Beispiel #1
        public FloatSlider()
            var slider = new Slider
                MinValue = Minimum,
                MaxValue = Maximum

            var nb = new FloatNumberBox();

                s => s.Value,


            this.Content = new StackView
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                Items =
                    new StackLayoutItem(slider, true),
                    new StackLayoutItem(nb,     false)
Beispiel #2
    void SetArtistTool()
        VisualElement root = rootVisualElement;

        VisualTreeAsset ArtistToolVisualTree = Resources.Load <VisualTreeAsset>("ArtistTool");

        root.styleSheets.Add(Resources.Load <StyleSheet>("ArtistTool"));

        SerializedObject Tso        = new SerializedObject(TimeController);
        Slider           timeSlider = root.Q <Slider>(name: "Time");


        #region SkyColor
        VisualElement gradientVisualElement = root.Q <VisualElement>(name: "SkyGradient");

        if (gradientVisualElement != null)
            GradientField gradientField = gradientVisualElement.Q <GradientField>();

            if (gradientField != null)
                skyColorSetter = GameObject.Find("Light - Sky").GetComponent <MaterialColorSetter>();
                SerializedObject serialized_MaterialSetter = new SerializedObject(skyColorSetter);
                gradientField.bindingPath = "gradient";
                gradientVisualElement.Q <Label>().text = "Sky Gradient";


        #region Ruins
        GradientEditorSetter("RuinsGradient", "Ruins Gradient", RuinsColorSetter);

        #region Trees
        GradientEditorSetter("TreesGradient", "Trees Gradient", TreesColorSetter);

        #region Rim
        GradientEditorSetter("RimColor", "Rim Gradient", RimColorSetter);

        #region Lights

        #region SunLights
        SerializedObject serialized_SunSpot = new SerializedObject(SunSpot_Group);

        VisualElement sunLightVisualElement = root.Q <VisualElement>(name: "Sunlight");
        if (sunLightVisualElement.Q <VisualElement>(name: "LightGradient") != null)
            GradientField sunLightGradient  = sunLightVisualElement.Q <VisualElement>(name: "LightGradient").Q <GradientField>();
            FloatField    sunLightIntensity = root.Q <FloatField>(name: "Intensity");
            if (sunLightGradient != null)
                sunLightGradient.bindingPath = "gradient";
                sunLightGradient.label = "Gradient";

            sunLightIntensity.value = GetSpotLightIntensity();
            sunLightIntensity.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <float> >(ChangeIntensitySpotLightsEvent);


        #region GrassLight
        SerializedObject serialized_GrassLight_Group = new SerializedObject(GrassLight_Group);

        VisualElement grassLightVisualElement = root.Q <VisualElement>(name: "GrassLight");
        if (grassLightVisualElement.Q <VisualElement>(name: "LightGradient") != null)
            GradientField grassLightGradient  = grassLightVisualElement.Q <VisualElement>(name: "LightGradient").Q <GradientField>();
            FloatField    grassLightIntensity = grassLightVisualElement.Q <FloatField>(name: "Intensity");

            if (grassLightGradient != null)
                grassLightGradient.bindingPath = "gradient";
                grassLightGradient.label = "Gradient";

            grassLightIntensity.value = GrassLight.intensity;

            SerializedObject serialized_GrassLight = new SerializedObject(GrassLight);

        #region cave Light
        SerializedObject serialized_CaveHoleLight = new SerializedObject(CaveHoleLight);

        VisualElement caveLightVisualElement = root.Q <VisualElement>(name: "CaveHoleLight");
        caveLightVisualElement.Q <FloatField>(name: "Falloff").Bind(serialized_CaveHoleLight);

        Slider     fallOffSlider = caveLightVisualElement.Q <Slider>(name: "FalloffIntencity");
        FloatField fallOffField  = fallOffSlider.Q <FloatField>(name: "CurrentValue");


        fallOffField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <float> >((evt) => fallOffSlider.value = evt.newValue);

        fallOffSlider.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <float> >((evt) => fallOffField.SetValueWithoutNotify(evt.newValue));


        #region Visualisers
        var AllGradientElements = root.Query <GradientField>();
        AllGradientElements.ForEach((element) =>
            //registerCallback for Gradient to apply changes on scene
            element.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Gradient> >(ChangeGradientEvent);

            VisualElement visualiser = element.Q <VisualElement>(name: "VisualisationColor");

            //Init color of visualisation cube
            float currentTime = TimeController.timeValue;
   = element.value.Evaluate(currentTime);

            //register Callback for each visualisation cube when gradient Changes
            element.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Gradient> >((evt) =>
                float timeOfChange = TimeController.timeValue;
       = evt.newValue.Evaluate(currentTime);

