Beispiel #1
        // always create passing the existing context so it is preserved for delegate usage
        internal CastContext(object ctx, SpellFindDelegate ssd, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit, HasGcd gcd = HasGcd.Yes)
            if (ssd == null || onUnit == null)

            if (ssd(ctx, out sfr))
                spell = sfr.Override ?? sfr.Original;
                name = spell.Name;
                context = ctx;
                unit = onUnit(ctx);
                // health/dist change quickly, so grab these now where
                // .. we check requirements so the log message we output
                // .. later reflects what they were when we were testing
                // .. as opposed to what they may have changed to
                // .. (since spell lookup, move while casting check, and cancast take time)
                if (unit != null && unit.IsValid)
                    health = unit.HealthPercent;
                    distance = unit.SpellDistance();
Beispiel #2
        // always create passing the existing context so it is preserved for delegate usage
        internal CogContext(object ctx, SpellFindDelegate ssd, SimpleLocationRetriever locrtrv, SimpleStringDelegate descrtrv)

            if (ssd(ctx, out sfr))
                spell = sfr.Override ?? sfr.Original;
                name = spell.Name;
                context = ctx;

                loc = WoWPoint.Empty;
                targetDesc = "";
                if (locrtrv != null)
                    loc = locrtrv(ctx);
                    if (descrtrv != null)
                        targetDesc = descrtrv(ctx) + " ";
Beispiel #3
        public static Composite Cast(SpellFindDelegate ssd, SimpleBooleanDelegate checkMovement, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit,
            SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements, SimpleBooleanDelegate cancel = null, LagTolerance allow = LagTolerance.Yes, bool skipWowCheck = false, CanCastDelegate canCast = null, HasGcd gcd = HasGcd.Yes)
            // only need to check these at creation time
            if (ssd == null || checkMovement == null || onUnit == null || requirements == null)
                return new ActionAlwaysFail();

            if (canCast == null)
                canCast = CanCastHack;

            Composite comp =  new PrioritySelector(

                // create a CastContext object to save passed in context and other values
                ctx => new CastContext(ctx, ssd, onUnit, gcd),

                new Sequence(
                    // cast the spell, saving state information including if we queued this cast
                    new Action(ret =>
                        CastContext cctx = ret.CastContext();

                        if (cctx.spell == null)
                            return RunStatus.Failure;   

                        if (cctx.unit == null)
                            return RunStatus.Failure;

                        if (!requirements(cctx.context))
                            return RunStatus.Failure;

                        if (checkMovement(cctx.context) && Me.IsMoving && !AllowMovingWhileCasting(cctx.spell))
                            if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                                Logger.WriteDebug("skipping Spell.Cast({0},[{1}]) because we are moving", cctx.unit.SafeName(), cctx.spell.Name);
                            return RunStatus.Failure;

                        // check we can cast it on target without checking for movement
                        // if (!Spell.CanCastHack(_spell, cctx.unit, true, false, allow == LagTolerance.Yes))
                        if (!canCast(, cctx.unit, skipWowCheck))
                            if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                                Logger.WriteDebug("skipping Spell.Cast({0},[{1}]) because CanCastHack failed", cctx.unit.SafeName(), cctx.spell.Name);
                            return RunStatus.Failure;

                        // save status of queueing spell (lag tolerance - the prior spell still completing)
                        cctx.IsSpellBeingQueued = allow == LagTolerance.Yes && (Spell.GcdActive || StyxWoW.Me.IsCasting || StyxWoW.Me.IsChanneling);

                        const int PENANCE = 047540;
                            cctx.spell.IsHeal() ? true : (cctx.spell.Id == PENANCE && cctx.unit.IsFriendly)

                        if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                            Logger.WriteDebug("Cast('{0}'): dist:{1:F3}, need({2}), hitbox:{3:F3}",
                                    ? "Melee"
                                    : (!cctx.spell.HasRange ? "None" : string.Format("min={0:F3},max={1:F3}", cctx.spell.MinRange, cctx.spell.MaxRange)),

                        if (!Spell.CastPrimative(cctx.spell, cctx.unit))
                            Logger.Write(Color.LightPink, "cast of {0} on {1} failed!", cctx.spell.Name, cctx.unit.SafeName());
                            return RunStatus.Failure;

                        return RunStatus.Success;

                    new Action(r =>
                        if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                            CastContext cctx = r.CastContext();
                            Logger.WriteFile("Spell.Cast[{0}]: checking to ensure cast in progress", cctx.spell.Name);
                        return RunStatus.Success;

                // for instant spell, wait for GCD to start
                // for non-instant spell, wait for .IsCasting / .IsChanneling to start
                    new PrioritySelector(
                        new Wait(
                            until =>
                                CastContext cctx = until.CastContext();
                                if (gcd == HasGcd.No)
                                    if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                                        Logger.WriteFile("Spell.Cast[{0}]: has no GCD, status GCD={1}, remains={2}", cctx.spell.Name, Spell.IsGlobalCooldown(allow).ToYN(), (long)Spell.GcdTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds);
                                    return true;

