Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string host            = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[""];
            string datasetId       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["socrata.sample.publishDataset"];
            string username        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["socrata.username"];
            string password        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["socrata.password"];
            string appToken        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["socrata.appToken"];
            var    basicAuthClient = new Soda2Client(username, password, appToken);
            var    dataset         = basicAuthClient.getDatasetInfo <Row>(host, datasetId);

            //demo only - this simple CSV parsing doesn't handle escaped commas!
            FileStream       movieCsv = File.OpenRead("resources/movies.csv");
            StreamReader     reader   = new StreamReader(movieCsv);
            var              header   = reader.ReadLine().Split(',');
            LinkedList <Row> rows     = new LinkedList <Row>();

            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                var line = reader.ReadLine().Split(',');
                Row row  = new Row();
                for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
                    row.Add(header[i], line[i]);
        public void BasicAuthTest()
            Dataset <Row> dataset = basicAuthClient.getDatasetInfo <Row>(host, datasetId);

Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var noAuthClient = new Soda2Client(null, null, null);
            var host         = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[""];
            var datasetId    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["socrata.sample.dataset"];
            var dataset      = noAuthClient.getDatasetInfo <Row>(host, datasetId);

            Column[] columns   = dataset.columns;
            var      responseA = dataset.query("select * where title = 'The Killer'");

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The Killer was directed by {0}", responseA[0]["director"]));

            var responseB = dataset.query(
                new QueryBuilder()
                .select("count(year)", "year")
                .where ("year > 1950")
                .having("count_year > 0")
                .orderBy("count_year desc")

                String.Format("This dataset shows {1} movies from {0}",
        public static List<ServiceRequestModel> ServiceRequestData(string host, string datasetId)
            var noAuthClient = new Soda2Client(null, null, null);
            //var host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[""];
            //var datasetId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["socrata.servicerequest.dataset"];
            var dataset = noAuthClient.getDatasetInfo<Row>(host, datasetId);

            Column[] columns = dataset.columns;
            var dataList = dataset.query("select *");
            var models = new List<ServiceRequestModel>();

            foreach (var data in dataList)
                var model = new ServiceRequestModel();

                foreach (var column in columns)

                    model.Address += (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("ADDRESS1"))
                                         ? (data[column.fieldName].ToString() + " ")
                                         : string.Empty;
                    // model.Address += (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("ADDRESS2")) ? (data[column.fieldName].ToString()+ "22 ") : string.Empty;

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("ADDRESS2"))
                        if (data.Keys.Contains(column.fieldName))
                            model.Address += (data[column.fieldName].ToString() + "22 ");
                        //Response.Write("Key Name:" + column.fieldName + " \t LENGTH:" + column.fieldName.Length + ":" + data[column.fieldName] + "<br/>");
                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("SERVNO"))
                        model.ServNo = data[column.fieldName].ToString();

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("REQUESTDATE"))
                        var requestDateTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                        model.RequestDate = Convert.ToDateTime(data[column.fieldName]);

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("PROBCODE"))
                        model.ProbCode = data[column.fieldName].ToString();

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("PROBDESC"))
                        model.ProbDesc = data[column.fieldName].ToString();

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("GPSX"))
                        float latitude = 0;
                        model.GPSX = (float.TryParse(data[column.fieldName].ToString(), out latitude)) ? latitude : 0;
                        //model.GPSX = (data[column.fieldName].ToString());

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("GPSY"))
                        float longitude = 0;
                        model.GPSY = (float.TryParse(data[column.fieldName].ToString(), out longitude)) ? longitude : 0;
                        //model.GPSY = (data[column.fieldName].ToString());
                //Response.Write("ServiceNumber:" + model.ServNo + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("RequestDate:" + model.RequestDate + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("ProblemCode:" + model.ProbCode + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("ProblemDescription:" + model.ProbDesc + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("Address:" + model.Address + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("GPSX:" + model.GPSX + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("GPSY:" + model.GPSY + "<BR/>");

            return models;
        public static List<RoadContructionModel> RoadContructionData(string host, string datasetId)
            var noAuthClient = new Soda2Client(null, null, null);
            //var host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[""];
            //var datasetId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["socrata.sample.dataset"];]
            //var service = new ConfigService();
            //var host = service.Config.SodaHost;
            //var datasetId = service.Config.SodaDataSet;
            var dataset = noAuthClient.getDatasetInfo<Row>(host, datasetId);

