public static bool IsUnnecessaryCast(this CastExpressionSyntax cast, SemanticModel semanticModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var speculationAnalyzer = new SpeculationAnalyzer(cast,
                                                              cast.Expression, semanticModel, cancellationToken,
                                                              skipVerificationForReplacedNode: true, failOnOverloadResolutionFailuresInOriginalCode: true);

            // First, check to see if the node ultimately parenting this cast has any
            // syntax errors. If so, we bail.
            if (speculationAnalyzer.SemanticRootOfOriginalExpression.ContainsDiagnostics)

            var castTypeInfo = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(cast, cancellationToken);
            var castType     = castTypeInfo.Type;

            // Case:
            // 1 . Console.WriteLine(await (dynamic)task); Any Dynamic Cast will not be removed.
            if (castType == null || castType.Kind == SymbolKind.DynamicType || castType.IsErrorType())

            var expressionTypeInfo = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(cast.Expression, cancellationToken);
            var expressionType     = expressionTypeInfo.Type;

            // We do not remove any cast on
            // 1. Dynamic Expressions
            // 2. If there is any other argument which is dynamic
            // 3. Dynamic Invocation
            if ((expressionType != null &&
                 (expressionType.IsErrorType() ||
                  expressionType.Kind == SymbolKind.DynamicType)) ||
                IsDynamicInvocation(cast, semanticModel, cancellationToken))

            if (PointerCastDefinitelyCantBeRemoved(cast))

            if (CastPassedToParamsArrayDefinitelyCantBeRemoved(cast, castType, semanticModel, cancellationToken))

            if (speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemantics())

            var expressionToCastType = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(cast.SpanStart, cast.Expression, castType, isExplicitInSource: true);

            bool parentIsOrAsExpression;
            var  outerType = GetOuterCastType(cast, semanticModel, out parentIsOrAsExpression) ?? castTypeInfo.ConvertedType;

            // Simple case: If the conversion from the inner expression to the cast type is identity,
            // the cast can be removed.
            if (expressionToCastType.IsIdentity)
                // Required explicit cast for reference comparison.
                // Cast removal causes warning CS0252 (Possible unintended reference comparison).
                //      object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
                //      (object)x == "Hi!"
                ExpressionSyntax other;
                if (IsRequiredCastForReferenceEqualityComparison(outerType, cast, semanticModel, out other))
                    var otherToOuterType = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(other, outerType);
                    if (otherToOuterType.IsImplicit && otherToOuterType.IsReference)


            if (parentIsOrAsExpression)
                // Note: speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemantics() ensures that the parenting is or as expression are not broken.
                // Here we just need to ensure that the original cast expression doesn't invoke a user defined operator.

            if (outerType != null)
                var castToOuterType       = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(cast.SpanStart, cast, outerType);
                var expressionToOuterType = GetSpeculatedExpressionToOuterTypeConversion(speculationAnalyzer.ReplacedExpression, speculationAnalyzer, cancellationToken);

                // CONSIDER: Anonymous function conversions cannot be compared from different semantic models as lambda symbol comparison requires syntax tree equality. Should this be a compiler bug?
                // For now, just revert back to computing expressionToOuterType using the original semantic model.
                if (expressionToOuterType.IsAnonymousFunction)
                    expressionToOuterType = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(cast.SpanStart, cast.Expression, outerType);

                // If there is an user-defined conversion from the expression to the cast type or the cast
                // to the outer type, we need to make sure that the same user-defined conversion will be
                // called if the cast is removed.
                if (castToOuterType.IsUserDefined || expressionToCastType.IsUserDefined)
                    return(!expressionToOuterType.IsExplicit &&
                           (HaveSameUserDefinedConversion(expressionToCastType, expressionToOuterType) ||
                            HaveSameUserDefinedConversion(castToOuterType, expressionToOuterType)) &&
                           UserDefinedConversionIsAllowed(cast, semanticModel));
                else if (expressionToOuterType.IsUserDefined)

                if (expressionToCastType.IsExplicit &&

                // Required explicit cast for reference comparison.
                // Cast removal causes warning CS0252 (Possible unintended reference comparison).
                //      object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
                //      x == (object)"Hi!"
                ExpressionSyntax other;
                if (expressionToCastType.IsImplicit && expressionToCastType.IsReference &&
                    castToOuterType.IsIdentity &&
                    IsRequiredCastForReferenceEqualityComparison(outerType, cast, semanticModel, out other))

