACCOUNT_NAME");
													if ( par != null )
														if ( par.Value != DBNull.Value && par.Value.ToString() != String.Empty )
												if ( sbRequiredFieldErrors.Length > 0 )
													sbRequiredFieldErrors.Append(", ");
												if ( hashColumns.ContainsKey(sRequiredField) )
									// 12/17/2008   Now that all the data is available in cmdImport, we can use the data in a filter. 
									if ( hashDuplicateFilters.Count > 0 )
										string sSQL = String.Empty;
										sSQL = "select count(*)        " + ControlChars.CrLf
										     + "  from vw" + sTABLE_NAME + ControlChars.CrLf
										     + " where 1 = 1           " + ControlChars.CrLf;
										using ( IDbCommand cmdDuplicate = con.CreateCommand() )
											cmdDuplicate.Transaction = trn;
											cmdDuplicate.CommandText = sSQL;
											foreach ( string sDuplicateField in hashDuplicateFilters.Keys )
												string sFieldName = sDuplicateField.ToUpper();
												IDbDataParameter par = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImport, sFieldName);
												if ( par == null )
													par = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImportCSTM, sFieldName);
												if ( par != null )
													if ( par.Value == DBNull.Value )
														cmdDuplicate.CommandText += "   and " + sFieldName + " is null" + ControlChars.CrLf;
														cmdDuplicate.CommandText += "   and " + sFieldName + " = @" + sFieldName + ControlChars.CrLf;
														IDbDataParameter parDup = Sql.CreateParameter(cmdDuplicate, "@" + sFieldName);
														parDup.DbType    = par.DbType   ;
														parDup.Size      = par.Size     ;
														parDup.Scale     = par.Scale    ;
														parDup.Precision = par.Precision;
														parDup.Value     = par.Value    ;
											int nDuplicateCount = Sql.ToInteger(cmdDuplicate.ExecuteScalar());
											if ( nDuplicateCount > 0 )
												row["IMPORT_ROW_STATUS"] = false;
												row["IMPORT_ROW_ERROR" ] = L10n.Term("Import.ERR_DUPLICATE_FIELDS") + " " + sbDuplicateFilters.ToString();
									if ( sbRequiredFieldErrors.Length > 0 )
										row["IMPORT_ROW_STATUS"] = false;
										row["IMPORT_ROW_ERROR" ] = L10n.Term("Import.ERR_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS") + " " + sbRequiredFieldErrors.ToString();
										// 10/31/2006   Abort after 200 errors. 
										if ( nFailed >= nMAX_ERRORS )
											ctlDynamicButtons.ErrorText += L10n.Term("Import.LBL_MAX_ERRORS");
										if ( parID != null )
											row["ID"] = parID.Value;

											Guid gID = Sql.ToGuid(parID.Value);
											if ( cmdImportCSTM != null && parID_C != null )
												parID_C.Value = gID;
											if ( radACT_2005.Checked )
												// 02/02/2010   Notes and Activities should assume the owner of the parent record. 
												Guid gTEAM_ID          = Security.TEAM_ID;
												Guid gASSIGNED_USER_ID = Security.USER_ID;
												// 03/27/2010   Use FindParameter as the Parameter Name may start with @. 
												IDbDataParameter parTEAM_ID          = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImport, "@TEAM_ID"         );
												IDbDataParameter parASSIGNED_USER_ID = Sql.FindParameter(cmdImport, "@ASSIGNED_USER_ID");
												if ( parTEAM_ID != null )
													gTEAM_ID = Sql.ToGuid(parTEAM_ID.Value);
												if ( parASSIGNED_USER_ID != null )
													gASSIGNED_USER_ID = Sql.ToGuid(parASSIGNED_USER_ID.Value);
												// 02/02/2010   If this is an ACT! import, then we need to look for Notes and Activities. 
												if ( cmdNOTES_Import != null )
													// 02/04/2010   The Note and Activity import must also be part of the transaction. 
													if ( chkUseTransaction.Checked || bPreview )
														cmdNOTES_Import.Transaction = trn;
													XmlNodeList nlNotes = node.SelectNodes("notes");
													foreach ( XmlNode xNote in nlNotes )
														foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdNOTES_Import.Parameters)
															// 03/27/2010   The ParameterName will start with @, so we need to remove it. 
