public static List <T> .Node Sort(Sortable segs) => MrgAll(List <T> .Empty, segs.Segs.Value);
/// <inheritdoc /> public async Task <PagingResult <BranchModel> > GetBranchesByCompany(int companyId, BranchFilter filter, Sortable sortable, Paginable paginable) { var company = await _companyRepository.GetAsync(companyId); if (company == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException(); } IQueryable <Branch> query = await _branchRepository.GetAsync(x => x.Company.Id == companyId); query = Filtering(filter, query); var queryableCount = query; int totalCount = queryableCount.Count(); query = Sorting(sortable, query); query = Pagination(paginable, query); var branches = query.ToList(); var branchModelList = new List <BranchModel>(); var allUsersQuery = await _userRepository.GetAsync(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Role)?x.Role.Trim().Equals(salesRoleId) : false); foreach (var branch in branches) { var branchModel = branch.Adapt <BranchModel>(); branchModel.CountSalesRep = allUsersQuery.Where(x => x.BranchId == branch.Id)?.Count(); branchModelList.Add(branchModel); } return(new PagingResult <BranchModel> { Total = totalCount, ItemsPerPage = paginable.Take ?? 0, Data = branchModelList }); }
public int HasMission(int npcId) { if (-1 == npcId) { return(-1); } var list = new List <Sortable>(); { // foreach(var pair in MissionData.Datas) var __enumerator1 = (MissionData.Datas).GetEnumerator(); while (__enumerator1.MoveNext()) { var pair = __enumerator1.Current; { var missionId = pair.Key; var tableData = Table.GetMissionBase(missionId); if (null == tableData) { continue; } //任务状态 var state = (eMissionState)pair.Value.Exdata[0]; var type = (eMissionMainType)tableData.ViewType; var sort = new Sortable(); = missionId; sort.priority = 0; if (tableData.FinishNpcId == npcId && eMissionState.Finished == state) { if (eMissionMainType.MainStoryLine == type) { sort.priority = 1; } else { sort.priority = 2; } } else if (tableData.NpcStart == npcId && eMissionState.Acceptable == state) { if (eMissionMainType.MainStoryLine == type) { sort.priority = 3; } else { sort.priority = 4; } } if (sort.priority <= 0) { continue; } list.Add(sort); } } } if (list.Count > 0) { list.Sort((a, b) => { return((a.priority < b.priority) ? -1 : 1); }); return(list[0].id); } return(-1); }
public static Sortable Add(T x, Sortable segs) { var xs = List <T> .Cons(x, List <T> .Empty); return(new Sortable(segs.Size + 1, new Lazy <List <List <T> .Node> .Node>(AddSeg(xs, segs.Segs.Value, segs.Size)))); }
public void InboundPriceItemsList() { var items = new WcfPriceProcessItem[0]; #if !DEBUG RemoteServiceHelper.RemotingCall(s => { items = s.GetPriceItemList(); }); #else items = new[] { new WcfPriceProcessItem(1, false, "jjj.AAA", 2983, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(50), 0), new WcfPriceProcessItem(2, true, "jjj.123", 384, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10), 0), new WcfPriceProcessItem(3, false, "jjj.BBB", 0, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(100), 0) { FormalizedNow = true }, new WcfPriceProcessItem(4, true, "jjj.789", 1264, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(500), 0) }; #endif var codes = items.Select(i => Convert.ToUInt32(i.PriceCode)).ToList(); var prices = DbSession.Query <Price>().Where(p => codes.Contains(p.Id)).ToList().ToDictionary(k => k.Id); var itemsCodes = items.Select(i => (uint)i.PriceItemId).ToList(); var priceItems = DbSession.Query <PriceItem>().Where(i => itemsCodes.Contains(i.Id)).ToList().ToDictionary(k => k.Id); #if DEBUG prices = new Dictionary <uint, Price>() { { 1u, new Price { Supplier = new Supplier { HomeRegion = new Region("test") } } }, { 4, new Price() { Supplier = new Supplier { HomeRegion = new Region("test2") } } } }; #endif var result = items.Select(i => { if (prices.Keys.Contains((uint)i.PriceCode)) { var price = prices[(uint)i.PriceCode]; DateTime?log = null; if (priceItems.Keys.Contains((uint)i.PriceItemId) && i.Downloaded) { var logs = priceItems[(uint)i.PriceItemId].DownloadLogs; if (logs.Count > 0) { log = logs.Max(d => d.LogTime); } } return(new InboundPriceItems(i.Downloaded, price, i.FilePath, log ?? (i.FileTime ?? i.CreateTime), i.HashCode, i.FormalizedNow)); } return(null); }).Where(p => p != null).ToList(); if (Directory.Exists(Config.ErrorFilesPath)) { var errorsItems = Directory.GetFiles(Config.ErrorFilesPath).Select(f => new { name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f), time = File.GetCreationTime(f), file = f, priceItemId = ParseId(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f)) }); var itemIds = errorsItems.Select(e => e.priceItemId).ToList(); var errorPrices = DbSession.Query <Cost>().Where(p => itemIds.Contains(p.PriceItem.Id)).Select(p => p.Price).Distinct().ToList(); result.AddRange(errorsItems.Select(e => { var price = errorPrices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Costs.Select(c => c.PriceItem.Id).Contains(e.priceItemId)); if (price != null) { return new InboundPriceItems(false, price, e.file, e.time, 0, false) { Error = true } } ; return(null); })); } result = result.Where(r => r != null).ToList(); var sortable = new Sortable(); BindObjectInstance(sortable, "filter"); var sortBy = sortable.SortBy; var direction = sortable.SortDirection == "asc" ? "ascending" : "descending"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortable.SortDirection)) { direction = "ascending"; } var retranse = result.Where(r => !r.Downloaded).Sort(ref sortBy, ref direction, "PriceTime").ToList(); var form = result.Where(r => r.Downloaded).Sort(ref sortBy, ref direction, "PriceTime").ToList(); form.AddRange(retranse); form = form.OrderBy(f => f.Error).ToList(); PropertyBag["items"] = form.ToList(); PropertyBag["filter"] = sortable; }
