Beispiel #1
        public static CodeCompileUnit Demo1()
            // evaluates a simple expression
            var res = new CodeDomResolver();


            // takes this file and get a codedom from it
            var ccu = SlangParser.ReadCompileUnitFrom("..\\..\\Demo1.cs");

            // now patch the parsed codedom so it's correct
            // NOTE: slang can't actually bind to this because it is a paramarray method
            // but we don't care here because it's not necessary. Slang only binds to what
            // it needs to and we never need the return type anyway (which is void)
            // now write it out in VB
            Console.WriteLine(CodeDomUtility.ToString(ccu, "vb"));
            // return the code we generated so we can use it for other demos
            // yay recycling
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");
Beispiel #2
        /*static int Test()
         * {
         *      string input;
         *      using (var sr = new StreamReader(@"..\..\data2.json"))
         *              input = sr.ReadToEnd();
         *      var tokenizer = new JsonTokenizer(input);
         *      var xbnf = XbnfDocument.ReadFrom(@"..\..\json.xbnf");
         *      XbnfGenerationInfo info;
         *      XbnfConvert.TryCreateGenerationInfo(xbnf, out info);
         *      int ts;
         *      var symbols =XbnfConvert.GetSymbolTable(info, out ts);
         *      CfgGlrParseTable parseTable;
         *      info.Cfg.RebuildCache();
         *      info.Cfg.TryToGlrParseTable(out parseTable, LRTableKind.Lalr1);
         *      var errorSentinels = new List<int>();
         *      var i = 0;
         *      var parseAttributes = new ParseAttribute[symbols.Count][];
         *      foreach(var attrs in info.Cfg.AttributeSets)
         *      {
         *              var id = symbols.IndexOf(attrs.Key);
         *              int jc = attrs.Value.Count;
         *              parseAttributes[id] = new ParseAttribute[jc];
         *              for(var j=0;j<jc;++j)
         *              {
         *                      var attr = attrs.Value[j];
         *                      parseAttributes[id][j] = new ParseAttribute(attr.Name, attr.Value);
         *                      if ("errorSentinel" == attr.Name && attr.Value is bool && ((bool)attr.Value))
         *                              errorSentinels.Add(id);
         *              }
         *      }
         *      for (i = 0; i < parseAttributes.Length; i++)
         *              if (null == parseAttributes[i])
         *                      parseAttributes[i] = new ParseAttribute[0];
         *      var parser = new GlrTableParser(parseTable.ToArray(symbols), symbols.ToArray(), parseAttributes, errorSentinels.ToArray(),tokenizer);
         *      foreach (var pt in parser.ParseReductions(false, true, false))
         *      {
         *              Console.WriteLine(pt.ToString("t"));
         *      }
         *      return 0;
         * }*/
        public static int Run(string[] args, TextReader stdin, TextWriter stdout, TextWriter stderr)
            int        result = 0;
            TextWriter output = null;

            string inputfile     = null;
            string outputfile    = null;
            string rolexfile     = null;
            string codenamespace = null;
            string codelanguage  = null;
            string codeclass     = null;
            string yaccfile      = null;
            bool   verbose       = false;
            bool   noshared      = false;
            bool   ifstale       = false;
            bool   fast          = false;
            bool   noparser      = false;

                if (0 == args.Length)
                if (args[0].StartsWith("/"))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Missing input file.");

                // process the command line args
                inputfile = args[0];
                for (var i = 1; i < args.Length; ++i)
                    switch (args[i])
                    case "/namespace":
                        if (args.Length - 1 == i)                                 // check if we're at the end
                            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The parameter \"{0}\" is missing an argument", args[i].Substring(1)));
                        ++i;                                 // advance
                        codenamespace = args[i];

                    case "/class":
                        if (args.Length - 1 == i)                                 // check if we're at the end
                            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The parameter \"{0}\" is missing an argument", args[i].Substring(1)));
                        ++i;                                 // advance
                        codeclass = args[i];

                    case "/language":
                        if (args.Length - 1 == i)                                 // check if we're at the end
                            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The parameter \"{0}\" is missing an argument", args[i].Substring(1)));
                        ++i;                                 // advance
                        codelanguage = args[i];

                    case "/output":
                        if (args.Length - 1 == i)                                 // check if we're at the end
                            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The parameter \"{0}\" is missing an argument", args[i].Substring(1)));
                        ++i;                                 // advance
                        outputfile = args[i];

                    case "/yacc":
                        if (args.Length - 1 == i)                                 // check if we're at the end
                            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The parameter \"{0}\" is missing an argument", args[i].Substring(1)));
                        ++i;                                 // advance
                        yaccfile = args[i];

                    case "/ifstale":
                        ifstale = true;

                    case "/fast":
                        fast = true;

                    case "/noparser":
                        noparser = true;

                    case "/noshared":
                        noshared = true;

                    case "/verbose":
                        verbose = true;

                    case "/rolex":
                        if (args.Length - 1 == i)                                 // check if we're at the end
                            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The parameter \"{0}\" is missing an argument", args[i].Substring(1)));
                        ++i;                                 // advance
                        rolexfile = args[i];

