/// <summary>
        /// Updates the application state once per frame.
        /// </summary>
        public HolographicFrame Update()
            // Before doing the timer update, there is some work to do per-frame
            // to maintain holographic rendering. First, we will get information
            // about the current frame.

            // The HolographicFrame has information that the app needs in order
            // to update and render the current frame. The app begins each new
            // frame by calling CreateNextFrame.
            HolographicFrame holographicFrame = holographicSpace.CreateNextFrame();

            // Get a prediction of where holographic cameras will be when this frame
            // is presented.
            HolographicFramePrediction prediction = holographicFrame.CurrentPrediction;

            // Back buffers can change from frame to frame. Validate each buffer, and recreate
            // resource views and depth buffers as needed.
            deviceResources.EnsureCameraResources(holographicFrame, prediction);

            if (stationaryReferenceFrame != null)
                // Check for new input state since the last frame.
                for (int i = 0; i < gamepads.Count; ++i)
                    bool buttonDownThisUpdate = (gamepads[i].gamepad.GetCurrentReading().Buttons & GamepadButtons.A) == GamepadButtons.A;
                    if (buttonDownThisUpdate && !gamepads[i].buttonAWasPressedLastFrame)
                        pointerPressed = true;
                    gamepads[i].buttonAWasPressedLastFrame = buttonDownThisUpdate;

                SpatialInteractionSourceState pointerState = spatialInputHandler.CheckForInput();
                SpatialPointerPose            pose         = null;
                if (null != pointerState)
                    pose = pointerState.TryGetPointerPose(stationaryReferenceFrame.CoordinateSystem);
                else if (pointerPressed)
                    pose = SpatialPointerPose.TryGetAtTimestamp(stationaryReferenceFrame.CoordinateSystem, prediction.Timestamp);
                pointerPressed = false;

                // When a Pressed gesture is detected, the sample hologram will be repositioned
                // two meters in front of the user.

            timer.Tick(() =>
                // TODO: Update scene objects.
                // Put time-based updates here. By default this code will run once per frame,
                // but if you change the StepTimer to use a fixed time step this code will
                // run as many times as needed to get to the current step.


            if (!canCommitDirect3D11DepthBuffer)
                // On versions of the platform that do not support the CommitDirect3D11DepthBuffer API, we can control
                // image stabilization by setting a focus point with optional plane normal and velocity.
                foreach (var cameraPose in prediction.CameraPoses)
                    // The HolographicCameraRenderingParameters class provides access to set
                    // the image stabilization parameters.
                    HolographicCameraRenderingParameters renderingParameters = holographicFrame.GetRenderingParameters(cameraPose);

                    // SetFocusPoint informs the system about a specific point in your scene to
                    // prioritize for image stabilization. The focus point is set independently
                    // for each holographic camera. When setting the focus point, put it on or
                    // near content that the user is looking at.
                    // In this example, we put the focus point at the center of the sample hologram.
                    // You can also set the relative velocity and facing of the stabilization
                    // plane using overloads of this method.
                    if (stationaryReferenceFrame != null)

            // The holographic frame will be used to get up-to-date view and projection matrices and
            // to present the swap chain.
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the application state once per frame.
        /// </summary>
        public HolographicFrame Update()
            // Before doing the timer update, there is some work to do per-frame
            // to maintain holographic rendering. First, we will get information
            // about the current frame.

            // The HolographicFrame has information that the app needs in order
            // to update and render the current frame. The app begins each new
            // frame by calling CreateNextFrame.
            HolographicFrame holographicFrame = holographicSpace.CreateNextFrame();

            // Get a prediction of where holographic cameras will be when this frame
            // is presented.
            HolographicFramePrediction prediction = holographicFrame.CurrentPrediction;

            // Back buffers can change from frame to frame. Validate each buffer, and recreate
            // resource views and depth buffers as needed.
            deviceResources.EnsureCameraResources(holographicFrame, prediction);

            // Next, we get a coordinate system from the attached frame of reference that is
            // associated with the current frame. Later, this coordinate system is used for
            // for creating the stereo view matrices when rendering the sample content.
            SpatialCoordinateSystem currentCoordinateSystem = attachreferenceFrame.GetStationaryCoordinateSystemAtTimestamp(prediction.Timestamp);//referenceFrame.CoordinateSystem;