public void SetUp() { Sortable = new Sortable(driver); HomePage.OpenSection("Sortable"); }
public override void WriteInitializationScript(TextWriter writer) { var options = new Dictionary <string, object>(Events); var autoBind = DataSource.Type != DataSourceType.Server && AutoBind.GetValueOrDefault(true); var columns = VisibleColumns.Select(c => c.ToJson()); var idPrefix = "#"; if (IsInClientTemplate) { idPrefix = "\\" + idPrefix; } if (columns.Any()) { options["columns"] = columns; } if (Grouping.Enabled) { options["groupable"] = Grouping.ToJson(); } if (Pageable.Enabled) { Pageable.AutoBind = autoBind; options["pageable"] = Pageable.ToJson(); } if (Sortable.Enabled) { var sorting = Sortable.ToJson(); options["sortable"] = sorting.Any() ? (object)sorting : true; } if (Selectable.Enabled) { options["selectable"] = String.Format("{0}, {1}", Selectable.Mode, Selectable.Type); } if (Filterable.Enabled) { var filtering = Filterable.ToJson(); options["filterable"] = filtering.Any() ? (object)filtering : true; } if (ColumnMenu.Enabled) { var menu = ColumnMenu.ToJson(); options["columnMenu"] = menu.Any() ? (object)menu : true; } if (Resizable.Enabled) { options["resizable"] = true; } if (Reorderable.Enabled) { options["reorderable"] = true; } if (!Scrollable.Enabled) { options["scrollable"] = false; } else { var scrolling = Scrollable.ToJson(); if (scrolling.Any()) { options["scrollable"] = scrolling; } } if (Editable.Enabled) { options["editable"] = Editable.ToJson(); } if (ToolBar.Enabled) { options["toolbar"] = ToolBar.ToJson(); } if (autoBind == false) { options["autoBind"] = autoBind; } options["dataSource"] = DataSource.ToJson(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientDetailTemplateId)) { options["detailTemplate"] = new ClientHandlerDescriptor { HandlerName = String.Format("kendo.template($('{0}{1}').html())", idPrefix, ClientDetailTemplateId) }; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientRowTemplate)) { options["rowTemplate"] = ClientRowTemplate; } if (Navigatable.Enabled) { options["navigatable"] = true; } writer.Write(Initializer.Initialize(Selector, "Grid", options)); base.WriteInitializationScript(writer); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SortableBuilder"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="component">The component.</param> public SortableBuilder(Sortable component) { Component = component; }
/// <inheritdoc /> public async Task <PagingResult <CompanyModel> > GetCompanies(CompanyFilter filter = null, Sortable sortable = null, Paginable paginable = null) { _logger.LogInformation("GET Companies requested with filters: {filter}, sort params {sortable}, paging params {paginable}", filter, sortable, paginable); IQueryable <Company> query = await _companyRepository.GetAsync(); if (filter != null) { query = Filtering(filter, query); } var queryableCount = query; int totalCount = queryableCount.Count(); if (sortable != null) { query = Sorting(sortable, query); } if (paginable != null) { query = Pagination(paginable, query); } var companies = query.ToList(); var companyModelList = new List <CompanyModel>(); var allUsersQuery = await _userRepository.GetAsync(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Role)?x.Role.Trim().Equals(salesRoleId) : false); var allUsers = allUsersQuery.GroupBy(x => x.CompanyId).ToList(); var Tenants = (await _TenantRep.GetAsync()).ToHashSet(); foreach (var company in companies) { var companyModel = company.Adapt <CompanyModel>(); var Tenant = Tenants.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Companies.Select(c => c.CompanyId).ToHashSet().Contains(company.Id)); companyModel.CountSalesRep = allUsers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == company.Id)?.Count(); companyModel.CountBranch = company.Branches.Count; companyModel.Tenant = Tenant?.Adapt <TenantSingleModel>(); companyModelList.Add(companyModel); } _logger.LogInformation("GET Companies ended, total companies fetched: {total}", totalCount); return(new PagingResult <CompanyModel> { Total = totalCount, ItemsPerPage = paginable?.Take ?? default, Data = companyModelList });
public void DoSort(Sortable collection) { bool isAss = collection.IsAcending; }
public void RemoveSortable(Sortable sortable) { m_sortables.Remove(sortable); }