Beispiel #1
 public SpeechHandler()
     /*if (File.Exists(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot")+@"\Speech\Xvoice.dll")) {
      *  SAPI4Supported = true;
      * } else {
      *  SAPI4Supported = false;
      * }*/
     voice  = new SpeechLib.SpVoiceClass();
     tokens = voice.GetVoices("", "");
     sd     = new SpeakDelegate(voice.Speak);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// call and call virt
        /// </summary>
        private static void CallAnddCallvirt()
            DynamicMethod dynamicSpeakWithCall = new DynamicMethod("DynamicSpeakWithCall", null, new Type[] { typeof(Animal) }, typeof(EmitLearn).Module);
            ILGenerator   callIL = dynamicSpeakWithCall.GetILGenerator();

            callIL.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(Animal).GetMethod("Speak"));

            SpeakDelegate SpeakWithCall = (SpeakDelegate)dynamicSpeakWithCall.CreateDelegate(typeof(SpeakDelegate));

            SpeakWithCall(new Animal());
            SpeakWithCall(new Cat());
            SpeakWithCall(new Dog());

            DynamicMethod dynamicSpeakWithCallvirt = new DynamicMethod("DynamicSpeakWithCallvirt", null,
                                                                       new Type[] { typeof(Animal) }, typeof(EmitLearn).Module);
            ILGenerator callvirtIL = dynamicSpeakWithCallvirt.GetILGenerator();

            callvirtIL.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(Animal).GetMethod("Speak"));

            SpeakDelegate SpeakCallvirt =

            SpeakCallvirt(new Animal());
            SpeakCallvirt(new Cat());
            SpeakCallvirt(new Dog());
Beispiel #3
 static void ILikeDelegates(SpeakDelegate someDelegate, string whatToSay)
     Console.WriteLine("\r\n\r\nI'm doing some work here");
     Console.WriteLine("Finished my work\r\n\r\n");
Beispiel #4
    public static void Main()
        TestClass test = new TestClass();

        // Executing a method directly is pretty straight forward.
        // What if we don't want to execute these methods now,
        // but want to execute them when some event occurs?
        // This is where delegates come in.
        ImSpeakingNow("How are you?");
        MathMethods.MathSpeaks("I'm doing fine");

        // How did we get from methods to delegates to lambdas? How are they related?
        // We use delegates to reference any method that has a specific signature.
        // As long as the signatures match, we can reference any method
        // and execute it using the delegate.

        // Once upon a time you would create a delegate using object constructor syntax.
        // This creates a reference to a method, which can be executed at any time.
        SpeakDelegate        me   = new SpeakDelegate(ImSpeakingNow);
        SpeakDelegate        math = new SpeakDelegate(MathMethods.MathSpeaks);
        Action <string, int> xxx  = MathMethods.NewMethod;

        xxx("hello", 9);

        Action <string, int[]> newAction = MathMethods.NewMethod2;

        int[] myints = new int[] { 9, 8, 7 };
        newAction("I an another action", myints);

        Func <string, int, int> myFunc = MathMethods.myFunc;

        myFunc += MathMethods.myFunc2;
        int length = myFunc("Paul", 60);

        // Now execute the method you're referencing using the delegate it's mapped to.
        me("What a sunny day");
        math("I like to count");

        // Using the object constructor syntax was a little cumbersome, so
        // "implied conversion" was introduced. The compiler knows that
        // the method "TalkingTest" has the same signature as the SpeakDelegate
        // so it performs all the heavy lifting under the covers and allows
        // you to simply assign a method to a delegate.
        SpeakDelegate abc = test.TalkingTest;

        abc("I'm new");
        me = test.TalkingTest;

        // A Multicast Delegate is a delegate that holds the references of more than one function.
        // When a multicast delegate is executed, then all the functions which are referenced by
        // the delegate are going to be executed.
        me += ImSpeakingNow;
        me += MathMethods.MathSpeaks;

        // Notice that all 3 methods that this deletate references are executed with one line of code.
        // Also notice that all 3 methods are called synchronously!
        me("We're speaking the same language");

        // Example of passing a delegate as a parameter to a method
        ILikeDelegates(me, "All my delegates should say this");
        ILikeDelegates(ImSpeakingNow, "All my delegates should say this");