            Column[] columns = dataset.columns;
            var dataList = dataset.query("select * where county_nam = 'WINNEBAGO'");
            var models = new List<RoadContructionModel>();

            foreach (var data in dataList)
                var location = string.Empty;
                var model = new RoadContructionModel();

                foreach (var column in columns)
                    //Response.Write("Column name:" + data[] + ":" + column.fieldValue + "\t Type:" + column.dataTypeName + "<br/>");
                    //location+=(column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("LOCATION"))?  (data[column.fieldName] +" "):string.Empty;

                    //Response.Write("Column:" + + "\t Data:" + data[column.fieldName] +"<BR/>");
                    model.Location += (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("LOCATION"))
                                          ? (data[column.fieldName] + " ")
                                          : string.Empty;
                    model.Improvement += (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("IMPRVMNT"))
                                             ? (data[column.fieldName] + " ")
                                             : string.Empty;
                    model.Route += (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("ROUTE"))
                                       ? (data[column.fieldName] + "  ")
                                       : string.Empty;

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("INVENTORY"))
                        model.Inventory = data[column.fieldName].ToString();

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("RECORD"))
                        model.Record = data[column.fieldName].ToString();

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("POINT_X"))
                        float latitude = 0;

                        model.Latitude = (float.TryParse(data[column.fieldName].ToString(), out latitude))
                                             ? latitude
                                             : 0;

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("POINT_Y"))
                        float longitude = 0;
                        model.Longitude = (float.TryParse(data[column.fieldName].ToString(), out longitude))
                                              ? longitude
                                              : 0;

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("COUNTY_NAM"))
                        model.CountyName = data[column.fieldName].ToString();
                    model.Description = "<h2>Location</h2>" + model.Location + "<br/>";
                    model.Description += "<h2>Improvement</h2>" + model.Improvement + "<br/>";
                    model.Description += "<h2>Route</h2>" + model.Route + "<br/>";
                //Response.Write("Record:" + model.Record + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("Inventory:" + model.Inventory + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("Location:" + model.Location + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("Improvment:" + model.Improvement + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("Latitue:" + model.Latitude.ToString() + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("Longitude:" + model.Longitude.ToString() + "<BR/>");
                //Response.Write("Route:" + model.Route + "<BR/>");

            return models;
Beispiel #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Are you SURE you created a working copy and updated the dataset ID in your app.config?");
            var key = Console.ReadKey();

            if (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Y)

            using (var db = new StoresEntities())
                string host      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SocrataHost"];
                string datasetId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SocrataDatasetID"];
                string username  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SocrataUsername"];
                string password  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SocrataPassword"];
                string appToken  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SocrataAppToken"];

                var basicAuthClient = new Soda2Client(username, password, appToken);
                var dataset         = basicAuthClient.getDatasetInfo <Row>(host, datasetId);

                // truncate the new working copy we created - it's easier just to dump all new results and not horribly time consuming

                LinkedList <Row> rows = new LinkedList <Row>();

                // get the most recent LastSeen date, so we know what our new batch is
                var mostRecent = db.Stores.Select(s => s.LastSeen).Max(s => (DateTime?)s);

                // get all the stores in the most recent batch
                var mostRecentStores = db.Stores.Where(s => s.LastSeen == mostRecent);

