Beispiel #1
        private static IPHostEntry InternalGetHostByName(string hostName, bool includeIPv6)
            if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                NetEventSource.Enter(NetEventSource.ComponentType.Socket, "DNS", "GetHostByName", hostName);
            IPHostEntry ipHostEntry = null;

            if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled)
                GlobalLog.Print("Dns.GetHostByName: " + hostName);

            if (hostName.Length > MaxHostName || // If 255 chars, the last one must be a dot.
                hostName.Length == MaxHostName && hostName[MaxHostName - 1] != '.')
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(hostName), SR.Format(SR.net_toolong,
                                                                                  nameof(hostName), MaxHostName.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo)));

            // IPv6 Changes: IPv6 requires the use of getaddrinfo() rather
            //               than the traditional IPv4 gethostbyaddr() / gethostbyname().
            //               getaddrinfo() is also protocol independent in that it will also
            //               resolve IPv4 names / addresses. As a result, it is the preferred
            //               resolution mechanism on platforms that support it (Windows 5.1+).
            //               If getaddrinfo() is unsupported, IPv6 resolution does not work.
            // Consider    : If IPv6 is disabled, we could detect IPv6 addresses
            //               and throw an unsupported platform exception.
            // Note        : Whilst getaddrinfo is available on WinXP+, we only
            //               use it if IPv6 is enabled (platform is part of that
            //               decision). This is done to minimize the number of
            //               possible tests that are needed.
            if (includeIPv6 || SocketProtocolSupportPal.OSSupportsIPv6)
                // IPv6 enabled: use getaddrinfo() to obtain DNS information.
                int         nativeErrorCode;
                SocketError errorCode = NameResolutionPal.TryGetAddrInfo(hostName, out ipHostEntry, out nativeErrorCode);
                if (errorCode != SocketError.Success)
                    throw SocketExceptionFactory.CreateSocketException(errorCode, nativeErrorCode);
                ipHostEntry = NameResolutionPal.GetHostByName(hostName);

            if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                NetEventSource.Exit(NetEventSource.ComponentType.Socket, "DNS", "GetHostByName", ipHostEntry);
        } // GetHostByName
        public static unsafe IPHostEntry GetHostByName(string hostName)
            Interop.Sys.HostEntry entry;
            int err = Interop.Sys.GetHostByName(hostName, &entry);

            if (err != 0)
                throw SocketExceptionFactory.CreateSocketException(GetSocketErrorForErrno(err), err);

        public static unsafe IPHostEntry GetHostByAddr(IPAddress addr)
            // TODO #2891: Optimize this (or decide if this legacy code can be removed):
            Interop.Sys.IPAddress address = addr.GetNativeIPAddress();
            Interop.Sys.HostEntry entry;
            int err = Interop.Sys.GetHostByAddress(&address, &entry);

            if (err != 0)
                throw SocketExceptionFactory.CreateSocketException(GetSocketErrorForErrno(err), err);

Beispiel #4
        private static IPHostEntry InternalGetHostByName(string hostName, bool includeIPv6)
            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled)
                NetEventSource.Enter(null, hostName);
            IPHostEntry ipHostEntry = null;


            // IPv6 Changes: IPv6 requires the use of getaddrinfo() rather
            //               than the traditional IPv4 gethostbyaddr() / gethostbyname().
            //               getaddrinfo() is also protocol independent in that it will also
            //               resolve IPv4 names / addresses. As a result, it is the preferred
            //               resolution mechanism on platforms that support it (Windows 5.1+).
            //               If getaddrinfo() is unsupported, IPv6 resolution does not work.
            // Consider    : If IPv6 is disabled, we could detect IPv6 addresses
            //               and throw an unsupported platform exception.
            // Note        : Whilst getaddrinfo is available on WinXP+, we only
            //               use it if IPv6 is enabled (platform is part of that
            //               decision). This is done to minimize the number of
            //               possible tests that are needed.
            if (includeIPv6 || SocketProtocolSupportPal.OSSupportsIPv6)
                // IPv6 enabled: use getaddrinfo() to obtain DNS information.
                int         nativeErrorCode;
                SocketError errorCode = NameResolutionPal.TryGetAddrInfo(hostName, out ipHostEntry, out nativeErrorCode);
                if (errorCode != SocketError.Success)
                    throw SocketExceptionFactory.CreateSocketException(errorCode, nativeErrorCode);
                ipHostEntry = NameResolutionPal.GetHostByName(hostName);

            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled)
                NetEventSource.Exit(null, ipHostEntry);
        } // GetHostByName
Beispiel #5
        } // GetHostByAddress

        // Does internal IPAddress reverse and then forward lookups (for Legacy and current public methods).
        private static IPHostEntry InternalGetHostByAddress(IPAddress address)
            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled)
                NetEventSource.Info(null, address);

            // Try to get the data for the host from it's address
            // We need to call getnameinfo first, because getaddrinfo w/ the ipaddress string
            // will only return that address and not the full list.

