Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();                   //often times i have to add manually.

            SnagCardGameSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <SnagCardGameSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ts.TagUsed); // i think
            _trick1 !.Init(_model.TrickArea1 !, _model.TrickArea1, ts.TagUsed);

            _bar1 !.LoadList(_model.Bar1 !, ts.TagUsed);
            _human1 !.LoadList(_model.Human1 !, ts.TagUsed);
            _opponent1 !.LoadList(_model.Opponent1 !, ts.TagUsed);

Beispiel #2
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();                   //often times i have to add manually.

            SnagCardGameSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <SnagCardGameSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ts.TagUsed); // i think
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, ts.TagUsed);            // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();                   // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, ts.TagUsed);               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)
            _trick1 !.Init(_model.TrickArea1 !, _model.TrickArea1, ts.TagUsed);

            _bar1 !.LoadList(_model.Bar1 !, ts.TagUsed);
            _human1 !.LoadList(_model.Human1 !, ts.TagUsed);
            _opponent1 !.LoadList(_model.Opponent1 !, ts.TagUsed);