            //register Callback for each visualisation cube when Time Changes
            timeSlider.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <float> >((evt) =>
       = element.value.Evaluate(evt.newValue);


        #region Wind Shader
        // Set Initial Values
        VisualElement windComponent = root.Q <VisualElement>(name: "Wind");
        if (windComponent != null)
            Vector4Field windDirectionQuaternion = windComponent.Q <Vector4Field>(name: "WindDirection");
            windDirectionQuaternion.value = GetWindDirection();

            FloatField windScaleFloat = windComponent.Q <FloatField>(name: "WindScale");
            windScaleFloat.value = GetWindScale();

            MinMaxValue minMaxStrength = GetWindStrength();

            VisualElement windStrengthHolder = windComponent.Q <VisualElement>(name: "WinStrengthHolder");

            MinMaxSlider windStrengthSlider = windStrengthHolder.Q <MinMaxSlider>(name: "WindStrength");
            windStrengthSlider.highLimit = minMaxStrength.HighLimit;
            windStrengthSlider.lowLimit  = minMaxStrength.LowLimit;
            windStrengthSlider.value     = new Vector2(minMaxStrength.minValue, minMaxStrength.maxValue);

            windStrengthHolder.Q <Label>(name: "MinValue").text = "Min Value :" + minMaxStrength.minValue;
            windStrengthHolder.Q <Label>(name: "MaxValue").text = "Max Value :" + minMaxStrength.maxValue;

            FloatField windSpeedFloat = windComponent.Q <FloatField>(name: "WindSpeed");
            windSpeedFloat.value = GetWindSpeed();

            //Set Callbacks values
            windDirectionQuaternion.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Vector4> >(ChangeWindDirection);
            windScaleFloat.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <float> >(ChangeWindScale);
            windStrengthSlider.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Vector2> >(ChangeWindStrength);
            windSpeedFloat.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <float> >(ChangeWindSpeed);


        #region Postprocessing
        #region WhiteBalance
        //serialize White balance property
        SerializedObject serialized_whiteBalanceProperty = new SerializedObject(whiteBalanceProperty);
        //Get White balance Visual Element
        VisualElement whiteBalanceVisualElement = root.Q <VisualElement>(name: "WhiteBalance");

        #region Temperature
        //Get White Balance temperature Visual Element
        VisualElement whiteBalanceTemperatureVE = whiteBalanceVisualElement.Q <VisualElement>(name: "Temperature");

        //Get White Balance temperature Slider
        Slider whiteBalanceTemperatureSlider = whiteBalanceTemperatureVE.Q <Slider>(name: "SliderValue");

        //Bind Slider to value
        whiteBalanceTemperatureSlider.bindingPath = "temperature.m_Value";

        //Get White Balance temperature Float Field
        FloatField whiteBalanceTemperatureFloat = whiteBalanceTemperatureVE.Q <FloatField>(name: "CurrentValue");
        //Set default Temperature

        //Register change callback for the float field to change the slider value. Changing slider value will change the values bound with it.
        whiteBalanceTemperatureFloat.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <float> >((evt) => whiteBalanceTemperatureSlider.value = evt.newValue);

        //Register change Callback for the slider, to change the float fiel Without notification (to avoid triggering Float field callback)
        whiteBalanceTemperatureSlider.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <float> >((evt) => whiteBalanceTemperatureFloat.SetValueWithoutNotify(evt.newValue));

        #region Tint

        //Get White Balance Tint Visual Element
        VisualElement whiteBalanceTintVE = whiteBalanceVisualElement.Q <VisualElement>(name: "Tint");

        //Get White Balance Tint Slider
        Slider whiteBalanceTintSlider = whiteBalanceTintVE.Q <Slider>(name: "SliderValue");

        //Bind Slider to value
        whiteBalanceTintSlider.bindingPath = "tint.m_Value";

        //Get White Balance Tint Float Field
        FloatField whiteBalanceTintFloat = whiteBalanceTintVE.Q <FloatField>(name: "CurrentValue");
        //Set default Tint

        //Register change callback for the float field to change the slider value. Changing slider value will change the values bound with it.
        whiteBalanceTintFloat.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <float> >((evt) => whiteBalanceTintSlider.value = evt.newValue);

        //Register change Callback for the slider, to change the float fiel Without notification (to avoid triggering Float field callback)
        whiteBalanceTintSlider.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <float> >((evt) => whiteBalanceTintFloat.SetValueWithoutNotify(evt.newValue));


