public DamageFromAttack(SourceHistory sourceHistory, float damageScale, bool isHpPercent, float weight, float skillPowerScale,
                         int casterId, Vector2 projectilePosition,
                         Vector2 impactPosition, BakedStatsContainer characterStats,
                         bool forceAddModifier       = false,
                         DeathBehavior deathBehavior = CastProjectileAction.DeathBehavior.Neutral,
                         bool requireCasterToBeAlive = true, bool isHpPercentBaseOnMaxHp = false)
     if (characterStats == null)
         throw new Exception("null character stats");
     this.sourceHistory          = sourceHistory;
     this.damageScale            = damageScale;
     this.isHpPercent            = isHpPercent;
     this.weight                 = weight;
     this.skillPowerScale        = skillPowerScale;
     this.casterId               = casterId;
     this.projectilePosition     = projectilePosition;
     this.impactPosition         = impactPosition;
     this.characterStats         = characterStats;
     this.forceAddModifier       = forceAddModifier;
     this.deathBehavior          = deathBehavior;
     this.requireCasterToBeAlive = requireCasterToBeAlive;
     this.isHpPercentBaseOnMaxHp = isHpPercentBaseOnMaxHp;
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetSourceData(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", Route = "sourcedata/{sourceId}")] HttpRequest req,
            [CosmosDB("dashboard", "sourcedata", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDbConnectionString")] DocumentClient docClient,
            string sourceId,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation($"Getting source data for '{sourceId}'");

            var configItemsToProcess = new List <SourceConfig>();

            if (int.TryParse(req.Query["numdatapoints"], out int numDataPoints))
                log.LogInformation($"Number of data points was specified: '{1}'");
                numDataPoints = 1;

            var  sensitiveDataPin          = _config["SensitiveDataPin"];
            bool isSensitiveDataPinPresent = Helpers.IsSensitiveDataPinProvided(sensitiveDataPin, req);

            var collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri("dashboard", "sourcedata");

            // SELECT TOP 2 * FROM c WHERE c.SourceId='solar' ORDER BY c.TimeStampUtc DESC
            var query = docClient
                        .CreateDocumentQuery <SourceData>(collectionUri)
                        .Where(x => x.SourceId == sourceId)
                        .OrderByDescending(x => x.TimeStampUtc)

            var dataHistoryItems = new List <SourceData>();

            while (query.HasMoreResults)
                var documents = await query.ExecuteNextAsync <SourceData>();

                // Filter all data items in the document and exclude sensitive ones if the PIN is not provided.
                foreach (var document in documents)
                    document.DataItems = document
                                         .Where(x => !x.IsSensitive || isSensitiveDataPinPresent)

            var result = new SourceHistory {
                SourceId    = sourceId,
                HistoryData = dataHistoryItems.ToArray()

            return(new OkObjectResult(result));
Beispiel #3
        async Task RefreshUI(SourceHistory history)
            var labels = history.HistoryData
                         .Select(d => d.TimeStampUtc.LocalDateTime.ToString("d.M."))

            var dataSupplies = history.HistoryData
                               .Select(d => {
                // Item 0 = supplies in kg (label "supplies")
                string value = d.DataItems[0].Value.ToString();
                double.TryParse(value, out double supplies);

            var currentSupplies = $"Vorrat: {dataSupplies.Last():0.0}kg";

            var dataSetPelletSupplies = new LineChartDataset <double>
                Label           = currentSupplies,
                Data            = dataSupplies,
                BackgroundColor = new List <string> {
                    ChartColor.FromRgba(226, 228, 242, 0.8f)
                BorderColor = new List <string> {
                    ChartColor.FromRgba(95, 104, 188, 0.5f)
                Fill        = true,
                PointRadius = 2,
                BorderDash  = new List <int> {

            await lineChart.Clear();

            await lineChart.AddLabel(labels);

            await lineChart.AddDataSet(dataSetPelletSupplies);

            await lineChart.Update();
Beispiel #4
 void RefreshUI(SourceHistory history)
     if (history?.HistoryData != null &&
         history.HistoryData.Length > 0 &&
         history.HistoryData[0].DataItems != null &&
         history.HistoryData[0].DataItems.Length > 0)
         _wodDate        = history.HistoryData[0].TimeStampUtc.UtcDateTime;
         TimeStampSource = _wodDate.ToLocalTime().ToString("g");
         WodHtml         = history.HistoryData[0].DataItems[0].Value.ToString();
         if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(WodHtml))
             WodHtml = "Leider kein WOD gefunden :-(";
         TimeStampSource = _wodDate.ToLocalTime().ToString("g");
         WodHtml         = "Leider kein WOD gefunden :-(";
Beispiel #5
        async Task RefreshUI(SourceHistory history)
            // We're only retrieving one item.
            var singleSourceData = history.HistoryData[0];
            var vehicleStateItem = singleSourceData.DataItems.First(x => x.Id == "vehicle_state");
            var vehicleState     = Convert.ToString(vehicleStateItem.Value);

