public GameScene(SpaceGame owner) : base(owner) { world = new World.World((0, 0), (owner.ScreenWidth, owner.ScreenHeight)); uiManager = new UIManager(owner); uiManager.uiElements.Add(new HUD(world.player as World.Entities.Player)); }
public override void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); List <string> descriptionText = new List <string>(7); descriptionText.Add(String.Format("Model: {0}", spaceShipDescription.Model)); descriptionText.Add(String.Format("Category {0}", spaceShipDescription.Category)); descriptionText.Add(String.Format("Weight: {0}", spaceShipDescription.Weight)); descriptionText.Add(String.Format("Speed: {0}", spaceShipDescription.GetSpeed()[0] * spaceShipDescription.GetSpeed()[1])); descriptionText.Add(String.Format("Primary weapon: {0}", spaceShipDescription.PrimaryWeapons)); descriptionText.Add(String.Format("Secondary weapon: {0}", spaceShipDescription.SecondaryWeapons)); descriptionText.Add(String.Format("Ship descrption:\n\n{0}", spaceShipDescription.Description)); _shipImage.AssetName = spaceShipDescription.AssetName.Split(new char[] { '_' })[0].ToString(); Add(_shipImage); _descriptions = new YnText[descriptionText.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < descriptionText.Count; i++) { _descriptions[i] = new YnText("Fonts/Messages", descriptionText[i], new Vector2(_container.X + 20, (_container.Y + 20) + 25 * i), Color.White); _descriptions[i].Scale = new Vector2(0.8f) * SpaceGame.GetScale(); _descriptions[i].Color = Color.White; Add(_descriptions[i]); } }
public SettingsScene(SpaceGame owner) : base(owner) { uiManager = new UIManager(owner); TextButton backButton = new TextButton((10, 10), "back"); backButton.OnMouseClicked += BackClicked; uiManager.uiElements.Add(backButton); uiManager.selected = backButton; TextButton saveButton = new TextButton(backButton.topRight + (1, 0), "save"); saveButton.OnMouseClicked += SaveClicked; uiManager.uiElements.Add(saveButton); saveButton.left = backButton; backButton.right = saveButton; TextButton lastButton = backButton; foreach (string action in owner.inputManager.bindings.Keys) { TextButton actionButton = new RebindButton(lastButton.bottomLeft + (0, 1), (180, 10), action); actionButton.OnMouseClicked += RebindClicked; uiManager.uiElements.Add(actionButton); lastButton.down = actionButton; actionButton.up = lastButton; lastButton = actionButton; } foreach (UIElement element in uiManager.uiElements) { element.OnMouseHover += AnyElementHover; } }
public ShipProfileItem(SpaceShipType type, bool selected = false) { _shipType = type; Selected = selected; int widthOverTwo = YnG.Width / 2; int heightOverTwo = YnG.Height / 2; _border = new YnSprite(new Rectangle( (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleX(450), (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleY(150), (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleX(650), (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleY(400)), Color.White); Add(_border); _container = new YnSprite(new Rectangle( (int)_border.X + BorderSize, (int)_border.Y + BorderSize, _border.Width - BorderSize * 2, _border.Height - BorderSize - 2), new Color(0, 108, 165)); Add(_container); _shipImage = new YnSprite(); spaceShipDescription = Registry.SpaceShipDescriptions[(int)_shipType]; }
public ControlButton(SpaceGame game) : base(game) { this.IsVisible = true; this.text = null; this.rectClicked = DefaultRectSource; }
/// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> static void Main(string[] args) { using (var game = new SpaceGame()) { game.Run(); } }
