Beispiel #1
        public LYLTabControl()
            this.Style = SourceHelper.FindSourceByKey <Style>(@"pack://*****:*****@"pack://application:,,,/Controls;component/TabControl标签控件/LYLTabControl1.xaml", "listTabItemStyle");
        public int FDoIdle(uint grfidlef)
            bool bPeriodic = (grfidlef & (uint)_OLEIDLEF.oleidlefPeriodic) != 0;
            IOleComponentManager cmpMgr = (IOleComponentManager)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SOleComponentManager));

            if (bPeriodic && cmpMgr != null)
                //var changes = FileUtilities.Instance.getCurrentTextSnapShot().Version.Changes;

                ////var changes = FileUtilities.Instance.GetIWpfTextView((string)document).TextSnapshot.Version.Changes;
                //if (changes != null)
                //    StaDynParser parser = new StaDynParser();
                //    parser.parseAll();
                //    SourceHelper.refreshHighlighting();

                Trace.WriteLine("Entering timer");

                StaDynParser parser = new StaDynParser();


Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Build active project as if project's DynVarOption property was set to EverythingDynamic.
        /// For this, following steps are taken:
        /// -Set active project's DynVarOption property to EverythingDynamic,
        /// -Build the project
        /// -Restore old property value.
        /// Uses a <see cref="SolutionBuildListener"/> object for the property changes to take effect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Not used.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Not used.</param>
        public void BuildEverythingDynamicCommand(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IVsSolutionBuildManager buildManager =
                Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsSolutionBuildManager)) as IVsSolutionBuildManager;

            if (buildManager != null)
                string dynOptionKey      = PropertyTag.DynVarOption.ToString();
                string everythingDynamic = DynVarOption.EverythingDynamic.ToString();

                ProjectConfiguration.Instance.SetProperty(dynOptionKey, everythingDynamic);

                //SolutionBuildListener object will change project's DynVarOption property value before and after the build
                //(Constructor handles Advising, events handle Unadvising)
                //new SolutionBuildListener(buildManager, dynOptionKey, everythingDynamic);

                var DTEObj = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE)) as EnvDTE.DTE;
                var sb     = (DTEObj.Solution.SolutionBuild as SolutionBuild);

                //check the projectIcon

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Modify var reference at cursor's location declaration changing from "var" to its actual type if possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Not used.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Not used.</param>
        public void DeclareExplicitCommand(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!(foundNode is IdDeclaration))

            SourceHelper.DeclareExplicit(foundNode, true);

            //BeforeQueryStatus handler should have called this, just in case:
            //if (lastSearchInfo == null)
            //    lastSearchInfo = searchDynVarInfo();
            //if (lastSearchInfo != null && lastSearchInfo.VarPath != null && lastSearchInfo.Successful)
            //    DTE dte = Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SDTE)) as DTE;
            //    StaDynLanguage lang = Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(StaDynLanguage)) as StaDynLanguage;
            //    IVsTextManager txtMgr = Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsTextManager)) as IVsTextManager;
            //    if (dte != null && lang != null && txtMgr != null)
            //    {
            //        IVsTextView textView;
            //        IVsTextLines buffer = null;
            //        txtMgr.GetActiveView(1, null, out textView);
            //        if(textView!=null)
            //            textView.GetBuffer(out buffer);

            //        if (!lastSearchInfo.Successful)
            //            return;

            //        IdDeclaration id = lastSearchInfo.NodesPath.Node as IdDeclaration;
            //        MethodDefinition method = lastSearchInfo.NodesPath.MethodNode;

            //        HashSet<TypeExpression> types = GetAllTypes(id.Identifier, method);

            //        if (types.Count != 1)
            //        {
            //            string message = "The var reference named '" + lastSearchInfo.VarPath.VarName +
            //                "' cannot be declared explicitly since it has more than one type within its scope:\n";
            //            foreach (TypeExpression type in types)
            //                message += " - " + type.FullName + "\n";
            //            message += "To be able to declare explicitly this reference, create a new type from which "
            //                + "all this types will inherit";

            //            MessageBox.Show(
            //                message,
            //                "Cannot declare explicit",
            //                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            //            return;
            //        }
            //        TextDocument doc = dte.ActiveDocument.Object("TextDocument") as TextDocument;
            //        if(buffer!=null && doc!=null)
            //        {
            //            DeclareExplicit(id, method, buffer, doc);
            //        }

