Beispiel #1
        private async void MyTransformButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int    resample = int.Parse(MyResampleText.Text);
            double scale    = double.Parse(MyScaleText.Text);
            double x        = double.Parse(MyTranslateX.Text);
            double y        = double.Parse(MyTranslateY.Text);
            Point  point    = new Point(x, y);

            foreach (StorageFile loadFile in myLoadFiles)
                string loadFileName = loadFile.Name;
                Sketch sketch       = await SketchTools.XmlToSketch(loadFile);

                if (MyResampleCheckBox.IsChecked.Value)
                    sketch = SketchTransformation.Resample(sketch, resample);
                if (MyScaleCheckBox.IsChecked.Value)
                    sketch = SketchTransformation.ScaleFrame(sketch, scale);
                if (MyTranslateCheckBox.IsChecked.Value)
                    sketch = SketchTransformation.TranslateFrame(sketch, point);

                StorageFile saveFile = await mySaveFolder.CreateFileAsync(loadFileName, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

                SketchTools.SketchToXml(saveFile, sketch.Label, sketch.Strokes, sketch.Times, sketch.FrameMinX, sketch.FrameMinY, sketch.FrameMaxX, sketch.FrameMaxY);
        private void MyPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // initializer the feedback recognizers
            myStructureRecognizer = new StructureRecognizer();
            myTechniqueRecognizer = new TechniqueRecognizer();

            // squarify the ink canvas' drawing area
            double width  = MyBorder.ActualWidth;
            double height = MyBorder.ActualHeight;

            BorderLength   = width < height ? width : height;
            MyBorder.Width = MyBorder.Height = BorderLength;

            // initialize the external timing data structure and offset
            myTimeCollection = new List <List <long> >();
            MyDateTimeOffset = 0;

            // enable writing and set the stroke visuals of the ink canvas
            MyInkStrokes = MyInkCanvas.InkPresenter.StrokeContainer;
            MyInkCanvas.InkPresenter.InputDeviceTypes = CoreInputDeviceTypes.Pen | CoreInputDeviceTypes.Mouse | CoreInputDeviceTypes.Touch;

            // load the images and templates
            LoadContents(IMAGES_PATH, out myImageFiles, ".png");
            LoadContents(TEMPLATES_PATH, out myTemplateFiles, ".xml");

            // populate the symbols combo box
            foreach (StorageFile file in myImageFiles)
            MySymbolsComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // set the prompt text
            string promptedSymbol = MySymbolsComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper();

            MyPrompText.Text = PROMPT_TEXT + promptedSymbol;

            // modify the templates to fit the current ink canvas' drawing area
            myTemplates = new List <Sketch>();
            foreach (StorageFile file in myTemplateFiles)
                Sketch template = null;
                Task   task     = Task.Run(async() => template = await SketchTools.XmlToSketch(file));

                template = SketchTransformation.ScaleFrame(template, BorderLength);
                template = SketchTransformation.TranslateFrame(template, new Point(BorderLength / 2 - MyBorder.BorderThickness.Left, BorderLength / 2 - MyBorder.BorderThickness.Top));
                foreach (InkStroke stroke in template.Strokes)
                    stroke.DrawingAttributes = StrokeVisuals;

            // set the flag to allow buttons to run code
            MyIsReady = true;