        // We can remove method references from the delegate to have as few or as many
        // references in the delegate that we want.
        me -= ImSpeakingNow;
        me -= MathMethods.MathSpeaks;

        me("Just me now");

        // Here are a couple more examples of using delegates
        MathMethods.DoMathDelegate doMath = test.AddThese;
        int Total = doMath(4, 8);

        Console.WriteLine($"Total of 4+8 = {Total}");

        // An "Action" is a predefined delegate that takes 0 or more parameters, does SOMETHING and returns void.
        // An Action can take no parameter or
        Action someAction = test.DoSomething;


        // Events help implement the "publisher/subscriber" model.
        // Any object can publish a set of events to which other objects can subscribe.
        // Let's say that we want to be notified whenever a method in the
        // TestClass class completes.  That class has an event called OperationCompleteEvent
        // that is fired to tell anyone listening about that event.
        test.OperationCompleteEvent += OnOperationComplete;

        // Now that our event has been hooked up, let's execute the same
        // code as before, but this time the events will fire and we will
        // be notified by having our event handlers called.
        doMath(4, 8);

        // Don't want to be notified of these events anymore
        test.OperationCompleteEvent -= OnOperationComplete;

        // There are many times when we want to execute code in some method
        // but it will only ever be called in one place. It seems like a
        // real waste to have to declare a method like we did
        // with "ImSpeakingNow(string SayThis)" just for that purpose.
        // To that end, the "Anonymous" method was created.
        // Anonymous methods provide a way to write unnamed inline
        // statement blocks that can be executed in a delegate invocation.

        List <String> names = new List <String>();


        // The following demonstrates the anonymous method feature of C#
        // to display the contents of the list to the console
        names.ForEach(delegate(String name)

        me = delegate(string Something) { Console.WriteLine($"Anonymous says: {Something}"); };
        me("I am here!");

        // A lambda expression is nothing more than syntactic sugar for an anonymous method.
        // The following lambda expression is EXACTLY the same as the anonymous method above.
        // The type of the parameter "Something" is inferred by the compiler.
        me = (Something) => { Console.WriteLine($"Lambda says: {Something}"); };
        me("I am here!");

        Func <int, int, int> ReturnSomething = (x, y) => { return(x + y); };
        int value = ReturnSomething(9, 8);

        Console.WriteLine($"Value is {value}");

        // The signature of the method called is:
        //      public static int Calculate(DoMathDelegate DoMath, int first, int second)
        // The first parameter is a lambda expression matching the delegate signature:
        //		public delegate int DoMathDelegate(int first, int second)
        // The next 2 parameters are the values consumed by the DoMathDelegate
        Console.WriteLine($"Value is {MathMethods.Calculate((a, b) => a + b, 1, 2)} using lambda");
        Console.WriteLine($"Value is {MathMethods.Calculate((x, z) => x * z, 1, 2)}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Value is {MathMethods.Calculate((q, r) => q - r, 1, 2)}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Value is {MathMethods.Calculate((f, h) => f / h, 1, 2)}");

        // Parameter delegates are often designed to work on data that is internal to the class/type.
        // The delegate is typically used to iterate over the internal data values to
        // produce some kind of result or filter the data in some way.
        Console.WriteLine($"CalculateTotal addition is {MathMethods.CalculateTotal((a, b) => a + b)}");
        Console.WriteLine($"CalculateTotal multiplication is {MathMethods.CalculateTotal((a, b) => a * b)}");

        // Here we will create a lambda expression that will be used to filter out all even numbers
        List <int> even = MathMethods.RunFilter(i => i % 2 == 0);

        foreach (int x in even)
            Console.WriteLine($"Even {x}");

        // Here we will create a lambda expression that will be used to filter out all odd numbers
        List <int> odd = MathMethods.RunFilter(i => i % 2 == 1);

        foreach (int x in odd)
            Console.WriteLine($"Odd {x}");

        /// A Predicate is a delegate like the Func and Action delegates.
        /// It represents a method that checks whether the passed parameter meets a set of criteria.
        /// A predicate delegate methods must take one input parameter and return a boolean - true or false.
        /// You'll find that built in delegate types like "Action", "Func<>" and "Predicate<>" can be used
        /// instead of creating your own custom delegates most of the time. Here's an example of using
        /// a built-in "Predicate<int>" instead of custom "FilterDelegate".
        List <int> lessThan5 = MathMethods.RunFilterPredicate(i => i < 5);

