//Private method that records the average of a user's price reviews from all their reviews in the database
        //This creates the price average variable to guide the user towards their own usual preference
        private void CalcAverage()
            //Takes all the reviews in the database and puts them into a list
            var    reviews      = _context.Review.ToList();
            double priceAverage = 0;
            int    counter      = 0;
            var    id           = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;

            foreach (var review in reviews)
                if (review.UserId == id)
                    priceAverage = priceAverage + (double)(review.ReviewOfPrice);
            if (counter != 0)
                priceAverage = priceAverage / counter;
            //If the user does not have any reviews, this creates a default price average of 1
            if (double.IsNaN(priceAverage))
                priceAverage = 1;
            var user = _context.AspNetUsers.Where(x => x.Id == id).First();

            user.PriceAverage          = priceAverage;
            _context.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified;
        //Creating a method to update a user's reviews, passing in all the parameters needed from a RestaurantRoot model
        public IActionResult ReviewChange(string change, string restaurantId, int reviewOfPrice, double reviewOfType1, double reviewOfType2, double reviewOfType3, double reviewOfRating, string restaurantName)
            //Finding the current user and putting their reviews into a List
            string userId = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;

            var    reviewList = _context.Review.Where(x => x.UserId == userId).ToList();
            Review review     = new Review();

            //Finding the review we want to adjust based on the Restaurant Id we passed in
            foreach (var currentReview in reviewList)
                if (currentReview.RestaurantId == restaurantId)
                    review = currentReview;

            //If Delete button is chosen, this delete the review from the database
            if (change == "Delete")

            //If Update button is chosen, this updates any changes the user made
            else if (change == "Update")
                review.RestaurantName        = restaurantName;
                review.RestaurantId          = restaurantId;
                review.UserId                = userId;
                review.ReviewOfPrice         = reviewOfPrice;
                review.ReviewOfRating        = reviewOfRating;
                review.ReviewOfType1         = reviewOfType1;
                review.ReviewOfType2         = reviewOfType2;
                review.ReviewOfType3         = reviewOfType3;
                _context.Entry(review).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified;
            //Saves any changes made in the database and sends the user back to the Home Page - Preference Index
            return(RedirectToAction("PreferenceIndex", "Snack"));