Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断本任务以及所有子任务是否完毕
        /// 如果完毕则通知父页
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snifferManager"></param>
        public void PageDone(SnifferManager snifferManager)
            //if (this.Config.Plug != null)
            //    this.Config.Plug.OnPageDoneEventHandler(this);

            if (SubPages.All(x => x.Done && x.SnifferState == SnifferState.Complate))
                SnifferState = SnifferState.Complate;

            if (ParentPage == null)
                if (SubPages.All(x => x.Done && x.SnifferState == SnifferState.Complate))
                    snifferManager?.OnRootPageDoneEventHandler(this, snifferManager.Context);
                    if (this.Config.Plug != null)
                        this.Config.Plug.OnRootPageDoneEventHandler(this, snifferManager.Context);
                if (SnifferState == SnifferState.Complate)
                    if (Config.PageType == PageType.DetailPage)
                        snifferManager?.OnDetailPageDoneEventHandler(this as DetailPage, snifferManager.Context);
                        if (this.Config.Plug != null)
                            this.Config.Plug.OnDetailPageDoneEventHandler(this as DetailPage, snifferManager.Context);
                        snifferManager?.OnListPageDoneEventHandler(this as ListPage, snifferManager.Context);
                        if (this.Config.Plug != null)
                            this.Config.Plug.OnListPageDoneEventHandler(this as ListPage, snifferManager.Context);

                    //触发父页 PageDone
Beispiel #2
        public static string ToHuman(this SnifferState state)
            switch (state)
            case SnifferState.IN_MENUS: return("Browsing the menus");

            case SnifferState.SONG_ENDING: return("Song ending");

            case SnifferState.SONG_PLAYING: return("Playing a song");

            case SnifferState.SONG_SELECTED: return("Preparing to play a song");

            case SnifferState.SONG_STARTING: return("Song starting");

            default: return("");
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the state of the sniffer
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateState()
            //Super complex state machine of state transitions
            switch (currentState)
            case SnifferState.IN_MENUS:
                if (currentMemoryReadout.songTimer != 0)
                    currentState = SnifferState.SONG_SELECTED;

            case SnifferState.SONG_SELECTED:
                if (currentMemoryReadout.songTimer == 0)
                    currentState = SnifferState.SONG_STARTING;

                //If we somehow missed some states, skip to SONG_PLAYING
                //Or if the user reset
                if (currentMemoryReadout.songTimer > 1)
                    currentState = SnifferState.SONG_PLAYING;

            case SnifferState.SONG_STARTING:
                if (currentMemoryReadout.songTimer > 0)
                    currentState = SnifferState.SONG_PLAYING;

            case SnifferState.SONG_PLAYING:
                //Allow 5 seconds of error margin on song ending
                if (currentMemoryReadout.songTimer >= currentCDLCDetails.songLength - 5)
                    currentState = SnifferState.SONG_ENDING;
                //If the timer goes to 0, the user must have quit
                if (currentMemoryReadout.songTimer == 0)
                    currentState = SnifferState.IN_MENUS;

            case SnifferState.SONG_ENDING:
                if (currentMemoryReadout.songTimer == 0)
                    currentState = SnifferState.IN_MENUS;


            //Force state to IN_MENUS if the current song details are not valid
            if (!currentCDLCDetails.IsValid())
                currentState = SnifferState.IN_MENUS;

            //If state changed
            if (currentState != previousState)
                //Invoke event
                OnStateChanged?.Invoke(this, new OnStateChangedArgs()
                    oldState = previousState, newState = currentState

                //Remember previous state
                previousState = currentState;

                if (Logger.logStateMachine)
                    Logger.Log("Current state: {0}", currentState.ToString());
 private void Sniffer_OnStateChanged(object sender, OnStateChangedArgs e)
     State = e.newState;
Beispiel #5
        internal void UpdatePresence()
            //Construct rich presence
            var rp = new RichPresence();

            rp.Assets = new Assets();
            rp.Assets.LargeImageKey  = "rocksmith";
            rp.Assets.LargeImageText = "Rocksmith 2014 Remastered";

            //If we have a valid song and are playing a song
            if ((songdetails != null && readout != null) && (state == SnifferState.SONG_STARTING || state == SnifferState.SONG_PLAYING || state == SnifferState.SONG_ENDING))
                //Get the arrangement based on the arrangement id
                var arrangement = songdetails.arrangements.FirstOrDefault(x => x.arrangementID == readout.arrangementID);

                //Add song name
                rp.Details = $"Playing {songdetails.songName}";

                //Add artist name
                rp.State = $"by {songdetails.artistName}";

                //Set song timer
                rp.Timestamps = new Timestamps(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(songdetails.songLength - readout.songTimer));

                //Calculate accuracy
                float accuracy = readout.noteData.Accuracy;

                string accuracyText = FormattableString.Invariant($"{accuracy:F2}%");

                //Set accuracy as text for arrangement icon
                rp.Assets.SmallImageText = accuracyText;

                if (readout.mode == RSMode.SCOREATTACK)
                    var sand = (ScoreAttackNoteData)readout.noteData;

                    rp.Assets.SmallImageText = $"{FormattableString.Invariant($"{sand.CurrentScore:n0}")} x{sand.CurrentMultiplier} | {rp.Assets.SmallImageText}";

                    if (sand.FailedPhrases > 0)
                        rp.Assets.SmallImageText = $"{new string('X', sand.FailedPhrases)} | {rp.Assets.SmallImageText}";

                //When we got the arrangement
                if (arrangement != null)
                    //Set arrangement icon
                    rp.Assets.SmallImageKey = arrangement.type.ToLower();

