Beispiel #1
    private void DisplayStat()
        var    stat               = Constants.LastEndActionClickedName;
        int    statId             = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Id");
        int    statLevel          = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Level");
        int    statAdd            = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Add");
        string statName           = Soul.SoulStatsNames[statId];
        string statDescription    = Soul.SoulStatsDescriptions[statId];
        string statUnit           = Soul.SoulStatsUnit[statId];
        var    fullTitle          = statName + (statLevel > 0 ? "  " + statLevel.ToString() : string.Empty);
        var    currentDescription = statDescription + MakeContent("Current:", " +" + (statAdd * statLevel) + " " + statUnit);

        if (statUnit.Length > 3 && statUnit[0] != '<') //Check '<' because of custom materials
            if (statAdd * statLevel > 1)
                currentDescription += "s";
        Instantiator.NewPopupYesNo(fullTitle, currentDescription, null, "Ok", AfterDisplayStat);

        object AfterDisplayStat(bool result)
Beispiel #2
    private void AddAction()
        var    stat               = Constants.LastEndActionClickedName.Substring(Helper.CharacterAfterString(Constants.LastEndActionClickedName, "Add"));
        int    statId             = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Id");
        int    statLevel          = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Level");
        int    statMax            = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Max");
        int    statAdd            = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Add");
        int    statPrice          = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Price");
        string statName           = Soul.SoulStatsNames[statId];
        string statDescription    = Soul.SoulStatsDescriptions[statId];
        string statUnit           = Soul.SoulStatsUnit[statId];
        var    fullTitle          = statName + (statLevel > 0 ? "  " + statLevel.ToString() : string.Empty);
        var    currentDescription = statDescription + MakeContent("Current:", " +" + (statAdd * statLevel) + " " + statUnit);
        var    currentPrice       = statPrice * (statLevel + 1);
        var    negative           = "Cancel";
        var    positive           = "<material=\"LongOrange\">" + currentPrice.ToString() + "</material>";

        if (statLevel == statMax || Soul.Xp < currentPrice)
            negative = null;
            positive = "Back";
        var nextDescription = string.Empty;

        if (statLevel != statMax)
            nextDescription += MakeContent("Next:", " +" + (statAdd * (statLevel + 1)) + " " + statUnit);
        if (statUnit.Length > 3 && statUnit[0] != '<') //Check '<' because of custom materials
            if (statAdd * statLevel > 1)
                currentDescription += "s";
            if (statAdd * (statLevel + 1) > 1 && nextDescription != string.Empty)
                nextDescription += "s";
        Instantiator.NewPopupYesNo(fullTitle, currentDescription + nextDescription, negative, positive, AfterAddAction);

        object AfterAddAction(bool result)
            if (result == false || statLevel == statMax || Soul.Xp < currentPrice)
            Soul.Xp -= currentPrice;
            var levelFieldInfo = Soul.GetType().GetField(stat + "_Level");

            levelFieldInfo.SetValue(Soul, statLevel + 1);
Beispiel #3
    private void HandleTreeBranchDisplay(string stat)
        int        statLevel  = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Level");
        int        statMax    = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Max");
        int        statId     = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Id");
        int        statPrice  = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Price");
        GameObject treeBranch = GameObject.Find(stat);

        for (int i = 1; i <= statLevel; ++i)
            if (i == 1)
                treeBranch.transform.Find("Icon").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Helper.GetSpriteFromSpriteSheet("Sprites/IconsSoulTree_" + (statId * 2));
            treeBranch.transform.Find("Level" + i.ToString("D2")).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = SoulTreeOnLevel;
        treeBranch.transform.Find("Level").GetComponent <TMPro.TextMeshPro>().text = statLevel.ToString();
        var currentPrice    = statPrice * (statLevel + 1);
        var priceTextObject = treeBranch.transform.Find("Price").GetComponent <TMPro.TextMeshPro>();
        var addSpriteObject = treeBranch.transform.Find("Add" + stat).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

        if (statLevel == statMax)
            priceTextObject.enabled = true;
            priceTextObject.text    = "Max";
            addSpriteObject.enabled = false;
        else if (Soul.Xp > currentPrice)
            priceTextObject.enabled = false;
            addSpriteObject.enabled = true;
            priceTextObject.enabled = true;
            priceTextObject.text    = "<material=\"LongOrange\">" + currentPrice.ToString() + "</material>";
            addSpriteObject.enabled = false;
Beispiel #4
    private void SetButtons()
        int nbSoulStats = Soul.SoulStats.Length;

        GameObject.Find("ButtonBack").GetComponent <ButtonBhv>().EndActionDelegate = GoToPreviousScene;
        int nbStats = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < nbSoulStats; ++i)
            var stat      = Soul.SoulStats[i];
            int statLevel = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Level");
            if (statLevel <= 0)
            int    statId   = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Id");
            int    statAdd  = (int)Soul.GetFieldValue(stat + "_Add");
            string statUnit = Soul.SoulStatsUnit[statId];
            var    desc     = "+" + (statAdd * statLevel) + " " + statUnit;
            if (statUnit.Length > 3 && statUnit[0] != '<') //Check '<' because of custom materials
                if (statAdd * statLevel > 1)
                    desc += "s";
            var soulStat = Instantiator.NewSoulStat(
                new Vector3(_soulStatOriginX + (nbStats % 3) * _soulStatWidth,
                            _soulStatOriginY - (nbStats / 3) * _soulStatHeight,
                            0.0f), statLevel, statId, desc);
            soulStat.GetComponent <ButtonBhv>().EndActionDelegate = DisplayStat;
   = stat;