Beispiel #1
        #region L O A D
        protected override void LoadContent()
            font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font");

            // { S K I N - M O D E L   L O A D  ----------------------------------------
            skinFx           = new SkinFx(Content, cam, "SkinEffect");        // skin effect parameter controls
            skinModel_loader = new SkinModelLoader(Content, gpu);             // need for: runtime load FBX skinned model animations
            skinModel_loader.SetDefaultOptions(0.1f, "default_gray");         // pad the animation a bit for smooth looping, set a debug texture (if no texture on a mesh)

            // load animation (custom settings, size = 35%)
            hero[IDLE] = skinModel_loader.Load("Kid/kid_idle.fbx", "Kid", true, 3, skinFx, rescale: 0.35f);
            //hero[WALK] = skinModel_loader.Load("Kid/kid_walk.fbx", "Kid", true, 3, skinFx, rescale: 0.35f);
            //hero[RUN]  = skinModel_loader.Load("Kid/kid_run.fbx",  "Kid", true, 3, skinFx, rescale: 0.35f);
            // } SKIN-MODEL LOADING    -------------------------------------------------

            // I n i t   P l a y e r:
            mtx_hero_rotate = Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(MathHelper.Pi, 0, 0); // let's have the character facing the camera at first
      = mtx_hero_rotate;
Beispiel #2
 public LoadDebugInfo(SkinModelLoader inst)
     ld = inst;