Beispiel #1
        internal DllField(FieldDefinition f)
            LayoutOffset  = f.Offset;
            DeclaringType = DllTypeRef.From(f.DeclaringType);
            Type          = DllTypeRef.From(f.FieldType);
            Name          = f.Name;
            Offset        = -1;
            if (f.HasCustomAttributes)
                foreach (var ca in f.CustomAttributes)
                    if (ca.AttributeType.Name == "FieldOffsetAttribute")
                        if (ca.Fields.Count > 0)
                            Offset = Convert.ToInt32(ca.Fields.FirstOrDefault().Argument.Value as string, 16);
                        // Ignore the DummyDll attributes
                        var atr = new DllAttribute(ca);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(atr.Name))


            This     = f;
            Constant = f.Constant;
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>Set <paramref name="specifier"/> as the ONLY specifier for this noun phrase</summary>
 private void SetSpecifier(IElementTreeNode specifier)
     if (Specifiers.Count() == 0)
         AddChildWithRole(specifier, ChildRole.Specifier);
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't add multiple specifiers to a noun phrase");
 internal DllProperty(PropertyDefinition p)
     DeclaringType = DllTypeRef.From(p.DeclaringType);
     Type          = DllTypeRef.From(p.PropertyType);
     Name          = p.Name;
     GetMethod     = p.GetMethod != null;
     SetMethod     = p.SetMethod != null;
     if (p.HasCustomAttributes)
         Attributes.AddRange(p.CustomAttributes.Select(ca => new DllAttribute(ca)).Where(a => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Name)));
        private void ComparePrint(MarketDescriptionDTO dto, CultureInfo culture)
            var names    = _names.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, name) => current + $", {name.Key.TwoLetterISOLanguageName}-{name.Value}").Substring(2);
            var desc     = _descriptions.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, d) => current + $", {d.Key.TwoLetterISOLanguageName}-{d.Value}");
            var specs    = Specifiers == null ? null : string.Join(", ", Specifiers.Select(s => s.Name));
            var outcomes = Outcomes == null ? null : string.Join(",", Outcomes.Select(s => s.Id));
            var maps     = Mappings == null ? null : string.Join(",", Mappings.Select(s => s.MarketTypeId));

            ExecutionLog.Debug($"Original Id={Id}, Names=[{names}], Descriptions=[{desc}], Variant=[{Variant}], Specifiers=[{specs}], Outocomes=[{outcomes}], Mappings=[{maps}].");

            var specsNew    = dto.Specifiers == null ? null : string.Join(", ", dto.Specifiers.Select(s => s.Name));
            var outcomesNew = dto.Outcomes == null ? null : string.Join(",", dto.Outcomes.Select(s => s.Id));
            var mapsNew     = dto.Mappings == null ? null : string.Join(",", dto.Mappings.Select(s => s.MarketTypeId));

            ExecutionLog.Debug($"New Id={dto.Id}, Name=[{culture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName}-{dto.Name}], Descriptions=[{dto.Description}], Variant=[{dto.Variant}], Specifiers=[{specsNew}], Outocomes=[{outcomesNew}], Mappings=[{mapsNew}].");
Beispiel #5
        internal DumpProperty(TypeRef declaring, PeekableStreamReader fs)
            DeclaringType = declaring;
            var line = fs.PeekLine()?.Trim();

            while (line != null && line.StartsWith("["))
                Attributes.Add(new DumpAttribute(fs));
                line = fs.PeekLine()?.Trim();
            line = fs.ReadLine()?.Trim() ?? "";
            var split = line.Split(' ');

            if (split.Length < 5)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Line {fs.CurrentLineIndex}: Property cannot be created from: \"{line.Trim()}\"");

            // Start at the end (but before the }), count back until we hit a { (or we have gone 3 steps)
            // Keep track of how far back we count
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                var val = split[split.Length - 2 - i];
                if (val == "{")
                else if (val == "get;")
                    GetMethod = true;
                else if (val == "set;")
                    SetMethod = true;
            Name = split[split.Length - 3 - i];
            Type = new DumpTypeRef(DumpTypeRef.FromMultiple(split, split.Length - 4 - i, out int adjust, -1, " "));
            for (int j = 0; j < adjust; j++)
                Specifiers.Add(new DumpSpecifier(split[j]));
        internal DllField(FieldDefinition f, TypeDefinition info)
            LayoutOffset  = f.Offset;
            DeclaringType = DllTypeRef.From(f.DeclaringType);
            Type          = DllTypeRef.From(f.FieldType);
            Name          = f.Name;
            Offset        = -1;
            if (f.HasCustomAttributes)
                foreach (var ca in f.CustomAttributes)
                    if (ca.AttributeType.Name == "FieldOffsetAttribute" || ca.AttributeType.Name == "StaticFieldOffsetAttribute")
                        if (ca.Fields.Count > 0)
                            Offset = Convert.ToInt32(ca.Fields.FirstOrDefault().Argument.Value as string, 16);
                        //if (info.IsEnum)
                        //    // Because Il2CppInspector is bad and emits 0x10 for fields on enums. I seriously don't know why.
                        //    Offset -= 0x10;
                        // Ignore the DummyDll attributes
                        var atr = new DllAttribute(ca);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(atr.Name))


