private void MyStrokeBoundsPlayButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // get the model and input strokes
            Sketch model = SketchTools.Clone(myTemplates[MyCurrentIndex]);
            Sketch input = Sketch.CreateStroke("", new List <InkStroke>(MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes()), myTimeCollection, 0, 0, BorderLength, BorderLength);

            // TODO
        private async void MySymbolCorrectnessPlayButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MyImage.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            // get the model and input strokes
            Sketch model = SketchTools.Clone(myTemplates[MyCurrentIndex]);
            Sketch input = Sketch.CreateStroke("", new List <InkStroke>(MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes()), myTimeCollection, 0, 0, BorderLength, BorderLength);

            // store and remove the original strokes from the ink canvas
            List <InkStroke> originalStrokes = SketchTools.Clone(new List <InkStroke>(MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes()));

            foreach (InkStroke stroke in MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes())
                stroke.Selected = true;

            // set the animation colors
            SolidColorBrush modelBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green)
                Opacity = 1.0
            SolidColorBrush inputBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
                Opacity = 1.0

            // get the animations
            List <Storyboard> modelStoryboards = Helper.DisplaySymbol(MyCanvas, model.Strokes, modelBrush, SMALL_DOT_SIZE, STROKE_DURATION);
            List <Storyboard> inputStoryboards = Helper.DisplaySymbol(MyCanvas, input.Strokes, inputBrush, StrokeVisuals.Size.Width, STROKE_DURATION);

            // animate the feedback
            foreach (Storyboard storyboard in modelStoryboards)
            foreach (Storyboard storyboard in inputStoryboards)

            // re-add the original strokes to the ink canvas and re-enable return button
            int delay = STROKE_DURATION;
            await InteractionTools.Delay(delay);


            MyImage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Beispiel #3
        public void Train(Sketch model, List <Sketch> templates, Sketch input)
            // set the model and input sketches
            myModel = SketchTools.Clone(model);
            myInput = SketchTools.Clone(input);

            // set the template sketches
            myTemplates = new List <Sketch>();
            foreach (Sketch template in templates)
        private async void MyStrokeCountPlayButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // do not show feedback if canvas has no strokes
            if (MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes().Count <= 0)


            // get the model and input strokes
            Sketch model = myTemplates[MyCurrentIndex];

            model = SketchTools.Clone(model);
            Sketch input = Sketch.CreateStroke("", new List <InkStroke>(MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes()), myTimeCollection, 0, 0, BorderLength, BorderLength);

            input = SketchTools.Clone(input);
            input = SketchTransformation.Resample(input, 128);

            // set the animation colors
            SolidColorBrush modelBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green)
                Opacity = 1.0
            SolidColorBrush inputBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
                Opacity = 1.0

            // get the animations
            List <Storyboard> modelStoryboards = InteractionTools.DisplayEndpoints(MyCanvas, model.Strokes, modelBrush, LARGE_DOT_SIZE, STROKE_DURATION);
            List <Storyboard> inputStoryboards = InteractionTools.DisplayEndpoints(MyCanvas, input.Strokes, inputBrush, SMALL_DOT_SIZE, STROKE_DURATION, model);

            // animate the feedback
            foreach (Storyboard storyboard in modelStoryboards)
            foreach (Storyboard storyboard in inputStoryboards)

            // re-add the original strokes to the ink canvas and re-enable return button
            int delay = STROKE_DURATION * model.Strokes.Count;
            await InteractionTools.Delay(delay);

Beispiel #5
        private List <Tuple <InkStroke, InkStroke> > GetStrokeMatches(Sketch input, Sketch model)
            // get the cloned input and model sketches;
            // necessary for not affecting use of input and model sketches in other methods
            input = SketchTools.Clone(input);
            model = SketchTools.Clone(model);

            // get the matching input and model strokes
            var pairs = new List <Tuple <InkStroke, InkStroke> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Strokes.Count; ++i)
                // initialize the minimal values
                double minDistance = double.MaxValue;
                int    minIndex    = -1;

