/// <summary>
        /// This method will return the system list on Employee selection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objSoftware">Object holding EmployeeId</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of System</returns>
        public List <BusinessEntities.SystemAllocation> PopulateSystem(SoftwareAllocationVm objSoftware)
            using (Data.Model.LicenseManagementMVCEntities DbContext = new LicenseManagementMVCEntities())
                SoftwareBusinessLayer software = new SoftwareBusinessLayer();
                List <BusinessEntities.SystemAllocation> systemList     = new List <BusinessEntities.SystemAllocation>();
                List <Data.Model.SystemAllocation>       systemDataList = new List <Data.Model.SystemAllocation>();

                systemDataList = (from s in DbContext.SystemAllocations
                                  where s.EmployeeId == objSoftware.EmployeeId
                                  select s).ToList();

                BusinessEntities.SystemAllocation objSystem = new BusinessEntities.SystemAllocation();
                foreach (var s in systemDataList)
                    objSystem = new BusinessEntities.SystemAllocation()
                        SystemAllocationId = s.SystemAllocationId
                    if (!software.checkSoftwareAlreadyAllocated(objSystem.SystemAllocationId, objSoftware.SoftwareId))
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will Load employee name on employee field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objSoftware">Object containing SystemAllocationId </param>
        /// <returns>Returns an object holding employee name</returns>
        public SoftwareAllocationVm LoadAndDisableEmployee(SoftwareAllocationVm objSoftware)
            using (Data.Model.LicenseManagementMVCEntities DbContext = new LicenseManagementMVCEntities())
                var result = (from e in DbContext.Employees
                              sa in DbContext.SystemAllocations
                              on e.EmployeeId equals sa.EmployeeId
                              where sa.SystemAllocationId == objSoftware.SystemAllocationId
                              select new
                    EmployeeName = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName,
                    empId = e.EmployeeId,
                    systemId = sa.SystemAllocationId

                SoftwareAllocationVm objSoft = new SoftwareAllocationVm();
                objSoft = new SoftwareAllocationVm()
                    EmployeeName       = result.EmployeeName,
                    EmployeeId         = result.empId,
                    SystemAllocationId = result.systemId
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will Show SystemDetails in a grid on Employee selection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objEmployee">Object containing EmployeeId of selected employee</param>
        /// <returns>Object holding systen details of system allocated to selected employee</returns>
        public List <SoftwareAllocationVm> ShowEmployeeSystemDetails(BusinessEntities.Employee objEmployee)
            using (Data.Model.LicenseManagementMVCEntities DbContext = new LicenseManagementMVCEntities())
                var result = from s in DbContext.SystemAllocations
                             join sd in DbContext.SystemDetails
                             on s.SystemDetailsId equals sd.SystemDetailsId
                             join b in DbContext.Brands
                             on sd.BrandId equals b.BrandId
                             join st in DbContext.SystemTypes
                             on sd.SystemTypeId equals st.SystemTypeId
                             where s.EmployeeId == objEmployee.EmployeeId
                             select new
                    brand              = b.BrandName,
                    type               = st.SystemTypeName,
                    remarks            = s.Remarks,
                    series             = sd.Series,
                    processor          = sd.Processor,
                    hddSpace           = sd.HDDSpace,
                    systemAllocationId = s.SystemAllocationId,
                    allotedDate        = s.AllotedDate,
                    releaseDate        = s.ReleaseDate,
                    isReleased         = s.IsReleased,

                SoftwareAllocationVm        objSystemDetails = new SoftwareAllocationVm();
                List <SoftwareAllocationVm> systemList       = new List <SoftwareAllocationVm>();
                foreach (var r in result)
                    objSystemDetails = new SoftwareAllocationVm()
                        BrandName          = r.brand,
                        Series             = r.series,
                        Remarks            = r.remarks,
                        Processor          = r.processor,
                        HDDSpace           = r.hddSpace,
                        SystemType         = r.type,
                        SystemAllocationId = r.systemAllocationId,
                        AllotedDate        = r.allotedDate,
                        ReleaseDate        = r.releaseDate,
                        IsReleased         = r.isReleased
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will display system details on system selection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objSoftware">Object holding SystemAllocationID</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of SystemDetails </returns>
        public SoftwareAllocationVm ShowSystemDetails(SoftwareAllocationVm objSoftware)
            using (Data.Model.LicenseManagementMVCEntities DbContext = new LicenseManagementMVCEntities())
                var result = (from s in DbContext.SystemAllocations
                              join sd in DbContext.SystemDetails
                              on s.SystemDetailsId equals sd.SystemDetailsId
                              join b in DbContext.Brands
                              on sd.BrandId equals b.BrandId
                              join st in DbContext.SystemTypes
                              on sd.SystemTypeId equals st.SystemTypeId
                              where s.SystemAllocationId == objSoftware.SystemAllocationId
                              select new
                    brand = b.BrandName,
                    type = st.SystemTypeName,
                    remarks = s.Remarks,
                    series = sd.Series,
                    processor = sd.Processor,
                    hddSpace = sd.HDDSpace,
                    systemAllocationId = s.SystemAllocationId,
                    allotedDate = s.AllotedDate,
                    releaseDate = s.ReleaseDate,
                    isReleased = s.IsReleased

                SoftwareAllocationVm objSystemDetails = new SoftwareAllocationVm()
                    BrandName          = result.brand,
                    Series             = result.series,
                    Remarks            = result.remarks,
                    Processor          = result.processor,
                    HDDSpace           = result.hddSpace,
                    SystemType         = result.type,
                    SystemAllocationId = result.systemAllocationId

 /// <summary>
 /// This method will Allocate Software to user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objSoftware">Object holding information neccessory to allocate software</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a ResultStatus, which reflects the status of operation performed</returns>
 public ResultStatus SoftwareAllocate(SoftwareAllocationVm objSoftware)
         using (Data.Model.LicenseManagementMVCEntities DbContext = new LicenseManagementMVCEntities())
                 Data.Model.SystemInstallation objSoftwareData = new Data.Model.SystemInstallation();
                 var licenseList = DbContext.Licenses.Where(l => l.SoftwareId == objSoftware.SoftwareId).FirstOrDefault();
                 if (licenseList != null)
                     objSoftwareData.LicenseId          = licenseList.LicenseId;
                     objSoftwareData.SystemAllocationId = objSoftware.SystemAllocationId;
                     objSoftwareData.InstallationDate   = objSoftware.AllotedDate;
                     objSoftwareData.ReleaseDate        = objSoftware.ReleaseDate;
                     objSoftwareData.IsReleased         = false;
             catch (Exception)
     catch (Exception)