        #region Bloom

        //serialize bloom property
        SerializedObject serialized_BloomProperty = new SerializedObject(BloomProperty);
        //Get Bloom Visual Element
        VisualElement bloomVisualElement = root.Q <VisualElement>(name: "Bloom");

        //Get Bloom Tint Color
        ColorField bloomTint = bloomVisualElement.Q <ColorField>(name: "Tint");

        //Bind color to value
        bloomTint.bindingPath = "tint.m_Value";

        //Get Bloom Intensity
        FloatField bloomIntensity = bloomVisualElement.Q <FloatField>(name: "Intensity");

        //Bind Intensity to value


        #region VFX

        SerializedObject serialized_GlowParticleSystem = new SerializedObject(GlowParticleSystem);

        VisualElement VFXVisualElement = root.Q <VisualElement>(name: "VFX");

        VFXVisualElement.Q <FloatField>(name: "Emission").bindingPath = "EmissionModule.rateOverTime.scalar";
        VFXVisualElement.Q <FloatField>(name: "Emission").Bind(serialized_GlowParticleSystem);

        VFXVisualElement.Q <EnumField>(name: "RenderMode").Init(GlowParticleSystem.GetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer>().renderMode);
        VFXVisualElement.Q <EnumField>(name: "RenderMode").RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <string> >(ChangeRenderMode);

        VFXVisualElement.Q <ObjectField>(name: "Material").objectType = typeof(Material);
        VFXVisualElement.Q <ObjectField>(name: "Material").RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <string> >(ChangeRenderMaterial);

        root.Q <Button>(name: "SaveButton").clicked  += SaveButton;
        root.Q <Button>(name: "ResetButton").clicked += ResetToInitialSceneValues;
Beispiel #3
        public MyForm()
            // Set ClientSize instead of Size, as each platform has different window border sizes
            ClientSize = new Size(600, 400);

            // Title to show in the title bar
            Title = "Menus and Toolbars";

            // Create menu
            Menu = new MenuBar
                Items =
                    new ButtonMenuItem
                        Text  = "&File",
                        Items =
                            // You can add commands or menu items
                            new MyCommand(),

                            // Another menu item, not based off a Command
                            new ButtonMenuItem {
                                Text = "Click Me, MenuItem"

                // Quit item (goes in Application menu on OS X, File menu for others)
                QuitItem = new Command((sender, e) => Application.Instance.Quit())
                    MenuText = "Quit",
                    Shortcut = Application.Instance.CommonModifier | Keys.Q

                // About command (goes in Application menu on OS X, Help menu for others)
                AboutItem = new Command((sender, e) => new Dialog
                    Content = new Label {
                        Text = "About my app..."
                    ClientSize = new Size(200, 200)
                    MenuText = "About my app"

            // Create toolbar
            ToolBar = new ToolBar {
                Items =
                    new MyCommand(),
                    new SeparatorToolItem(),
                    new ButtonToolItem {
                        Text = "Click Me, ToolItem"

            // ViewModel
            var model = new ViewModel {
                String = "Hello!", Check = false, BackgroundColor = this.BackgroundColor

            // TextBox
            var textBox = new TextBox();

            textBox.TextBinding.Bind(model, m => m.String);
            textBox.Bind(c => c.BackgroundColor, model, (ViewModel m) => m.BackgroundColor);

            // CheckBox
            var check = new CheckBox();

            check.CheckedBinding.Bind(model, m => m.Check);

            // Slider
            var slider = new Slider {
                TickFrequency = 10

            slider.Bind(c => c.Value, model, (ViewModel m) => m.Value);

            // ProgressBar
            var progressBar = new ProgressBar();

            progressBar.Bind(c => c.Value, model, (ViewModel m) => m.Value);

            // Binding model and form background
            this.Bind(c => c.BackgroundColor, model, (ViewModel m) => m.BackgroundColor);

            // Button with event
            var button = new ColorButton();

            button.Click += model.OnClicked;

            // The main layout mechanism for Eto.Forms is a TableLayout.
            // This is recommended to allow controls to keep their natural platform-specific size.
            // You can layout your controls declaratively using rows and columns as below, or add to the TableLayout.Rows and TableRow.Cell directly.
            Content = new TableLayout
                Spacing = new Size(5, 5),                       // Space between each cell
                Padding = new Padding(10, 10, 10, 10),          // Space around the table's sides
                Rows    =
                    new TableRow(
                        new TableCell(new Label {
                        Text = "First Column"
                    }, true),
                        new TableCell(new Label {
                        Text = "Second Column"
                    }, true),
                        new Label               {
                        Text = "Third Column"
                    new TableRow(
                        new TextBox             {
                        Text = "Some Text", BackgroundColor = Color.Parse("Green"), TextColor = Color.Parse("Red")
                    },                                                                                                                                          // Changed color of text and bg
                        new DropDown            {
                        Items =                 { "Item 1","Item 2", "Item 3" }
                        //new CheckBox { Text = "A checkbox" }
                        new CheckBox            {
                        Text = "A checkbox", Checked = true
                    new TableRow(
                    new TableRow(

