
        /// <summary>
        /// call back for geting the sound board back
        /// </summary>
        void _SoundBoardListUpDate()
            lock (SoundBoardBinding)
                SoundBoardBinding = _ControlPannel.SoundBoardBinding;
        public DiscordBotWorker(Form1 ControlPannel, string[] _GamesToPlay,
                                SoundBoardList _SoundBoardBinding)
            _ControlPannel = ControlPannel;
            ConsoleWrite("is Debug build\n");
            ConsoleWrite("is Chidori build\n");

            ConsoleWrite("Building Client......");
            _DiscordClient = new DiscordClient()
                             .UsingAudio(x =>
                x.Mode             = AudioMode.Both;
                x.EnableEncryption = true;
                x.Bitrate          = AudioServiceConfig.MaxBitrate;
                x.BufferLength     = 10000;
            //configsfor things
            //the sound cloud client config
            SCClient = new SoundCloudClient("9789f855276cf2c76bf4c6b62a09155e");
            track.ToStringOverRide = x =>
                return(x != null ? "```Title: " + x.title +
                       "\nID : " + x.id +
                       "\nstreamable : " + x.streamable +
                       "\nstream_url:" + x.stream_url + "```"
                : null);
            //the anime client config
            _MyAnimeListClient     = new MyAnimeListClient("The_True_Trooper", "Jim456852,.,");
            Manga.ToStringOverRide = x =>
                return(x != null ?
                       "```Title: " + x.title +
                       "\nEnglish: " + x.english +
                       "\nSynonyms: " + x.synonyms +
                       "\nChapters: " + x.chapters +
                       "\nVolumes: " + x.volumes +
                       "\nScore: " + x.score +
                       "\nType: " + x.type +
                       "\nStatus: " + x.status +
                       "\nStart Date: " + x.start_date +
                       "\nEnd Date: " + x.end_date +
                       "\nSynopsis: " + x.synopsis.Replace("<br />", "").Replace("[i]", "").Replace("[/i]", "").HtmlDecode() + "```" +
                       "\nhttp://myanimelist.net/manga/" + x.id
                    : null);
            Anime.ToStringOverRide = x =>
                return(x != null ?
                       "```Title: " + x.title +
                       "\nEnglish: " + x.english +
                       "\nSynonyms: " + x.synonyms +
                       "\nEpisodes: " + x.episodes +
                       "\nScore: " + x.score +
                       "\nType: " + x.type +
                       "\nStatus: " + x.status +
                       "\nStart Date: " + x.start_date +
                       "\nEnd Date: " + x.end_date +
                       "\nSynopsis: " + x.synopsis.Replace("<br />", "").Replace("[i]", "").Replace("[/i]", "").HtmlDecode() + "```" +
                       "\nhttp://myanimelist.net/anime/" + x.id
                    : null);

            //bot callbacks and event bindings
            MasterAndCommander   = new ControlPannelCommand(_MasterAndCommander);
            SoundBoardListUpDate = new VoidVoid(_SoundBoardListUpDate);

            _DiscordClient.Ready           += Ready;
            _DiscordClient.MessageReceived += MessRec;
            //_DiscordClient.MessageUpdated += MessRec;
            _DiscordClient.UserJoined       += JoinHello;
            _DiscordClient.JoinedServer     += JoinServer;
            _DiscordClient.UserUpdated      += UserUpHello;
            _DiscordClient.RoleCreated      += RoleCreate;
            _DiscordClient.RoleDeleted      += RoleDelete;
            _DiscordClient.RoleUpdated      += RoleUpdate;
            _DiscordClient.UserBanned       += UserBanned;
            _DiscordClient.UserUnbanned     += UserUnbanned;
            _DiscordClient.ChannelCreated   += ChannelCreated;
            _DiscordClient.ChannelDestroyed += ChannelDeleted;
            _DiscordClient.ChannelUpdated   += ChannelUpdated;

            ConsoleWrite("Building support classes......");
            //ticks info
            Ticker.Elapsed   += Tick;
            MaxTickOnNewGames = Rand.Next(30);

            //list populating
            ConsoleWrite("Populating lists......");
            GamesToPlay = null;
            lock (GamesToPlay)
                GamesToPlay = GamesToPlay.Concat(_GamesToPlay).ToArray();
            SoundBoardBinding = null;
            lock (SoundBoardBinding)
                SoundBoardBinding = _SoundBoardBinding;
