// only stop if this node is current slide show public void MaybeStopSlideShow(SlideShow node) { if (node == slideShow) { slideShow.StopSlideShow(); slideShow = null; } }
// only start if this node isn't a slide show yet public void MaybeStartSlideShow(SlideShow node) { if (node != slideShow) { if (slideShow != null) slideShow.StopSlideShow(); slideShow = node; slideShow.StartSlideShow( ShouldBalance ); } }
public async Task Load(string folderUrl, string url) { var rect = new Rect(0, 0, 500, 300); if (DownloadManager.IsImage(url)) { slideShow = new SlideShow(); await slideShow.SetRect(rect, folderUrl, url, 1f); progressLoad.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; frame.Children.Add(slideShow); } else if (DownloadManager.IsVideo(url)) { rect = new Rect(0, 0, Window.Current.Bounds.Width, Window.Current.Bounds.Height); videoPlayer = new VideoPlayer(); videoPlayer.SetRect(rect, folderUrl, url, 1f); progressLoad.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; frame.Children.Add(videoPlayer); } }
public override void ApplyEditChanges() { try { if (_editPropertyImageSlideCollectionControl.UpdatedImageSlideShow.TrimmedNullOrEmpty()) { ImageSlideShow = SlideShow.Empty; return; } var updatedImageSlideShow = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SlideShow>(_editPropertyImageSlideCollectionControl.UpdatedImageSlideShow, new IsoDateTimeConverter()) ?? SlideShow.Empty; updatedImageSlideShow.EnsureUniqueIds(); ImageSlideShow = updatedImageSlideShow; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); AddErrorValidator(ex.Message); } }
public static SlideShow CreateSlideShow(int id) { SlideShow slideShow = new SlideShow(); slideShow.ID = id; return slideShow; }
private SlideShow GetData() { SlideShow data = null; if (lblId.Text != "") data = SlideShow.LayTheoID(lblId.Text);//cap nhat voi thong tin cu else data = new SlideShow();//them moi data.TieuDe_Vn = txtTieuDeVn.Text; data.HinhAnh = txtHinhAnh.Text; data.MoTa = txtMota.Text; data.ViTri = ConvertType.ToInt32(txtViTri.Text); data.HienThi = 1; // ConvertType.ToInt32(ddlLoadMenu.SelectedValue.Trim()); return data; }
private void SetData(SlideShow data) { lblId.Text = data.ID.ToString(); txtTieuDeVn.Text = data.TieuDe_Vn; txtMota.Text = data.MoTa; txtHinhAnh.Text = data.HinhAnh; txtViTri.Text = data.ViTri.ToString(); //ddlLoadMenu.SelectedValue = data.HienThi.ToString(); }
public void ShowSlides (string name) { SlideShow show = new SlideShow (name); Register (show.Window); GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (show.Execute)); }
/** * Set the SlideShow we're attached to. * Also passes it on to our child RichTextRuns */ public void SetSlideShow(SlideShow ss) { _slideShow = ss; TextRun[] trs = GetTextRuns(); if (trs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < trs.Length; i++) { trs[i].supplySlideShow(_slideShow); } } }
/** * Supply the SlideShow we belong to. * Also passes it on to our child RichTextRuns */ public void supplySlideShow(SlideShow ss) { slideShow = ss; if(_rtRuns != null) { for(int i=0; i<_rtRuns.Length; i++) { _rtRuns[i].supplySlideShow(slideShow); } } }
/** * Assign SlideShow for this slide master. * (Used interanlly) */ public void SetSlideShow(SlideShow ss) { super.SetSlideShow(ss); //after the slide show is assigned collect all available style records if (_txmaster == null) { _txmaster = new TxMasterStyleAtom[9]; TxMasterStyleAtom txdoc = GetSlideShow().GetDocumentRecord().GetEnvironment().GetTxMasterStyleAtom(); _txmaster[txdoc.GetTextType()] = txdoc; TxMasterStyleAtom[] txrec = ((MainMaster)getSheetContainer()).GetTxMasterStyleAtoms(); for (int i = 0; i < txrec.Length; i++) { _txmaster[txrec[i].GetTextType()] = txrec[i]; } } }
public void Start_TestEventhandlerWhenNull() { SlideShow s = new SlideShow(3, new ObservableCollection <MediaFile>()); Assert.IsTrue(s.EventhandlerIsNull); }