        Console.WriteLine($"Values less than 5 using predicate");
        foreach (int x in lessThan5)

        //----------------- What's happening under the hood? Expression Trees!
        System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <int, int> > myExpression = x => x * x;
        string          lambdaString     = myExpression.ToString();
        Func <int, int> compiledDelegate = myExpression.Compile();
        int             parameter        = 8;
        int             answer           = compiledDelegate(parameter);

        Console.WriteLine($"Result of calling '{lambdaString}' using parameter '{parameter}' is '{answer}'");

        Expression <Func <int, bool> > expr = i => i % 2 == 0;

        Expression <Func <string, string, string> > tree = (a, b) => a.ToLower() + b.ToUpper();


        Expression <SpeakDelegate> myDelegate = (sayThis) => Console.WriteLine(sayThis);


        FilmCritic.DemonstrateDeferredExecution("Rambo", "First", new DateTime(2009, 1, 1));

        List <string> listOfNames = new List <string>()
            "John Doe",
            "Jane Doe",
            "Jenna Doe",
            "Joe Doe"

        // Query syntax
        IEnumerable <string> qNames = from name in listOfNames where name.Length <= 8 select name;

        // Method syntax
        var mNames = listOfNames.Where(name => name.Length <= 8);

        // Representation of the query
        Expression <Func <IEnumerable <string>, IEnumerable <string> > > lambda = (myList) => from name in myList where name.Length <= 8 select name;


        // Compile and Execute the query
        var compiledLinq = lambda.Compile();
        IEnumerable <string> expressionNames = compiledLinq(listOfNames);

        foreach (string x in expressionNames)
 /// <summary>
 /// <see cref="Speak_to_client"/>のListenerに追加。
 /// Client側が使う。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="listener"><see cref="SpeakDelegate"/>型の関数。ラムダ式を使うと楽。</param>
 public void AddEventListener_Speak(SpeakDelegate listener)
Beispiel #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 1) //引数がないのは丘peopleなので...
            string[] argskun = args[0].Split('|');                                           //argsを分割。
            yukkuri_lib_interface.yukkuri_lib_interface yukkuri_inter;                       //インタフェースを作成。
            Dictionary <string, string> channelproperty = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //チャンネル作成用。

            channelproperty.Add("portName", argskun[1] + "_yukkuri_lib_kokkiemouse_client_" + argskun[0]);
            channelproperty.Add("name", argskun[0]);
            IpcChannel servChannel = new IpcChannel(channelproperty, null, new BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider //チャンネル作成。
                TypeFilterLevel = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel.Full,

            ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(servChannel, true);                                                                                                                      //チャンネル登録。
            yukkuri_inter = Activator.GetObject(typeof(yukkuri_lib_interface.yukkuri_lib_interface),
                                                "ipc://" + argskun[1] + "_yukkuri_lib_kokkiemouse_" + argskun[0] + '/' + argskun[0]) as yukkuri_lib_interface.yukkuri_lib_interface; //サーバー(64bit)のインタフェースを取得。
            AquesTalk      aq    = new AquesTalk();                                                                                                                                  //Aquestalkのクラスを取得。
            CountdownEvent cekun = new CountdownEvent(1);                                                                                                                            //待機用。

            yukkuri_lib_interface.EventCallbackSink ebthink = new EventCallbackSink();                                                                                               //コールバック関数
            ebthink.OnClose += new CloseDelegate(() =>                                                                                                                               //Oncloseで呼ばれる。
                cekun.Signal();                                                                                                                                                      //復帰。(終了)
            ebthink.OnSpeak += new yukkuri_lib_interface.SpeakDelegate((yukkuri_lib_interface_EventArgs yukkuargs) =>                                                                //OnSpeakを定義
                int speed     = yukkuargs.eventargs.speed;                                                                                                                           //speedを突っ込む。
                int size      = 0;                                                                                                                                                   //サイズが入る。
                string koe    = yukkuargs.eventargs.textdata;                                                                                                                        //コピー。
                IntPtr wavPtr = aq.AquesTalk_Synthe(koe, speed, out size);                                                                                                           //Aquestalk呼び出し。ポインタが返ってくる。
                if (wavPtr == IntPtr.Zero)                                                                                                                                           //ぬるぽなら
                    SPEAK_RETURN spr2 = new SPEAK_RETURN();
                    switch (size)
                    case 100:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.OTHER_ERROR;
                        spr2.error.message  = "Other error!";