public MainGame(SpaceGame game) { //start the SpaceGame by settings up the hud manager = game; //load the hud hud = new TouchHUD(game, manager.GameContent.Load <Texture2D>("FireButton"), manager.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Joystick")); player = new Player(manager.GameContent.Load <Model>("PlayerShip"), new Place()); player.Magnitude = 2f; //set up the camera to have it look at the player camera = new Camera(game.Width, game.Height); //set the game state to default state = GameState.IN_MENU; //set up the start menu startMenu = new MainMenu(manager.GameContent.Load <Texture2D>("Play"), manager.GameContent.Load <Texture2D>("Title"), new Vector2(manager.Width, manager.Height), this); //load the font font = game.GameContent.Load <SpriteFont>("Font"); //load the file text testText = MainActivity.getInstance().readTxtFromAssets("Level1.txt"); }
public MenuScene(SpaceGame owner) : base(owner) { uiManager = new UIManager(owner); TextButton playButton = new TextButton((10, 10), "play"); playButton.OnMouseClicked += PlayClicked; uiManager.uiElements.Add(playButton); TextButton settingsButton = new TextButton(playButton.bottomLeft + (0, 1), "settings"); settingsButton.OnMouseClicked += SettingsClicked; uiManager.uiElements.Add(settingsButton); TextButton quitButton = new TextButton(settingsButton.bottomLeft + (0, 1), "quit"); quitButton.OnMouseClicked += QuitClicked; uiManager.uiElements.Add(quitButton); uiManager.selected = playButton; playButton.down = settingsButton; settingsButton.down = quitButton; settingsButton.up = playButton; quitButton.up = settingsButton; }
public SelectLevelState(int shipType) : base("Select a level", 3) { _selectedShip = shipType; _selectedLevel = 0; spaceLevelImage = new YnEntity("Backgrounds/selectStars"); spaceLevelImage.Scale = SpaceGame.GetScale(); Add(spaceLevelImage); escapeLevelImage = new YnEntity("Backgrounds/selectEscape"); escapeLevelImage.Scale = SpaceGame.GetScale(); Add(escapeLevelImage); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle( YnG.Width / 2 - MenuItem.SmallItemWidth / 2, YnG.Height - (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleY(75), MenuItem.SmallItemWidth, MenuItem.SmallItemHeight); MenuItem backItem = new MenuItem("Back", rectangle, 2, false); backItem.ItemTextSize = SpaceGame.GetScale(); backItem.MouseClicked += new EventHandler <MouseClickEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseJustClicked); backItem.MouseLeave += new EventHandler <MouseLeaveEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseLeave); backItem.MouseOver += new EventHandler <MouseOverEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseOver); Add(backItem); items.Add(backItem); }
private Texture2D TryLoadPNG(FileInfo finfo) { Stream fileStream = finfo.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); var texture = Texture2D.FromStream(SpaceGame.GetGraphicsDevice(), fileStream); fileStream.Close(); return(texture); }
public override void Draw(SpaceGame target) { base.Draw(target); target.FillRect(bounds.topLeft, bounds.bottomRight, currentColours.fill); target.DrawRect(bounds.topLeft, bounds.bottomRight, currentColours.outline); target.DrawText(bounds.topLeft + (1, 1), text, currentColours.foreground); }
public ControlRadar(SpaceGame game) : base(game) { this.IsVisible = true; this.text = null; this.textColor = WhiteTextColor; this.textAlign = TextAlign.MiddleLeft; color = Color.White; }
public MenuState() : base("Codename : SpaceGame", 6) { // Les elements qui passent sous le menu _planetLogo = new YnEntity(Assets.PlanetRed); Add(_planetLogo); _shipSprite = new YnSprite(Assets.PlayerShipA); Add(_shipSprite); _kinectLogo = new YnEntity("Misc/kinect"); Add(_kinectLogo); // 3 - Le menu string[] itemNames = { "Arcade", "Multiplayers", "Scores", "Options", "Credits", "Exit" }; int x = (YnG.Width / 2) - MenuItem.BigItemWidth / 2; int y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { y = (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleY(185) + i * MenuItem.BigItemHeight * 2; MenuItem item = new MenuItem(itemNames[i], new Rectangle( (int)(x), (int)(y), MenuItem.BigItemWidth, MenuItem.BigItemHeight), i, i == 0 ? true : false); item.ItemTextSize = SpaceGame.GetScale(); item.MouseClicked += new EventHandler <MouseClickEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseJustClicked); item.MouseLeave += new EventHandler <MouseLeaveEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseLeave); item.MouseOver += new EventHandler <MouseOverEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseOver); Add(item); items.Add(item); } x = 0; y = YnG.Height - (MenuItem.SmallItemHeight + MenuItem.SmallItemHeight / 3); for (int j = 3; j < 6; j++) { x = (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleX(350) + (j - 3) * MenuItem.SmallItemWidth * 2; MenuItem item = new MenuItem(itemNames[j], new Rectangle(x, y, MenuItem.SmallItemWidth, MenuItem.SmallItemHeight), j, false); item.ItemTextSize = new Vector2(0.6f) * SpaceGame.GetScale(); item.MouseClicked += new EventHandler <MouseClickEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseJustClicked); item.MouseLeave += new EventHandler <MouseLeaveEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseLeave); item.MouseOver += new EventHandler <MouseOverEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseOver); Add(item); items.Add(item); } }
public SelectShipState() : base("Space ship selection", 4) { _selectedShip = 0; string[] itemsText = { "ZX Thunder 4", "Pulsar X6", "MRC-A1", "Mantra N4", "Back", "Ready" }; shipProfileItem = new ShipProfileItem[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int y = (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleY(150) + i * ItemHeight + (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleY(10); MenuItem item = new MenuItem(itemsText[i], new Rectangle( (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleX(50), y, ItemWidth, ItemHeight), i, i == 0 ? true : false); item.ItemTextSize = SpaceGame.GetScale(); item.ItemTextSize = new Vector2(0.6f) * SpaceGame.GetScale(); item.MouseOver += item_MouseOver; item.MouseLeave += item_MouseLeave; item.MouseClicked += item_MouseJustClicked; Add(item); items.Add(item); shipProfileItem[i] = new ShipProfileItem((SpaceShipType)i, i == 0 ? true : false); shipProfileItem[i].Active = ((i == 0) ? true : false); Add(shipProfileItem[i]); } for (int j = 4; j < 6; j++) { int x = (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleX(50); if (j > 4) { x = YnG.Width - MenuItem.SmallItemWidth - 50; } int y = YnG.Height - (MenuItem.SmallItemHeight + (MenuItem.SmallItemHeight / 3)); MenuItem item = new MenuItem(itemsText[j], new Rectangle(x, y, MenuItem.SmallItemWidth, MenuItem.SmallItemHeight), j, false); item.ItemTextSize = new Vector2(0.6f) * SpaceGame.GetScale(); item.MouseOver += item_MouseOver; item.MouseLeave += item_MouseLeave; item.MouseClicked += item_MouseJustClicked; Add(item); items.Add(item); } }
public override void Update(SpaceGame target, float elapsed) { base.Update(target, elapsed); lifetime -= elapsed; if (lifetime < 0) { wantToDie = true; } }
public Bar(SpaceGame game) : base(game) { this.IsVisible = true; this.text = null; this.textAlign = TextAlign.MiddleLeft; value = game.utilities.minusInf; MaxWidth = 0; color = Color.White; }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); _title.Position = new Vector2(50, 25); Registry.AudioManager.SpeakAsync("Who are behind, this awesome game ?"); background.Scale = SpaceGame.GetScale(); background.Position = new Vector2(YnG.Width / 2 - background.Width / 2, YnG.Height / 2 - background.Height / 2); }
public override void Update(SpaceGame target) { base.Update(target); int scroll = (int)target.MouseScroll; scrollLocation -= scroll * 5; scrollLocation = scrollLocation.Constrain(0, bounds.Height - scrollBar.bounds.Height); scrollbarPositionChanged = true; }
private void Load(ResourceDefinition def) { Texture2D sprite; using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(def.PathToTexture.FullName, FileMode.Open)) { sprite = Texture2D.FromStream(SpaceGame.GetGraphicsDevice(), fileStream); } def.SetRenderable(sprite); }