public FullScreenView(IBrowsableCollection collection, Gtk.Window parent) : base("Full Screen Mode") { //going fullscreen on the same screen the parent window Gdk.Screen screen = Screen; int monitor = screen.GetMonitorAtWindow(parent.GdkWindow); Gdk.Rectangle bounds = screen.GetMonitorGeometry(monitor); Move(bounds.X, bounds.Y); string style = "style \"test\" {\n" + "GtkToolbar::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE\n" + "}\n" + "class \"GtkToolbar\" style \"test\""; Gtk.Rc.ParseString(style); Name = "FullscreenContainer"; try { //scroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (null, null); actions = new ActionGroup("joe"); actions.Add(new[] { new ActionEntry(HideToolbar, Stock.Close, Strings.Hide, null, Strings.HideToolbar, HideToolbarAction) }); actions.Add(new[] { new ToggleActionEntry(Info, Stock.Info, Strings.Info, null, Strings.ImageInformation, InfoAction, false) }); var exit_full_screen = new Gtk.Action(ExitFullScreen, Strings.ExitFullscreen, null, null) { IconName = "view-restore" }; exit_full_screen.Activated += ExitAction; actions.Add(exit_full_screen); var slide_show = new Gtk.Action(SlideShow, Strings.Slideshow, Strings.StartSlideshow, null) { IconName = "media-playback-start" }; slide_show.Activated += SlideShowAction; actions.Add(slide_show); new WindowOpacityFader(this, 1.0, 600); notebook = new Notebook { ShowBorder = false, ShowTabs = false }; notebook.Show(); scroll = new ScrolledView(); scroll.ScrolledWindow.SetPolicy(PolicyType.Never, PolicyType.Never); View = new PhotoImageView(collection); // FIXME this should be handled by the new style setting code View.ModifyBg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, this.Style.Black); Add(notebook); View.Show(); View.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleViewMotion; View.PointerMode = PointerMode.Scroll; scroll.ScrolledWindow.Add(View); var tbar = new Toolbar { ToolbarStyle = Gtk.ToolbarStyle.BothHoriz, ShowArrow = false, BorderWidth = 15 }; var t_item = actions[ExitFullScreen].CreateToolItem() as ToolItem; t_item.IsImportant = true; tbar.Insert(t_item, -1); Gtk.Action action = new PreviousPictureAction(View.Item); actions.Add(action); tbar.Insert(action.CreateToolItem() as ToolItem, -1); play_pause_button = actions[SlideShow].CreateToolItem() as ToolButton; tbar.Insert(play_pause_button, -1); action = new NextPictureAction(View.Item); actions.Add(action); tbar.Insert(action.CreateToolItem() as ToolItem, -1); t_item = new ToolItem { Child = new Label(Strings.SlideTransitionColon) }; tbar.Insert(t_item, -1); display = new SlideShow(View.Item); display.AddEvents((int)Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask); display.ModifyBg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, Style.Black); display.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleViewMotion; display.Show(); t_item = new ToolItem(); ComboBox combo = ComboBox.NewText(); foreach (var transition in display.Transitions) { combo.AppendText(transition.Name); } combo.Active = 0; combo.Changed += HandleTransitionChanged; t_item.Child = combo; tbar.Insert(t_item, -1); action = new RotateLeftAction(View.Item); actions.Add(action); tbar.Insert(action.CreateToolItem() as ToolItem, -1); action = new RotateRightAction(View.Item); actions.Add(action); tbar.Insert(action.CreateToolItem() as ToolItem, -1); info_button = (ToggleToolButton)(actions[Info].CreateToolItem() as ToolItem); tbar.Insert(info_button, -1); tbar.Insert(actions[HideToolbar].CreateToolItem() as ToolItem, -1); notebook.AppendPage(scroll, null); notebook.AppendPage(display, null); tbar.ShowAll(); scroll.Show(); Decorated = false; Fullscreen(); ButtonPressEvent += HandleButtonPressEvent; View.Item.Changed += HandleItemChanged; View.GrabFocus(); //hide_cursor_delay = new DelayedOperation (3000, new GLib.IdleHandler (HideCursor)); //hide_cursor_delay.Start (); controls = new ControlOverlay(this); controls.Add(tbar); controls.Dismiss(); notebook.CurrentPage = 0; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Exception(e); } }
public IActionResult Add() { var slideShow = new SlideShow(); return(View("Add", slideShow)); }
public void AddToSlideShows(SlideShow slideShow) { base.AddObject("SlideShows", slideShow); }
private SlideShow CreateExampleSlideShow(int accountid, string slideshowname, string tags, List<Image> images) { try { ISlideShowRepository slideshowrep = new EntitySlideShowRepository(); SlideShow slideshow = new SlideShow(); slideshow.AccountID = accountid; slideshow.SlideShowName = slideshowname; slideshow.Tags = tags; slideshow.TransitionType = "Fade"; slideshow.IntervalInSecs = 10; slideshow.IsActive = true; slideshowrep.CreateSlideShow(slideshow); ISlideShowImageXrefRepository ssixrefrep = new EntitySlideShowImageXrefRepository(); int i = 1; foreach (Image image in images) { SlideShowImageXref xref = new SlideShowImageXref(); xref.PlayOrder = i; xref.SlideShowID = slideshow.SlideShowID; xref.ImageID = image.ImageID; ssixrefrep.CreateSlideShowImageXref(xref); i += 1; } return slideshow; } catch { return null; } }
