private void OnDamageChanged(EntityUid uid, SlowOnDamageComponent component, DamageChangedEvent args)
            // We -could- only refresh if it crossed a threshold but that would kind of be a lot of duplicated
            // code and this isn't a super hot path anyway since basically only humans have this

        private void OnRefreshMovespeed(EntityUid uid, SlowOnDamageComponent component, RefreshMovementSpeedModifiersEvent args)
            if (!EntityManager.TryGetComponent <DamageableComponent>(uid, out var damage))

            if (damage.TotalDamage == FixedPoint2.Zero)

            // Get closest threshold
            FixedPoint2 closest = FixedPoint2.Zero;
            var         total   = damage.TotalDamage;

            foreach (var thres in component.SpeedModifierThresholds)
                if (total >= thres.Key && thres.Key > closest)
                    closest = thres.Key;

            if (closest != FixedPoint2.Zero)
                var speed = component.SpeedModifierThresholds[closest];
                args.ModifySpeed(speed, speed);