Beispiel #1
        public void When_InvalidId_Expect_Throws()
            var       dataStore = new SkillsDataStore();
            const int id        = 1;

            Assert.Throws <NotFoundException>(() => dataStore.Update(id, new Skill()));
Beispiel #2
        public void When_ItemFound_OverwritesProperties()
            const string originalName   = "name";
            const string newName        = "newName";
            const int    originalRating = 10;
            const int    newRating      = 20;

            var dataStore  = new SkillsDataStore();
            var controller = new SkillsController(dataStore);

            var original = new Skill {
                Name = originalName, Rating = originalRating
            var id = GetOkResultValue(controller.Post(original)).Id;

            var updated = new Skill {
                Name = newName, Rating = newRating
            var result = GetOkResultValue(controller.Post(id, updated));

            // Checking properties one by one is OK as long as they are few and stable.
            // For a more complex object, I'd consider using reflection to ensure that the test
            // automatically picks up any added properties.
            Assert.Equal(newName, result.Name);
            Assert.Equal(newRating, result.Rating);

            var result2 = (Skill)((OkObjectResult)controller.Get(id)).Value;

            Assert.Equal(newName, result2.Name);
            Assert.Equal(newRating, result2.Rating);
Beispiel #3
        public void When_AddingFirstItem_Returns_ItemWithId_1()
            var dataStore = new SkillsDataStore();
            var result    = dataStore.Add(new Skill());

            Assert.Equal(1, result.Id);
Beispiel #4
        public void When_OneSkillAdded_Returns_OneSkill()
            var dataStore = new SkillsDataStore();

            dataStore.Add(new Skill());
            var skills = dataStore.Get();

Beispiel #5
        public void When_ValidId_Expect_RemovesValue()
            var dataStore = new SkillsDataStore();
            var result    = dataStore.Add(new Skill());
            var id        = result.Id;


            Assert.Throws <NotFoundException>(() => dataStore.Get(id));
Beispiel #6
        public void When_AddingMultipleItems_Returns_ItemsWithIncreasingId()
            var dataStore = new SkillsDataStore();

            for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var result = dataStore.Add(new Skill());
                Assert.Equal(i + 1, result.Id);
Beispiel #7
        public void When_ValidId_Returns_Item_WithThatId()
            var dataStore = new SkillsDataStore();

            dataStore.Add(new Skill());

            var skill = dataStore.Get(1);

            Assert.Equal(skill.Id, 1);
Beispiel #8
        public void When_TwoSkillsAdded_Returns_TwoSkills()
            var dataStore = new SkillsDataStore();

            dataStore.Add(new Skill());
            dataStore.Add(new Skill());
            var skills = dataStore.Get();

            Assert.Collection(skills, s => {; }, s => {; });
Beispiel #9
        public void When_ValidId_Expect_Returns_ItemWithId()
            var dataStore = new SkillsDataStore();
            var skill1    = dataStore.Add(new Skill());
            var skill2    = new Skill();
            var id        = skill1.Id;

            var actual = dataStore.Update(id, skill2);

            Assert.Equal(skill2.Id, id);
Beispiel #10
        public void When_ItemNotFound_Returns_NotFound()
            var dataStore  = new SkillsDataStore();
            var controller = new SkillsController(dataStore);

            var id = GetOkResultValue(controller.Post(new Skill())).Id;

            var result = controller.Post(id + 1, new Skill());

            Assert.IsType(typeof(NotFoundResult), result);
Beispiel #11
        public void When_ValidId_Expect_ReplacesValue()
            var dataStore = new SkillsDataStore();
            var skill1    = dataStore.Add(new Skill());
            var skill2    = new Skill();
            var id        = skill1.Id;

            dataStore.Update(id, skill2);

            var actual = dataStore.Get(id);

            Assert.Equal(skill2, actual);
Beispiel #12
        public void When_ItemHasBeenRemoved_Expect_DoesNotReuseId()
            var dataStore = new SkillsDataStore();

            var skill1 = dataStore.Add(new Skill());
            var skill2 = dataStore.Add(new Skill());


            var skill3 = dataStore.Add(new Skill());

            Assert.Equal(3, skill3.Id);
Beispiel #13
        public void When_InvalidId_Returns_NotFound()
            const int id         = 1;
            var       dataStore  = new SkillsDataStore();
            var       controller = new SkillsController(dataStore);

            var updated = new Skill {
                Name = "updated", Rating = 2
            var result = controller.Put(id, updated);

            Assert.IsType(typeof(NotFoundResult), result);
Beispiel #14
        public void When_ItemFound_AndNewNameIsEmpty_KeepsOriginalName()
            const string originalName = "name";
            const string newName      = "";

            var dataStore  = new SkillsDataStore();
            var controller = new SkillsController(dataStore);

            var original = new Skill {
                Name = originalName
            var id = GetOkResultValue(controller.Post(original)).Id;

            var updated = new Skill {
                Name = newName
            var result = GetOkResultValue(controller.Post(id, updated));

            Assert.Equal(originalName, result.Name);
Beispiel #15
        public void When_ItemFound_AndNewRatingIsZero_KeepsOriginalRating()
            const int originalRating = 22;
            const int newRating      = 0;

            var dataStore  = new SkillsDataStore();
            var controller = new SkillsController(dataStore);

            var original = new Skill {
                Rating = originalRating
            var id = GetOkResultValue(controller.Post(original)).Id;

            var updated = new Skill {
                Rating = newRating
            var result = GetOkResultValue(controller.Post(id, updated));

            Assert.Equal(originalRating, result.Rating);
Beispiel #16
        public void When_ValidId_StoresItem()
            var original = new Skill {
                Name = "original", Rating = 1

            var dataStore  = new SkillsDataStore();
            var controller = new SkillsController(dataStore);

            var id = GetOkResultValue(controller.Post(original)).Id;

            var updated = new Skill {
                Name = "updated", Rating = 2

            controller.Put(id, updated);

            var result = GetOkResultValue(controller.Get(id));

            Assert.Equal(updated.Name, result.Name);
            Assert.Equal(updated.Rating, result.Rating);
Beispiel #17
        public void When_InvalidId_Expect_Throws()
            var dataStore = new SkillsDataStore();

            Assert.Throws <NotFoundException>(() => dataStore.Get(1));
Beispiel #18
        public void When_NothingAdded_Returns_EmptyList()
            var skills = new SkillsDataStore().Get();
