// GET: Order
        public ActionResult Index()
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            var orders = (from a in db.Orders
                          where a.AccountID == new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()) && a.DatePlaced.HasValue
                          select new Models.Order.Order {
                              Address = new Models.Address {
                                  AddressID = a.Address.AddressID,
                                  City = a.Address.City,
                                  County = a.Address.County,
                                  FullName = a.Address.FullName,
                                  Line1 = a.Address.Line1,
                                  Line2 = a.Address.Line2,
                                  StateOrProvince = a.Address.StateOrProvince,
                                  ZipCode = a.Address.ZipCode
                              DatePlaced = a.DatePlaced.Value,
                              Total = a.OrderTotal,
                              OrderID = a.OrderID,
                              Products = a.OrderProducts.Select(b => new Models.Order.Product {
                                  Name = b.Product.Name,
                                  ProductID = b.ProductID,
                                  Quantity = b.Quantity,
                                  Price = b.Product.Price

            return View(orders);
        public ActionResult CreateProduct(HttpPostedFileBase file, Product model)
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            if (file == null || file.ContentLength == 0 || file.ContentType != "image/png")
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Product Image must be a valid PNG");
                TempData["ModelState"] = ModelState;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var prod = new DataModels.Product {
                    Description = model.Description,
                    Inventory   = model.Inventory,
                    Name        = model.ProductName,
                    Price       = model.Price


                var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images/p"), prod.ProductID.ToString() + ".png");
                return(RedirectToAction("Product", new { productID = prod.ProductID }));

            return(RedirectToAction("CreateProduct", model));
        // GET: Order
        public ActionResult Index()
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            var orders = (from a in db.Orders
                          where a.AccountID == new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()) && a.DatePlaced.HasValue
                          select new Models.Order.Order {
                Address = new Models.Address {
                    AddressID = a.Address.AddressID,
                    City = a.Address.City,
                    County = a.Address.County,
                    FullName = a.Address.FullName,
                    Line1 = a.Address.Line1,
                    Line2 = a.Address.Line2,
                    StateOrProvince = a.Address.StateOrProvince,
                    ZipCode = a.Address.ZipCode
                DatePlaced = a.DatePlaced.Value,
                Total = a.OrderTotal,
                OrderID = a.OrderID,
                Products = a.OrderProducts.Select(b => new Models.Order.Product {
                    Name = b.Product.Name,
                    ProductID = b.ProductID,
                    Quantity = b.Quantity,
                    Price = b.Product.Price

        public ActionResult CreateProduct(HttpPostedFileBase file,Product model)
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            if(file == null || file.ContentLength == 0 || file.ContentType != "image/png") {
                ModelState.AddModelError("","Product Image must be a valid PNG");
                TempData["ModelState"] = ModelState;

            if(ModelState.IsValid) {
                var prod = new DataModels.Product {
                    Description = model.Description,
                    Inventory = model.Inventory,
                    Name = model.ProductName,
                    Price = model.Price


                var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images/p"),prod.ProductID.ToString() + ".png");
                return RedirectToAction("Product",new { productID = prod.ProductID });

            return RedirectToAction("CreateProduct",model);
 public ActionResult Browse(int? categoryID = null)
     SmartNerdDataContext dc = new SmartNerdDataContext();
     List<Product> prods;
     //get all products
     if(categoryID == null) {
         prods = (from p in dc.Products
                  select new Product {
                      ProductName = p.Name,
                      ProductID = p.ProductID,
                      Price = p.Price,
                      Description = p.Description
     } else {
         prods = (from c in dc.Categories
                  join ce in dc.CategoryEntries on c.CategoryID equals ce.CategoryID
                  join p in dc.Products on ce.ProductID equals p.ProductID
                  where c.CategoryID == categoryID.Value
                  select new Product {
                      ProductName = p.Name,
                      ProductID = p.ProductID,
                      Price = p.Price,
                      Description = p.Description
     BrowsePage mp = new BrowsePage {
         Categories = (from c in dc.Categories
                       select new Category {
                           CategoryID = c.CategoryID,
                           CategoryName = c.Name
         Products = prods
     return View(mp);
        public ActionResult ThankYou(int OrderId)
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            var order      = db.Orders.Single(a => a.OrderID == OrderId);
            var orderModel = new Models.Order.Order {
                Address = new Models.Address {
                    AddressID       = order.Address.AddressID,
                    City            = order.Address.City,
                    County          = order.Address.County,
                    FullName        = order.Address.FullName,
                    Line1           = order.Address.FullName,
                    Line2           = order.Address.Line2,
                    StateOrProvince = order.Address.StateOrProvince,
                    ZipCode         = order.Address.ZipCode
                DatePlaced = order.DatePlaced.Value,
                OrderID    = Cart.OrderID,
                Total      = order.OrderTotal,
                Products   = (from a in order.OrderProducts
                              join b in db.Products on a.ProductID equals b.ProductID
                              select new Models.Order.Product {
                    Name = b.Name,
                    Price = b.Price,
                    ProductID = b.ProductID,
                    Quantity = a.Quantity

