Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// PutSample
        /// This is only used when caching is enabled.
        /// Slices are placed in the destination track in the order they are put.
        /// FIXME: In case the writes are non-sequential, gaps must be filled with zero size but non-zero duration slices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sample"></param>
        public virtual void PutSample(Slice sample)
            //CacheMgr.SlicesForWriting.Add(sample); // FIXME: we don't need SlicesForWriting anymore because a Slice is now a StreamDataBlockInfo
            Slice outSlice = new Slice();

            outSlice.Copy(sample as StreamDataBlockInfo);
            outSlice.SliceBytes = new byte[sample.SliceBytes.Length];
            sample.SliceBytes.CopyTo(outSlice.SliceBytes, 0);
Beispiel #2
        private static Slice GetKeyResult(FutureHandle h)
            Contract.Requires(h != null);

            var err = FdbNative.FutureGetKey(h, out ReadOnlySpan <byte> result);

            Debug.WriteLine("FdbTransaction[].GetKeyResult() => err=" + err + ", result=" + result.ToString());
Beispiel #3
        private static Slice GetValueResultBytes(FutureHandle h)
            Contract.Requires(h != null);

            var err = FdbNative.FutureGetValue(h, out bool present, out ReadOnlySpan <byte> result);

            Debug.WriteLine("FdbTransaction[].TryGetValueResult() => err=" + err + ", present=" + present + ", valueLength=" + result.Count);

            return(present ? Slice.Copy(result) : Slice.Nil);
Beispiel #4
        public override Slice GetSample(StreamDataBlockInfo SampleInfo)
            Slice ans = new Slice();
              ans.SliceBytes = new byte[SampleInfo.SliceSize];

              ISMVTrackFormat ismvFormat = TrackFormat as ISMVTrackFormat;
              ismvFormat.boxReader.BaseStream.Position = (long)SampleInfo.StreamOffset; // if this GetSample call follows another one, file should be in position
              ismvFormat.boxReader.BaseStream.Read(ans.SliceBytes, 0, SampleInfo.SliceSize);

              return (ans);
Beispiel #5
        public void Test_UUid64_WriteTo()
            var original = Uuid64.Parse("01234567-89ABCDEF");

            Assume.That(original.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0x0123456789ABCDEF));

            // span with more space
            var scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);

            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with no offset and exact size
            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            original.WriteTo(scratch.Substring(0, 8));
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with offset
            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with offset and exact size
            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            original.WriteTo(scratch.Substring(4, 8));
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA"));

            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            original.WriteToUnsafe(scratch.Array, scratch.Offset);
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

                byte *buf = stackalloc byte[16];
                UnsafeHelpers.FillUnsafe(buf, 16, 0xAA);

                original.WriteToUnsafe(buf + 2);
                Assert.That(Slice.Copy(buf, 16).ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

            // errors

            Assert.That(() => original.WriteTo(Slice.Empty), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>(), "Target buffer is empty");
            Assert.That(() => original.WriteTo(null, 8), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>(), "Target buffer is null");
            Assert.That(() => original.WriteTo(null, 0), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>(), "Target buffer is null");

            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            Assert.That(() => original.WriteTo(scratch.Substring(0, 7)), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>(), "Target buffer is too small");
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"), "Buffer should not have been overwritten!");
Beispiel #6
        public virtual Slice GetSample(StreamDataBlockInfo SampleInfo)
            Slice ans = new Slice();

            ans.SliceBytes = new byte[SampleInfo.SliceSize];

            ParentStream.Stream.Position = (long)SampleInfo.StreamOffset; // if this GetSample call follows another one, file should be in position
            ParentStream.Stream.Read(ans.SliceBytes, 0, SampleInfo.SliceSize);

Beispiel #7
        public override Slice GetSample(StreamDataBlockInfo SampleInfo)
            Slice ans = new Slice();

            ans.SliceBytes = new byte[SampleInfo.SliceSize];