            // Check for new input state since the last frame.
            SpatialInteractionSourceState pointerState = spatialInputHandler.CheckForInput();
            if (null != pointerState)
                // When a Pressed gesture is detected, the sample hologram will be repositioned
                // two meters in front of the user.
                    //  pointerState.TryGetPointerPose(currentCoordinateSystem)
                    SpatialPointerPose.TryGetAtTimestamp(currentCoordinateSystem, prediction.Timestamp)

            //var downstate = Windows.UI.Core.CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down;
            //bool rightclick = (Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().GetKeyState(Windows.System.VirtualKey.Escape) & downstate) == downstate;
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Windows.System.VirtualKey.Escape  " + Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().GetKeyState(Windows.System.VirtualKey.Escape).ToString() + " downstate" + downstate);
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Windows.System.VirtualKey.A  " + Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().GetKeyState(Windows.System.VirtualKey.A).ToString() + " downstate" + downstate);
            //if (rightclick)
            //    Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewSwitcher.SwitchAsync(VideoGallery.mainId, VideoGallery.appId, Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewSwitchingOptions.ConsolidateViews);

            timer.Tick(() =>
                // TODO: Update scene objects.
                // Put time-based updates here. By default this code will run once per frame,
                // but if you change the StepTimer to use a fixed time step this code will
                // run as many times as needed to get to the current step.


            // We complete the frame update by using information about our content positioning
            // to set the focus point.
            foreach (var cameraPose in prediction.CameraPoses)
                // The HolographicCameraRenderingParameters class provides access to set
                // the image stabilization parameters.
                HolographicCameraRenderingParameters renderingParameters = holographicFrame.GetRenderingParameters(cameraPose);

                // SetFocusPoint informs the system about a specific point in your scene to
                // prioritize for image stabilization. The focus point is set independently
                // for each holographic camera.
                // You should set the focus point near the content that the user is looking at.
                // In this example, we put the focus point at the center of the sample hologram,
                // since that is the only hologram available for the user to focus on.
                // You can also set the relative velocity and facing of that content; the sample
                // hologram is at a fixed point so we only need to indicate its position.
                Vector3 position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f);
                    currentCoordinateSystem, position

            // The holographic frame will be used to get up-to-date view and projection matrices and
            // to present the swap chain.
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the application state once per frame.
        /// </summary>
        public HolographicFrame Update()
            // Before doing the timer update, there is some work to do per-frame
            // to maintain holographic rendering. First, we will get information
            // about the current frame.

            // The HolographicFrame has information that the app needs in order
            // to update and render the current frame. The app begins each new
            // frame by calling CreateNextFrame.
            HolographicFrame holographicFrame = holographicSpace.CreateNextFrame();

            // Get a prediction of where holographic cameras will be when this frame
            // is presented.
            HolographicFramePrediction prediction = holographicFrame.CurrentPrediction;

            // Back buffers can change from frame to frame. Validate each buffer, and recreate
            // resource views and depth buffers as needed.
            deviceResources.EnsureCameraResources(holographicFrame, prediction);

            // Next, we get a coordinate system from the attached frame of reference that is
            // associated with the current frame. Later, this coordinate system is used for
            // for creating the stereo view matrices when rendering the sample content.
            SpatialCoordinateSystem currentCoordinateSystem = referenceFrame.CoordinateSystem;

            // Check for new input state since the last frame.
            SpatialInteractionSourceState pointerState = spatialInputHandler.CheckForInput();
            if (null != pointerState)
                // When a Pressed gesture is detected, the sample hologram will be repositioned
                // two meters in front of the user.

            timer.Tick(() =>
                // TODO: Update scene objects.
                // Put time-based updates here. By default this code will run once per frame,
                // but if you change the StepTimer to use a fixed time step this code will
                // run as many times as needed to get to the current step.


            // We complete the frame update by using information about our content positioning
            // to set the focus point.
            foreach (var cameraPose in prediction.CameraPoses)
                // The HolographicCameraRenderingParameters class provides access to set
                // the image stabilization parameters.
                HolographicCameraRenderingParameters renderingParameters = holographicFrame.GetRenderingParameters(cameraPose);

                // SetFocusPoint informs the system about a specific point in your scene to
                // prioritize for image stabilization. The focus point is set independently
                // for each holographic camera.
                // You should set the focus point near the content that the user is looking at.
                // In this example, we put the focus point at the center of the sample hologram,
                // since that is the only hologram available for the user to focus on.
                // You can also set the relative velocity and facing of that content; the sample
                // hologram is at a fixed point so we only need to indicate its position.