															string sParameterName = Sql.ExtractDbName(cmdNOTES_Import, par.ParameterName).ToUpper();
															if ( sParameterName == "TEAM_ID" && bEnableTeamManagement ) // 01/11/2011   Ignore the Required flag. && bRequireTeamManagement )
																par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gTEAM_ID);  // 01/10/2011   Make sure to convert Guid.Empty to DBNull. 
															else if ( sParameterName == "ASSIGNED_USER_ID" ) // 01/11/2011   Always set the Assigned User ID. && bRequireUserAssignment )
																par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gASSIGNED_USER_ID);  // 01/10/2011   Make sure to convert Guid.Empty to DBNull. 
															// 02/20/2013   We need to set the MODIFIED_USER_ID. 
															else if ( sParameterName == "MODIFIED_USER_ID" )
																par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gASSIGNED_USER_ID);
																par.Value = DBNull.Value;
														DateTime dtDATE_MODIFIED = Sql.ToDateTime(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xNote, "user_time"  ));
														string   sDESCRIPTION    = Sql.ToString  (XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xNote, "description")).Trim();
														string   sNAME           = sDESCRIPTION;
														if ( sNAME.IndexOf(ControlChars.CrLf) > 0 )
															sNAME = sNAME.Substring(0, sNAME.IndexOf(ControlChars.CrLf));
														if ( Sql.IsEmptyString(sNAME) )
															sNAME = "Note";
														// 02/04/2010   The modified user is always the person who imported the data. 
														Sql.SetParameter(cmdNOTES_Import, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID);
														Sql.SetParameter(cmdNOTES_Import, "@DATE_MODIFIED"   , dtDATE_MODIFIED );
														Sql.SetParameter(cmdNOTES_Import, "@NAME"            , sNAME           );
														Sql.SetParameter(cmdNOTES_Import, "@PARENT_TYPE"     , sImportModule   );
														Sql.SetParameter(cmdNOTES_Import, "@PARENT_ID"       , gID             );
														Sql.SetParameter(cmdNOTES_Import, "@DESCRIPTION"     , sDESCRIPTION    );
												if ( cmdCALLS_Import != null && cmdMEETINGS_Import != null )
													// 02/04/2010   The Note and Activity import must also be part of the transaction. 
													if ( chkUseTransaction.Checked || bPreview )
														cmdCALLS_Import.Transaction = trn;
														cmdMEETINGS_Import.Transaction = trn;
													XmlNodeList nlActivities = node.SelectNodes("activities");
													foreach ( XmlNode xActivity in nlActivities )
														foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdCALLS_Import.Parameters)
															// 03/27/2010   The ParameterName will start with @, so we need to remove it. 
															string sParameterName = Sql.ExtractDbName(cmdCALLS_Import, par.ParameterName).ToUpper();
															if ( sParameterName == "TEAM_ID" && bEnableTeamManagement ) // 01/11/2011   Ignore the Required flag. && bRequireTeamManagement )
																par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gTEAM_ID);  // 01/10/2011   Make sure to convert Guid.Empty to DBNull. 
															else if ( sParameterName == "ASSIGNED_USER_ID" ) // 01/11/2011   Always set the Assigned User ID. && bRequireUserAssignment )
																par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gASSIGNED_USER_ID);  // 01/10/2011   Make sure to convert Guid.Empty to DBNull. 
															// 02/20/2013   We need to set the MODIFIED_USER_ID. 
															else if ( sParameterName == "MODIFIED_USER_ID" )
																par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gASSIGNED_USER_ID);
																par.Value = DBNull.Value;
														foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdMEETINGS_Import.Parameters)
															// 03/27/2010   The ParameterName will start with @, so we need to remove it. 
															string sParameterName = Sql.ExtractDbName(cmdMEETINGS_Import, par.ParameterName).ToUpper();
															if ( sParameterName == "TEAM_ID" && bEnableTeamManagement ) // 01/11/2011   Ignore the Required flag. && bRequireTeamManagement )
																par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gTEAM_ID);  // 01/10/2011   Make sure to convert Guid.Empty to DBNull. 
															else if ( sParameterName == "ASSIGNED_USER_ID" ) // 01/11/2011   Always set the Assigned User ID. && bRequireUserAssignment )
																par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gASSIGNED_USER_ID);  // 01/10/2011   Make sure to convert Guid.Empty to DBNull. 