            ISMVTrackFormat ismvFormat = TrackFormat as ISMVTrackFormat;

            ismvFormat.boxReader.BaseStream.Position = (long)SampleInfo.StreamOffset; // if this GetSample call follows another one, file should be in position
            ismvFormat.boxReader.BaseStream.Read(ans.SliceBytes, 0, SampleInfo.SliceSize);

Beispiel #8
        public override Slice GetSample(StreamDataBlockInfo SampleInfo)
            int   delimiterLength = 0;
            Slice ans             = new Slice();

            ans.SliceBytes = new byte[SampleInfo.SliceSize];
            NaluDelimiterBlockInfo blockInfo = SampleInfo as NaluDelimiterBlockInfo;
            if (blockInfo.AccessUnitDelimiter != null)
                delimiterLength   = blockInfo.AccessUnitDelimiter.Length + 4; // access unit delimiter length is always 2
                ans.SliceBytes[3] = (byte)(delimiterLength - 4);              // assume that SliceBytes[0 to 2] are all zeroes, we only need to set LSB
                blockInfo.AccessUnitDelimiter.CopyTo(ans.SliceBytes, 4);
            //ParentStream.Stream.Position = (long)SampleInfo.StreamOffset;

            // remove empty NALUs (length == 0)
            // also remove trailing bytes, if any, from each NALU
            Slice        inSlice = SampleInfo as Slice;
            BinaryReader br      = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(inSlice.SliceBytes));
            //BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ParentStream.Stream);
            int totalSize = SampleInfo.SliceSize - delimiterLength;
            int offset    = delimiterLength;
            while (totalSize > 4)
                ulong naluLen = QBox.BE32(br.ReadUInt32());
                if (naluLen > 0UL)
                    br.BaseStream.Position -= 4;
                    int readLen = (int)naluLen + 4;
                    br.Read(ans.SliceBytes, offset, readLen);
                    offset    += readLen;
                    totalSize -= readLen;
                    naluLen = 0; // debugging break point
Beispiel #9
 public override Slice GetSample(StreamDataBlockInfo SampleInfo)
     Slice ans = new Slice();
       ans.SliceBytes = new byte[SampleInfo.SliceSize];
       // read H264 payload for display and processing --
       // for display:
       ParentStream.Stream.Position = (long)ans.StreamOffset;
       ParentStream.Stream.Read(ans.SliceBytes, 0, ans.SliceSize);
       // for processing:
       // (hand-off the payload processing to a separate thread so this method
       // can return immediately)
     #if MV_Centerus
       H264Sample sample = new H264Sample(_sps, _pps, ans.SliceSize);
       sample.SampleDoneEvent += CompletionCallback;
       sample.ParseSample(ans.SliceBytes); // async call
       return (ans);
Beispiel #10
        public override Slice GetSample(StreamDataBlockInfo SampleInfo)
            Slice ans = new Slice();

            ans.SliceBytes = new byte[SampleInfo.SliceSize];
            // read H264 payload for display and processing --
            // for display:
            ParentStream.Stream.Position = (long)ans.StreamOffset;
            ParentStream.Stream.Read(ans.SliceBytes, 0, ans.SliceSize);
            // for processing:
            // (hand-off the payload processing to a separate thread so this method
            // can return immediately)
#if MV_Centerus
            H264Sample sample = new H264Sample(_sps, _pps, ans.SliceSize);
            sample.SampleDoneEvent += CompletionCallback;
            sample.ParseSample(ans.SliceBytes); // async call
Beispiel #11
        public override Slice GetSample(StreamDataBlockInfo SampleInfo)
            int delimiterLength = 0;
              Slice ans = new Slice();
              ans.SliceBytes = new byte[SampleInfo.SliceSize];
            #if REMOVE_EXTRA_SPS
              NaluDelimiterBlockInfo blockInfo = SampleInfo as NaluDelimiterBlockInfo;
              if (blockInfo.AccessUnitDelimiter != null)
            delimiterLength = blockInfo.AccessUnitDelimiter.Length + 4; // access unit delimiter length is always 2
            ans.SliceBytes[3] = (byte)(delimiterLength - 4); // assume that SliceBytes[0 to 2] are all zeroes, we only need to set LSB
            blockInfo.AccessUnitDelimiter.CopyTo(ans.SliceBytes, 4);
              //ParentStream.Stream.Position = (long)SampleInfo.StreamOffset;