                // If the conversion from the expression to the cast type is implicit numeric or constant
                // and the conversion from the expression to the outer type is identity, we'll go ahead
                // and remove the cast.
                if (expressionToOuterType.IsIdentity &&
                    expressionToCastType.IsImplicit &&
                    (expressionToCastType.IsNumeric || expressionToCastType.IsConstantExpression))

                if (!castToOuterType.IsBoxing &&
                    castToOuterType == expressionToOuterType)
                    if (castToOuterType.IsNullable)
                        // Even though both the nullable conversions (castToOuterType and expressionToOuterType) are equal, we can guarantee no data loss only if there is an
                        // implicit conversion from expression type to cast type and expression type is non-nullable. For example, consider the cast removal "(float?)" for below:

                        // Console.WriteLine((int)(float?)(int?)2147483647); // Prints -2147483648

                        // castToOuterType:         ExplicitNullable
                        // expressionToOuterType:   ExplicitNullable
                        // expressionToCastType:    ImplicitNullable

                        // We should not remove the cast to "float?".
                        // However, cast to "int?" is unnecessary and should be removable.
                        return(expressionToCastType.IsImplicit && ((ITypeSymbol)expressionType.OriginalDefinition).SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Nullable_T);
                    else if (expressionToCastType.IsImplicit && expressionToCastType.IsNumeric && !castToOuterType.IsIdentity)
                        // Some implicit numeric conversions can cause loss of precision and must not be removed.
                        return(!IsRequiredImplicitNumericConversion(expressionType, castType));


                if (castToOuterType.IsIdentity &&
                    !expressionToCastType.IsUnboxing &&
                    expressionToCastType == expressionToOuterType)

                // Special case: It's possible to have useless casts inside delegate creation expressions.
                // For example: new Func<string, bool>((Predicate<object>)(y => true)).
                if (IsInDelegateCreationExpression(cast, semanticModel))
                    if (expressionToCastType.IsAnonymousFunction && expressionToOuterType.IsAnonymousFunction)
                        return(!speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemanticsOfUnchangedLambda(cast.Expression, speculationAnalyzer.ReplacedExpression));

                    if (expressionToCastType.IsMethodGroup && expressionToOuterType.IsMethodGroup)

                // Case :
                // 1. IList<object> y = (IList<dynamic>)new List<object>()
                if (expressionToCastType.IsExplicit && castToOuterType.IsExplicit && expressionToOuterType.IsImplicit)

                // Case :
                // 2. object y = (ValueType)1;
                if (expressionToCastType.IsBoxing && expressionToOuterType.IsBoxing && castToOuterType.IsImplicit)

                // Case :
                // 3. object y = (NullableValueType)null;
                if ((!castToOuterType.IsBoxing || expressionToCastType.IsNullLiteral) &&
                    castToOuterType.IsImplicit &&
                    expressionToCastType.IsImplicit &&
                    if (expressionToOuterType.IsAnonymousFunction)
                        return(expressionToCastType.IsAnonymousFunction &&
                               !speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemanticsOfUnchangedLambda(cast.Expression, speculationAnalyzer.ReplacedExpression));


                // case :
                // 4. baseType x;
                //    baseType y = (DerivedType)x;
                if (expressionToOuterType.IsIdentity &&
                    castToOuterType.IsImplicit &&

        private static bool IsUnnecessaryCast(
            ExpressionSyntax castNode, ExpressionSyntax castedExpressionNode,
            SemanticModel semanticModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var speculationAnalyzer = new SpeculationAnalyzer(castNode,
                                                              castedExpressionNode, semanticModel, cancellationToken,
                                                              skipVerificationForReplacedNode: true, failOnOverloadResolutionFailuresInOriginalCode: true);

            // First, check to see if the node ultimately parenting this cast has any
            // syntax errors. If so, we bail.
            if (speculationAnalyzer.SemanticRootOfOriginalExpression.ContainsDiagnostics)

            var castTypeInfo = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(castNode, cancellationToken);
            var castType     = castTypeInfo.Type;

            // Case:
            // 1 . Console.WriteLine(await (dynamic)task); Any Dynamic Cast will not be removed.
            if (castType == null || castType.Kind == SymbolKind.DynamicType || castType.IsErrorType())

            var expressionTypeInfo = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(castedExpressionNode, cancellationToken);
            var expressionType     = expressionTypeInfo.Type;

            if (EnumCastDefinitelyCantBeRemoved(castNode, expressionType, castType))

