/*! * \brief Constructor to create the crop sequence and immediate load data from provided fileStream. * * \param cropSequenceFileStream File stream with csv data to load. It is automatically determined, if the data is gzipped. * In this case the stream is internally unzipped. * \param plantDb The plant database. * \param soilDb The soil database. * \param climateDb The climate database. * \param cultureInfo Information to parse data in different localized formats */ public CropSequence(Stream cropSequenceFileStream, PlantDb plantDb, SoilDb soilDb, ClimateDb climateDb, RainPatternDb rainPatternDb, CultureInfo cultureInfo = null) { _plantDb = plantDb; _climateDb = climateDb; _rainPatternDb = rainPatternDb; _soilDb = soilDb; _cultureInfo = cultureInfo; loadCsv(cropSequenceFileStream); }
/*! * \brief Constructor, creates a soil and read all data from the provided soilDb * * \param name A soil name from the param soilDb. * \param soilDb A soilDb instance. * \code{.unparsed} * 'create filestream for csv data file * Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream = New IO.FileStream("C:\DHI\MIKE-Basin_SoilData.csv", IO.FileMode.Open) * 'create new soilDb * Dim soilDb As atbApi.data.SoilDb = New atbApi.data.SoilDb(fs) * 'important: close fileStream after SoilDb is created * fs.Close() * 'create new soil and provide your own soilDb to constructor * Dim mySoil As atbApi.data.Soil = New atbApi.data.Soil("soilname_from_csv_data", soilDb) * \endcode */ public Soil(String name, SoilDb soilDb) { if (name == null || soilDb == null) { return; } this._name = name; this._maxDepth = soilDb.getMaxDepth(_name); this.soilData = soilDb.getSoilData(_name); }
/*! * \brief Parse readed csv key-value pairs to real data types. * Iterates through all properties with getter and setter and tries to set with value. * * \param values The csv values. * \param nameDict Dictionary to translate names. 'property name' => 'csv-field name'. * \param pdb The plant database to parse type "Plant". * \param sdb The soil database to parse type "Soil". * \param cdb The climate database to parse type "Climate". * \param cultureInfo Information to parse data in different localized formats */ protected void parseData(IDictionary <String, String> values, IDictionary <String, String> nameDict = null, PlantDb pdb = null, SoilDb sdb = null, ClimateDb cdb = null, RainPatternDb rpdb = null, CultureInfo cultureInfo = null) { IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> piList = this.GetType().GetRuntimeProperties(); IList <String> propertyNames = new List <String>(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in piList) { propertyNames.Add(pi.Name); } IDictionary <String, IDictionary <String, String> > subObjects = new Dictionary <String, IDictionary <String, String> >(); foreach (String key in values.Keys) { // Skip known properties if (propertyNames.Contains(key)) { continue; } if (key.Contains(".")) { String[] parts = key.Split(".".ToCharArray(), 2); String subObjectName = parts[0]; String subObjectProperty = parts[1]; // FIXME: Raise error for empty parts if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subObjectName) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subObjectProperty) || subObjectName.Equals("_iterator") || !propertyNames.Contains(subObjectName) ) { continue; } if (!subObjects.ContainsKey(subObjectName)) { subObjects.Add(subObjectName, new Dictionary <String, String>()); } subObjects[subObjectName].Add(subObjectProperty, values[key]); } } foreach (String subObjName in subObjects.Keys) { PropertyInfo pi = this.GetType().GetRuntimeProperty(subObjName); if (pi.PropertyType.IsArray) { Type arrayType = pi.PropertyType.GetElementType(); List <int> indexes = subObjects[subObjName].Keys.Select(Int32.Parse).ToList(); Array arrayInstance = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, indexes.Max() + 1); foreach (int index in indexes) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(subObjects[subObjName][index.ToString()])) { continue; } if (arrayType == typeof(String)) { arrayInstance.SetValue(subObjects[subObjName][index.ToString()], index); } else if (arrayType == typeof(Double)) { arrayInstance.SetValue(Double.Parse(subObjects[subObjName][index.ToString()], cultureInfo != null ? cultureInfo : CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), index); } else if (arrayType == typeof(int) || arrayType == typeof(Int16) || arrayType == typeof(Int32) || arrayType == typeof(Int64)) { arrayInstance.SetValue(int.Parse(subObjects[subObjName][index.ToString()], cultureInfo != null ? cultureInfo : CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), index); } } pi.SetValue(this, arrayInstance, null); } else { BaseValues instance = Activator.CreateInstance(pi.PropertyType) as BaseValues; // FIXME: Raise error on wrong object type if (instance == null) { continue; } instance.parseData(subObjects[subObjName], nameDict, pdb, sdb, cdb, rpdb, cultureInfo); pi.SetValue(this, instance, null); } } //use this for .net 4.0 //foreach (PropertyInfo pi in this.GetType().GetProperties()) //use this for .net 4.5 foreach (PropertyInfo pi in piList) { //if (pi.GetGetMethod() == null || pi.GetSetMethod() == null) continue; String name = nameDict != null && nameDict.ContainsKey(pi.Name) ? nameDict[pi.Name] : pi.Name; if (!values.ContainsKey(name)) { continue; } propertyNames.Add(name); String value = values[name]; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) || value.StartsWith("#NV")) { continue; } Type type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(pi.PropertyType); if (type == null) { type = pi.PropertyType; } if (type == typeof(String)) { pi.SetValue(this, value, null); } else if (type == typeof(Double)) { pi.SetValue(this, Double.Parse(value, cultureInfo != null ? cultureInfo : CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), null); } //use this for .net 4.0 //else if (type.IsEnum) //use this for .net 4.5 else if (type.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum) { try { pi.SetValue(this, System.Enum.Parse(type, value), null); } catch { pi.SetValue(this, null, null); } } else if (type == typeof(Plant)) { if (pdb == null) { continue; } pi.SetValue(this, pdb.getPlant(value), null); } else if (type == typeof(Soil)) { if (sdb == null) { continue; } pi.SetValue(this, sdb.getSoil(value), null); } else if (type == typeof(Climate)) { if (cdb == null) { continue; } pi.SetValue(this, cdb.getClimate(value), null); } else if (type == typeof(RainPattern)) { if (rpdb == null) { continue; } pi.SetValue(this, rpdb.getRainPattern(value), null); } else if (type == typeof(IrrigationType)) { foreach (FieldInfo fi in typeof(IrrigationTypes).GetRuntimeFields()) { if (fi.Name == value) { IrrigationType tmpIt = new IrrigationType(); tmpIt = (IrrigationType)fi.GetValue(tmpIt); pi.SetValue(this, tmpIt, null); break; } } } else /* if (type.isValueType)*/ { pi.SetValue(this, Convert.ChangeType(value, type), null); } } }
/*! * \brief Parse data, iterates through all properties with getter and setter and tries to set with * values. * * \param values The values. * \param cultureInfo Information to parse data in different localized formats */ public void parseData(IDictionary <String, String> values, CultureInfo cultureInfo = null, PlantDb pdb = null, SoilDb sdb = null, ClimateDb cdb = null, RainPatternDb rpdb = null) { base.parseData(values, propertyMapper, cultureInfo: cultureInfo, pdb: pdb, sdb: sdb, cdb: cdb, rpdb: rpdb); if (climate != null && rainPattern != null) { climate.rainPattern = rainPattern; } }