Beispiel #1
    public string   Name; // Name of node

    public SockHintInfo(SockHint hint, string value, string name = "Unknown")
        Hint        = hint;
        StringValue = value == "0" ? "" : value;
        Name        = name;
        ByteValue   = 0;
        ShortValue  = 0;
        IntValue    = 0;
        LongValue   = 0;

        if (byte.TryParse(value, out byte byteValue))
            ByteValue = byteValue;
        if (short.TryParse(value, out short shortValue))
            ShortValue = shortValue;
        if (int.TryParse(value, out int intValue))
            IntValue = intValue;
        if (long.TryParse(value, out long longValue))
            LongValue = longValue;
Beispiel #2
        // resolve opcode (offset,type,value) (offset2,type2,value2) ...
        // Example: resolve 1500 (4,Decode8,100)
        public static PacketStructureResolver Parse(string input)
            Regex overrideRegex = new Regex(@"\((\d+),(\w+),(-?\w+)(?:,(\w+))?\)");

            string[] args = input.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // TODO: fix this opcode parsing (it's backwards for 2 bytes...)
            ushort opCode = args[0].Length == 2 ? args[0].ToByte() : BitConverter.ToUInt16(args[0].ToByteArray());

            PacketStructureResolver resolver = new PacketStructureResolver(opCode);

            for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++)
                Match match = overrideRegex.Match(args[i]);
                if (!match.Success)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Invalid override:{args[i]} skipped.");
                    uint     offset = uint.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
                    SockHint type   = match.Groups[2].Value.ToSockHint();
                    string   value  = match.Groups[3].Value;
                    string   name   = "Override";
                    if (match.Groups.Count > 4 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[4].Value))
                        name = match.Groups[4].Value;
                    resolver.overrides.Add(offset, new SockHintInfo(type, value, name));

Beispiel #3
        // resolve opcode (offset,type,value) (offset2,type2,value2) ...
        // Example: resolve 0015 (8,Decode8,100)
        public static PacketStructureResolver Parse(string input)
            Regex overrideRegex = new Regex(@"\((\d+),(\w+),(-?\w+)(?:,(\w+))?\)");

            string[] args = input.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // Parse opCode: 81 0081 0x81 0x0081
            ushort opCode = 0;

            if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("0x"))
                opCode = Convert.ToUInt16(args[0], 16);
                if (args[0].Length == 2)
                    opCode = args[0].ToByte();
                else if (args[0].Length == 4)
                    // Reverse bytes
                    byte[] bytes = args[0].ToByteArray();

                    opCode = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes);
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid opcode.");

            PacketStructureResolver resolver = new PacketStructureResolver(opCode);

            for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++)
                Match match = overrideRegex.Match(args[i]);
                if (!match.Success)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Invalid override:{args[i]} skipped.");
                    uint     offset = uint.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
                    SockHint type   = match.Groups[2].Value.ToSockHint();
                    string   value  = match.Groups[3].Value;
                    string   name   = "Override";
                    if (match.Groups.Count > 4 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[4].Value))
                        name = match.Groups[4].Value;
                    resolver.overrides.Add(offset, new SockHintInfo(type, value, name));

Beispiel #4
        public string   Name; // Name of node

        public SockHintInfo(SockHint hint, string value, string name = "Unknown")
            this.Hint = hint;
            byte.TryParse(value, out ByteValue);
            short.TryParse(value, out ShortValue);
            int.TryParse(value, out IntValue);
            long.TryParse(value, out LongValue);
            StringValue = value == "0" ? "" : value;
            Name        = name;
Beispiel #5
 // MapleShark Script Code
 public static string GetScript(this SockHint hint, string name = "Unknown")
     return(hint switch
         SockHint.Decode1 => $"AddByte(\"{name}\");",
         SockHint.Decode2 => $"AddShort(\"{name}\");",
         SockHint.Decode4 => $"AddInt(\"{name}\");",
         SockHint.Decodef => $"AddFloat(\"{name}\");",
         SockHint.Decode8 => $"AddLong(\"{name}\");",
         SockHint.DecodeStr => $"AddUnicodeString(\"{name.Replace("Unknown", "UnknownStr")}\");",
         SockHint.DecodeStrA => $"AddString(\"{name.Replace("Unknown", "UnknownStr")}\");",
         _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Unexpected hint: {hint}")
Beispiel #6
 // MapleShark Script Code
 public static string GetScript(this SockHint hint, string name = "Unknown") =>
 hint switch