            // We do not remove any cast on
            // 1. Dynamic Expressions
            // 2. If there is any other argument which is dynamic
            // 3. Dynamic Invocation
            // 4. Assignment to dynamic
            if ((expressionType != null &&
                 (expressionType.IsErrorType() ||
                  expressionType.Kind == SymbolKind.DynamicType)) ||
                IsDynamicInvocation(castNode, semanticModel, cancellationToken) ||
                IsDynamicAssignment(castNode, semanticModel, cancellationToken))

            if (PointerCastDefinitelyCantBeRemoved(castNode, castedExpressionNode))

            if (CastPassedToParamsArrayDefinitelyCantBeRemoved(castNode, castType, semanticModel, cancellationToken))

            // A casts to object can always be removed from an expression inside of an interpolation, since it'll be converted to object
            // in order to call string.Format(...) anyway.
            if (castType?.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Object &&

            if (speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemantics())

            var expressionToCastType = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(castNode.SpanStart, castedExpressionNode, castType, isExplicitInSource: true);
            var outerType            = GetOuterCastType(castNode, semanticModel, out var parentIsOrAsExpression) ?? castTypeInfo.ConvertedType;

            // Simple case: If the conversion from the inner expression to the cast type is identity,
            // the cast can be removed.
            if (expressionToCastType.IsIdentity)
                // Simple case: Is this an identity cast to another cast? If so, we're safe to remove it.
                if (castedExpressionNode.WalkDownParentheses().IsKind(SyntaxKind.CastExpression))

                // Required explicit cast for reference comparison.
                // Cast removal causes warning CS0252 (Possible unintended reference comparison).
                //      object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
                //      (object)x == "Hi!"
                if (IsRequiredCastForReferenceEqualityComparison(outerType, castNode, semanticModel, out var other))
                    var otherToOuterType = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(other, outerType);
                    if (otherToOuterType.IsImplicit && otherToOuterType.IsReference)

                if (SameSizedFloatingPointCastMustBePreserved(
                        semanticModel, castNode, castedExpressionNode,
                        expressionType, castType, cancellationToken))


            if (expressionToCastType.IsExplicit)
                // Explicit reference conversions can cause an exception or data loss, hence can never be removed.
                if (expressionToCastType.IsReference)

                // Unboxing conversions can cause a null ref exception, hence can never be removed.
                if (expressionToCastType.IsUnboxing)

                // Don't remove any explicit numeric casts.
                // tracks improving on this conservative approach.
                if (expressionToCastType.IsNumeric)

            if (expressionToCastType.IsPointer || expressionToCastType.IsIntPtr)
                // Don't remove any non-identity pointer or IntPtr conversions.
                // tracks improving on this conservative approach.
                return(expressionType != null && expressionType.Equals(outerType));

            if (expressionToCastType.IsInterpolatedString)
                // interpolation casts are necessary to preserve semantics if our destination type is not itself
                // FormattableString or some interface of FormattableString.

                return(castType.Equals(castTypeInfo.ConvertedType) ||
                       ImmutableArray <ITypeSymbol> .CastUp(castType.AllInterfaces).Contains(castTypeInfo.ConvertedType));

            if (castedExpressionNode.WalkDownParentheses().IsKind(SyntaxKind.DefaultLiteralExpression) &&
                !castType.Equals(outerType) &&
                // We have a cast like `(T?)(X)default`. We can't remove the inner cast as it effects what value
                // 'default' means in this context.

            if (parentIsOrAsExpression)
                // Note: speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemantics() ensures that the parenting is or as expression are not broken.
                // Here we just need to ensure that the original cast expression doesn't invoke a user defined operator.

            if (outerType != null)
                var castToOuterType       = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(castNode.SpanStart, castNode, outerType);
                var expressionToOuterType = GetSpeculatedExpressionToOuterTypeConversion(speculationAnalyzer.ReplacedExpression, speculationAnalyzer, cancellationToken);

                // if the conversion to the outer type doesn't exist, then we shouldn't offer, except for anonymous functions which can't be reasoned about the same way (see below)
                if (!expressionToOuterType.Exists && !expressionToOuterType.IsAnonymousFunction)

                // CONSIDER: Anonymous function conversions cannot be compared from different semantic models as lambda symbol comparison requires syntax tree equality. Should this be a compiler bug?
                // For now, just revert back to computing expressionToOuterType using the original semantic model.
                if (expressionToOuterType.IsAnonymousFunction)
                    expressionToOuterType = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(castNode.SpanStart, castedExpressionNode, outerType);

