Beispiel #1
 public SkidmarkSection(SkidmarkSection ss)
     position      = ss.position;
     normal        = ss.normal;
     tangent       = ss.tangent;
     positionLeft  = ss.positionLeft;
     positionRight = ss.positionRight;
     intensity     = ss.intensity;
Beispiel #2
        public void Update()
            if (skidObject == null || indices == null)

            prevGroundIndex = groundIndex;
            groundIndex     = GetGroundIndex();

            wasGrounded = isGrounded;
            isGrounded  = wheel.IsGrounded;

            // Calculate skidmark intensity on hard surfaces (asphalt, concrete, etc.)
            if (isGrounded && groundIndex >= 0 && skidObject != null && vc.groundDetection.groundEntities[groundIndex].skidmarkMaterial != null)
                prevIntensity = intensity;
                intensity     = 0f;
                if (wheel.HasForwardSlip || wheel.HasSideSlip)
                    intensity = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(wheel.ForwardSlip) - vc.forwardSlipThreshold)
                                + Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(wheel.SideSlip) - vc.sideSlipThreshold) * 2.5f;
                    intensity *= vc.effects.skidmarks.skidmarkStrength;
                    intensity  = Mathf.Clamp(intensity, 0f, vc.effects.skidmarks.maxSkidmarkAlpha);

                if (wheel.WheelController.isGrounded)
                    Vector3 skidmarkPosition = skidObject.transform.InverseTransformPoint(wheel.WheelController.wheelHit.groundPoint);
                    skidmarkPosition += wheel.WheelController.wheelHit.normal * groundOffset;
                    skidmarkPosition += vc.vehicleRigidbody.GetPointVelocity(wheel.ControllerTransform.position) * Time.deltaTime * 1.8f;

                    // Add first skidmark in series
                    if (currentSkidmarkSection == null)
                        currentSkidmarkSection               = new SkidmarkSection();
                        currentSkidmarkSection.position      = skidmarkPosition;
                        currentSkidmarkSection.normal        = wheel.WheelController.wheelHit.normal;
                        currentSkidmarkSection.intensity     = 0;
                        currentSkidmarkSection.positionLeft  = skidmarkPosition - wheel.ControllerTransform.right * markWidth * 0.5f;
                        currentSkidmarkSection.positionRight = skidmarkPosition + wheel.ControllerTransform.right * markWidth * 0.5f;

                        direction  = wheel.ControllerTransform.forward;
                        xDirection = -wheel.ControllerTransform.right;
                        currentSkidmarkSection.tangent = new Vector4(xDirection.x, xDirection.y, xDirection.y, 1f);

                        previousSkidmarkSection = new SkidmarkSection(currentSkidmarkSection);

                    // First skidmark in series is already set, continue building mesh
                        currentSkidmarkSection.position  = skidmarkPosition;
                        currentSkidmarkSection.normal    = wheel.WheelController.wheelHit.normal;
                        currentSkidmarkSection.intensity = (byte)(intensity * 255f);

                        direction  = (currentSkidmarkSection.position - previousSkidmarkSection.position);
                        xDirection = Vector3.Cross(direction, wheel.WheelController.wheelHit.normal).normalized;

                        currentSkidmarkSection.positionLeft  = skidmarkPosition + xDirection * markWidth * 0.5f;
                        currentSkidmarkSection.positionRight = skidmarkPosition - xDirection * markWidth * 0.5f;
                        currentSkidmarkSection.tangent       = new Vector4(xDirection.x, xDirection.y, xDirection.z, 1f);

                        // Calculate distance between last and current skidmark section
                        float sqrDistance = (currentSkidmarkSection.position - previousSkidmarkSection.position).sqrMagnitude;

                        // Ground has changed, start new section
                        if (prevGroundIndex != groundIndex ||
                            (isGrounded == true && wasGrounded == false) ||
                            (prevIntensity == 0 && intensity > 0))
                            previousSkidmarkSection = new SkidmarkSection(currentSkidmarkSection);

                        if (sqrDistance > minSqrDistance)
                            int groundIndex = vc.groundDetection.GetCurrentGroundEntityIndex(wheel.WheelController);

                            if (groundIndex >= 0)
                                int indexOffset = commonIndex * 4;

                                // Generate geometry.

                                vertices[indexOffset + 0] = previousSkidmarkSection.positionLeft;
                                vertices[indexOffset + 1] = previousSkidmarkSection.positionRight;
                                vertices[indexOffset + 2] = currentSkidmarkSection.positionLeft;
                                vertices[indexOffset + 3] = currentSkidmarkSection.positionRight;

                                normals[indexOffset + 0] = previousSkidmarkSection.normal;
                                normals[indexOffset + 1] = previousSkidmarkSection.normal;
                                normals[indexOffset + 2] = currentSkidmarkSection.normal;
                                normals[indexOffset + 3] = currentSkidmarkSection.normal;

                                tangents[indexOffset + 0] = previousSkidmarkSection.tangent;
                                tangents[indexOffset + 1] = previousSkidmarkSection.tangent;
                                tangents[indexOffset + 2] = currentSkidmarkSection.tangent;
                                tangents[indexOffset + 3] = currentSkidmarkSection.tangent;

                                color0000.a             = previousSkidmarkSection.intensity;
                                colors[indexOffset + 0] = color0000;
                                colors[indexOffset + 1] = color0000;