public FullScreenView(IBrowsableCollection collection, Gtk.Window parent) : base("Full Screen Mode") { //going fullscreen on the same screen the parent window Gdk.Screen screen = Screen; int monitor = screen.GetMonitorAtWindow (parent.GdkWindow); Gdk.Rectangle bounds = screen.GetMonitorGeometry (monitor); Move (bounds.X, bounds.Y); string style = "style \"test\" {\n" + "GtkToolbar::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE\n" + "}\n" + "class \"GtkToolbar\" style \"test\""; Gtk.Rc.ParseString (style); Name = "FullscreenContainer"; try { //scroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (null, null); actions = new ActionGroup ("joe"); actions.Add (new ActionEntry [] { new ActionEntry (HideToolbar, Stock.Close, Catalog.GetString ("Hide"), null, Catalog.GetString ("Hide toolbar"), HideToolbarAction)}); actions.Add (new ToggleActionEntry [] { new ToggleActionEntry (Info, Stock.Info, Catalog.GetString ("Info"), null, Catalog.GetString ("Image information"), InfoAction, false)}); Gtk.Action exit_full_screen = new Gtk.Action (ExitFullScreen, Catalog.GetString ("Exit fullscreen"), null, null); exit_full_screen.IconName = "view-restore"; exit_full_screen.Activated += ExitAction; actions.Add (exit_full_screen); Gtk.Action slide_show = new Gtk.Action (SlideShow, Catalog.GetString ("Slideshow"), Catalog.GetString ("Start slideshow"), null); slide_show.IconName = "media-playback-start"; slide_show.Activated += SlideShowAction; actions.Add (slide_show); new WindowOpacityFader (this, 1.0, 600); notebook = new Notebook (); notebook.ShowBorder = false; notebook.ShowTabs = false; notebook.Show (); scroll = new ScrolledView (); scroll.ScrolledWindow.SetPolicy (PolicyType.Never, PolicyType.Never); view = new PhotoImageView (collection); // FIXME this should be handled by the new style setting code view.ModifyBg (Gtk.StateType.Normal, this.Style.Black); this.Add (notebook); view.Show (); view.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleViewMotion; view.PointerMode = PointerMode.Scroll; scroll.ScrolledWindow.Add (view); Toolbar tbar = new Toolbar (); tbar.ToolbarStyle = Gtk.ToolbarStyle.BothHoriz; tbar.ShowArrow = false; tbar.BorderWidth = 15; ToolItem t_item = (actions [ExitFullScreen]).CreateToolItem () as ToolItem; t_item.IsImportant = true; tbar.Insert (t_item, -1); Gtk.Action action = new PreviousPictureAction (view.Item); actions.Add (action); tbar.Insert (action.CreateToolItem () as ToolItem, -1); play_pause_button = (actions [SlideShow]).CreateToolItem () as ToolButton; tbar.Insert (play_pause_button, -1); action = new NextPictureAction (view.Item); actions.Add (action); tbar.Insert (action.CreateToolItem () as ToolItem, -1); t_item = new ToolItem (); t_item.Child = new Label (Catalog.GetString ("Slide transition:")); tbar.Insert (t_item, -1); display = new SlideShow (view.Item); display.AddEvents ((int) (Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask)); display.ModifyBg (Gtk.StateType.Normal, this.Style.Black); display.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleViewMotion; display.Show (); t_item = new ToolItem (); ComboBox combo = ComboBox.NewText (); foreach (var transition in display.Transitions) combo.AppendText (transition.Name); combo.Active = 0; combo.Changed += HandleTransitionChanged; t_item.Child = combo; tbar.Insert (t_item, -1); action = new RotateLeftAction (view.Item); actions.Add (action); tbar.Insert (action.CreateToolItem () as ToolItem, -1); action = new RotateRightAction (view.Item); actions.Add (action); tbar.Insert (action.CreateToolItem () as ToolItem, -1); info_button = (ToggleToolButton) ((actions [Info]).CreateToolItem () as ToolItem); tbar.Insert (info_button, -1); tbar.Insert ((actions [HideToolbar]).CreateToolItem () as ToolItem, -1); notebook.AppendPage (scroll, null); notebook.AppendPage (display, null); tbar.ShowAll (); scroll.Show (); this.Decorated = false; this.Fullscreen (); this.ButtonPressEvent += HandleButtonPressEvent; view.Item.Changed += HandleItemChanged; view.GrabFocus (); hide_cursor_delay = new DelayedOperation (3000, new GLib.IdleHandler (HideCursor)); hide_cursor_delay.Start (); controls = new ControlOverlay (this); controls.Add (tbar); controls.Dismiss (); notebook.CurrentPage = 0; } catch (System.Exception e) { Log.Exception (e); } }
public HeadersFooters(HeadersFootersContainer rec, SlideShow ppt, bool newRecord, bool IsPpt2007){ _Container = rec; _newRecord = newRecord; _ppt = ppt; _ppt2007 = isPpt2007; }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(SlideShow model) { return(await Task.Run(() => View(model))); }