            // The holographic frame will be used to get up-to-date view and projection matrices and
            // to present the swap chain.
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the application state once per frame.
        /// </summary>
        public HolographicFrame Update(HolographicFrame previousFrame)
            // TODO: Put CPU work that does not depend on the HolographicCameraPose here.

            // Apps should wait for the optimal time to begin pose-dependent work.
            // The platform will automatically adjust the wakeup time to get
            // the lowest possible latency at high frame rates. For manual
            // control over latency, use the WaitForNextFrameReadyWithHeadStart
            // API.
            // WaitForNextFrameReady and WaitForNextFrameReadyWithHeadStart are the
            // preferred frame synchronization APIs for Windows Mixed Reality. When
            // running on older versions of the OS that do not include support for
            // these APIs, your app can use the WaitForFrameToFinish API for similar
            // (but not as optimal) behavior.
            if (canUseWaitForNextFrameReadyAPI)
                catch (NotImplementedException)
                    // Catch a specific case where WaitForNextFrameReady() is present but not implemented
                    // and default back to WaitForFrameToFinish() in that case.
                    canUseWaitForNextFrameReadyAPI = false;
            else if (previousFrame != null)

            // Before doing the timer update, there is some work to do per-frame
            // to maintain holographic rendering. First, we will get information
            // about the current frame.

            // The HolographicFrame has information that the app needs in order
            // to update and render the current frame. The app begins each new
            // frame by calling CreateNextFrame.
            HolographicFrame holographicFrame = holographicSpace.CreateNextFrame();

            // Get a prediction of where holographic cameras will be when this frame
            // is presented.
            HolographicFramePrediction prediction = holographicFrame.CurrentPrediction;

            // Back buffers can change from frame to frame. Validate each buffer, and recreate
            // resource views and depth buffers as needed.
            deviceResources.EnsureCameraResources(holographicFrame, prediction);

            if (stationaryReferenceFrame != null)
                // Check for new input state since the last frame.
                for (int i = 0; i < gamepads.Count; ++i)
                    bool buttonDownThisUpdate = (gamepads[i].gamepad.GetCurrentReading().Buttons & GamepadButtons.A) == GamepadButtons.A;
                    if (buttonDownThisUpdate && !gamepads[i].buttonAWasPressedLastFrame)
                        pointerPressed = true;
                    gamepads[i].buttonAWasPressedLastFrame = buttonDownThisUpdate;

                SpatialInteractionSourceState pointerState = spatialInputHandler.CheckForInput();
                SpatialPointerPose            pose         = null;
                if (null != pointerState)
                    pose = pointerState.TryGetPointerPose(stationaryReferenceFrame.CoordinateSystem);
                else if (pointerPressed)
                    pose = SpatialPointerPose.TryGetAtTimestamp(stationaryReferenceFrame.CoordinateSystem, prediction.Timestamp);
                pointerPressed = false;

                // When a Pressed gesture is detected, the sample hologram will be repositioned
                // two meters in front of the user.

            timer.Tick(() =>
                // TODO: Update scene objects.
                // Put time-based updates here. By default this code will run once per frame,
                // but if you change the StepTimer to use a fixed time step this code will
                // run as many times as needed to get to the current step.


            // On HoloLens 2, the platform can achieve better image stabilization results if it has
            // a stabilization plane and a depth buffer.
            // Note that the SetFocusPoint API includes an override which takes velocity as a
            // parameter. This is recommended for stabilizing holograms in motion.
            foreach (var cameraPose in prediction.CameraPoses)
                // The HolographicCameraRenderingParameters class provides access to set
                // the image stabilization parameters.
                HolographicCameraRenderingParameters renderingParameters = holographicFrame.GetRenderingParameters(cameraPose);

                // SetFocusPoint informs the system about a specific point in your scene to
                // prioritize for image stabilization. The focus point is set independently
                // for each holographic camera. When setting the focus point, put it on or
                // near content that the user is looking at.
                // In this example, we put the focus point at the center of the sample hologram.
                // You can also set the relative velocity and facing of the stabilization
                // plane using overloads of this method.
                if (stationaryReferenceFrame != null)

            // The holographic frame will be used to get up-to-date view and projection matrices and
            // to present the swap chain.