                // iterate through each model stroke
                for (int j = 0; j < model.Strokes.Count; ++j)
                    // get the current model stroke
                    InkStroke modelStroke = model.Strokes[j];

                    // get the pairwise distance of the input and model
                    double distance = GetResampledPairwiseDistance(input, model, i, j);

                    // case: minimum distance found
                    // set the minimum distance and index
                    if (distance < minDistance)
                        minDistance = distance;
                        minIndex    = j;

                // set the matching input and model strokes
                InkStroke inputStroke    = input.Strokes[i];
                InkStroke minModelStroke = model.Strokes[minIndex];
                pairs.Add(new Tuple <InkStroke, InkStroke>(inputStroke, minModelStroke));

                // remove the current model stroke and times candidate for the next iteration

        private async void MyPlayButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!MyImageButton.IsChecked.Value)

            MyInkCanvas.InkPresenter.IsInputEnabled = false;

            Sketch model = myTemplates[MyCurrentIndex];

            model = SketchTools.Clone(model);
            double          opacity = 0.8;
            Color           color   = Colors.Green;
            SolidColorBrush brush   = new SolidColorBrush(color)
                Opacity = opacity

            // animate the expert's model strokes
            List <Storyboard> modelStoryboards = InteractionTools.Trace(MyCanvas, model.Strokes, model.Times, LARGE_DOT_SIZE, brush, POINT_DURATION);

            foreach (Storyboard storyboard in modelStoryboards)

            int numModelPoints = 0;

            foreach (InkStroke stroke in model.Strokes)
                numModelPoints += stroke.GetInkPoints().Count;
            int delay = numModelPoints * POINT_DURATION;
            await InteractionTools.Delay(delay);

            MyInkCanvas.InkPresenter.IsInputEnabled = true;
Beispiel #7
        private double GetResampledPairwiseDistance(Sketch input, Sketch model, int i, int j)
            // get the corresponding model stroke, points, and point count
            InkStroke       modelStroke    = model.Strokes[j];
            List <InkPoint> modelPoints    = new List <InkPoint>(modelStroke.GetInkPoints());
            int             numModelPoints = modelPoints.Count;

            // wrap the current input stroke into a sketch, then resample to match model stroke
            InkStroke   inputStroke = input.Strokes[i];
            List <long> inputTimes  = input.Times[i];
            Sketch      inputSketch = new Sketch("", new List <InkStroke>()
            }, new List <List <long> > {
            }, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            // resample the input stroke's points to match the current model stroke's points
            inputSketch = SketchTools.Clone(inputSketch);
            inputSketch = SketchTransformation.Resample(inputSketch, modelPoints.Count);
            inputStroke = inputSketch.Strokes[0];

            // get the number of points to iterate between the corresponding model and input stroke
            int numInputPoints = inputStroke.GetInkPoints().Count;
            int count          = numModelPoints < numInputPoints ? numModelPoints : numInputPoints;

            // calculate the distances both forward and backwards between the model and input strokes
            double distance1 = 0.0;
            double distance2 = 0.0;

            for (int a = 0, b = count - 1; a < count; ++a, --b)
                InkPoint modelPoint  = modelStroke.GetInkPoints()[a];
                InkPoint inputPoint1 = inputStroke.GetInkPoints()[a];
                InkPoint inputPoint2 = inputStroke.GetInkPoints()[b];

                distance1 += SketchTransformation.Distance(modelPoint, inputPoint1);
                distance2 += SketchTransformation.Distance(modelPoint, inputPoint2);
            double distance = distance1 < distance2 ? distance1 : distance2;

Beispiel #8
        private bool SymbolCorrectnessTest(Sketch model, List <Sketch> templates, Sketch input)
            PDollar dollar = new PDollar(128, 500, new Point(0, 0));


            string inputLabel = dollar.Labels[0];
            string modelLabel = model.Label;

            bool isCorrect = inputLabel.Equals(modelLabel);

            foreach (Sketch template in templates)
                if (modelLabel.Equals(template.Label))
                    CorrectSymbol = SketchTools.Clone(template);

