Control GetBaseInstructions()
            string GetGameStatusText(FilePatchStatus status) =>
            status switch
                FilePatchStatus.Unknown => L10n.Get("Oops, error?", "File patch status"),
                FilePatchStatus.NoFile => L10n.Get("No file selected"),
                FilePatchStatus.ValidFile => L10n.Get("Game compatible with the patch!"),
                FilePatchStatus.InvalidFormat => L10n.Get("This is not a game in CIA format"),
                FilePatchStatus.InvalidRegion => L10n.Get("The patcher does not support this game region"),
                FilePatchStatus.InvalidTitle => L10n.Get("Invalid game..."),
                FilePatchStatus.InvalidVersion => L10n.Get("The patcher does not support this game version"),
                FilePatchStatus.InvalidDump => L10n.Get("Game dump is not valid. Make sure to dump your own game"),
                FilePatchStatus.GameIsEncrypted => L10n.Get("Game is encrypted. Redump the game decrypted"),
                _ => L10n.Get("Oops, error?", "File patch status"),

            var selectGameBtn = new Button {
                Text    = L10n.Get("Select", "Choose button in patcher"),
                Command = viewModel.SelectGameCommand,

            var selectedPathBox = new TextBox {
                ReadOnly        = true,
                PlaceholderText = L10n.Get("Click in the button Select"),
                Width           = 300,

            selectedPathBox.TextBinding.BindDataContext <PatcherViewModel>(vm => vm.SelectedGamePath);

            var verifySpinning = new Spinner {
                Enabled = true

            verifySpinning.BindDataContext(s => s.Visible, (PatcherViewModel vm) => vm.SelectGameCommand.IsRunning);

            var verifyLabel = new Label {
                Text = string.Empty,
                Font = SystemFonts.Bold(),

                Binding.Property(viewModel, vm => vm.SelectGameCommand.IsRunning)
                .Convert(r => r
                        ? L10n.Get("Please wait while we check the game...")
                        : GetGameStatusText(viewModel.FileStatus)));
                l => l.TextColor,
                Binding.Property(viewModel, vm => vm.FileStatus)
                .Convert(s => s == FilePatchStatus.ValidFile
                        ? Colors.Green
                        : Colors.Red));

            var citraRadioBtn = new RadioButton {
                Text = L10n.Get("Citra emulator"),

                c => c.Checked,
                Binding.Property(viewModel, vm => vm.TargetDevice)

            var consoleRadioBtn = new RadioButton(citraRadioBtn)
                Text = L10n.Get("Console"),

                c => c.Checked,
                Binding.Property(viewModel, vm => vm.TargetDevice)

            var patchBtn = new Button {
                Text    = L10n.Get("Patch!", "Button in patcher"),
                Font    = SystemFonts.Bold(),
                Command = viewModel.PatchCommand,

            var consoleControl = GetConsoleInstructions();
            var citraControl   = GetCitraInstructions();
            var infoLayout     = new Panel();

                c => c.Content,
                Binding.Property(viewModel, vm => vm.TargetDevice)
                .Convert(t => t == TargetDevice.CitraPcLayeredFs ? citraControl : consoleControl));

            var table = new TableLayout {
                Padding = 10,
                Spacing = new Size(10, 10),
                Rows    =
                    new TableRow(L10n.Get("1. Buy the game in the Nintendo e-shop")),
                    new TableRow(L10n.Get("2. Dump the game to the microSD using the format no legit CIA\n   (e.g. using godmode9)")),
                    new TableRow(L10n.Get("3. Copy the game from the microSD to the computer.")),
                    new TableRow(L10n.Get("4. Choose the CIA file:")),
                    new TableLayout {
                        Spacing = new Size(10,                                                                                            10),
                        Rows    = { new TableRow(selectGameBtn,                                                                       selectedPathBox) },
                    new TableLayout {
                        Spacing = new Size(10,                                                                                            10),
                        Rows    = { new TableRow(verifySpinning,                                                                      verifyLabel) },
                    new TableRow(L10n.Get("5. Select how you will play the game:")),
                    new TableLayout {
                        Spacing = new Size(10,                                                                                            10),
                        Rows    =
                            new TableRow(citraRadioBtn,   null),
                            new TableRow(consoleRadioBtn, null),
                    new TableRow(infoLayout),
                    new TableRow()
                        ScaleHeight = true
                    new TableLayout(new TableRow(patchBtn,                                                                            null)),
                    new TableRow(),

            var drawable = new Drawable {
                Content = table,

            Bitmap clippyImage = Bitmap.FromResource(ResourcesName.Clippy);

            drawable.Paint += (sender, e) =>
                image: clippyImage,
                x: table.Width - clippyImage.Width - 10,
                y: 200,
                width: clippyImage.Width,
                height: clippyImage.Height);