                    case 101:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.out_of_memory;
                        spr2.error.message  = "OUT OF MEMORY!";

                    case 102:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.undefined_symbol;
                        spr2.error.message  = "UNDEFINED_SYMBOL";

                    case 103:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.minus_speed;
                        spr2.error.message  = "ERROR! SPEED is MINUS!";

                    case 104:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.Undefined_delimiter_code_detection;
                        spr2.error.message  = "Undefined delimiter code detection!";

                    case 105:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.undefined_symbol;
                        spr2.error.message  = "UNDEFINED_SYMBOL";

                    case 106:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.syntax_tag_error;
                        spr2.error.message  = "Syntax tag error";

                    case 107:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.tag_end_error;
                        spr2.error.message  = "TAG END OR '>' ERROR";

                    case 108:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.tag_value_invalid;
                        spr2.error.message  = "TAG VALUE INVALID ERROR";

                    case 111:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.text_not_found;
                        spr2.error.message  = "Text Not found";

                    case 200:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.too_long_text;
                        spr2.error.message  = "Too long text";

                    case 201:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.too_many_symbol;
                        spr2.error.message  = "Too many symbol";

                    case 202:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.too_long_text_buffer_over;
                        spr2.error.message  = "Too long text and buffer over";

                    case 203:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.out_of_heap_memory;
                        spr2.error.message  = "Out of heap memory";

                    case 204:
                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.too_long_text_buffer_over;
                        spr2.error.message  = "Too long text and buffer over";

                        spr2.error.err_code = DLL_ERR_CODE.OTHER_ERROR;
                byte[] wavdata = new byte[size];        //C#側で配列を確保。
                Marshal.Copy(wavPtr, wavdata, 0, size); //ポインタの中身を配列にコピー。
                aq.AquesTalk_FreeWave(wavPtr);          //ポインタはもういらないしトラブルの元なので即開放
                yukkuri_lib_interface.SPEAK_RETURN spr = new yukkuri_lib_interface.SPEAK_RETURN();
                spr.error.err_code = yukkuri_lib_interface.DLL_ERR_CODE.NO_ERROR;
                spr.error.message  = "Success!";
                spr.wavdata        = wavdata;

             * yukkuri_inter._run_speak += new yukkuri_lib_interface.yukkuri_lib_interface.CallEventHandler((ref byte[] wav, yukkuri_lib_interface.yukkuri_lib_interface.yukkuri_lib_interface_EventArgs e) =>
             * {
             *  if (!loaded) return;
             *  int speed = e.speed;
             *  int size = 0;
             *  string koe = e.textdata;
             *  IntPtr wavPtr = aq.AquesTalk_Synthe(koe, speed, out size);
             *  if(wavPtr==IntPtr.Zero )
             *  {
             *      wav= new byte[] { 0 };
             *      return;
             *  }
             *  wav = new byte[size];
             *  Marshal.Copy(wavPtr, wav, 0, size);
             *  aq.AquesTalk_FreeWave(wavPtr);
             * });
            ebthink.OnDllLoad += new Dll_load_delegate((yukkuri_lib_interface_dllload_args eargs) =>  //OnDllLoadで呼ばれる。
                    aq = new AquesTalk(eargs.dll_path); //パスをもとにAquestalkをロード。

                    yukkuri_inter.dll_loaded();         //ロード完了のイベント送信。
                }catch (IOException e)
            Dll_load_delegate dllldel = new Dll_load_delegate(ebthink.DllLoadtoClient);   //delegateを定義。
            SpeakDelegate     spd     = new SpeakDelegate(ebthink.SpeakCallBackToClient); //delegateを定義。
            CloseDelegate     cld     = new CloseDelegate(ebthink.Close_toClient);        //delegateを定義。

            yukkuri_inter.AddEventListener_Dllload(dllldel);                              //delegateを突っ込む。
            yukkuri_inter.AddEventListener_Speak(spd);                                    //delegateを突っ込む。
            yukkuri_inter.AddEventListener_close(cld);                                    //delegateを突っ込む。
            TimerCallback timerdelegate = new TimerCallback((Object o) =>
                }catch (System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException e)
            Timer timer;


            Task task = Task.Run(() =>
                timer = new Timer(timerdelegate, null, 0, 3000);