                // If there is an user-defined conversion from the expression to the cast type or the cast
                // to the outer type, we need to make sure that the same user-defined conversion will be
                // called if the cast is removed.
                if (castToOuterType.IsUserDefined || expressionToCastType.IsUserDefined)
                    return(!expressionToOuterType.IsExplicit &&
                           (HaveSameUserDefinedConversion(expressionToCastType, expressionToOuterType) ||
                            HaveSameUserDefinedConversion(castToOuterType, expressionToOuterType)) &&
                           UserDefinedConversionIsAllowed(castNode, semanticModel));
                else if (expressionToOuterType.IsUserDefined)

                if (expressionToCastType.IsExplicit &&
                // Required explicit cast for reference comparison.
                // Cast removal causes warning CS0252 (Possible unintended reference comparison).
                //      object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
                //      x == (object)"Hi!"
                if (expressionToCastType.IsImplicit && expressionToCastType.IsReference &&
                    castToOuterType.IsIdentity &&
                    IsRequiredCastForReferenceEqualityComparison(outerType, castNode, semanticModel, out var other))

                // If the conversion from the expression to the cast type is implicit numeric or constant
                // and the conversion from the expression to the outer type is identity, we'll go ahead
                // and remove the cast.
                if (expressionToOuterType.IsIdentity &&
                    expressionToCastType.IsImplicit &&
                    (expressionToCastType.IsNumeric || expressionToCastType.IsConstantExpression))
                    // Some implicit numeric conversions can cause loss of precision and must not be removed.
                    return(!IsRequiredImplicitNumericConversion(expressionType, castType));

                if (!castToOuterType.IsBoxing &&
                    castToOuterType == expressionToOuterType)
                    if (castToOuterType.IsNullable)
                        // Even though both the nullable conversions (castToOuterType and expressionToOuterType) are equal, we can guarantee no data loss only if there is an
                        // implicit conversion from expression type to cast type and expression type is non-nullable. For example, consider the cast removal "(float?)" for below:

                        // Console.WriteLine((int)(float?)(int?)2147483647); // Prints -2147483648

                        // castToOuterType:         ExplicitNullable
                        // expressionToOuterType:   ExplicitNullable
                        // expressionToCastType:    ImplicitNullable

                        // We should not remove the cast to "float?".
                        // However, cast to "int?" is unnecessary and should be removable.
                        return(expressionToCastType.IsImplicit && !expressionType.IsNullable());
                    else if (expressionToCastType.IsImplicit && expressionToCastType.IsNumeric && !castToOuterType.IsIdentity)
                        // Some implicit numeric conversions can cause loss of precision and must not be removed.
                        return(!IsRequiredImplicitNumericConversion(expressionType, castType));


                if (castToOuterType.IsIdentity &&
                    !expressionToCastType.IsUnboxing &&
                    expressionToCastType == expressionToOuterType)

                // Special case: It's possible to have useless casts inside delegate creation expressions.
                // For example: new Func<string, bool>((Predicate<object>)(y => true)).
                if (IsInDelegateCreationExpression(castNode, semanticModel))
                    if (expressionToCastType.IsAnonymousFunction && expressionToOuterType.IsAnonymousFunction)
                        return(!speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemanticsOfUnchangedLambda(castedExpressionNode, speculationAnalyzer.ReplacedExpression));

                    if (expressionToCastType.IsMethodGroup && expressionToOuterType.IsMethodGroup)

                // Case :
                // 1. IList<object> y = (IList<dynamic>)new List<object>()
                if (expressionToCastType.IsExplicit && castToOuterType.IsExplicit && expressionToOuterType.IsImplicit)
                    // If both expressionToCastType and castToOuterType are numeric, then this is a required cast as one of the conversions leads to loss of precision.
                    // Cast removal can change program behavior.
                    return(!(expressionToCastType.IsNumeric && castToOuterType.IsNumeric));

                // Case :
                // 2. object y = (ValueType)1;
                if (expressionToCastType.IsBoxing && expressionToOuterType.IsBoxing && castToOuterType.IsImplicit)