                    // By default, the last row & column will get scaled. This adds a row at the end to take the extra space of the form.
                    // Otherwise, the above row will get scaled and stretch the TextBox/ComboBox/CheckBox to fill the remaining height.
                    null                        //new TableRow { ScaleHeight = true }

            // Set data context so it propegates to all child controls

             * var model = new ViewModel { String = "Hello!", Check = false, BackgroundColor = this.BackgroundColor };
             * DataContext = model;

            // This creates the following layout:
            //  --------------------------------
            // |First     |Second    |Third     |
            //  --------------------------------
            // |<TextBox> |<ComboBox>|<CheckBox>|
            //  --------------------------------
            // |          |          |          |
            // |          |          |          |
            //  --------------------------------
            // Some notes:
            //  1. When scaling the width of a cell, it applies to all cells in the same column.
            //  2. When scaling the height of a row, it applies to the entire row.
            //  3. Scaling a row/column makes it share all remaining space with other scaled rows/columns.
            //  4. If a row/column is not scaled, it will be the size of the largest control in that row/column.
            //  5. A Control can be implicitly converted to a TableCell or TableRow to make the layout more concise.
Beispiel #4
        private TabPage BuildControlsTab()
            SldSensitivity.Bind(s => s.Value, Settings.Local, l => l.MouseSensitivity);
            TxtSensitivity.Bind <int>("Text", SldSensitivity, "Value");

            SldMovementSpeed.Bind(s => s.Value, Settings.Roaming, r => r.MovementSpeed);
            TxtMovementSpeed.Bind <int>("Text", SldMovementSpeed, "Value");

            var tblAxes = new TableLayout(1, 2)
                Spacing = MasterSpacing / 2

            tblAxes.Add(CbxInvertX, 0, 0);
            tblAxes.Add(CbxInvertY, 0, 1);

            var stkAxes = new StackLayout
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                Spacing = MasterPadding,
                Items   =
                    new Label {
                        Text = "Axes"

            var tblSensitivity = new TableLayout(3, 1)
                Spacing = MasterSpacing

            tblSensitivity.Add(new Label {
                Text = "Sensitivity"
            }, 0, 0);
            tblSensitivity.Add(SldSensitivity, 1, 0);
            tblSensitivity.Add(TxtSensitivity, 2, 0);

            tblSensitivity.SetColumnScale(0, false);
            tblSensitivity.SetColumnScale(1, true);
            tblSensitivity.SetColumnScale(2, false);

            var tblMouse = new TableLayout(1, 2)
                Spacing = MasterSpacing

            tblMouse.Add(stkAxes, 0, 0);
            tblMouse.Add(tblSensitivity, 0, 1);

            tblMouse.SetRowScale(0, true);
            tblMouse.SetRowScale(1, true);

            tblMouse.SetColumnScale(0, true);

            var gbxMouse = new GroupBox {
                Text = "Mouse", Content = tblMouse, Padding = MasterPadding

            var tblMovementSpeed = new TableLayout(3, 3)
                Spacing = MasterSpacing

            tblMovementSpeed.Add(new Label {
                Text = "Movement speed"
            }, 0, 1);
            tblMovementSpeed.Add(SldMovementSpeed, 1, 1);
            tblMovementSpeed.Add(TxtMovementSpeed, 2, 1);

            tblMovementSpeed.SetColumnScale(0, false);
            tblMovementSpeed.SetColumnScale(1, true);
            tblMovementSpeed.SetColumnScale(2, false);

            tblMovementSpeed.SetRowScale(0, true);
            tblMovementSpeed.SetRowScale(1, false);
            tblMovementSpeed.SetRowScale(2, true);

            var gbxKeyboard = new GroupBox {
                Text = "Keyboard", Content = tblMovementSpeed, Padding = MasterPadding

            var tblGroups = new TableLayout(1, 2);

            tblGroups.Add(gbxMouse, 0, 0);
            tblGroups.Add(gbxKeyboard, 0, 1);

            tblGroups.SetRowScale(0, true);
            tblGroups.SetRowScale(1, true);

            return(new TabPage {
                Padding = MasterPadding, Text = "Controls", Content = tblGroups