        public ActionResult Index()
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();
            var rprt = (from p in _context.Payments
                        join o in _context.Orders on p.OrderID equals o.OrderID
                        where o.DatePlaced != null
                        group new { p, o } by o.DatePlaced.Value.Year + "-" + o.DatePlaced.Value.Month + "-" + o.DatePlaced.Value.Day into agg
                        select new Models.Admin.ReportEntry
                DatePlaced = DateTime.Parse(agg.Key),
                NumberOfOrders = agg.Count(),
                DailyTotal = agg.Sum(a => a.o.OrderTotal)

            var frq = (from p in _context.Payments
                       join o in _context.Orders on p.OrderID equals o.OrderID
                       join op in _context.OrderProducts on o.OrderID equals op.OrderID
                       join pr in _context.Products on op.ProductID equals pr.ProductID
                       where o.DatePlaced != null
                       group new { p, o, op, pr } by new { op.ProductID, pr.Name } into agg
                       select new Models.Admin.FrequentEntry
                ProductID = agg.Key.ProductID,
                Name = agg.Key.Name,
                TotalRevenue = agg.Sum(a => a.op.Quantity) * agg.First().pr.Price,
                NumberOrdered = agg.Sum(a => a.op.Quantity)
            }).OrderByDescending(f => f.TotalRevenue).Take(5).ToList();

            return(View(new Models.Admin.ReportPage
                DailyReport = rprt,
                FrequentProducts = frq
Beispiel #8
 public Cart(Guid cartID)
     _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();
     _order   = (from o in _context.Orders
                 where o.CartID == cartID
                 select o).First();
 protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)
     SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();
     ViewBag.Categories = (from c in _context.Categories
                   select new Models.Menu.Category
                       CategoryID = c.CategoryID,
                       CategoryName = c.Name
Beispiel #10
        public ActionResult RemoveAddress(int addressID, string returnUrl)
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            DataModels.AccountAddress addrs = (from aa in _context.AccountAddresses
                                               where aa.UserID == Cart.AccountID.ToString() &&
                                               aa.AddressID == addressID
                                               select aa).First();
Beispiel #11
        protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            ViewBag.Categories = (from c in _context.Categories
                                  select new Models.Menu.Category
                CategoryID = c.CategoryID,
                CategoryName = c.Name
        public ActionResult Address(Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage model)
            if (model.AddressToUse != -1)
                Cart.AddressID = model.AddressToUse;
                if (Session["CartID"] == null)
                    Session["CartID"] = Cart.CartID;
                return(RedirectToAction("Pay", "Cart"));
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    Cart.UseNewAddress(new Address {
                        City            = model.CartAddress.City,
                        Line1           = model.CartAddress.Line1,
                        Line2           = model.CartAddress.Line2,
                        StateOrProvince = model.CartAddress.StateOrProvince,
                        ZipCode         = model.CartAddress.ZipCode,
                        County          = model.CartAddress.County,
                        FullName        = model.CartAddress.FullName
                    if (model.SaveAddress)
                        DataModels.AccountAddress aa = new DataModels.AccountAddress {
                            UserID      = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                            AddressID   = Cart.AddressID.Value,
                            AddressType = "Mailing"
                        SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();
                    if (Session["CartID"] == null)
                        Session["CartID"] = Cart.CartID;
                    return(RedirectToAction("Pay", "Cart"));

            Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage add = BuildAddressPage();
            add.CartAddress = model.CartAddress;
        public ActionResult Product(Product model)
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            var prod = db.Products.Single(a => a.ProductID == model.ProductID);

            prod.Description = model.Description;
            prod.Name        = model.ProductName;
            prod.Price       = model.Price;
            prod.Inventory   = model.Inventory;


        public ActionResult Product(Product prod)
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (Cart.OrderID == 0)
                    Session["CartID"] = Cart.CartID;
            return(RedirectToAction("Checkout", "Cart"));
        public ActionResult Product(Product prod)
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (Cart.OrderID == 0)
                    Session["CartID"] = Cart.CartID;

            return RedirectToAction("Checkout", "Cart");
        private Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage BuildAddressPage()
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage add = new Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage {
                BillingAddresses = new List <Models.Address>(),
                MailingAddresses = new List <Models.Address>(),
            if (User.Identity.GetUserId() != null)
                add = new Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage();
                List <Models.AccountAddress> addresses = (from aa in _context.AccountAddresses
                                                          join a in _context.Addresses on aa.AddressID equals a.AddressID
                                                          where aa.UserID == User.Identity.GetUserId()
                                                          select new AccountAddress {
                    AddressID = a.AddressID,
                    FullName = a.FullName,
                    City = a.City,
                    County = a.County,
                    Line1 = a.Line1,
                    Line2 = a.Line2,
                    StateOrProvince = a.StateOrProvince,
                    ZipCode = a.ZipCode,
                    AddressType = aa.AddressType,
                    AccountID = new Guid(aa.UserID)
                add.BillingAddresses = addresses.Where(m => m.AddressType == "Billing").Select(m => (Models.Address)m).ToList();
                add.MailingAddresses = addresses.Where(m => m.AddressType == "Mailing").Select(m => (Models.Address)m).ToList();
            Models.Address addressInList = add.MailingAddresses.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AddressID == Cart.AddressID);
            if (Cart.AddressID != null && addressInList == null)
                add.CartAddress = (from a in _context.Addresses
                                   where a.AddressID == Cart.AddressID
                                   select new Models.Address {
                    FullName = a.FullName,
                    City = a.City,
                    County = a.County,
                    Line1 = a.Line1,
                    Line2 = a.Line2,
                    StateOrProvince = a.StateOrProvince,
                    ZipCode = a.ZipCode
Beispiel #17
        public void UseNewAddress(Address newAddress)
            SmartNerdDataContext _context2 = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            DataModels.Address _newAddress = new DataModels.Address
                FullName        = newAddress.FullName,
                City            = newAddress.City,
                Line1           = newAddress.Line1,
                Line2           = newAddress.Line2,
                County          = newAddress.County,
                StateOrProvince = newAddress.StateOrProvince,
                ZipCode         = newAddress.ZipCode,
            _order.AddressID = _newAddress.AddressID;
        public ActionResult Product(int productID, int?categoryID = null)
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            Models.Menu.Product prod = (from p in _context.Products
                                        where p.ProductID == productID
                                        select new Product
                ProductID = p.ProductID,
                Price = p.Price,
                ProductName = p.Name,
                Description = p.Description,
                Quantity = 1,
                Inventory = p.Inventory

        public ActionResult Product(int productID, int? categoryID = null)
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            Models.Menu.Product prod = (from p in _context.Products
                                        where p.ProductID == productID
                                        select new Product
                                            ProductID = p.ProductID,
                                            Price = p.Price,
                                            ProductName = p.Name,
                                            Description = p.Description,
                                            Quantity = 1,
                                            Inventory = p.Inventory

            return View(prod);
        public ActionResult Address(Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage model)
            if(model.AddressToUse != -1) {
                Cart.AddressID = model.AddressToUse;
                if(Session["CartID"] == null) {
                    Session["CartID"] = Cart.CartID;
                return RedirectToAction("Pay","Cart");
            } else {
                if(ModelState.IsValid) {
                    Cart.UseNewAddress(new Address {
                        City = model.CartAddress.City,
                        Line1 = model.CartAddress.Line1,
                        Line2 = model.CartAddress.Line2,
                        StateOrProvince = model.CartAddress.StateOrProvince,
                        ZipCode = model.CartAddress.ZipCode,
                        County = model.CartAddress.County,
                        FullName = model.CartAddress.FullName
                    if(model.SaveAddress) {
                        DataModels.AccountAddress aa = new DataModels.AccountAddress {
                            UserID = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                            AddressID = Cart.AddressID.Value,
                            AddressType = "Mailing"
                        SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();
                    if(Session["CartID"] == null) {
                        Session["CartID"] = Cart.CartID;
                    return RedirectToAction("Pay","Cart");

            Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage add = BuildAddressPage();
            add.CartAddress = model.CartAddress;
            return View(add);
 public ActionResult Checkout(bool? noProducts = null)
     SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();
     Models.CartViewModels.CheckoutPage c = new Models.CartViewModels.CheckoutPage {
         Products = (from op in Cart.Products
                     join p in _context.Products on op.ProductID equals p.ProductID
                     select new Models.Menu.Product {
                         ProductID = p.ProductID,
                         ProductName = p.Name,
                         Quantity = op.Quantity,
                         Description = p.Description,
                         Price = p.Price
         Total = Cart.Total
     if(noProducts.HasValue) {
         ModelState.AddModelError("","You must have products in your cart to continue");
     return View(c);
        // GET: /Menu/
        public ActionResult Index(int?categoryID = null)
            SmartNerdDataContext dc = new SmartNerdDataContext();
            List <Product>       prods;

            //get all products
            if (categoryID == null)
                prods = (from p in dc.Products
                         select new Models.Menu.Product
                    ProductName = p.Name,
                    ProductID = p.ProductID,
                    Price = p.Price,
                    Description = p.Description
                prods = (from c in dc.Categories
                         join ce in dc.CategoryEntries on c.CategoryID equals ce.CategoryID
                         join p in dc.Products on ce.ProductID equals p.ProductID
                         where c.CategoryID == categoryID.Value
                         select new Models.Menu.Product
                    ProductName = p.Name,
                    ProductID = p.ProductID,
                    Price = p.Price,
                    Description = p.Description
            Models.Menu.MenuPage mp = new Models.Menu.MenuPage {
                Products   = prods,
                CategoryID = 0
            if (categoryID != null)
                mp.CategoryID = categoryID.Value;
        public ActionResult DeleteProduct(Product model)
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            var entries = (from a in db.CategoryEntries
                           where a.ProductID == model.ProductID
                           select a).ToList();

            foreach (var entry in entries)

            var prod = db.Products.Single(a => a.ProductID == model.ProductID);



        public ActionResult Browse(int?categoryID = null)
            SmartNerdDataContext dc = new SmartNerdDataContext();
            List <Product>       prods;

            //get all products
            if (categoryID == null)
                prods = (from p in dc.Products
                         select new Product {
                    ProductName = p.Name,
                    ProductID = p.ProductID,
                    Price = p.Price,
                    Description = p.Description
                prods = (from c in dc.Categories
                         join ce in dc.CategoryEntries on c.CategoryID equals ce.CategoryID
                         join p in dc.Products on ce.ProductID equals p.ProductID
                         where c.CategoryID == categoryID.Value
                         select new Product {
                    ProductName = p.Name,
                    ProductID = p.ProductID,
                    Price = p.Price,
                    Description = p.Description
            BrowsePage mp = new BrowsePage {
                Categories = (from c in dc.Categories
                              select new Category {
                    CategoryID = c.CategoryID,
                    CategoryName = c.Name
                Products = prods

        public ActionResult Pay(Models.CartViewModels.PayPage model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (Cart.Products == null || Cart.Products.Count == 0)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                if (Cart.OrderID == 0)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

                List <DataModels.Product> dataProducts = (from p in _context.Products
                                                          where Cart.Products.Select(pr => pr.ProductID).Contains(p.ProductID)
                                                          select p).ToList();
                foreach (var p in Cart.Products)
                    DataModels.Product dataProduct = dataProducts.First(pr => pr.ProductID == p.ProductID);

                    if (dataProduct.Inventory - p.Quantity < 0)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "There isn't sufficient inventory to place this order (" + dataProduct.Name + ": " + dataProduct.Inventory + ").");

                Cart.SubmitOrder(new Payment {
                    CardNumber = model.CardNumber,
                    CardType   = model.CardType,
                    PayPalID   = model.PayPalUsername
                Session["CartID"] = null;

                return(RedirectToAction("ThankYou", "Cart", new { OrderId = Cart.OrderID }));
        public ActionResult Checkout(Models.CartViewModels.CheckoutPage model)
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            List <DataModels.Product> dataProducts = (from p in _context.Products
                                                      where Cart.Products.Select(pr => pr.ProductID).Contains(p.ProductID)
                                                      select p).ToList();

            foreach (var p in model.Products)
                DataModels.Product dataProduct = dataProducts.First(pr => pr.ProductID == p.ProductID);
                Cart.Products.Where(prod => prod.ProductID == p.ProductID).ToList().ForEach(prod => prod.Quantity = p.Quantity);
                foreach (var pr in Cart.Products.Where(prod => prod.Quantity < 1))

                if (dataProduct.Inventory - p.Quantity < 0)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "There isn't sufficient inventory to place this order (" + dataProduct.Name + ": " + dataProduct.Inventory + ").");