public Asteroids(SpaceGame game) { = game; asteroids = new LinkedList <Asteroid>(); damageParticleSystem = new Particle3D.ExplosionParticleSystem(game, game.Content, 4, Color.White); explosionParticleSystem = new Particle3D.ExplosionParticleSystem(game, game.Content, 8, Color.White); explosionSmokeParticleSystem = new Particle3D.ExplosionSmokeParticleSystem(game, game.Content, 5, Color.White); game.Components.Add(damageParticleSystem); game.Components.Add(explosionParticleSystem); game.Components.Add(explosionSmokeParticleSystem); }
public InputManager(SpaceGame owner) { this.owner = owner; Bind("fire", Key.Space); Bind("cancel", Key.Escape); Bind("confirm", Key.Enter); Bind("up", Key.W); Bind("down", Key.S); Bind("left", Key.A); Bind("right", Key.D); Load(); }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); Vector2 scale = new Vector2(1.3f) * SpaceGame.GetScale(); _shipImage.Origin = new Vector2(_shipImage.Width / (2 * scale.X), _shipImage.Height / (2 * scale.Y)); _shipImage.Scale = scale; _shipImage.Position = new Vector2( ((_container.X + _container.Width) - _shipImage.Width / (2 * scale.Y)) - 50, _container.Y + _shipImage.Height / (2 * scale.Y)); }
public override void Draw(SpaceGame target) { target.PixelMode = Pixel.Mode.Alpha; // motion information // box vf boxTopLeft = bounds.bottomRight - 60; vf boxBottomRight = boxTopLeft + 50; vf boxMiddle = boxTopLeft + 25; target.FillRect(boxTopLeft, boxBottomRight, new Pixel(200, 100, 100, 100)); vf dirOfVel = player.vel.Normalized() * Math.Min(player.vel.Length * 10, 23); vf dirOfShip = vf.Along(default, 10, -player.rotation + (float)Math.PI / 2);
public GameUI(SpacePlayer [] players) { int nbPlayer = players.Length; minutes = 0; seconds = 0; milliseconds = 0; Vector2 scale = SpaceGame.GetScale(); _guiGroup = new YnGroup(2); _scoreText = new YnText("Fonts/ScoresUI", "0"); _scoreText.Color = Color.Wheat; Add(_scoreText); _timeText = new YnText("Fonts/ScoresUI", "00:00:000"); _timeText.Color = Color.Wheat; Add(_timeText); _playerWeaponBox = new PlayerWeaponBox[nbPlayer]; for (int i = 0; i < nbPlayer; i++) { // Si 2 joueurs on a un alignement en bas int x = (i * 1100) + 25; int y = 700; // Sinon les joueurs 1 et 2 sont en haut // Et les autres en bas if (nbPlayer > 2) { // Joueurs 1 et 2 if (i < 2) { y = 25; } // Joueurs 3 et 4 else { x = ((i - 2) * 1100) + 25; y = 700; } } _playerWeaponBox[i] = new PlayerWeaponBox(x, y, players[i], ref scale); Add(_playerWeaponBox[i]); } }
public override void Draw(SpaceGame target) { base.Draw(target); AABB contentRect = GetContentAABB(); int runningHeight = padding; runningHeight -= (int)(scrollLocation / bounds.Height * contentRect.Height); foreach (UIElement element in contents) { AABB bounds = element.bounds.AtOrigin; element.bounds.topLeft = topLeft + (padding, runningHeight); element.bounds.bottomRight = element.bounds.topLeft + bounds.bottomRight; runningHeight += (int)element.bounds.Height + padding; } // use back buffer for clipping target.DrawTarget = backBuffer; target.Clear(PixelEngine.Pixel.Empty); foreach (UIElement element in contents) { element.Update(target); if (bounds.Overlaps(element.bounds)) { element.Draw(target); } } scrollbarHeight = bounds.Height / contentRect.Height * bounds.Height; AABB scrollbarRect = new AABB(topRight + (-10, scrollLocation), topRight + (0, scrollbarHeight + scrollLocation)); scrollBar.bounds = scrollbarRect; // only draw scrollbar if scrolling is required if (scrollbarHeight != size.y) { scrollBar.Update(target); scrollBar.Draw(target); } // switch back to main buffer PixelEngine.Sprite scrollContainerSurface = target.DrawTarget; target.DrawTarget = null; target.DrawPartialSprite(topLeft, scrollContainerSurface, topLeft, (int)bounds.Width, (int)bounds.Height); }