                // Case :
                // 3. object y = (NullableValueType)null;
                if ((!castToOuterType.IsBoxing || expressionToCastType.IsNullLiteral) &&
                    castToOuterType.IsImplicit &&
                    expressionToCastType.IsImplicit &&
                    if (expressionToOuterType.IsAnonymousFunction)
                        return(expressionToCastType.IsAnonymousFunction &&
                               !speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemanticsOfUnchangedLambda(castedExpressionNode, speculationAnalyzer.ReplacedExpression));


        public static bool IsUnnecessaryCast(this CastExpressionSyntax cast, SemanticModel semanticModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var speculationAnalyzer = new SpeculationAnalyzer(cast,
                cast.Expression, semanticModel, cancellationToken,
                skipVerificationForReplacedNode: true, failOnOverloadResolutionFailuresInOriginalCode: true);

            // First, check to see if the node ultimately parenting this cast has any
            // syntax errors. If so, we bail.
            if (speculationAnalyzer.SemanticRootOfOriginalExpression.ContainsDiagnostics)
                return false;

            var castTypeInfo = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(cast, cancellationToken);
            var castType = castTypeInfo.Type;

            // Case:
            // 1 . Console.WriteLine(await (dynamic)task); Any Dynamic Cast will not be removed.
            if (castType == null || castType.Kind == SymbolKind.DynamicType || castType.IsErrorType())
                return false;

            var expressionTypeInfo = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(cast.Expression, cancellationToken);
            var expressionType = expressionTypeInfo.Type;

            // We do not remove any cast on 
            // 1. Dynamic Expressions
            // 2. If there is any other argument which is dynamic
            // 3. Dynamic Invocation
            if ((expressionType != null &&
                (expressionType.IsErrorType() ||
                 expressionType.Kind == SymbolKind.DynamicType)) ||
                IsDynamicInvocation(cast, semanticModel, cancellationToken))
                return false;

            if (PointerCastDefinitelyCantBeRemoved(cast))
                return false;

            if (CastPassedToParamsArrayDefinitelyCantBeRemoved(cast, castType, semanticModel, cancellationToken))
                return false;

            if (speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemantics())
                return false;

            var expressionToCastType = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(cast.SpanStart, cast.Expression, castType, isExplicitInSource: true);

            bool parentIsOrAsExpression;
            var outerType = GetOuterCastType(cast, semanticModel, out parentIsOrAsExpression) ?? castTypeInfo.ConvertedType;

            // Simple case: If the conversion from the inner expression to the cast type is identity,
            // the cast can be removed.
            if (expressionToCastType.IsIdentity)
                // Required explicit cast for reference comparison.
                // Cast removal causes warning CS0252 (Possible unintended reference comparison).
                //      object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
                //      (object)x == "Hi!"
                ExpressionSyntax other;
                if (IsRequiredCastForReferenceEqualityComparison(outerType, cast, semanticModel, out other))
                    var otherToOuterType = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(other, outerType);
                    if (otherToOuterType.IsImplicit && otherToOuterType.IsReference)
                        return false;

                return true;
            else if (expressionToCastType.IsExplicit && expressionToCastType.IsReference)
                // Explicit reference conversions can cause an exception or data loss, hence can never be removed.
                return false;
            else if (expressionToCastType.IsExplicit && expressionToCastType.IsNumeric && IsInExplicitCheckedOrUncheckedContext(cast))
                // Don't remove any explicit numeric casts in explicit checked/unchecked context.
                // tracks improving on this conservative approach.
                return false;
            else if (expressionToCastType.IsPointer)
                // Don't remove any non-identity pointer conversions.
                // tracks improving on this conservative approach.
                return expressionType != null && expressionType.Equals(outerType);

            if (parentIsOrAsExpression)
                // Note: speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemantics() ensures that the parenting is or as expression are not broken.
                // Here we just need to ensure that the original cast expression doesn't invoke a user defined operator.
                return !expressionToCastType.IsUserDefined;

            if (outerType != null)
                var castToOuterType = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(cast.SpanStart, cast, outerType);
                var expressionToOuterType = GetSpeculatedExpressionToOuterTypeConversion(speculationAnalyzer.ReplacedExpression, speculationAnalyzer, cancellationToken);

                // CONSIDER: Anonymous function conversions cannot be compared from different semantic models as lambda symbol comparison requires syntax tree equality. Should this be a compiler bug?
                // For now, just revert back to computing expressionToOuterType using the original semantic model.
                if (expressionToOuterType.IsAnonymousFunction)
                    expressionToOuterType = semanticModel.ClassifyConversion(cast.SpanStart, cast.Expression, outerType);