            //        causeWindowRepaint();
            //    }
Beispiel #5
 public static SourceHelper GetInstance(string instanceName)
     if (instance == null)
         instance = new SourceHelper(instanceName);
Beispiel #6
        private void Parse()

            //Refresh highligting if no erros
            if (StaDynErrorList.Instance.errorCount() == 0)
Beispiel #7
        private void parseAndRefreshHighlingting()
            StaDynParser parser = new StaDynParser();

            currentFile = ProjectFileAST.Instance.getAstFile(FileUtilities.Instance.getCurrentOpenDocumentFilePath());

            // if (parseResult == null || parseResult.Ast == null)

Beispiel #8
        public IEnumerable <ITagSpan <TextMarkerTag> > GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
            if (spans.Count == 0)   //there is no content in the buffer
                yield break;

            //don't do anything if the current SnapshotPoint is not initialized or at the end of the buffer
            if (!CurrentChar.HasValue || CurrentChar.Value.Position >= CurrentChar.Value.Snapshot.Length)
                yield break;

            //hold on to a snapshot of the current character
            SnapshotPoint currentChar = CurrentChar.Value;

            //if the requested snapshot isn't the same as the one the brace is on, translate our spans to the expected snapshot
            if (spans[0].Snapshot != currentChar.Snapshot)
                currentChar = currentChar.TranslateTo(spans[0].Snapshot, PointTrackingMode.Positive);

            //get the current char and the previous char
            char          currentText = currentChar.GetChar();
            SnapshotPoint lastChar    = currentChar == 0 ? currentChar : currentChar - 1; //if currentChar is 0 (beginning of buffer), don't move it back
            char          lastText    = lastChar.GetChar();
            SnapshotSpan  pairSpan    = new SnapshotSpan();

            if (m_braceList.ContainsKey(currentText))   //the key is the open brace
                char closeChar;
                m_braceList.TryGetValue(currentText, out closeChar);
                if (SourceHelper.FindMatchingCloseChar(currentChar, currentText, closeChar, View.TextViewLines.Count, out pairSpan) == true)
                    yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(new SnapshotSpan(currentChar, 1), new TextMarkerTag("blue")));

                    yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(pairSpan, new TextMarkerTag("blue")));
            else if (m_braceList.ContainsValue(lastText))    //the value is the close brace, which is the *previous* character
                var open = from n in m_braceList
                           where n.Value.Equals(lastText)
                           select n.Key;
                if (SourceHelper.FindMatchingOpenChar(lastChar, (char)open.ElementAt <char>(0), lastText, View.TextViewLines.Count, out pairSpan) == true)
                    yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(new SnapshotSpan(lastChar, 1), new TextMarkerTag("blue")));

                    yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(pairSpan, new TextMarkerTag("blue")));
Beispiel #9
        public override object Visit(AST.IdDeclaration node, object obj)
            if (node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA != 0)

            if (node.TypeExpr is TypeVariable)
                SourceHelper.DeclareExplicit(node, false);

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Set dynamic var reference at the cursor's location.
        /// Cause check parse and window repaint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Not used</param>
        /// <param name="e">Not used</param>
        public void MakeVarDynamicCommand(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //MakeVarDynamicBeforeQueryStatus have found the current node
            if (foundNode == null)

            if (foundNode is Declaration)
                //Declaration dec = foundNode as Declaration;

                string currentWord = SourceHelper.getCurrentWord();

                IdDeclaration idDec = foundNode as IdDeclaration;

                if (currentWord != idDec.Identifier)
                        "Variable \"" + idDec.Identifier + "\" selected: Precission problem",
                        "Cannot make dynamic",
                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                bool isDynamic = idDec.TypeExpr.IsDynamic;

                //Must be a TypeVariable
                if (!(idDec.TypeExpr is TypeVariable))
                        "Variable \"" + idDec.Identifier + "\" its not TypeVariable",
                        "Cannot make dynamic",
                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                string varName = idDec.Identifier;

                int column = currentCaretPosition.Y;
                int line   = currentCaretPosition.X;