                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unknown switch {0}", args[i]));
                if (null != outputfile && noparser)
                    throw new ArgumentException("<noparser> and <ouputfile> cannot both be specified.", "outputfile");

                if (null == codeclass)
                    if (null != outputfile)
                        codeclass = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputfile);
                        codeclass = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputfile);

                // override the options with our document's options
                var doc = XbnfDocument.ReadFrom(inputfile);
                var oi  = -1;
                oi = doc.Options.IndexOf("outputfile");
                if (-1 < oi)
                    var o = doc.Options[oi].Value;
                    var s = o as string;
                    if (null != s)
                        outputfile = s;
                        if ("" == outputfile)
                            outputfile = null;
                    // if it's specified in the doc we need to make it doc relative
                    if (null != outputfile)
                        if (!Path.IsPathRooted(outputfile))
                            var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(inputfile));
                            outputfile = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(dir, outputfile));
                oi = doc.Options.IndexOf("rolexfile");
                if (-1 < oi)
                    var o = doc.Options[oi].Value;
                    var s = o as string;
                    if (null != s)
                        rolexfile = s;
                        if ("" == rolexfile)
                            rolexfile = null;
                    // if it's specified in the doc we need to make it doc relative
                    if (null != rolexfile)
                        if (!Path.IsPathRooted(rolexfile))
                            var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(inputfile));
                            rolexfile = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(dir, rolexfile));

                oi = doc.Options.IndexOf("yaccfile");
                if (-1 < oi)
                    var o = doc.Options[oi].Value;
                    var s = o as string;
                    if (null != s)
                        rolexfile = s;
                        if ("" == yaccfile)
                            yaccfile = null;
                    // if it's specified in the doc we need to make it doc relative
                    if (null != yaccfile)
                        if (!Path.IsPathRooted(yaccfile))
                            var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(inputfile));
                            rolexfile = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(dir, yaccfile));

                oi = doc.Options.IndexOf("codenamespace");
                if (-1 < oi)
                    var o = doc.Options[oi].Value;
                    var s = o as string;
                    if (null != s)
                        codenamespace = s;
                oi = doc.Options.IndexOf("codelanguage");
                if (-1 < oi)
                    var o = doc.Options[oi].Value;
                    var s = o as string;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                        codelanguage = s;
                oi = doc.Options.IndexOf("codeclass");
                if (-1 < oi)
                    var o = doc.Options[oi].Value;
                    var s = o as string;
                    if (null != s)
                        codeclass = s;
                        if ("" == codeclass)
                            if (null != outputfile)
                                codeclass = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputfile);
                                codeclass = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputfile);
                oi = doc.Options.IndexOf("verbose");
                if (-1 < oi)
                    var o = doc.Options[oi].Value;
                    if (o is bool)
                        verbose = (bool)o;
                oi = doc.Options.IndexOf("fast");
                if (-1 < oi)
                    var o = doc.Options[oi].Value;
                    if (o is bool)
                        fast = (bool)o;
                if (fast && null != codelanguage)
                    throw new ArgumentException("<codelanguage> and <fast> cannot both be specified. The <fast> option is C# only.");

                var stale = true;
                if (ifstale)
                    stale = false;
                    if (!stale && null != rolexfile)
                        if (_IsStale(inputfile, rolexfile))
                            stale = true;
                    if (!stale && null != yaccfile)
                        if (_IsStale(inputfile, yaccfile))
                            stale = true;

                    if (!stale)
                        var files = XbnfDocument.GetResources(inputfile);
                        foreach (var s in files)
                            if (_IsStale(s, outputfile))
                                stale = true;
                    // see if our exe has changed
                    if (!stale && null != outputfile && _IsStale(CodeBase, outputfile))
                        stale = true;

                if (!stale)
                    stderr.WriteLine("Skipped building of the following because they were not stale:");
                    if (null != outputfile)
                        stderr.WriteLine("Output file: " + outputfile);
                    if (null != rolexfile)
                        stderr.WriteLine("Rolex file: " + rolexfile);
                    if (null != yaccfile)
                        stderr.WriteLine("YACC file: " + yaccfile);
                    stderr.WriteLine("{0} is building the following:", Name);
                    if (null != outputfile)
                        stderr.WriteLine("Output file: " + outputfile);
                    if (null != rolexfile)
                        stderr.WriteLine("Rolex file: " + rolexfile);
                    if (null != yaccfile)
                        stderr.WriteLine("YACC file: " + yaccfile);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(codelanguage))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputfile))
                            codelanguage = Path.GetExtension(outputfile);
                            if (codelanguage.StartsWith("."))
                                codelanguage = codelanguage.Substring(1);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(codelanguage))
                            codelanguage = "cs";