                                if (cctx.spell.IsInstantCast() && Spell.GcdTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds > 650)
                                    if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                                        Logger.WriteFile("Spell.Cast[{0}]: is instant, status GCD={1}, remains={2}", cctx.spell.Name, Spell.IsGlobalCooldown(allow).ToYN(), (long)Spell.GcdTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds);
                                    return true;

                                if (Me.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds > 750)
                                    if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                                        Logger.WriteFile( "Spell.Cast[{0}]: cast time {1} left, iscasting={2}", cctx.spell.Name, (long)Me.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds, Spell.IsCasting(allow).ToYN());
                                    return true;

                                if (Me.CurrentChannelTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds > 750)
                                    if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                                        Logger.WriteFile( "Spell.Cast[{0}]: channel spell and channel has {1} left, ischanneling={2}", cctx.spell.Name, (long)Me.CurrentChannelTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds, Spell.IsChannelling(allow).ToYN());
                                    return true;

                                return false;
                            new ActionAlwaysSucceed()
                        new Action( r => {
                            if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                                CastContext cctx = r.CastContext();
                                Logger.WriteFile( "Spell.Cast[{0}]: timed out failing to detect spell in progress - gcdleft={1}/{2}, castleft={3}/{4}, chanleft={5}/{6}", cctx.spell.Name, Spell.IsGlobalCooldown(allow).ToYN(), (long)Spell.GcdTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds, Spell.IsCasting(allow).ToYN(), (long)Me.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds, Spell.IsCasting(allow).ToYN(), (long)Me.CurrentChannelTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds);
                            return RunStatus.Success;

        // now check for one of the possible done casting states
                    new PrioritySelector(

                        // for cast already ended, assume it has no Global Cooldown
                        new Decorator(
                            ret => !Spell.IsGlobalCooldown() && !Spell.IsCastingOrChannelling(),
                            new Action(r =>
                                CastContext cctx = r.CastContext();
                                if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                                    if (!Spell.IsGlobalCooldown())
                                        Logger.WriteFile("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): complete, no gcd active, lag={0} hasgcd={1}", cctx.spell.Name, allow, gcd);
                                        Logger.WriteFile("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): complete, no cast in progress", cctx.spell.Name);
                                return RunStatus.Success;

                        // for instant or no cancel method given, we are done
                        new Decorator(
                            ret => gcd == HasGcd.No || cancel == null || ret.CastContext().spell.IsInstantCast(),
                            new Action(r =>
                                CastContext cctx = r.CastContext();
                                if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                                    if (gcd == HasGcd.No)
                                        Logger.WriteFile("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): complete, hasgcd=No", cctx.spell.Name);
                                    else if (r.CastContext().spell.IsInstantCast())
                                        Logger.WriteFile("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): complete, is instant cast", cctx.spell.Name);
                                        Logger.WriteFile("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): complete, no cancel delegate given", cctx.spell.Name);
                                return RunStatus.Success;

                        // while casting/channeling call the cancel method to see if we should abort
                        new Wait(12,
                            until =>
                                CastContext cctx = until.CastContext();

                                // Interrupted or finished casting. 
                                if (!Spell.IsCastingOrChannelling(allow))
                                    Logger.WriteDebug("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): complete, iscasting=false", cctx.spell.Name);
                                    return true;

                                // check cancel delegate if we are finished
                                if (cancel(cctx.context))
                                    Logger.Write(LogColor.Cancel, "/cancel {0} on {1} @ {2:F1}%", cctx.spell.Name, cctx.unit.SafeName(), cctx.unit.HealthPercent);
                                    return true;
                                // continue casting/channeling at this point
                                return false;
                            new ActionAlwaysSucceed()

                        // if we are here, we timed out after 12 seconds (very odd)
                        new Action(r =>
                            CastContext cctx = r.CastContext();
                            Logger.WriteDebug("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): aborting, timed out waiting on cast, gcd={1} cast={2} chanl={3}", cctx.spell.Name, Spell.IsGlobalCooldown().ToYN(), Spell.IsCasting().ToYN(), Spell.IsChannelling().ToYN());
                            return RunStatus.Success;


                        // made it this far then we are RunStatus.Success, so reset wowunit reference and return
                        new Action(ret =>
                            CastContext cctx = ret.CastContext();
                            cctx.unit = null;
                            cctx.spell = null;
                            return RunStatus.Success;

                // cast Sequence failed, so only thing left is to reset cached references and report failure
                new Action(ret =>
                    CastContext cctx = ret.CastContext();
                    cctx.unit = null;
                    cctx.spell = null;
                    return RunStatus.Failure;

            // when no cancel method in place, we will return immediately so.....
            // .. throttle attempts at casting this spell.  note: this only limits this 
            // .. instance of the spell.cast behavior.  in other words, if this is for a cast
            // .. of flame shock, it would only throttle this behavior tree instance, not any 
            // .. other trees which also call Spell.Cast("flame shock")
            if (cancel == null)
                comp = new Throttle( TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(SingularSettings.Instance.SameSpellThrottle), comp);

            return comp;