                //Change the .dyn file
                StaDynDynamicHelper.Instance.makeVarDynamic(varName, line, column, currentFile.Ast);

Beispiel #11
        private AstNode getCurrentCast(StaDynSourceFileAST parseResult, ITextSnapshot snapshot, int start, int line, int column)
            VisitorFindCast vfc = new VisitorFindCast();

            //parseResult.Ast.Accept(vfc, new Location(Path.GetFileName(parseResult.FileName), line, column));
            parseResult.Ast.Accept(vfc, new Location(parseResult.FileName, line, column));
            Stack <AstNode> castStack = vfc.castStack;

            if (castStack == null || castStack.Count == 0)

            int contCloseParent = SourceHelper.countCharAppearances(snapshot, start, line - 1, 0, ')');

            //SnapshotPoint externalCloseParenPosition = new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, start);
            //SnapshotSpan externalOpenParenPosition = new SnapshotSpan();

            //SourceHelper.FindMatchingOpenChar(externalCloseParenPosition, '(', ')', 0, out externalOpenParenPosition);
            //SnapshotPoint firtsOpenParentPosition = new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, externalOpenParenPosition.Start);
            //SnapshotSpan firtsCloseParenPosition = new SnapshotSpan();

            //SourceHelper.FindFirstAppearanceOf(firtsOpenParentPosition, ')', out firtsCloseParenPosition);

            //int columnDiference = start - firtsCloseParenPosition.Start;

            //AstNode foundNode = (AstNode)parseResult.Ast.Accept(new VisitorFindNode(), new Location(Path.GetFileName(parseResult.FileName), line, column - columnDiference));

            //return foundNode;
            if (contCloseParent > castStack.Count)

            AstNode currentMethod = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < contCloseParent; i++)
                currentMethod = castStack.Pop();

        public AstNode getCurrentInvocation(StaDynSourceFileAST parseResult, ITextSnapshot snapshot, int start, int line, int column)
            VisitorFindCallMethod vfc = new VisitorFindCallMethod();

            //parseResult.Ast.Accept(vfc, new Location(Path.GetFileName(parseResult.FileName), line, column));
            parseResult.Ast.Accept(vfc, new Location(parseResult.FileName, line, column));
            Stack <AstNode> methodStack = vfc.methodStack;

            if (methodStack == null || methodStack.Count == 0)

            int contCloseParent = SourceHelper.countCharAppearances(snapshot, start, line - 1, 0, ')');

            //SnapshotPoint starPoint = new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, start);
            //SnapshotSpan openParenPosition = new SnapshotSpan();

            //SourceHelper.FindMatchingOpenChar(starPoint, '(', ')', 0, out openParenPosition);

            //int columnDiference = start - openParenPosition.Start;

            //AstNode foundNode = (AstNode)parseResult.Ast.Accept(new VisitorFindNode(), new Location(Path.GetFileName(parseResult.FileName), line, column - columnDiference));

            //return foundNode;

            //Maybe an error or casting
            if (contCloseParent > methodStack.Count)

            AstNode currentMethod = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < contCloseParent; i++)
                currentMethod = methodStack.Pop();

Beispiel #13
        private void Checker(string login, string pass)
            var proxy = "";

                using (var request = new HttpRequest())
                    request.UserAgent = HttpHelper.RandomUserAgent();
                    request.Cookies   = new CookieDictionary();
                    if (Config.TypeOfProxy != 0)
                        request.Proxy = SourceHelper.GetProxy();
                        proxy         = request.Proxy.Host + ":" + request.Proxy.Port;
                    var response = request.Post("", "").ToString();
                    if (response.Contains(""))
                        lock (Config.Locker)
                            IoHelper.WriteLine(login + ";" + pass, "good.txt");
                            Config.InterFaceHelper.AddTextToElement(login + ";" + pass);
                        lock (Config.Locker)
                lock (Config.Locker)
                Checker(login, pass);
Beispiel #14
        //Other public methods