                    //Try to get section
                    var section = arrangement.sections.LastOrDefault(x => x.startTime < readout.songTimer);

                    //If we got a section
                    if (section != null)
                        //Add section to small image text
                        rp.Assets.SmallImageText = $"{} | {rp.Assets.SmallImageText}";
                rp.Details = "Browsing Menus";

                if (readout != null)
                    string gameStage = readout.gameStage.ToLowerInvariant().Trim();

                    string state = "";

                    if (gameStage.StartsWith("main"))
                        state = "Main Menu";
                    else if (gameStage.StartsWith("las"))
                        state = "Learn A Song";
                    else if (gameStage.StartsWith("sm"))
                        state = "Session Mode";
                    else if (gameStage.StartsWith("nsp"))
                        state = "Nonstop Play";
                    else if (gameStage.StartsWith("sa"))
                        state = "Score Attack";
                    else if (gameStage.StartsWith("guitarcade") || gameStage.StartsWith("gc_games"))
                        state = "Guitarcade";
                    else if (gameStage.StartsWith("gcade"))
                        rp.Details = "Playing Guitarcade";
                        state      = "";

                        if (gcadeGames.ContainsKey(readout.songID))
                            state = gcadeGames[readout.songID];
                    else if (gameStage.StartsWith("ge_"))
                        state = "Lessons";
                    else if (gameStage.StartsWith("mp_"))
                        state = "Multiplayer";
                    else if (gameStage.StartsWith("shop"))
                        state = "Shop";

                    rp.State = state;

                rp.Timestamps = new Timestamps(appStartTime);

Beispiel #6
 private void Sniffer_OnStateChanged(object sender, RockSnifferLib.Events.OnStateChangedArgs e)
     state = e.newState;
Beispiel #7
        public void Device_OnPacketArrival(object sender, CaptureEventArgs capture)
            // skip packets which are obviously too small
            if (capture.Packet.Data.Length < 42)
            // skip none-UDP packets (TCP, ICMP,...)
            else if (capture.Packet.Data[0x17] != 0x11)

            string sourceIpAddress = capture.Packet.Data.Length < 29 ? string.Empty :

            string destinationIpAddress = capture.Packet.Data.Length < 33 ? string.Empty :

            switch (_snifferState)
            case SnifferState.WaitingForDrone:

                // an other interface could already have found the ip-address
                // but this interface hasn't been shutdown yet
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_operatorIpAddress))

                // as we have no clue what the operator ip is, we
                // need to wrap the bytes into a UDP-Packet and
                // extract the source and destination ip-address

                // if we the packet isn't drone-related, skip
                if (destinationIpAddress != DRONE_IP_ADDRESS &&
                    sourceIpAddress != DRONE_IP_ADDRESS)

                // the very first packet could be either from the drone
                // or from the operator. Thus, if it is from the drone,
                // we require to switch SRC and DEST, as the following
                // code expects an operator as a SRC address.
                if (sourceIpAddress == DRONE_IP_ADDRESS)
                    sourceIpAddress      = destinationIpAddress;
                    destinationIpAddress = DRONE_IP_ADDRESS;

                IPAddress sourceIpAddr = IPAddress.Parse(sourceIpAddress);

                // ignore network and broadcast packets + ignore non-local packets
                if (sourceIpAddr.GetAddressBytes()[3] == 0)
                else if (sourceIpAddr.GetAddressBytes()[3] == Convert.ToInt16(255))
                else if (!sourceIpAddress.StartsWith("192.168"))

                // ignore our own ip address
                var localAddresses = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName())
                                     .AddressList.Where(a => a.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                                     .Select(s => s.ToString()).ToList();

                if (localAddresses.Contains(sourceIpAddress))

                // drone has been found. We require to do following actions:
                // 1. remember the operator's ip-address
                // 2. switch the local state to 'PacketSniffing'
                // 3. notify any possible subscribers about our accomplishment
                // 4. reroute this packet to the subscribers, as this is our first valid packet
                // 5. stop listening on all other interfaces
                var networkInformation = new DjiNetworkInformation(sourceIpAddress, DRONE_IP_ADDRESS, NetworkStatus.Connected);

                Trace.TraceInformation($"Interface {capture.Device?.Name ?? "Simulation"} detected possible drone interaction {sourceIpAddress} -> {destinationIpAddress}");

                _operatorIpAddress = networkInformation.OperatorIpAddress;
                _snifferState      = SnifferState.PacketSniffing;
                _networkInformationReceivedSource?.Raise(capture, networkInformation);
                Device_OnPacketArrival(sender, capture);

                Task.Run(() =>
                    var irrelevantDevices = _captureDevices.Where(cp => cp != capture.Device).ToList();

                    for (int index = 0; index < irrelevantDevices.Count; index++)


            case SnifferState.PacketSniffing:

                // ignore all none-dji related network packets
                if ((destinationIpAddress != DRONE_IP_ADDRESS &&
                     destinationIpAddress != _operatorIpAddress) ||
                    (sourceIpAddress != DRONE_IP_ADDRESS &&
                     sourceIpAddress != _operatorIpAddress))

                // determine based on the sender who sent the packet
                var participant = sourceIpAddress == DRONE_IP_ADDRESS ?
                                  Participant.Drone : Participant.Operator;

                var networkPacket = new NetworkPacket(participant, sourceIpAddress, destinationIpAddress, capture.Packet);


                throw new ApplicationException($"{nameof(SnifferState)} hasn't been implemented yet");