public ShipDesignerGameState(SpaceGame game) : base(game) { game.Resized += OnResized; Map = new ShipDesignerMap(game.Data); ShipDesignerMapView mapView = new ShipDesignerMapView(Map); UIViewport mapViewport = new UIViewport(96, 0, UI.Width - 96, UI.Height, mapView, game); mapViewport.IsAlwaysAtBottom = true; ShipDesignerModuleView moduleView = new ShipDesignerModuleView(Map); UIViewport moduleViewport = new UIViewport(0, 0, 96, UI.Height, moduleView, game); moduleViewport.IsAlwaysAtBottom = true; SpriteData testSprite = game.Data.Sprites["TestIcon"]; UIButtonSimple testButton = new UIButtonSimple( mapViewport.Bounds.Right - testSprite.Width * 4, mapViewport.Bounds.Bottom - testSprite.Height, testSprite.Width, testSprite.Height, Map.TestShip, testSprite.Base); //testButton.Tooltip = "Test the ship"; SpriteData newSprite = game.Data.Sprites["NewIcon"]; UIButtonSimple newButton = new UIButtonSimple( mapViewport.Bounds.Right - newSprite.Width * 3, mapViewport.Bounds.Bottom - newSprite.Height, newSprite.Width, newSprite.Height, Map.NewShip, newSprite.Base); //newButton.Tooltip = "Create a new ship"; SpriteData saveSprite = game.Data.Sprites["SaveIcon"]; UIButtonSimple saveButton = new UIButtonSimple( mapViewport.Bounds.Right - saveSprite.Width * 2, mapViewport.Bounds.Bottom - saveSprite.Height, saveSprite.Width, saveSprite.Height, Map.SaveShip, saveSprite.Base); //saveButton.Tooltip = "Save the current ship"; SpriteData loadSprite = game.Data.Sprites["LoadIcon"]; UIButtonSimple loadButton = new UIButtonSimple( mapViewport.Bounds.Right - loadSprite.Width, mapViewport.Bounds.Bottom - loadSprite.Height, loadSprite.Width, loadSprite.Height, Map.LoadShip, loadSprite.Base); //loadButton.Tooltip = "Load a ship"; UI.Add(testButton, newButton, saveButton, loadButton, moduleViewport, mapViewport); }
public static void Main() { Window _window = new Window("SpaceGame", 800, 800); SpaceGame _SpaceGame = new SpaceGame(_window); while (!_window.CloseRequested && !_SpaceGame.ESC) { if (_SpaceGame.Restart) { _SpaceGame = new SpaceGame(_window); } SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); _window.Clear(Color.RGBColor(193, 154, 107)); _SpaceGame.Update(); _SpaceGame.Draw(); _window.Refresh(); } _window.Close(); _window = null; }
public virtual void Update(SpaceGame target, float elapsed) { graphics.position_w = position_w; // a = F / m vel += forces / mass * elapsed; forces = (0, 0); position_w += vel; // rotation hack rotationVel += rotationForces / mass * elapsed; rotationForces = 0; if (rotationVel >= rotationVelCap || rotationVel <= -rotationVelCap) { rotationVel = rotationVelCap * System.Math.Sign(rotationVel); } rotation += rotationVel; rotationVel = rotationVel.TowardsButNotPass(0, rotationalDecayAmount * elapsed); }
public MyObject(SpaceGame game) { = game; Vector3 axis = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); int dir = RandomNumber(1, 3); switch (dir) { case 1: axis.X = 1; break; case 2: axis.Y = 1; break; case 3: axis.Z = 1; break; } this.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, RandomNumber(-PI, PI)); }
public GameLevel1(SpaceGame game) : base(game) { /*Neutral Objects*/ asteroids = new Asteroids(game); backgroundAsteroids = new Asteroids(game); backgroundPlanets = new Planets(game); //aircrafts = new Aircrafts(game); bullets = new Bullets(game); /*Players*/ player1 = new Player1(game); player2 = new Player2(game); pilots = new Pilots(game); // questStage = Level1Quests.START; questStage = Level1Quests.ENEMYFOCUS; startQuest = false; StartQuestTime = 0; destroyedAsteroids = 0; destroyedEnemyAircraft = 0; }