        #region DeclareExcplicit

        /// <summary>
        /// Modify var reference declaration changing from "var" to its actual type if possible.
        /// This method is public in order to be called by <see cref="CommandHandler.DeclareExplicitCommand"/>
        /// and <see cref="DeclareEverythingExplicitVisitor"/>.
        /// The operation will fail if the declaration has more than one type along its scope (counting as well
        /// types inside UnionType types).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">IdDeclaration node for the var reference declaration.</param>
        /// <param name="method">MethodDefinition node containing the var reference declaration.</param>
        /// <param name="buffer">IVsTextLines object containing document's content.</param>
        /// <param name="doc">TextDocument object for the document.</param>
        /// public void DeclareExplicit
        //public void DeclareExplicit(IdDeclaration id, MethodDefinition method, IVsTextLines buffer, TextDocument doc)
        //public void DeclareExplicit()

        //    int lineNumber = this.currentCaretPosition.X ;
        //    int column = this.currentCaretPosition.Y;
        //    var snapshot = FileUtilities.Instance.getCurrentTextSnapShot();
        //    int start = FileUtilities.Instance.getCurrentCaretPosition();

        //    StaDynVariablesInScopeTable infoVariablesInScope = StaDynIntellisenseHelper.Instance.getVariablesInCurrentScope(lineNumber +1, column, snapshot, start,true);

        //    string varName = ((IdDeclaration)foundNode).Identifier;

        //    var SSAVariablesList = new List<Declaration>();
        //    //Look for the same variable in the current scope
        //    for (int i = 0; i < infoVariablesInScope.Table.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        if (infoVariablesInScope.Table[i].Count > 0)
        //        {
        //            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IdDeclaration> variable in infoVariablesInScope.Table[i])
        //            {
        //                var type = variable.Value.TypeExpr;
        //                if (variable.Key.StartsWith(varName) && type is TypeVariable && ((TypeVariable)type).Substitution !=null)
        //                    SSAVariablesList.Add(variable.Value);

        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    if (SSAVariablesList.Count !=1)
        //    {
        //         string message;
        //         if (SSAVariablesList.Count == 0)
        //             message = "The var reference named '" + varName +
        //             "' cannot be declared explicitly since it has no type yet\n";
        //         else
        //         {
        //             message = "The var reference named '" + varName +
        //                 "' cannot be declared explicitly since it has more than one type within its scope:\n";
        //             foreach (Declaration node in SSAVariablesList)
        //                 message += " - " + ((TypeVariable)node.TypeExpr).Substitution.FullName + "\n";
        //             message += "To be able to declare explicitly this reference, create a new type from which "
        //                 + "all this types will inherit";
        //         }
        //        MessageBox.Show(
        //            message,
        //            "Cannot declare explicit",
        //            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
        //        return;
        //    }

        //    SourceHelper.replaceWord(snapshot, lineNumber, "var", ((TypeVariable)SSAVariablesList[0].TypeExpr).Substitution.FullName);



        #region GetAllTypes

        /// <summary>
        /// Get all types a reference has or may have along the method where it is declared.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="identifier">Name of the identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="method">Method where the identifier is declared.</param>
        /// <returns>Set of types assigned to the identifier. Types contained in
        /// UnionTypes are recursively inserted in the set.</returns>
        //public HashSet<TypeExpression> GetAllTypes(string identifier, MethodDefinition method)
        //    //Verify that the variable has only one type along the block
        //    //(Making use of SSA duplicated IdDeclaration nodes for that)

        //    //SearchInfo info = new SearchInfo(-1, -1, SearchReason.VarIdDeclarationSearch, StoreMode.StoreAll);
        //    //if (method != null)
        //    //    method.Accept(new SearchVisitor(), info);

        //    //HashSet<TypeExpression> types = new HashSet<TypeExpression>();
        //    //IdDeclaration id;
        //    //foreach (AstNode node in info.NodeList)
        //    //{
        //    //    id = node as IdDeclaration;
        //    //    if (id == null | !id.Identifier.Equals(identifier))
        //    //        continue;

        //    //    TypeVariable varType = id.TypeExpr as TypeVariable;
        //    //    TypeExpression substitutionType = varType != null ? varType.Substitution : null;
        //    //    if (substitutionType == null)
        //    //        continue;

        //    //    if (substitutionType is UnionType)
        //    //    {
        //    //        types.UnionWith(getTypesFromUnion(substitutionType as UnionType));
        //    //        continue;
        //    //    }

        //    //    types.Add(substitutionType);
        //    //}

        //    //return types;