															// 02/20/2013   We need to set the MODIFIED_USER_ID. 
															else if ( sParameterName == "MODIFIED_USER_ID" )
																par.Value = Sql.ToDBGuid(gASSIGNED_USER_ID);
																par.Value = DBNull.Value;
														int      nTYPE             = Sql.ToInteger (XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xActivity, "type"      ));
														DateTime dtSTART_TIME      = Sql.ToDateTime(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xActivity, "start_time"));
														DateTime dtEND_TIME        = Sql.ToDateTime(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xActivity, "end_time"  ));
														// 02/04/2010   An activity does not have a user_time, so use the start time. 
														// 05/10/2010   We now support ACT! etime. 
														DateTime dtDATE_MODIFIED   = Sql.ToDateTime(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xActivity, "etime"     ));
														int      nREMINDER_TIME    = Sql.ToInteger (XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xActivity, "lead_time" ));
														int      nDURATION         = Sql.ToInteger (XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xActivity, "duration"  ));
														int      nDURATION_HOURS   = nDURATION / 60;
														int      nDURATION_MINUTES = nDURATION % 60;
														string   sDESCRIPTION      = Sql.ToString  (XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xActivity, "description")).Trim();
														string   sNAME             = Sql.ToString  (XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xActivity, "regarding"  ));
														if ( Sql.IsEmptyString(sNAME) )
															sNAME = "Activity";
														if ( nTYPE == 0 )  // Call when TYPE == 0. 
															// 02/04/2010   The modified user is always the person who imported the data. 
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdCALLS_Import, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdCALLS_Import, "@DATE_MODIFIED"   , dtDATE_MODIFIED  );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdCALLS_Import, "@NAME"            , sNAME            );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdCALLS_Import, "@DURATION_HOURS"  , nDURATION_HOURS  );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdCALLS_Import, "@DURATION_MINUTES", nDURATION_MINUTES);
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdCALLS_Import, "@DATE_TIME"       , dtSTART_TIME     );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdCALLS_Import, "@PARENT_TYPE"     , sImportModule    );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdCALLS_Import, "@PARENT_ID"       , gID              );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdCALLS_Import, "@REMINDER_TIME"   , nREMINDER_TIME   );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdCALLS_Import, "@DESCRIPTION"     , sDESCRIPTION     );
														else // Meeting when TYPE == 1, TO-DO when TYPE == 2. 
															// 02/04/2010   The modified user is always the person who imported the data. 
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdMEETINGS_Import, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdMEETINGS_Import, "@DATE_MODIFIED"   , dtDATE_MODIFIED  );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdMEETINGS_Import, "@NAME"            , sNAME            );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdMEETINGS_Import, "@DURATION_HOURS"  , nDURATION_HOURS  );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdMEETINGS_Import, "@DURATION_MINUTES", nDURATION_MINUTES);
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdMEETINGS_Import, "@DATE_TIME"       , dtSTART_TIME     );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdMEETINGS_Import, "@PARENT_TYPE"     , sImportModule    );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdMEETINGS_Import, "@PARENT_ID"       , gID              );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdMEETINGS_Import, "@REMINDER_TIME"   , nREMINDER_TIME   );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdMEETINGS_Import, "@DESCRIPTION"     , sDESCRIPTION     );
												if ( cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import != null )
													// 02/04/2010   The Note and Activity import must also be part of the transaction. 
													if ( chkUseTransaction.Checked || bPreview )
														cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import.Transaction = trn;
													XmlNodeList nlProspectLists = node.SelectNodes("prospect_lists");
													foreach ( XmlNode xProspectList in nlProspectLists )
														string sNAME = Sql.ToString(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xProspectList, "name"));
														if ( hashProspectLists.ContainsKey(sNAME) )
															Guid gPROSPECT_LIST_ID = Sql.ToGuid(hashProspectLists[sNAME]);
															foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import.Parameters)
																par.Value = DBNull.Value;
															// 02/04/2010   The modified user is always the person who imported the data. 