public ScoreState(bool saveScore = false) : base("Scores", 1) { //background = new YnEntity("Backgrounds/options"); //Add(background); int scoreSize = Registry.ScoreManager.GameScores.Count; int x = (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleX(150); for (int i = 0; i < scoreSize; i++) { YnText text = new YnText("Fonts/Menu", String.Format("{0}", _playerScore[i].GetDetailedMenuString(7, 7)), new Vector2(x, 130 + i * 55), Color.White); text.Scale = new Vector2(1.2f) * SpaceGame.GetScale(); Add(text); } Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle( YnG.Width / 2 - (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleX(MenuItem.SmallItemWidth) / 2, YnG.Height - (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleY(75), (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleX(MenuItem.SmallItemWidth), (int)SpaceGame.GetScaleY(MenuItem.SmallItemHeight)); MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Menu", rectangle, 0, false); item.ItemTextSize = SpaceGame.GetScale(); item.MouseClicked += new EventHandler <MouseClickEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseJustClicked); item.MouseLeave += new EventHandler <MouseLeaveEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseLeave); item.MouseOver += new EventHandler <MouseOverEntityEventArgs>(item_MouseOver); Add(item); items.Add(item); if (saveScore) { _playerScore.Update(); _playerScore.Record(); } }
public GUI(SpaceGame.units.Spaceman player, SpaceGame.units.BlackHole blackhole) { this.screenHeight = Game1.SCREENHEIGHT; this.screenWidth = Game1.SCREENWIDTH; targetWheelRec.X = (screenWidth / 2) - 32; targetWheelRec.Y = screenHeight - targetWheel.Height; targetWheelRec.Width = targetWheel.Width; targetWheelRec.Height = targetWheel.Height; leftClickRec.X = (screenWidth / 2) - 99; leftClickRec.Y = screenHeight - leftClick.Height; leftClickRec.Width = leftClick.Width; leftClickRec.Height = leftClick.Height; rightClickRec.X = (screenWidth / 2) + 148; rightClickRec.Y = screenHeight - rightClick.Height; rightClickRec.Width = rightClick.Width; rightClickRec.Height = rightClick.Height; spaceClickRec.X = (screenWidth / 2) + 256; spaceClickRec.Y = screenHeight - spaceClick.Height; spaceClickRec.Width = spaceClick.Width; spaceClickRec.Height = spaceClick.Height; shiftClickRec.X = (screenWidth / 2) - 340; shiftClickRec.Y = screenHeight - shiftClick.Height; shiftClickRec.Width = shiftClick.Width; shiftClickRec.Height = shiftClick.Height; button1Rec.X = (screenWidth / 2) - 412; button1Rec.Y = screenHeight - button1.Height; button1Rec.Width = button1.Width; button1Rec.Height = button1.Height; button3Rec.X = button1Rec.X; button3Rec.Y = button1Rec.Y - button1.Height - 5; button3Rec.Width = button3.Width; button3Rec.Height = button3.Height; button5Rec.X = button1Rec.X; button5Rec.Y = button1Rec.Y - 2*button1.Height - 2*5; button5Rec.Width = button5.Width; button5Rec.Height = button5.Height; button2Rec.X = (screenWidth / 2) - 484; button2Rec.Y = screenHeight - button2.Height; button2Rec.Width = button2.Width; button2Rec.Height = button2.Height; button4Rec.X = button2Rec.X; button4Rec.Y = button2Rec.Y - button2.Height - 5; button4Rec.Width = button4.Width; button4Rec.Height = button4.Height; button6Rec.X = button2Rec.X; button6Rec.Y = button2Rec.Y - 2 * button2.Height - 2 * 5; button6Rec.Width = button6.Width; button6Rec.Height = button6.Height; voidWheelRec.X = targetWheelRec.X + targetWheel.Width / 2 - voidWheel.Width / 2; voidWheelRec.Y = 0; voidWheelRec.Width = voidWheel.Width; voidWheelRec.Height = voidWheel.Height; this.player = player; this.blackhole = blackhole; //Initialize health bar in its location Vector2 healthBarLoc = new Vector2(targetWheelRec.X + targetWheelRec.Width / 2, (int)(targetWheelRec.Y + HEIGHT_ADJUST * targetWheelRec.Height)); healthBar = new RadialBar(healthBarLoc, targetWheelRec.Width / RADIUS_ADJUST, 25, -(float)Math.PI / ARC_ADJUST, (float)Math.PI / ARC_ADJUST, Color.Red); //Initialize void bar in its location Vector2 voidBarLoc = new Vector2(voidWheelRec.X + voidWheelRec.Width / 2, (int)(voidWheelRec.Y + voidWheelRec.Height - 10)); voidBar = new RadialBar(voidBarLoc, voidWheelRec.Width / RADIUS_ADJUST, 25, (float)(2 * Math.PI - (float)Math.PI / VOID_ARC_ADJUST), (float)Math.PI / VOID_ARC_ADJUST, Color.Purple); }
protected State() { this._game = SpaceGame.Instance; }