Beispiel #9
        private bool StrokeBoundsTest(Sketch model, Sketch input)
            // end test if there is a stroke count mismatch;
            // can't compare stroke bounds if there are no corresponding strokes
            if (!CheckStrokeCount(model, input))

            // get the cloned input and model sketches;
            // necessary for not affecting use of input and model sketches in other methods
            input = SketchTools.Clone(input);
            model = SketchTools.Clone(model);

            // get the matching input and model strokes
            myStrokeMatches = GetStrokeMatches(input, model);;

            // get the corresponding strokes and whether their bounds are proportionally correct
            var triples = new List <Tuple <InkStroke, InkStroke, bool> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < myStrokeMatches.Count; ++i)
                // get the current corresponding strokes
                var       pair        = myStrokeMatches[i];
                InkStroke inputStroke = pair.Item1;
                InkStroke modelStroke = pair.Item2;

                // get the corresponding strokes' bounding boxes
                Rect inputRect = inputStroke.BoundingRect;
                Rect modelRect = modelStroke.BoundingRect;

                // get the angles of the bounding boxes' diagonals
                double inputAngle = Math.Atan(inputRect.Height / inputRect.Width) * 180 / Math.PI;
                double modelAngle = Math.Atan(modelRect.Height / modelRect.Width) * 180 / Math.PI;

                // case: the input or the model sketch has a vertical-line bounding box
                bool isCorrect = false;
                if (inputAngle < 10.0 || modelAngle < 10.0)
                    if (inputAngle >= 10.0 || modelAngle >= 10.0)
                        isCorrect = false;
                        double proportionRatio = 1.0 - Math.Abs(1.0 - (inputRect.Width / modelRect.Width));
                        isCorrect = proportionRatio > 0.85;

                // case: the input or the model sketch as a horizontal-line bounding box
                else if (inputAngle > 80.0 || modelAngle > 80.0)
                    if (inputAngle <= 80.0 || modelAngle <= 80.0)
                        isCorrect = false;
                        double proportionRatio = 1.0 - Math.Abs(1.0 - (inputRect.Height / modelRect.Height));
                        isCorrect = proportionRatio > 0.85;

                // case: the input and model sketch both have regular bounding boxes
                    double inputProportion = inputRect.Width / inputRect.Height;
                    double modelProportion = modelRect.Width / modelRect.Height;
                    double proportionRatio = inputProportion / modelProportion;
                    isCorrect = proportionRatio < 1.3;

                // collect the corresponding strokes' and the bounds correctness
                var triple = new Tuple <InkStroke, InkStroke, bool>(inputStroke, modelStroke, isCorrect);

            // check the bounds correctness for each corresponding strokes
            foreach (var triple in triples)
                bool isCorrect = triple.Item3;

                if (!isCorrect)

        private async void MyStrokeSpeedTestPlayButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // do not show feedback if canvas has no strokes or incorrect stroke count
            if (MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes().Count <= 0)
            if (!myTechniqueRecognizer.StrokeCountResult)


            bool   hasInput = false;
            Sketch model    = SketchTools.Clone(myTemplates[MyCurrentIndex]);
            Sketch input    = null;

            if (MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes().Count > 0)
                input    = new Sketch("", new List <InkStroke>(MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes()), myTimeCollection, 0, 0, BorderLength, BorderLength);
                hasInput = true;

            // get the converted model times
            long modelOffset = model.Times[0][0];
            long modelShift  = 0;
            List <List <long> > modelTimesCollection = new List <List <long> >();
            long modelFactor = 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < model.Times.Count; ++i)
                List <long> newModelTimes = new List <long>();
                foreach (long modelTime in model.Times[i])
                    long newModelTime = (modelTime - modelOffset - modelShift) / modelFactor;

                if (i < model.Times.Count - 1)
                    long nextStart = model.Times[i + 1][0];
                    long prevLast  = model.Times[i][model.Times[i].Count - 1];
                    modelShift += nextStart - prevLast;