                                color0000.a             = currentSkidmarkSection.intensity;
                                colors[indexOffset + 2] = color0000;
                                colors[indexOffset + 3] = color0000;

                                uvs[indexOffset + 0] = vector00;
                                uvs[indexOffset + 1] = vector10;
                                uvs[indexOffset + 2] = vector01;
                                uvs[indexOffset + 3] = vector11;

                                int triCount = indices[groundIndex].head;
                                triangles[groundIndex][triCount + 0] = commonIndex * 4 + 0;
                                triangles[groundIndex][triCount + 2] = commonIndex * 4 + 1;
                                triangles[groundIndex][triCount + 1] = commonIndex * 4 + 2;

                                triangles[groundIndex][triCount + 3] = commonIndex * 4 + 2;
                                triangles[groundIndex][triCount + 5] = commonIndex * 4 + 1;
                                triangles[groundIndex][triCount + 4] = commonIndex * 4 + 3;

                                // Reassign the mesh if it's changed this frame
                                skidmarkMesh.vertices = vertices;
                                skidmarkMesh.normals  = normals;
                                skidmarkMesh.tangents = tangents;

                                for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i++)
                                    // Tail is chasing head
                                    if (indices[i].head > indices[i].tail)
                                        int length = indices[i].head - indices[i].tail;
                                        SubArray(ref triangles[i], out result, indices[i].head - length, length);
                                        skidmarkMesh.SetTriangles(result, i);
                                    // Head is chasing tail
                                    else if (indices[i].head < indices[i].tail)
                                        int index1  = indices[i].tail;
                                        int length1 = maxMarks * 9 - indices[i].tail;

                                        int index2  = 0;
                                        int length2 = indices[i].head;

                                        DoubleSubArray(ref triangles[i], out result, index1, index2, length1, length2);
                                        skidmarkMesh.SetTriangles(result, i);

                                // Assign to mesh
                                skidmarkMesh.colors32 = colors;
                                skidmarkMesh.uv       = uvs;
                                skidmarkMesh.bounds   = bounds;

                                meshFilter.mesh         = skidmarkMesh;
                                previousSkidmarkSection = new SkidmarkSection(currentSkidmarkSection);
Beispiel #3
        public void CreateNewSnapshot(bool generateNew = false)
            indices        = new Index[groundEntityCount];
            lastUpdated    = new int[groundEntityCount];
            triangleCounts = new int[groundEntityCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < groundEntityCount; i++)
                indices[i]        = new Index();
                lastUpdated[i]    = -1;
                triangleCounts[i] = 0;

            // Add skid container
            if (snapshotCount == 0 || generateNew)
                skidContainer = GameObject.Find("SkidContainer");
                if (skidContainer == null)
                    skidContainer = new GameObject("SkidContainer");
                skidContainer.isStatic = true;
                skidObject.isStatic    = true;

            // Add skid object
            skidObject = new GameObject("SkidMesh_" + + "_" + snapshotCount);
            skidObject.transform.parent   = skidContainer.transform;
            skidObject.transform.position = vc.transform.position;

            SkidmarkDestroy skidmarkDestroy = skidObject.AddComponent <SkidmarkDestroy>();

            skidmarkDestroy.parentVehicleController = vc;
            skidmarkDestroy.distanceThreshold       = vc.effects.skidmarks.persistentSkidmarkDistance;

            // Setup mesh renderer
            if (!skidObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>())
                meshRenderer = skidObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;
            meshRenderer.lightProbeUsage   = UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage.Off;

            // Add mesh filter
            meshFilter = skidObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();

            if (snapshotCount == 0)
                // Add ground materials (only once)
                foreach (GroundDetection.GroundEntity ge in vc.groundDetection.groundEntities)

            meshRenderer.materials = materials.ToArray();

            foreach (Material mat in meshRenderer.materials)
                if (mat == null)

                if (vc.effects.skidmarks.threadAlbedo != null)
                    mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", vc.effects.skidmarks.threadAlbedo);
                    if (vc.effects.skidmarks.threadBump != null)
                        mat.SetTexture("_ParallaxMap", vc.effects.skidmarks.threadBump);

                    if (vc.effects.skidmarks.threadNormal != null)
                        mat.SetTexture("_BumpMap", vc.effects.skidmarks.threadNormal);
                { }

            // Add mesh arrays
            vertices = new Vector3[maxMarks * 4 * groundEntityCount];
            normals  = new Vector3[maxMarks * 4 * groundEntityCount];
            tangents = new Vector4[maxMarks * 4 * groundEntityCount];
            colors   = new Color32[maxMarks * 4 * groundEntityCount];
            uvs      = new Vector2[maxMarks * 4 * groundEntityCount];

            triangles = new int[groundEntityCount][];
            for (int i = 0; i < groundEntityCount; i++)
                triangles[i] = new int[maxMarks * 9];

            // Create new mesh
            skidmarkMesh        = new Mesh();
            skidmarkMesh.bounds = bounds;
           = "SkidmarkMesh";
            skidmarkMesh.subMeshCount = groundEntityCount;
            meshFilter.mesh           = skidmarkMesh;

            previousSkidmarkSection = null;
            currentSkidmarkSection  = null;
