/// <summary>
        /// Updates the directives in the page file to use razor syntax.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">The file being processed.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceData">The source data to be updated.</param>
        /// <returns>The updated content.</returns>
        private async Task <String> SetRazorPageDirectives(string fileName, Dictionary <string, string> sourceData)
            //String result = String.Empty;
            SourceFormatter result = new SourceFormatter();

                var    pageData = sourceData["HeaderData"];
                Regex  regex    = new Regex(@"(?<=\bMasterPageFile="")[^""]*");
                Match  match    = regex.Match(pageData);
                string layout   = match.Value;
                layout = layout.Replace(".", ""); //remove the old-style Site.Master layout to read SiteMaster

                result.AppendCode($"@page \"/{fileName}\" ");
                if (layout.Length > 0)
                    //Making sure the ~ gets removed from directives
                    result.AppendCodeLine(0, $"@layout { layout.Replace("~/", "")}");
                //result += $"@inherits {fileName}Base\r\n\r\n {sourceData["alteredSource"]}";

                result.AppendCodeLine(0, $"{sourceData["alteredSource"]}");
            catch (Exception unhandledError)
                await _statusTracking.UpdateCurrentStatusAsync(MigrationStepEnum.AspxPages, MessageTypeEnum.Error,
                                                               $"The following unhandled error occured while setting the razor page directives in the file {fileName}. '{unhandledError.Message}'");