                // If there is an user-defined conversion from the expression to the cast type or the cast
                // to the outer type, we need to make sure that the same user-defined conversion will be 
                // called if the cast is removed.
                if (castToOuterType.IsUserDefined || expressionToCastType.IsUserDefined)
                    return !expressionToOuterType.IsExplicit &&
                        (HaveSameUserDefinedConversion(expressionToCastType, expressionToOuterType) ||
                         HaveSameUserDefinedConversion(castToOuterType, expressionToOuterType)) &&
                         UserDefinedConversionIsAllowed(cast, semanticModel);
                else if (expressionToOuterType.IsUserDefined)
                    return false;

                if (expressionToCastType.IsExplicit &&
                    return false;

                // Required explicit cast for reference comparison.
                // Cast removal causes warning CS0252 (Possible unintended reference comparison).
                //      object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
                //      x == (object)"Hi!"
                ExpressionSyntax other;
                if (expressionToCastType.IsImplicit && expressionToCastType.IsReference &&
                    castToOuterType.IsIdentity &&
                    IsRequiredCastForReferenceEqualityComparison(outerType, cast, semanticModel, out other))
                    return false;

                // If the conversion from the expression to the cast type is implicit numeric or constant
                // and the conversion from the expression to the outer type is identity, we'll go ahead
                // and remove the cast.
                if (expressionToOuterType.IsIdentity &&
                    expressionToCastType.IsImplicit &&
                    (expressionToCastType.IsNumeric || expressionToCastType.IsConstantExpression))
                    return true;

                if (!castToOuterType.IsBoxing &&
                    castToOuterType == expressionToOuterType)
                    if (castToOuterType.IsNullable)
                        // Even though both the nullable conversions (castToOuterType and expressionToOuterType) are equal, we can guarantee no data loss only if there is an
                        // implicit conversion from expression type to cast type and expression type is non-nullable. For example, consider the cast removal "(float?)" for below:

                        // Console.WriteLine((int)(float?)(int?)2147483647); // Prints -2147483648

                        // castToOuterType:         ExplicitNullable
                        // expressionToOuterType:   ExplicitNullable
                        // expressionToCastType:    ImplicitNullable

                        // We should not remove the cast to "float?".
                        // However, cast to "int?" is unnecessary and should be removable.
                        return expressionToCastType.IsImplicit && !((ITypeSymbol)expressionType).IsNullable();
                    else if (expressionToCastType.IsImplicit && expressionToCastType.IsNumeric && !castToOuterType.IsIdentity)
                        // Some implicit numeric conversions can cause loss of precision and must not be removed.
                        return !IsRequiredImplicitNumericConversion(expressionType, castType);

                    return true;

                if (castToOuterType.IsIdentity &&
                    !expressionToCastType.IsUnboxing &&
                    expressionToCastType == expressionToOuterType)
                    return true;

                // Special case: It's possible to have useless casts inside delegate creation expressions.
                // For example: new Func<string, bool>((Predicate<object>)(y => true)).
                if (IsInDelegateCreationExpression(cast, semanticModel))
                    if (expressionToCastType.IsAnonymousFunction && expressionToOuterType.IsAnonymousFunction)
                        return !speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemanticsOfUnchangedLambda(cast.Expression, speculationAnalyzer.ReplacedExpression);

                    if (expressionToCastType.IsMethodGroup && expressionToOuterType.IsMethodGroup)
                        return true;

                // Case :
                // 1. IList<object> y = (IList<dynamic>)new List<object>()
                if (expressionToCastType.IsExplicit && castToOuterType.IsExplicit && expressionToOuterType.IsImplicit)
                    // If both expressionToCastType and castToOuterType are numeric, then this is a required cast as one of the conversions leads to loss of precision.
                    // Cast removal can change program behavior.                    
                    return !(expressionToCastType.IsNumeric && castToOuterType.IsNumeric);

                // Case :
                // 2. object y = (ValueType)1;
                if (expressionToCastType.IsBoxing && expressionToOuterType.IsBoxing && castToOuterType.IsImplicit)
                    return true;

                // Case :
                // 3. object y = (NullableValueType)null;
                if ((!castToOuterType.IsBoxing || expressionToCastType.IsNullLiteral) &&
                    castToOuterType.IsImplicit &&
                    expressionToCastType.IsImplicit &&
                    if (expressionToOuterType.IsAnonymousFunction)
                        return expressionToCastType.IsAnonymousFunction &&
                            !speculationAnalyzer.ReplacementChangesSemanticsOfUnchangedLambda(cast.Expression, speculationAnalyzer.ReplacedExpression);

                    return true;

            return false;