            if (vehicleState != "online")
                IsCarOffline = true;
                IsCarOffline = false;

                var chargeLevelPercentItem = history.HistoryData[0].DataItems.First(x => x.Id == "charge_level_percent");
                ChargeLevelPercent = Convert.ToInt32(chargeLevelPercentItem.Value);

                var carTemperatureItem = history.HistoryData[0].DataItems.First(x => x.Id == "inside_temperature");
                CarTemperature = $"{Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(carTemperatureItem.Value))}°";

            await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("updateBingMap", 47.855042, 12.185040);
        async Task RefreshUI(SourceHistory history)
            var labels = history.HistoryData
                         .Select(d => d.TimeStampUtc.LocalDateTime.ToString("HH:mm"))

            var dataHousePower = history.HistoryData
                                 .Select(d => {
                string value = d.DataItems[1].Value.ToString();
                double.TryParse(value, out double power);

            var dataSolarPower = history.HistoryData
                                 .Select(d => {
                string value = d.DataItems[2].Value.ToString();
                double.TryParse(value, out double power);

            var productionEnergy  = $"PV ({dataSolarPower.Last():0.#}kW)";
            var consumptionEnergy = $"Verbrauch ({dataHousePower.Last():0.#}kW)";

            var dataSetHousePower = new LineChartDataset <double>
                Label           = consumptionEnergy,
                Data            = dataHousePower,
                BackgroundColor = new List <string> {
                    ChartColor.FromRgba(249, 134, 134, 0.5f)
                BorderColor = new List <string> {
                    ChartColor.FromRgba(249, 134, 134, 1f)
                Fill        = true,
                PointRadius = 2,
                BorderDash  = new List <int> {

            var dataSetSolarPower = new LineChartDataset <double>
                Label           = productionEnergy,
                Data            = dataSolarPower,
                Fill            = true,
                BackgroundColor = new List <string> {
                    ChartColor.FromRgba(226, 228, 242, 0.8f)
                BorderColor = new List <string> {
                    ChartColor.FromRgba(95, 104, 188, 0.5f)
                PointRadius = 2,
                BorderDash  = new List <int> {

            await lineChart.Clear();

            await lineChart.AddLabel(labels);

            await lineChart.AddDataSet(dataSetHousePower);

            await lineChart.AddDataSet(dataSetSolarPower);

            await lineChart.Update();
Beispiel #7
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetSourceDataFiltered(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = "sourcedata")] HttpRequest req,
            [CosmosDB("dashboard", "sourcedata", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDbConnectionString")] DocumentClient docClient,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("Getting filtered source data.");

            Filter filter = null;

                filter = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Filter>(await req.ReadAsStringAsync());
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Error deserializing Filter from request body: " + ex));

            var configItemsToProcess = new List <SourceConfig>();

            var  sensitiveDataPin          = _config["SensitiveDataPin"];
            bool isSensitiveDataPinPresent = Helpers.IsSensitiveDataPinProvided(sensitiveDataPin, req);

            var collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri("dashboard", "sourcedata");

            IQueryable <SourceData> query = docClient.CreateDocumentQuery <SourceData>(collectionUri);

            // Filter by source ID.
            string sourceId = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.SourceId))
                sourceId = filter.SourceId.ToLowerInvariant().Trim();
                query    = query.Where(x => x.SourceId == sourceId);

            // Filter by start date.
            if (filter.StartDateUtc.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(x => x.TimeStampUtc >= filter.StartDateUtc);

            // Filter by end date.
            if (filter.EndDateUtc.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(x => x.TimeStampUtc < filter.EndDateUtc);

            var filterQuery = query
                              .OrderByDescending(x => x.TimeStampUtc)
                              .Take(filter.TakeNumberResults.HasValue ? filter.TakeNumberResults.Value : int.MaxValue)

            var dataHistoryItems = new List <SourceData>();

            while (filterQuery.HasMoreResults)
                var documents = await filterQuery.ExecuteNextAsync <SourceData>();

                // Filter all data items in the document and exclude sensitive ones if the PIN is not provided.
                foreach (var document in documents)
                    document.DataItems = document
                                         .Where(x => !x.IsSensitive || isSensitiveDataPinPresent)

            var result = new SourceHistory {
                SourceId    = sourceId,
                HistoryData = dataHistoryItems.ToArray()

            return(new OkObjectResult(result));