                    var isLexerOnly = true;
                    if (doc.HasNonTerminalProductions)
                        isLexerOnly = false;
                        foreach (var include in doc.Includes)
                            if (include.Document.HasNonTerminalProductions)
                                isLexerOnly = false;
                    // we need to prepare it by marking every terminal
                    // with an attribute if it isn't already. we use
                    // "terminal" because it doesn't impact terminals
                    // in any way, but this way the CfgDocument can
                    // "see" them.
                    for (int ic = doc.Productions.Count, i = 0; i < ic; ++i)
                        var p = doc.Productions[i];
                        if (p.IsTerminal && 0 == p.Attributes.Count)
                            p.Attributes.Add(new XbnfAttribute("terminal", true));

                    XbnfGenerationInfo genInfo;
                    var msgs = XbnfConvert.TryCreateGenerationInfo(doc, out genInfo);

                    foreach (var msg in msgs)
                        if (verbose || ErrorLevel.Information != msg.ErrorLevel)
                    foreach (var msg in msgs)
                        if (msg.ErrorLevel == ErrorLevel.Error)
                            throw new Exception(msg.ToString());
                    CfgDocument primaryCfg = genInfo.Cfg;
                    doc = genInfo.Xbnf;
                    if (!isLexerOnly)
                        if (verbose)
                            stderr.WriteLine("Final grammar:");
                        foreach (var msg in msgs)
                            if (msg.ErrorLevel == ErrorLevel.Error)
                                throw new Exception(msg.ToString());
                        if (!noparser)
                            var ccu = CodeGenerator.GenerateCompileUnit(genInfo, codeclass, codenamespace, fast);
                            ccu.Namespaces.Add(new CodeNamespace(codenamespace ?? ""));
                            var ccuNS     = ccu.Namespaces[ccu.Namespaces.Count - 1];
                            var ccuShared = CodeGenerator.GenerateSharedCompileUnit(codenamespace);

                            if (fast)
                                CD.CodeDomVisitor.Visit(ccu, (ctx) =>
                                    var vd = ctx.Target as CodeVariableDeclarationStatement;
                                    if (null != vd && CD.CodeDomResolver.IsNullOrVoidType(vd.Type))
                                        vd.Type = C.Type("var");
                                }, CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.All & ~(CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.Expressions | CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.Comments | CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.Attributes | CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.Directives | CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.Types | CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.TypeRefs));
                                CD.CodeDomVisitor.Visit(ccuShared, (ctx) =>
                                    var vd = ctx.Target as CodeVariableDeclarationStatement;
                                    if (null != vd && CD.CodeDomResolver.IsNullOrVoidType(vd.Type))
                                        vd.Type = C.Type("var");
                                }, CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.All & ~(CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.Expressions | CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.Comments | CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.Attributes | CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.Directives | CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.Types | CD.CodeDomVisitTargets.TypeRefs));
                                SlangPatcher.Patch(ccu, ccuShared);
                                var co = SlangPatcher.GetNextUnresolvedElement(ccu);
                                if (null != co)
                                    stderr.WriteLine("Warning: Not all of the elements could be resolved. The generated code may not be correct in all languages.");
                                    stderr.WriteLine("  Next unresolved: {0}", C.ToString(co).Trim());
                            if (!noshared)
                                CodeGenerator.ImportCompileUnit(ccuNS, ccuShared);

                            var prov = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider(codelanguage);

                            if (null != outputfile)
                                var sw = new StreamWriter(outputfile);
                                output = sw;
                                output = stdout;
                            var opts = new CodeGeneratorOptions();
                            opts.VerbatimOrder            = true;
                            opts.BlankLinesBetweenMembers = false;
                            prov.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(ccu, output, opts);
                            output = null;
                        stderr.WriteLine("{0} skipped parser generation because there are no non-terminals and no imports defined.", Name);

                    if (null != rolexfile)
                        var sw = new StreamWriter(rolexfile);
                        output = sw;
                        output = null;
                    if (null != yaccfile)
                        var sw = new StreamWriter(yaccfile);
                        output = sw;
                        output = null;
#if !DEBUG
            catch (Exception ex)
                result = _ReportError(ex, stderr);
                if (outputfile != null && null != output)