private void OnRenderAnimationSet(Camera camera, Spine3DAnimationSet animationSet)
     if (!_renderedAnimationSet)
         _lastRenderedAnimationSet = animationSet;
Beispiel #2
                public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
                    if (_trackBinding != null && _animationStates != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < _animationStates.Length; i++)
                            Spine3DAnimationSet animationSet = _trackBinding._renderer._animationSets[i];
                            ApplyChannelsToState(animationSet, _animationStates[i]);
                        if (!Application.isPlaying)
                            for (int i = 0; i < _animationStates.Length; i++)
                                SpineAnimator spineAnimator = _trackBinding._renderer._animationSets[i]._animatior;
Beispiel #3
                private void PlayAnimation(Spine3DAnimationSet animationSet, AnimationState animationState, TrackEntry[] trackEntries, int trackIndex, ChannelAnimationData animation)
                    //Proxy Animation
                    if (animation._proxyAnimation != null)
                        //Valid for this animation set (matches orientations)
                        if ((animationSet._orientation & animation._proxyAnimationOrientations) != 0)
                            TrackEntry trackEntry = trackEntries[trackIndex];

                            if (trackEntry == null || trackEntry.Animation != animation._proxyAnimation)
                                trackEntry = animationState.SetAnimation(trackIndex, animation._proxyAnimation, true);

                            if (trackEntry != null)
                                trackEntry.TrackTime = animation._animationTime * animation._animationSpeed;
                                trackEntry.Alpha     = animation._animationWeight;
                                trackEntry.TimeScale = animation._animationSpeed;
                    //Normal animation
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(animation._animationId))
                        string     animationId = _trackBinding.GetAnimNameForAnimationSet(animationSet, animation._animationId);
                        TrackEntry trackEntry  = trackEntries[trackIndex];

                        if (trackEntry == null || trackEntry.Animation == null || trackEntry.Animation.Name != animationId)

                            Animation anim = animationState.Data.SkeletonData.FindAnimation(animationId);
                            if (anim != null)
                                trackEntry = animationState.SetAnimation(trackIndex, anim, true);

                        if (trackEntry != null)
                            trackEntry.TrackTime = animation._animationTime * animation._animationSpeed;
                            trackEntry.Alpha     = animation._animationWeight;
                            trackEntry.TimeScale = animation._animationSpeed;
                    //Nothing playing
                public string GetAnimNameForAnimationSet(Spine3DAnimationSet animationSet, string animName)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(animationSet._animationPrefix))
                        SpineAnimator childAnimator = animationSet._animatior;
                        string        fullAnimName  = animName + animationSet._animationPrefix;

                        if (childAnimator.DoesAnimationExist(fullAnimName))

Beispiel #5
                private void OnSkeletonRebuild(SkeletonRenderer skeletonRenderer)
                    if (_onRebuildSkeleton != null)
                        Spine3DAnimationSet animationSet = null;

                        for (int i = 0; i < _animationSets.Length; i++)
                            if (_animationSets[i]._animatior.GetSkeletonAnimation() == skeletonRenderer)
                                animationSet = _animationSets[i];

Beispiel #6
                private void ApplyChannelsToState(Spine3DAnimationSet animationSet, AnimationState animationState)
                    //First work out how many track entries are needed
                    int numTrackEntries = 0;

                    foreach (ChannelData channelData in _channelData)
                        numTrackEntries += channelData._backgroundAnimations.Length;

                    //Grow to new amount if needed
                    TrackEntry[] trackEntries = animationState.Tracks.Items;

                    //Ensure animations are playing at correct times / weights
                    int trackIndex = 0;

                    foreach (ChannelData channelData in _channelData)
                        for (int i = 0; i < channelData._backgroundAnimations.Length; i++)
                            PlayAnimation(animationSet, animationState, trackEntries, trackIndex, channelData._backgroundAnimations[i]);

                        PlayAnimation(animationSet, animationState, trackEntries, trackIndex, channelData._primaryAnimation);

                    //Clear unused tracks
                    for (; trackIndex < trackEntries.Length; trackIndex++)
Beispiel #7
                public void SetAnimationSetForCamera(Camera camera)
                    //Work out angle between character face direction and camera forward.
                    //Choose a animation set based on horizontal angle between camera forward and character forward