                Row row;
                foreach (var store in mostRecentStores)
                    var streetCombined = "";

                    if (store.Street1 != null && store.Street1.Trim() != "")
                        streetCombined = streetCombined + store.Street1.Trim();

                    if (store.Street2 != null && store.Street2.Trim() != "")
                        streetCombined = streetCombined + ", " + store.Street2.Trim();

                    if (store.Street3 != null && store.Street3.Trim() != "")
                        streetCombined = streetCombined + ", " + store.Street3.Trim();

                    row = new Row();
                    row.Add("Store ID", store.StarbucksStoreID);
                    row.Add("Name", store.Name);
                    row.Add("Brand", store.BrandName);
                    row.Add("Store Number", store.StoreNumber);
                    row.Add("Phone Number", store.PhoneNumber);
                    row.Add("Ownership Type", store.OwnershipType);
                    row.Add("Street Combined", streetCombined);
                    row.Add("Street 1", store.Street1);
                    row.Add("Street 2", store.Street2);
                    row.Add("Street 3", store.Street3);
                    row.Add("City", store.City);
                    row.Add("Country Subdivision", store.CountrySubdivisionCode);
                    row.Add("Country", store.CountryCode);
                    row.Add("Postal Code", store.PostalCode);
                    row.Add("Latitude", store.Latitude);
                    row.Add("Longitude", store.Longitude);
                    row.Add("Timezone", store.TZID);
                    row.Add("Current Timezone Offset", store.TZOffset);
                    row.Add("Olson Timezone", store.TZOlsonID);


                    Console.WriteLine("Added store " + store.StarbucksStoreID);

                    if (rows.Count > 2000)
                        Console.WriteLine("Upserting batch");

                if (rows.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Upserting last");

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var noAuthClient = new Soda2Client(null, null, null);
            var host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[""];
            var datasetId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["socrata.sample.dataset"];
            var dataset = noAuthClient.getDatasetInfo<Row>(host, datasetId);

            Column[] columns = dataset.columns;
            var dataList = dataset.query("select * where county_nam = 'WINNEBAGO'");
            var models = new List<RoadContructionModel>();

            foreach (var data in dataList)
                var location = string.Empty;
                var model = new RoadContructionModel();

                foreach (var column in columns)
                   //Response.Write("Column name:" + data[] + ":" + column.fieldValue + "\t Type:" + column.dataTypeName + "<br/>");
                    //location+=(column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("LOCATION"))?  (data[column.fieldName] +" "):string.Empty;

                    //Response.Write("Column:" + + "\t Data:" + data[column.fieldName] +"<BR/>");
                    model.Location += (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("LOCATION")) ? (data[column.fieldName] + " ") : string.Empty;
                    model.Improvement += (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("IMPRVMNT")) ? (data[column.fieldName] + " ") : string.Empty;
                    model.Route += (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("ROUTE")) ? (data[column.fieldName] + "  ") : string.Empty;

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("INVENTORY"))
                        model.Inventory = data[column.fieldName].ToString();

                        model.Record = data[column.fieldName].ToString();

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("POINT_X"))
                        float latitude = 0;

                        model.Latitude = (float.TryParse(data[column.fieldName].ToString(), out latitude)) ? latitude : 0;

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("POINT_Y"))
                        float longitude = 0;
                        model.Longitude = (float.TryParse(data[column.fieldName].ToString(), out longitude)) ? longitude : 0;

                    if (column.fieldName.ToUpper().Contains("COUNTY_NAM"))
                        model.CountyName = data[column.fieldName].ToString();
                Response.Write("Record:" + model.Record + "<BR/>");
                Response.Write("Inventory:" + model.Inventory + "<BR/>");
                Response.Write("Location:" + model.Location + "<BR/>");
                Response.Write("Improvment:" + model.Improvement + "<BR/>");
                Response.Write("Latitue:" + model.Latitude.ToString() + "<BR/>");
                Response.Write("Longitude:" + model.Longitude.ToString() + "<BR/>");
                Response.Write("Route:" + model.Route + "<BR/>");


            Response.Write("Total Count:" + models.Capacity);

            //var responseA = dataset.query("select * where title = 'The Killer'");
 public void ConfirmDatasetPrivateTest()
     Dataset <Row> shouldBePrivate = noAuthClient.getDatasetInfo <Row>(host, datasetId);