            This     = f;
            Constant = f.Constant;
Beispiel #7
        public virtual bool CanHandle(Interpretation interpretation)
            if (!Commands.Contains(interpretation.Command))

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(interpretation.Specifier) && !Specifiers.Contains(interpretation.Specifier))

            if (!CheckMatch(interpretation.Primary, PrimaryTargetMode))

            if (!CheckMatch(interpretation.Secondary, SecondaryTargetMode))

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a <see cref="string" /> that represents this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="string" /> that represents this instance</returns>
        public override string ToString()
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (Specifiers != null)
                sb.Append(", Specifiers=").Append(string.Join(SdkInfo.SpecifiersDelimiter, Specifiers.Select(kv => kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value)));
Beispiel #9
        private DllMethod(MethodDefinition m, ref HashSet <MethodDefinition> mappedBaseMethods)
            cache.Add(m, this);
            This = m;
            // Il2CppName is the MethodDefinition Name (hopefully we don't need to convert it for il2cpp, but we might)
            Il2CppName = m.Name;
            Name       = m.Name;
            Parameters.AddRange(m.Parameters.Select(p => new Parameter(p)));
            // This is not necessary: m.GenericParameters.Any(param => !m.DeclaringType.GenericParameters.Contains(param));
            Generic           = m.HasGenericParameters;
            GenericParameters = m.GenericParameters.Select(g => DllTypeRef.From(g)).ToList();

            // This may not always be the case, we could have a special name in which case we have to do some sorcery
            // Grab the special name, grab the type from the special name
            int idxDot = Name.LastIndexOf('.');

            if (idxDot >= 2)
                // Call a utilities function for converting a special name method to a proper base method
                var baseMethod = m.GetSpecialNameBaseMethod(out var iface, idxDot);
                if (baseMethod is null)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to find baseMethod for dotted method name!");
                if (iface is null)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to get iface for dotted method name!");
                if (!mappedBaseMethods.Add(baseMethod))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Base method: {baseMethod} has already been overriden!");
                // Only one base method for special named methods
                BaseMethods.Add(From(baseMethod, ref mappedBaseMethods));
                ImplementedFrom = DllTypeRef.From(iface);
                var baseMethod = m.GetBaseMethod();
                if (baseMethod == m)
                    var baseMethods = m.GetBaseMethods();
                    if (baseMethods.Count > 0)
                        HidesBase = true;
                    // We need to check here SPECIFICALLY for a method in our declaring type that shares the same name as us, since we could have the same BaseMethod as it.
                    // If either ourselves or a method of the same safe name (after . prefixes) exists, we need to ensure that only the one with the dots gets the base method
                    // It correctly describes.
                    // Basically, we need to take all our specially named methods on our type that have already been defined and remove them from our current list of baseMethods.
                    // We should only ever have baseMethods of methods that are of methods that we haven't already used yet.
                    if (baseMethods.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var baseM in mappedBaseMethods)
                    foreach (var bm in baseMethods)
                        BaseMethods.Add(From(bm, ref mappedBaseMethods));
                    if (!mappedBaseMethods.Add(baseMethod))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Base method: {baseMethod} has already been overriden!");
                    BaseMethods.Add(From(baseMethod, ref mappedBaseMethods));
            if (BaseMethods.Count > 0)
                // TODO: This may not be true for generic methods. Should ensure validity for IEnumerator<T> methods
                // This method is an implemented/overriden method.
                // TODO: We need to double check to see if we need multiple ImplementedFroms
                ImplementedFrom = BaseMethods.First().DeclaringType;
                // Add ourselves to our BaseMethod's ImplementingMethods
                foreach (var bm in BaseMethods)

            ReturnType    = DllTypeRef.From(m.ReturnType);
            DeclaringType = DllTypeRef.From(m.DeclaringType);
            // This is a very rare condition that we need to handle if it ever happens, but for now just log it
            if (m.HasOverrides)
                Console.WriteLine($"{m}.HasOverrides!!! Overrides: {string.Join(", ", m.Overrides)}");

            RVA    = -1;
            Offset = -1;
            VA     = -1;
            Slot   = -1;
            if (m.HasCustomAttributes)
                foreach (var ca in m.CustomAttributes)
                    if (ca.AttributeType.Name == "AddressAttribute")
                        if (ca.Fields.Count >= 3)
                            for (int i = 0; i < ca.Fields.Count; i++)
                                var f = ca.Fields[i];
                                if (f.Name == "RVA" || f.Name == "Offset" || f.Name == "VA")
                                    var val = Convert.ToInt32(f.Argument.Value as string, 16);
                                    if (f.Name == "RVA")
                                        RVA = val;
                                    else if (f.Name == "Offset")
                                        Offset = val;
                                    else if (f.Name == "VA")
                                        VA = val;
                                else if (f.Name == "Slot")
                                    Slot = Convert.ToInt32(f.Argument.Value as string);
                        // Ignore the DummyDll attributes
                        Attributes.Add(new DllAttribute(ca));