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import, "@PROSPECT_LIST_ID", gPROSPECT_LIST_ID);
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import, "@CONTACT_ID"      , gID              );
												// 01/11/2011   Use a separate procedure as it has different parameters. 
												if ( cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import != null )
													// 02/04/2010   The Note and Activity import must also be part of the transaction. 
													if ( chkUseTransaction.Checked || bPreview )
														cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import.Transaction = trn;
													XmlNodeList nlProspectLists = node.SelectNodes("prospect_lists");
													foreach ( XmlNode xProspectList in nlProspectLists )
														string sNAME = Sql.ToString(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xProspectList, "name"));
														if ( hashProspectLists.ContainsKey(sNAME) )
															Guid gPROSPECT_LIST_ID = Sql.ToGuid(hashProspectLists[sNAME]);
															foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import.Parameters)
																par.Value = DBNull.Value;
															// 02/04/2010   The modified user is always the person who imported the data. 
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import, "@PROSPECT_LIST_ID", gPROSPECT_LIST_ID);
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import, "@LEAD_ID"         , gID              );
												// 01/11/2011   Use a separate procedure as it has different parameters. 
												if ( cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import != null )
													// 02/04/2010   The Note and Activity import must also be part of the transaction. 
													if ( chkUseTransaction.Checked || bPreview )
														cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import.Transaction = trn;
													XmlNodeList nlProspectLists = node.SelectNodes("prospect_lists");
													foreach ( XmlNode xProspectList in nlProspectLists )
														string sNAME = Sql.ToString(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xProspectList, "name"));
														if ( hashProspectLists.ContainsKey(sNAME) )
															Guid gPROSPECT_LIST_ID = Sql.ToGuid(hashProspectLists[sNAME]);
															foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import.Parameters)
																par.Value = DBNull.Value;
															// 02/04/2010   The modified user is always the person who imported the data. 
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID );
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import, "@PROSPECT_LIST_ID", gPROSPECT_LIST_ID);
															Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import, "@PROSPECT_ID"     , gID              );
											// 09/06/2012   Allow direct import into prospect list. 
											else if ( (sImportModule == "Contacts" || sImportModule == "Leads" || sImportModule == "Prospects") && !Sql.IsEmptyGuid(ViewState["PROSPECT_LIST_ID"]) )
												Guid gPROSPECT_LIST_ID = Sql.ToGuid(ViewState["PROSPECT_LIST_ID"]);
												if ( cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import != null )
													if ( chkUseTransaction.Checked || bPreview )
														cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import.Transaction = trn;
													foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import.Parameters)
														par.Value = DBNull.Value;
													Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID );
													Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_CONTACTS_Import, "@CONTACT_ID"      , gID              );
												if ( cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import != null )
													if ( chkUseTransaction.Checked || bPreview )
														cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import.Transaction = trn;
													foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import.Parameters)
														par.Value = DBNull.Value;
													Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID );
													Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import, "@PROSPECT_LIST_ID", gPROSPECT_LIST_ID);
													Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_LEADS_Import, "@LEAD_ID"         , gID              );
												if ( cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import != null )
													if ( chkUseTransaction.Checked || bPreview )
														cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import.Transaction = trn;
													foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import.Parameters)
														par.Value = DBNull.Value;
													Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID );
													Sql.SetParameter(cmdPROSPECT_LISTS_PROSPECTS_Import, "@PROSPECT_ID"     , gID              );
										row["IMPORT_LAST_COLUMN"] = DBNull.Value;
									Response.Write(" ");
								catch(Exception ex)
									row["IMPORT_ROW_STATUS"] = false;
									row["IMPORT_ROW_ERROR" ] = L10n.Term("Import.LBL_ERROR") + " " + Sql.ToString(row["IMPORT_LAST_COLUMN"]) + ". " + ex.Message;
									// 10/31/2006   Abort after 200 errors. 
									if ( nFailed >= nMAX_ERRORS )
										ctlDynamicButtons.ErrorText += L10n.Term("Import.LBL_MAX_ERRORS");
							// 10/29/2006   Save the processed table so that the result can be browsed. 
							string sProcessedFileID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
							string sProcessedFileName = Security.USER_ID.ToString() + " " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".xml";
							DataSet dsProcessed = new DataSet();
							dsProcessed.WriteXml(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), sProcessedFileName), XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);
							Session["TempFile." + sProcessedFileID] = sProcessedFileName;
							ViewState["ProcessedFileID"] = sProcessedFileID;

							// 10/31/2006   The transaction should rollback if it is not explicitly committed. 