            // Do a reverse lookup to get the host name.
            SocketError errorCode;
            int         nativeErrorCode;
            string      name = NameResolutionPal.TryGetNameInfo(address, out errorCode, out nativeErrorCode);

            if (errorCode == SocketError.Success)
                // Do the forward lookup to get the IPs for that host name
                IPHostEntry hostEntry;
                errorCode = NameResolutionPal.TryGetAddrInfo(name, out hostEntry, out nativeErrorCode);
                if (errorCode == SocketError.Success)

                if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled)
                    NetEventSource.Error(null, SocketExceptionFactory.CreateSocketException(errorCode, nativeErrorCode));

                // One of two things happened:
                // 1. There was a ptr record in dns, but not a corollary A/AAA record.
                // 2. The IP was a local (non-loopback) IP that resolved to a connection specific dns suffix.
                //    - Workaround, Check "Use this connection's dns suffix in dns registration" on that network
                //      adapter's advanced dns settings.

                // Just return the resolved host name and no IPs.

            throw SocketExceptionFactory.CreateSocketException(errorCode, nativeErrorCode);
        } // InternalGetHostByAddress
        public static unsafe IPHostEntry GetHostByName(string hostName)
            if (hostName == "")
                // To match documented behavior on Windows, if an empty string is passed in, use the local host's name.
                hostName = Dns.GetHostName();

            Interop.Sys.HostEntry entry;
            int err = Interop.Sys.GetHostByName(hostName, &entry);

            if (err != 0)
                throw SocketExceptionFactory.CreateSocketException(GetSocketErrorForErrno(err), err);

Beispiel #7
        private static IPHostEntry InternalGetHostByName(string hostName)
            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled)
                NetEventSource.Enter(null, hostName);
            IPHostEntry ipHostEntry = null;


            int         nativeErrorCode;
            SocketError errorCode = NameResolutionPal.TryGetAddrInfo(hostName, out ipHostEntry, out nativeErrorCode);

            if (errorCode != SocketError.Success)
                throw SocketExceptionFactory.CreateSocketException(errorCode, nativeErrorCode);

            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled)
                NetEventSource.Exit(null, ipHostEntry);
        } // GetHostByName
Beispiel #8
        } // GetHostByAddress

        // Does internal IPAddress reverse and then forward lookups (for Legacy and current public methods).
        private static IPHostEntry InternalGetHostByAddress(IPAddress address, bool includeIPv6)
            if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled)
                GlobalLog.Print("Dns.InternalGetHostByAddress: " + address.ToString());

            // IPv6 Changes: We need to use the new getnameinfo / getaddrinfo functions
            //               for resolution of IPv6 addresses.

            if (SocketProtocolSupportPal.OSSupportsIPv6 || includeIPv6)
                // Try to get the data for the host from it's address
                // We need to call getnameinfo first, because getaddrinfo w/ the ipaddress string
                // will only return that address and not the full list.

                // Do a reverse lookup to get the host name.
                SocketError errorCode;
                int         nativeErrorCode;
                string      name = NameResolutionPal.TryGetNameInfo(address, out errorCode, out nativeErrorCode);
                if (errorCode == SocketError.Success)
                    // Do the forward lookup to get the IPs for that host name
                    IPHostEntry hostEntry;
                    errorCode = NameResolutionPal.TryGetAddrInfo(name, out hostEntry, out nativeErrorCode);
                    if (errorCode == SocketError.Success)

                    if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                            SocketExceptionFactory.CreateSocketException(errorCode, nativeErrorCode));

                    // One of two things happened:
                    // 1. There was a ptr record in dns, but not a corollary A/AAA record.
                    // 2. The IP was a local (non-loopback) IP that resolved to a connection specific dns suffix.
                    //    - Workaround, Check "Use this connection's dns suffix in dns registration" on that network
                    //      adapter's advanced dns settings.

                    // Just return the resolved host name and no IPs.

                throw SocketExceptionFactory.CreateSocketException(errorCode, nativeErrorCode);

            // If IPv6 is not enabled (maybe config switch) but we've been
            // given an IPv6 address then we need to bail out now.
                if (address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                    // Protocol not supported
                    throw new SocketException((int)SocketError.ProtocolNotSupported);
                // Use gethostbyaddr() to try to resolve the IP address
                // End IPv6 Changes
        } // InternalGetHostByAddress