              // remove empty NALUs (length == 0)
              // also remove trailing bytes, if any, from each NALU
              Slice inSlice = SampleInfo as Slice;
              BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(inSlice.SliceBytes));
              //BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ParentStream.Stream);
              int totalSize = SampleInfo.SliceSize - delimiterLength;
              int offset = delimiterLength;
              while (totalSize > 4)
            ulong naluLen = QBox.BE32(br.ReadUInt32());
            if (naluLen > 0UL)
              br.BaseStream.Position -= 4;
              int readLen = (int)naluLen + 4;
              br.Read(ans.SliceBytes, offset, readLen);
              offset += readLen;
              totalSize -= readLen;
            else naluLen = 0; // debugging break point
              return (ans);
Beispiel #12
 public override Slice GetSample(StreamDataBlockInfo SampleInfo)
     ADTSDataBlockInfo adtsInfo = (ADTSDataBlockInfo)SampleInfo;
       Slice ans = new Slice();
     #if ADTS
       if (adtsInfo.PESandADTSHeaders == null) // ADTS header may be absent, in which case we use the normal base.GetSample
     return base.GetSample(SampleInfo);
       int headerCount = adtsInfo.PESandADTSHeaders.Length;
       ans.SliceBytes = new byte[adtsInfo.SliceSize]; // SampleSize has already been incremented by length of PES + ADTS header
       adtsInfo.PESandADTSHeaders.CopyTo(ans.SliceBytes, 0);
       //if (ParentStream.Stream.Position != (long)adtsInfo.StreamOffset)
       //  ParentStream.Stream.Position = (long)adtsInfo.StreamOffset; // this if statement for debugging: just to be able to put a breakpoint here
       BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(adtsInfo.SliceBytes));
       //ParentStream.Stream.Read(ans.SliceBytes, headerCount, adtsInfo.SliceSize - headerCount);
       reader.Read(ans.SliceBytes, headerCount, adtsInfo.SliceSize - headerCount);
       ans.SliceBytes = adtsInfo.SliceBytes;
       return (ans);
Beispiel #13
        public override Slice GetSample(StreamDataBlockInfo SampleInfo)
            ADTSDataBlockInfo adtsInfo = (ADTSDataBlockInfo)SampleInfo;
            Slice             ans      = new Slice();

#if ADTS
            if (adtsInfo.PESandADTSHeaders == null) // ADTS header may be absent, in which case we use the normal base.GetSample
            int headerCount = adtsInfo.PESandADTSHeaders.Length;
            ans.SliceBytes = new byte[adtsInfo.SliceSize]; // SampleSize has already been incremented by length of PES + ADTS header
            adtsInfo.PESandADTSHeaders.CopyTo(ans.SliceBytes, 0);
            //if (ParentStream.Stream.Position != (long)adtsInfo.StreamOffset)
            //  ParentStream.Stream.Position = (long)adtsInfo.StreamOffset; // this if statement for debugging: just to be able to put a breakpoint here
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(adtsInfo.SliceBytes));
            //ParentStream.Stream.Read(ans.SliceBytes, headerCount, adtsInfo.SliceSize - headerCount);
            reader.Read(ans.SliceBytes, headerCount, adtsInfo.SliceSize - headerCount);
            ans.SliceBytes = adtsInfo.SliceBytes;
Beispiel #14
 public Task <(FdbValueCheckResult Result, Slice Actual)> CheckValueAsync(ReadOnlySpan <byte> key, Slice expected, bool snapshot, CancellationToken ct)
                FdbNative.TransactionGet(m_handle, key, snapshot),
                (h) =>
         if (TryPeekValueResultBytes(h, out var actual))
         {                         // key exists
             return !expected.IsNull && expected.Span.SequenceEqual(actual) ? (FdbValueCheckResult.Success, expected) : (FdbValueCheckResult.Failed, Slice.Copy(actual));