                    Models.CartViewModels.CheckoutPage c = new Models.CartViewModels.CheckoutPage {
                        Products = (from op in Cart.Products
                                    join pro in _context.Products on op.ProductID equals pro.ProductID
                                    select new Models.Menu.Product {
                            ProductID = pro.ProductID,
                            ProductName = pro.Name,
                            Quantity = op.Quantity,
                            Description = pro.Description,
                            Price = pro.Price
                        Total = Cart.Total
            return(RedirectToAction("Address", "Cart"));
        public ActionResult Search(SearchPage model)
            SmartNerdDataContext dc = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            List <Product> products = null;

            if (model.SearchTerm != null)
                products = (from a in dc.Products
                            where a.Name.Contains(model.SearchTerm)
                            select new Product {
                    Description = a.Description,
                    Price = a.Price,
                    ProductID = a.ProductID,
                    ProductName = a.Name

            model.Products = products;

        public ActionResult Checkout(bool?noProducts = null)
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            Models.CartViewModels.CheckoutPage c = new Models.CartViewModels.CheckoutPage {
                Products = (from op in Cart.Products
                            join p in _context.Products on op.ProductID equals p.ProductID
                            select new Models.Menu.Product {
                    ProductID = p.ProductID,
                    ProductName = p.Name,
                    Quantity = op.Quantity,
                    Description = p.Description,
                    Price = p.Price
                Total = Cart.Total
            if (noProducts.HasValue)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "You must have products in your cart to continue");
        public ActionResult Product(int productID, int?categoryID = null)
            if (TempData["ModelState"] != null && !ModelState.Equals(TempData["ModelState"]))

            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            Product prod = (from p in _context.Products
                            where p.ProductID == productID
                            select new Product {
                ProductID = p.ProductID,
                Price = p.Price,
                ProductName = p.Name,
                Description = p.Description,
                Inventory = p.Inventory

        public ActionResult Recovery(Boolean?recover)
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            if (recover.HasValue)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "System recovered");

                FileInfo file   = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/Recovery/ddl.sql"));
                string   script = file.OpenText().ReadToEnd();
                try {
                } catch {
                try {
                } catch {

                file   = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/Recovery/menu.sql"));
                script = file.OpenText().ReadToEnd();
                try {
                } catch {

                Directory.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/Images/p"), true);

                foreach (String image in Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/Recovery/p")))
                    String fileName = Path.GetFileName(image);
                    String destFile = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images/p"), fileName);
                    System.IO.File.Copy(image, destFile, true);
 // GET: /Menu/
 public ActionResult Index(int? categoryID = null)
     SmartNerdDataContext dc = new SmartNerdDataContext();
     List<Product> prods;
     //get all products
     if(categoryID == null)
         prods = (from p in dc.Products
                    select new Models.Menu.Product
                        ProductName = p.Name,
                        ProductID = p.ProductID,
                        Price = p.Price,
                        Description = p.Description
     } else {
         prods = (from c in dc.Categories
                join ce in dc.CategoryEntries on c.CategoryID equals ce.CategoryID
                join p in dc.Products on ce.ProductID equals p.ProductID
                where c.CategoryID == categoryID.Value
                select new Models.Menu.Product
                     ProductName = p.Name,
                     ProductID = p.ProductID,
                     Price = p.Price,
                     Description = p.Description
     Models.Menu.MenuPage mp = new Models.Menu.MenuPage{
         Products = prods,
         CategoryID = 0
     if(categoryID != null)
         mp.CategoryID = categoryID.Value;
     return View(mp);
        public ActionResult Product(Product model)
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            var prod = db.Products.Single(a => a.ProductID == model.ProductID);
            prod.Description = model.Description;
            prod.Name = model.ProductName;
            prod.Price = model.Price;
            prod.Inventory = model.Inventory;


            return View(model);
        public ActionResult Recovery(Boolean? recover)
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            if(recover.HasValue) {
                ModelState.AddModelError("","System recovered");

                FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/Recovery/ddl.sql"));
                string script = file.OpenText().ReadToEnd();
                try {
                } catch {

                try {
                } catch {


                file = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/Recovery/menu.sql"));
                script = file.OpenText().ReadToEnd();
                try {
                } catch {



                foreach(String image in Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/Recovery/p"))) {
                    String fileName = Path.GetFileName(image);
                    String destFile = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images/p"),fileName);
            return View(recover);
        public ActionResult ThankYou(int OrderId)
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            var order = db.Orders.Single(a => a.OrderID == OrderId);
            var orderModel = new Models.Order.Order {
                Address = new Models.Address {
                    AddressID = order.Address.AddressID,
                    City = order.Address.City,
                    County = order.Address.County,
                    FullName = order.Address.FullName,
                    Line1 = order.Address.FullName,
                    Line2 = order.Address.Line2,
                    StateOrProvince = order.Address.StateOrProvince,
                    ZipCode = order.Address.ZipCode
                DatePlaced = order.DatePlaced.Value,
                OrderID = Cart.OrderID,
                Total = order.OrderTotal,
                Products = (from a in order.OrderProducts
                            join b in db.Products on a.ProductID equals b.ProductID
                            select new Models.Order.Product {
                                Name = b.Name,
                                Price = b.Price,
                                ProductID = b.ProductID,
                                Quantity = a.Quantity

            return View(orderModel);
        private Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage BuildAddressPage()
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage add = new Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage {
                BillingAddresses = new List<Models.Address>(),
                MailingAddresses = new List<Models.Address>(),
            if(User.Identity.GetUserId() != null) {
                add = new Models.CartViewModels.AddressPage();
                List<Models.AccountAddress> addresses = (from aa in _context.AccountAddresses
                                                         join a in _context.Addresses on aa.AddressID equals a.AddressID
                                                         where aa.UserID == User.Identity.GetUserId()
                                                         select new AccountAddress {
                                                             AddressID = a.AddressID,
                                                             FullName = a.FullName,
                                                             City = a.City,
                                                             County = a.County,
                                                             Line1 = a.Line1,
                                                             Line2 = a.Line2,
                                                             StateOrProvince = a.StateOrProvince,
                                                             ZipCode = a.ZipCode,
                                                             AddressType = aa.AddressType,
                                                             AccountID = new Guid(aa.UserID)
                add.BillingAddresses = addresses.Where(m => m.AddressType == "Billing").Select(m => (Models.Address)m).ToList();
                add.MailingAddresses = addresses.Where(m => m.AddressType == "Mailing").Select(m => (Models.Address)m).ToList();
            Models.Address addressInList = add.MailingAddresses.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AddressID == Cart.AddressID);
            if(Cart.AddressID != null && addressInList == null) {
                add.CartAddress = (from a in _context.Addresses
                                   where a.AddressID == Cart.AddressID
                                   select new Models.Address {
                                       FullName = a.FullName,
                                       City = a.City,
                                       County = a.County,
                                       Line1 = a.Line1,
                                       Line2 = a.Line2,
                                       StateOrProvince = a.StateOrProvince,
                                       ZipCode = a.ZipCode
            return add;
        public ActionResult Product(int productID,int? categoryID = null)
            if(TempData["ModelState"] != null && !ModelState.Equals(TempData["ModelState"]))

            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            Product prod = (from p in _context.Products
                            where p.ProductID == productID
                            select new Product {
                                ProductID = p.ProductID,
                                Price = p.Price,
                                ProductName = p.Name,
                                Description = p.Description,
                                Inventory = p.Inventory

            return View(prod);
Beispiel #37
 public Cart()
     _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();
     _order   = new DataModels.Order();
        public ActionResult Search(Models.Menu.SearchPage model)
            SmartNerdDataContext dc = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            List<Product> products = null;

            if(model.SearchTerm != null) {
                products = (from a in dc.Products
                            where a.Name.Contains(model.SearchTerm)
                            select new Product {
                                Description = a.Description,
                                Price = a.Price,
                                ProductID = a.ProductID,
                                ProductName = a.Name }).ToList();

            model.Products = products;

            return View(model);
        public ActionResult Pay(Models.CartViewModels.PayPage model)
            if(ModelState.IsValid) {
                if(Cart.Products == null || Cart.Products.Count == 0) {
                    return RedirectToAction("Index","Home");
                if(Cart.OrderID == 0) {
                    return RedirectToAction("Index","Home");
                SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