							// Manually rolling back is causing a timeout. 
							//if ( bPreview || nFailed > 0 )
							//	trn.Rollback();
							if ( trn != null && !bPreview && nFailed == 0 )
						catch(Exception ex)
							// 10/31/2006   The transaction should rollback if it is not explicitly committed. 
							//if ( trn.Connection != null )
							//	trn.Rollback();
							// 10/31/2006   Don't throw this exception.  We want to be able to display the failed count. 
							//throw(new Exception(ex.Message, ex.InnerException));
							ctlDynamicButtons.ErrorText += ex.Message;
							if ( trn != null )
				lblStatus.Text = String.Empty;
				// 03/20/2011   Include a preview indicator. 
				if ( bPreview )
					lblStatus.Text += L10n.Term("Import.LBL_PREVIEW_BUTTON_LABEL") + " ";
				if ( nFailed == 0 )
					lblStatus.Text += L10n.Term("Import.LBL_SUCCESS");
					lblStatus.Text += L10n.Term("Import.LBL_FAIL"   );
				lblSuccessCount  .Text = nImported.ToString()   + " " + L10n.Term("Import.LBL_SUCCESSFULLY" );
				lblFailedCount   .Text = nFailed.ToString()     + " " + L10n.Term("Import.LBL_FAILED_IMPORT");
				lblDuplicateCount.Text = nDuplicates.ToString() + " " + L10n.Term("Import.LBL_DUPLICATES_IGNORED");

				grdMain.SortOrder  = "asc" ;
			catch ( Exception ex )
				ctlDynamicButtons.ErrorText += ex.Message;
Beispiel #3
		protected void Page_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
				// 12/05/2010   When in a popup, the NewRecord is the same as the save event. 
				if ( e.CommandName == "Save" || e.CommandName == "NewRecord" )
					bool bIsValid = Page.IsValid;
					if ( bIsValid && dtRules.Rows.Count == 0 )
						if ( bShowTopButtons )
							ctlDynamicButtons.ErrorText = L10n.Term("Rules.ERR_NO_RULES");
						else if ( bShowBottomButtons )
							ctlFooterButtons.ErrorText = L10n.Term("Rules.ERR_NO_RULES");
						bIsValid = false;
					if ( bIsValid )
						RuleValidation validation = new RuleValidation(typeof(SplendidControlThis), null);
						RuleSet rules = RulesUtil.BuildRuleSet(dtRules, validation);
						string sXOML = RulesUtil.Serialize(rules);
						StringBuilder sbRulesXML = new StringBuilder();
						using ( StringWriter wtr = new StringWriter(sbRulesXML, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) )
							dtRules.WriteXml(wtr, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema, false);
							DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
							using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
								using ( IDbTransaction trn = Sql.BeginTransaction(con) )
										Guid gTEAM_ID          = Guid.Empty;
										Guid gASSIGNED_USER_ID = Guid.Empty;
											( ref gID
											, gASSIGNED_USER_ID
											, txtNAME.Text
											, lstMODULE.SelectedValue
											, "Business"
											, String.Empty
											, String.Empty
											, String.Empty
											, sbRulesXML.ToString()
											, sXOML
											, gTEAM_ID
											, String.Empty
											, trn
										// 08/26/2010   Add new record to tracker. 
										// 03/08/2012   Add ACTION to the tracker table so that we can create quick user activity reports. 
											( Security.USER_ID
											, m_sMODULE
											, gID
											, txtNAME.Text
											, "save"
											, trn
									catch(Exception ex)
										SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
										if ( bShowTopButtons )
											ctlDynamicButtons.ErrorText = ex.Message;
										else if ( bShowBottomButtons )
											ctlFooterButtons.ErrorText = ex.Message;
									// 06/29/2012   Business Rules need to be cleared after saving. 
