// Function for extracting SAPI phonemes from voice recognition results
    public void GetPhonemes(ISpeechRecoResult Result)
        //VA.WriteToLog("Extracting phonemes from voice recognition result"); // Output info to event log

        try                                                                       // Attempt the following code
            SpPhoneConverter MyPhoneConverter = new SpPhoneConverter();           // Create new SPPhoneConverter instance
            MyPhoneConverter.LanguageId = 1033;                                   // Set the phone converter's language (English = 1033)
            string SAPIPhonemesRaw = null;                                        // Initialize string for storing raw SAPI phoneme data
            string SAPIPhonemes    = null;                                        // Initialize string for storing delimited SAPI phoneme data
            int    i             = 1;                                             // Initialize integer for tracking phoneme count
            string WordSeparator = " ";                                           // Initialize string variable for storing the characters used to separate words within the phoneme result

            if (VA.GetBoolean("~~SeparatePhonemes") == true)                      // Check if user wants to have the "-" character separate the words within the phoneme result
                WordSeparator = " - ";                                            // Redefine the WordSeparator
            foreach (ISpeechPhraseElement MyPhrase in Result.PhraseInfo.Elements) // Loop through each element of the recognized text
                if (MyPhrase.DisplayText != " ")
                    SAPIPhonemesRaw += " " + MyPhoneConverter.IdToPhone(MyPhrase.Pronunciation);                             // Build string of SAPI phonemes extracted from the recognized text
                    SAPIPhonemes    += (i++ > 1 ? WordSeparator : " ") + MyPhoneConverter.IdToPhone(MyPhrase.Pronunciation); // Build string of SAPI phonemes extracted from the recognized text, delimited by " "
            MyPhoneConverter = null;                                             // Set to null in preparation for garbage collection

            VA.SetText("~~SAPIPhonemesRaw", SAPIPhonemesRaw.Trim());             // Send raw SAPI phoneme data back to VoiceAttack as text variable
            VA.SetText("~~SAPIPhonemes", SAPIPhonemes.Trim());                   // Send word-delimited SAPI phoneme data back to VoiceAttack as text variable
        catch                                                                    // Handle exceptions in above code
            VA.SetText("~~RecognitionError", "Error during phoneme extraction"); // Send error detail back to VoiceAttack as text variable
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// cTor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pfe">blank string if '!isConsole'</param>
        internal SapiLipsync(string pfe = "")
            That = this;
            logfile.Log("SapiLipsync() cTor pfe= " + pfe);

            logfile.Log(". create (SpVoice)_voice");
            _voice = new SpVoice();
            logfile.Log(". (SpVoice)_voice CREATED");
            _voice.Volume     = 0;
            _voice.Rate       = 10;
            _voice.Phoneme   += tts_Phoneme;
            _voice.EndStream += tts_EndStream;

             * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/desktop/ee125220%28v%3dvs.85%29
             * enum SpeechVoiceEvents
             * SVEStartInputStream = 2
             * SVEEndInputStream   = 4
             * SVEVoiceChange      = 8
             * SVEBookmark         = 16
             * SVEWordBoundary     = 32
             * SVEPhoneme          = 64
             * SVESentenceBoundary = 128 <-
             * SVEViseme           = 256 <--
             * SVEAudioLevel       = 512
             * SVEPrivate          = 32768
             * SVEAllEvents        = 33790
            _voice.EventInterests = (SpeechVoiceEvents)(int)SpeechVoiceEvents.SVEPhoneme
                                    + (int)SpeechVoiceEvents.SVEEndInputStream;
            logfile.Log(". _voice.EventInterests= " + _voice.EventInterests);

            logfile.Log(". create (SpPhoneConverter)_phoneConverter");
            _phoneConverter = new SpPhoneConverter();
            logfile.Log(". (SpPhoneConverter)_phoneConverter CREATED");
//			PrintPhons(1036); // test fr-FR

            if (FxeGeneratorF.isConsole)
                _phoneConverter.LanguageId = 1033;                 // EnglishUS (default) // TODO: <--
                Wavefile = AudioConverter.deterwave(pfe);
                logfile.Log(". Wavefile= " + Wavefile);