                    Transform graphicsOrigin = _graphicsOrigin;

                    if (graphicsOrigin == null)
                        graphicsOrigin = this.transform;

                    //Convert camera pos and forward into character space
                    Vector3 localspaceCameraPos = _graphicsOrigin.InverseTransformPoint(camera.transform.position);
                    Vector3 localspaceCameraDir = _graphicsOrigin.InverseTransformDirection(-camera.transform.forward);

                    //Get forward in XY space
                    Vector2 localspaceCameraDirXY = new Vector2(localspaceCameraDir.x, localspaceCameraDir.z).normalized;
                    Vector2 forwardXY             = Vector2.up;

                    //The angle between camera forward and character forward
                    float horizAngle = MathUtils.AngleBetween(forwardXY, localspaceCameraDirXY);

                    //Work out which animations to use
                    int   bestAnimationSet = -1;
                    float nearestAngleDif  = 0.0f;

                    for (int i = 0; i < _animationSets.Length; i++)
                        //Disable the sets renderer
                        SetAnimationSetActive(_animationSets[i], false);

                        //Never use sprites that direction is more than 90 degrees to camera
                        Vector2 spriteForwardXY = MathUtils.Rotate(forwardXY, _animationSets[i]._fowardAngle);
                        float   spriteAngle     = MathUtils.AngleBetween(localspaceCameraDirXY, spriteForwardXY);

                        if (Mathf.Abs(spriteAngle) < _animationSets[i]._maxAngle)
                            float angleDiff = MathUtils.AngleDiff(horizAngle, MathUtils.DegreesTo180Range(_animationSets[i]._faceAngle));

                            if (bestAnimationSet == -1 || Mathf.Abs(angleDiff) < Mathf.Abs(nearestAngleDif))
                                bestAnimationSet = i;
                                nearestAngleDif  = angleDiff;

                    if (bestAnimationSet != -1)
                        Spine3DAnimationSet animationSet = _animationSets[bestAnimationSet];

                        SetAnimationSetActive(animationSet, true);

                        if (_onRenderAnimationSet != null)
                            _onRenderAnimationSet.Invoke(camera, animationSet);

                        //Horizontal sprite rotation
                            //Rotate this forward to face sprite towards its face angle.
                            Vector2 localSpaceSpriteForwardXY = MathUtils.Rotate(forwardXY, -animationSet._faceAngle);

                            //When hit max view angle maintain that relative angle diff.
                            float spriteAngle    = MathUtils.AngleBetween(localspaceCameraDirXY, localSpaceSpriteForwardXY);
                            float spriteMaxAngle = animationSet._maxViewAngle;
                            if (Mathf.Abs(spriteAngle) > spriteMaxAngle)
                                //Rotate camera forward by max angle in correct direction
                                float clampedAngle = spriteMaxAngle;
                                if (spriteAngle < 0)
                                    clampedAngle = -clampedAngle;

                                localSpaceSpriteForwardXY = MathUtils.Rotate(localspaceCameraDirXY, -clampedAngle);

                            //Set rotation matrix based off adjusted up and the correct sprite forward vector
                                Vector3 spriteForward = new Vector3(localSpaceSpriteForwardXY.x, 0.0f, localSpaceSpriteForwardXY.y).normalized;
                                animationSet.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, -spriteForward);

                        //Vertical sprite rotation
                            Vector3 localSpaceCamerDirFlat = new Vector3(localspaceCameraDir.x, 0.0f, localspaceCameraDir.z).normalized;

                            //Work out roll angle between sprite and camera
                            float rollAngle = Vector3.Angle(localSpaceCamerDirFlat, localspaceCameraDir);
                            if (localspaceCameraDir.y < 0)
                                rollAngle = -rollAngle;

                            //If roll angle is too severe then rotate sprite to align better with the camera
                            if (Mathf.Abs(rollAngle) > _minRollAngle)
                                //ifs over min angle then rotate by amount over
                                float angle = Mathf.Abs(rollAngle) - _minRollAngle;

                                if (angle > _maxRollAngle)
                                    angle = _maxRollAngle;

                                if (rollAngle < 0.0f)
                                    angle = -angle;

                                Vector3 spriteAxis = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, localspaceCameraDir).normalized;
                                animationSet.transform.localRotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.right);
Beispiel #8
 private void SetAnimationSetActive(Spine3DAnimationSet animationSet, bool active)