									// 03/11/2014   This rule could be for EditView, DetailView or GridView, so we have to clear them all. 
						catch(Exception ex)
							SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
							if ( bShowTopButtons )
								ctlDynamicButtons.ErrorText = ex.Message;
							else if ( bShowBottomButtons )
								ctlFooterButtons.ErrorText = ex.Message;
						if ( Command != null )
							e = new CommandEventArgs("NewRecord", gID.ToString());
							Command(sender, e);
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Rules.Cancel" )
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Rules.Add" )
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Rules.Delete" )
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Rules.Edit" )
					Guid   gRULE_ID = Sql.ToGuid(e.CommandArgument);
					string sRULE_NAME    = String.Empty;
					int    nPRIORITY     = 0           ;
					string sREEVALUATION = String.Empty;
					bool   bACTIVE       = true        ;
					string sCONDITION    = String.Empty;
					string sTHEN_ACTIONS = String.Empty;
					string sELSE_ACTIONS = String.Empty;
					txtRULE_ID     .Value   = gRULE_ID.ToString() ;
					txtRULE_NAME   .Text    = sRULE_NAME          ;
					txtPRIORITY    .Text    = nPRIORITY.ToString();
					chkACTIVE      .Checked = bACTIVE             ;
					txtCONDITION   .Text    = sCONDITION          ;
					txtTHEN_ACTIONS.Text    = sTHEN_ACTIONS       ;
					txtELSE_ACTIONS.Text    = sELSE_ACTIONS       ;
					Utils.SetSelectedValue(lstREEVALUATION, sREEVALUATION);
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Rules.Update" )
					// 12/07/2010   There does not seem to be a compelling reason to have a rule name. 
					if ( Sql.IsEmptyString(txtRULE_NAME.Text) )
						txtRULE_NAME.Text = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
					Guid   gRULE_ID      = Sql.ToGuid(txtRULE_ID.Value);
					string sRULE_NAME    = txtRULE_NAME   .Text   ;
					int    nPRIORITY     = Sql.ToInteger(txtPRIORITY.Text);
					string sREEVALUATION = lstREEVALUATION.SelectedValue;
					bool   bACTIVE       = chkACTIVE      .Checked;
					string sCONDITION    = txtCONDITION   .Text   ;
					string sTHEN_ACTIONS = txtTHEN_ACTIONS.Text   ;
					string sELSE_ACTIONS = txtELSE_ACTIONS.Text   ;
					//reqRULE_NAME   .Enabled = true;
					reqCONDITION   .Enabled = true;
					reqTHEN_ACTIONS.Enabled = true;
					reqRULE_NAME   .Validate();
					reqCONDITION   .Validate();
					if ( reqRULE_NAME.IsValid && reqCONDITION.IsValid && reqTHEN_ACTIONS.IsValid )
						// 12/12/2012   For security reasons, we want to restrict the data types available to the rules wizard. 
						SplendidRulesTypeProvider typeProvider = new SplendidRulesTypeProvider();
						RulesUtil.RulesValidate(gRULE_ID, sRULE_NAME, nPRIORITY, sREEVALUATION, bACTIVE, sCONDITION, sTHEN_ACTIONS, sELSE_ACTIONS, typeof(SplendidControlThis), typeProvider);
						// 10/23/2010   Build the ruleset so that the entire set will get validated. 
						RuleValidation validation = new RuleValidation(typeof(SplendidControlThis), null);
						RuleSet rules = RulesUtil.BuildRuleSet(dtRules, validation);
				else if ( e.CommandName == "Cancel" )
					if ( Command != null )
						e = new CommandEventArgs("NewRecord.Cancel", gID.ToString());
						Command(sender, e);
				else if ( e.CommandName.StartsWith("Filters.") )
			catch(Exception ex)
				SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
				if ( bShowTopButtons )
					ctlDynamicButtons.ErrorText = ex.Message;
				else if ( bShowBottomButtons )
					ctlFooterButtons.ErrorText = ex.Message;