        // Private methods

        #region searchDynVarInfo

        //private SearchInfo searchDynVarInfo()
        //    TokenInfo token = null;
        //    int line;
        //    int column;
        //    string tokenText = TextTools.GetCurrentTokenInfo(out token, out line, out column);

        //    StaDynLanguage lang = Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(StaDynLanguage)) as StaDynLanguage;

        //    DTE dte = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SDTE)) as DTE;
        //    StaDynScope scope = lang.GetParseResult(dte.ActiveDocument.FullName);

        //    TextTools.VsToInference(ref line, ref column);
        //    SearchInfo searchInfo = new SearchInfo(line, column, tokenText, SearchReason.AnyVarSearch, StoreMode.NamesAndNodes);
        //    scope.Ast.Accept(new SearchVisitor(), searchInfo);

        //    return searchInfo;


        #region  beforeQueryStatusCommonTasks

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs several tasks useful for the commands' BeforeQueryStatus handlers.
        /// Stores in lastSearchInfo information retrieved by <see cref="CommandHandler.searchDynVarInfo"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isStaDynFile">Active document is a ".stadyn" file.</param>
        /// <param name="isVar">Token at cursor's location is a var reference.</param>
        /// <param name="isDynamic">Token at cursor's location is a dynamic var reference.</param>
        private void beforeQueryStatusCommonTasks(out bool isStaDynFile, out bool isVar, out bool isDynamic)
            isStaDynFile = isVar = isDynamic = false;

            isStaDynFile = FileUtilities.Instance.checkCurrentFileExtension(".stadyn");

            //Get the span of the current word (caret on)
            var currentWordTextSpan = SourceHelper.getCurrentTextSpan();

            this.currentCaretPosition.X = currentWordTextSpan.iStartLine;
            this.currentCaretPosition.Y = currentWordTextSpan.iEndIndex;

            int line   = currentWordTextSpan.iStartLine;
            int column = currentWordTextSpan.iEndIndex + 1;

            StaDynParser parser = new StaDynParser();

            currentFile = ProjectFileAST.Instance.getAstFile(FileUtilities.Instance.getCurrentOpenDocumentFilePath());

            if (currentFile == null || currentFile.Ast == null)
            //string currentWord = SourceHelper.getCurrentWord();
            //this.foundNode = (AstNode)currentFile.Ast.Accept(new VisitorFindNode(), new Location(Path.GetFileName(currentFile.FileName), line + 1, column));
            this.foundNode = (AstNode)currentFile.Ast.Accept(new VisitorFindNode(), new Location(currentFile.FileName, line + 1, column));

            if (foundNode is Declaration)
                //Declaration dec = foundNode as Declaration;

                IdDeclaration idDec = foundNode as IdDeclaration;

                isVar = idDec.TypeExpr is TypeVariable;

                isDynamic = StaDynDynamicHelper.Instance.checkDynamicVar(idDec.Identifier, line, column, currentFile);
                //isDynamic = idDec.TypeExpr.IsDynamic;
        public StaDynVariablesInScopeTable getVariablesInCurrentScope(int line, int column, ITextSnapshot snapshot, int start, bool includeSSAVars)
            var variablesInScope = new StaDynVariablesInScopeTable();

            StaDynSourceFileAST file = ProjectFileAST.Instance.getAstFile(FileUtilities.Instance.getCurrentOpenDocumentFilePath());

            if (file == null || file.Ast == null)

            //AstNode foundNode = (AstNode)file.Ast.Accept(new VisitorFindNode(), new Location(Path.GetFileName(file.FileName), line + 1, column));
            AstNode foundNode = (AstNode)file.Ast.Accept(new VisitorFindNode(), new Location(file.FileName, line + 1, column));

            if (foundNode == null)
            variablesInScope = file.Ast.Accept(new VisitorFindDefinitionsInScope(includeSSAVars), foundNode) as StaDynVariablesInScopeTable;

            if (variablesInScope == null)

             * The foundNode is the next node that we actually are looking for.
             * So, we must pop as many groups of variables as closing braces we found
             * between foundeNode location and the location where the completion was triggered.
            int blocksToPop = SourceHelper.countCharAppearances(snapshot, start, foundNode.Location.Line, foundNode.Location.Column, '}');

            for (int i = 0; i < blocksToPop; i++)