                List<DataModels.Product> dataProducts = (from p in _context.Products
                                                         where Cart.Products.Select(pr => pr.ProductID).Contains(p.ProductID)
                                                         select p).ToList();
                foreach(var p in Cart.Products) {
                    DataModels.Product dataProduct = dataProducts.First(pr => pr.ProductID == p.ProductID);

                    if(dataProduct.Inventory - p.Quantity < 0) {
                        ModelState.AddModelError("","There isn't sufficient inventory to place this order (" + dataProduct.Name + ": " + dataProduct.Inventory + ").");

                        return View();
                Cart.SubmitOrder(new Payment {
                    CardNumber = model.CardNumber,
                    CardType = model.CardType,
                    PayPalID = model.PayPalUsername
                Session["CartID"] = null;

                return RedirectToAction("ThankYou","Cart",new { OrderId = Cart.OrderID });
            return View();
        public ActionResult DeleteProduct(Product model)
            SmartNerdDataContext db = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            var entries = (from a in db.CategoryEntries
                           where a.ProductID == model.ProductID
                           select a).ToList();

            foreach(var entry in entries) db.CategoryEntries.DeleteOnSubmit(entry);

            var prod = db.Products.Single(a => a.ProductID == model.ProductID);


            return RedirectToAction("Browse");
        public ActionResult Index()
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();
            var rprt = (from p in _context.Payments
                        join o in _context.Orders on p.OrderID equals o.OrderID
                        where o.DatePlaced != null
                        group new { p, o } by o.DatePlaced.Value.Year + "-" +o.DatePlaced.Value.Month + "-" + o.DatePlaced.Value.Day into agg
                        select new Models.Admin.ReportEntry
                            DatePlaced = DateTime.Parse(agg.Key),
                            NumberOfOrders = agg.Count(),
                            DailyTotal = agg.Sum(a => a.o.OrderTotal)

            var frq = (from p in _context.Payments
                       join o in _context.Orders on p.OrderID equals o.OrderID
                       join op in _context.OrderProducts on o.OrderID equals op.OrderID
                       join pr in _context.Products on op.ProductID equals pr.ProductID
                       where o.DatePlaced != null
                       group new { p, o, op, pr } by new { op.ProductID, pr.Name } into agg
                       select new Models.Admin.FrequentEntry
                           ProductID = agg.Key.ProductID,
                           Name = agg.Key.Name,
                           TotalRevenue = agg.Sum(a => a.op.Quantity) * agg.First().pr.Price,
                           NumberOrdered = agg.Sum(a => a.op.Quantity)
                       }).OrderByDescending(f => f.TotalRevenue).Take(5).ToList();

            return View(new Models.Admin.ReportPage
                    DailyReport = rprt,
                    FrequentProducts = frq
        public ActionResult RemoveAddress(int addressID, string returnUrl)
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();
            DataModels.AccountAddress addrs = (from aa in _context.AccountAddresses
                                              where aa.UserID == Cart.AccountID.ToString()
                                              && aa.AddressID == addressID
                                              select aa).First();
            return Redirect(returnUrl);

        public ActionResult Checkout(Models.CartViewModels.CheckoutPage model)
            SmartNerdDataContext _context = new SmartNerdDataContext();

            List<DataModels.Product> dataProducts = (from p in _context.Products
                                                     where Cart.Products.Select(pr => pr.ProductID).Contains(p.ProductID)
                                                     select p).ToList();
            foreach(var p in model.Products) {
                DataModels.Product dataProduct = dataProducts.First(pr => pr.ProductID == p.ProductID);
                Cart.Products.Where(prod => prod.ProductID == p.ProductID).ToList().ForEach(prod => prod.Quantity = p.Quantity);
                foreach(var pr in Cart.Products.Where(prod => prod.Quantity < 1)) {

                if(dataProduct.Inventory - p.Quantity < 0) {
                    ModelState.AddModelError("","There isn't sufficient inventory to place this order (" + dataProduct.Name + ": " + dataProduct.Inventory + ").");

                    Models.CartViewModels.CheckoutPage c = new Models.CartViewModels.CheckoutPage {
                        Products = (from op in Cart.Products
                                    join pro in _context.Products on op.ProductID equals pro.ProductID
                                    select new Models.Menu.Product {
                                        ProductID = pro.ProductID,
                                        ProductName = pro.Name,
                                        Quantity = op.Quantity,
                                        Description = pro.Description,
                                        Price = pro.Price
                        Total = Cart.Total
                    return View(c);
            return RedirectToAction("Address","Cart");