public static float GetSmiteDamage(SmiteType smite) { if (smite == SmiteType.Challenging) { return(54 + (6 * Player.Instance.Level)); } if (smite == SmiteType.Chilling) { return(20 + (8 * Player.Instance.Level)); } return(0); }
public static float GetSmiteDamage(SmiteType smite) { if (smite == SmiteType.Challenging) { return 54 + (6 * Player.Instance.Level); } if (smite == SmiteType.Chilling) { return 20 + (8 * Player.Instance.Level); } return 0; }
private void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args) { SmiteInstance = ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.Spells.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains("smite")); //Smite is not chosen if (SmiteInstance == null) { return; } //Setup a Spell instance using the Smite slot Smite = new Spell(SmiteInstance.Slot, 500, TargetSelector.DamageType.True); //Set Current Smite Type based on the spell name CurrentSmiteType = SmiteDictionary[SmiteInstance.Name.ToLower()]; //Register Events to monitor check smite type every time an item is bought/sold Shop.OnBuyItem += Obj_AI_Base_OnPlaceItemInSlot; Shop.OnSellItem += Obj_AI_Base_OnRemoveItem; }
void UpdateSmiteType() { CurrentSmiteType = SmiteDictionary[Smite.Instance.Name.ToLower()]; }