Beispiel #16
 private void StartBrute()
         var accountSpliter = SourceHelper.GetSourceLine(Config.NormalizateBase).Split(';', ':');
         Checker(accountSpliter[0], accountSpliter[1]);
         lock (Config.Locker)
         lock (Config.Locker)
     if (Config.WorkFlag)
Beispiel #17
        public CommonWindow()
            this.Style       = SourceHelper.FindSourceByKey <Style>(@"pack://application:,,,/Controls;component/通用窗口/CommonWindowEffect.xaml", "BaseWindowStyle");
            this.DataContext = this;

            this.WindowStyle        = WindowStyle.None;
            this.AllowsTransparency = true;
            this.ResizeMode         = ResizeMode.NoResize;
            this.BorderThickness    = new Thickness(5);

            DropShadowEffect deff = new DropShadowEffect();

            deff.ShadowDepth = 1;
            deff.BlurRadius  = 10;
            deff.Direction   = 270;
            deff.Color       = Brushes.Black.Color;
            deff.Opacity     = 1;
            this.Effect      = deff;
            this.MinWidth    = 400;
            this.MinHeight   = 400;
Beispiel #18
 private void StartBrute()
         if (!Config.WorkFlag)
         var accountSpliter = SourceHelper.GetSourceLine().Split(';', ':');
         Checker(accountSpliter[0], accountSpliter[1]);
         lock (Config.Locker)
         lock (Config.Locker)
Beispiel #19
        private AstNode getCurrentArray(StaDynSourceFileAST parseResult, ITextSnapshot snapshot, int start, int line, int column)
            VisitorFindArray vfa = new VisitorFindArray();

            //parseResult.Ast.Accept(vfa, new Location(Path.GetFileName(parseResult.FileName), line, column));
            parseResult.Ast.Accept(vfa, new Location(parseResult.FileName, line, column));
            Stack <AstNode> arrayStack = vfa.arrayStack;

            if (arrayStack == null)

            int contCloseBracket = SourceHelper.countCharAppearances(snapshot, start, line - 1, 0, ']');

            AstNode currentArray = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < contCloseBracket; i++)
                currentArray = arrayStack.Pop();

Beispiel #20
 public CircleProgressBar1()
     this.Style   = SourceHelper.FindSourceByKey <Style>(@"pack://application:,,,/Controls;component/动态加载框/CircleProgressBarStyle.xaml", "ProgressBarStyleCircle");
     this.Loaded += CircleProgressBar1_Loaded;
Beispiel #21
 public MyComoboxItem()
     this.Style = SourceHelper.FindSourceByKey <Style>(@"pack://application:,,,/Controls;component/下拉框/ComoboxDictionary.xaml", "ComboBoxItemStyle");
 public SourceDTO GetSource(string name) => SourceHelper.GetSourceByName(name);
Beispiel #23
 public BasePage()
     this.Style = SourceHelper.FindSourceByKey <Style>(@"pack://application:,,,/Controls;component/基页page/BasePageSource.xaml", "basepagestyle1");
 public bool ValidateSource(string name) => SourceHelper.GetSourceByName(name) != null;
 public SourcesDTO GetAllSources() => SourceHelper.GetAllSources();
Beispiel #26
 public LYLTabItem()
     this.Style = SourceHelper.FindSourceByKey <Style>(@"pack://application:,,,/Controls;component/TabControl标签控件/LYLTabControl1.xaml", "aytabitem");
Beispiel #27
        public PropertyGrid() : base()
            this.Loaded += PropertyGrid_Loaded;

            this.Style = SourceHelper.FindSourceByKey <Style>(@"pack://application:,,,/Controls;component/属性窗/PropertyGridResource.xaml", "propertygrid");
 public void ClearErrorsAndRemoveSquiggles()
Beispiel #29
 public MyScrollView()
     this.Template = SourceHelper.FindSourceByKey <ControlTemplate>(@"pack://application:,,,/Controls;component/滚动条/ScrollViewDictionary.xaml", "MyScrollViewerControlTemplate");
Beispiel #30
 public DataGrid1()
     this.Style = SourceHelper.FindSourceByKey <Style>(@"pack://application:,,,/Controls;component/各种表格/DataGrid.xaml", "DataGridStyle");