            model = new Sketch(model.Label, model.Strokes, modelTimesCollection, model.FrameMinX, model.FrameMinY, model.FrameMaxX, model.FrameMaxY);
            SolidColorBrush modelBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black)
                Opacity = 0.8
            List <Storyboard> modelStoryboards = InteractionTools.Playback(MyCanvas, model.Strokes, model.Times, LARGE_DOT_SIZE, modelBrush);

            foreach (Storyboard storyboard in modelStoryboards)

            if (!hasInput)
            input = SketchTools.Clone(input);
            SolidColorBrush inputBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
                Opacity = 1.0
            List <Storyboard> inputStoryboards = InteractionTools.Playback(MyCanvas, input.Strokes, input.Times, SMALL_DOT_SIZE, inputBrush);

            foreach (Storyboard storyboard in inputStoryboards)

            int inputDelay = (int)((input.Times[input.Times.Count - 1])[input.Times[input.Times.Count - 1].Count - 1] - (input.Times[0])[0]);
            int modelDelay = (int)((model.Times[model.Times.Count - 1])[model.Times[model.Times.Count - 1].Count - 1] - (model.Times[0])[0]);
            int delay      = inputDelay > modelDelay ? inputDelay : modelDelay;
            await InteractionTools.Delay(delay);

        private async void MyStrokeDirectionPlayButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // do not show feedback if canvas has no strokes or incorrect stroke count
            if (MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes().Count <= 0)
            if (!myTechniqueRecognizer.StrokeCountResult)


            // get the input sketch and stroke directions
            Sketch input = Sketch.CreateStroke("", new List <InkStroke>(MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes()), myTimeCollection, 0, 0, BorderLength, BorderLength);

            input = SketchTools.Clone(input);
            input = SketchTransformation.Resample(input, 128);
            List <bool> strokeDirections = new List <bool>(myTechniqueRecognizer.StrokeDirections);

            // create solution
            InkStrokeBuilder builder         = new InkStrokeBuilder();
            List <InkStroke> solutionStrokes = new List <InkStroke>();

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Strokes.Count; ++i)
                // get the current input stroke and times
                InkStroke   inputStroke = input.Strokes[i];
                List <long> inputTimes  = input.Times[i];

                // get current input points and stroke direction status
                List <InkPoint> inputPoints     = new List <InkPoint>(inputStroke.GetInkPoints());
                bool            strokeDirection = strokeDirections[i];

                // create the solution stroke
                List <Point> solutionPoints = new List <Point>();
                foreach (InkPoint inputPoint in inputPoints)
                    solutionPoints.Add(new Point(inputPoint.Position.X, inputPoint.Position.Y));
                if (!strokeDirection)
                InkStroke solutionStroke = builder.CreateStroke(solutionPoints);

                // add the solution stroke to the list

            // display solution
            SolidColorBrush newInputBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black)
                Opacity = 1.0
            List <Storyboard> newInputStoryboards = InteractionTools.Trace(MyCanvas, solutionStrokes, input.Times, LARGE_DOT_SIZE, newInputBrush, POINT_DURATION);

            foreach (Storyboard storyboard in newInputStoryboards)

            // display original
            SolidColorBrush inputBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
                Opacity = 1.0
            List <Storyboard> inputStoryboards = InteractionTools.Trace(MyCanvas, input.Strokes, input.Times, LARGE_DOT_SIZE, inputBrush, POINT_DURATION);

            foreach (Storyboard storyboard in inputStoryboards)

            // re-enable return button
            int delay = 0;

            foreach (InkStroke inputStroke in input.Strokes)
                delay += POINT_DURATION * inputStroke.GetInkPoints().Count;
            await InteractionTools.Delay(delay);

Beispiel #12
        private async void MyPlayButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // get the input and model sketch, and set the duration
            List <InkStroke> strokes = new List <InkStroke>();

            foreach (InkStroke stroke in MyInkStrokes.GetStrokes())
            Sketch input    = new Sketch("", strokes, myTimeCollection, 0, 0, MyBorderLength, MyBorderLength);
            Sketch model    = myTemplates[MyImageIndex];
            int    duration = 30000;

            // animate the expert's model strokes
            if (MyImageButton.IsChecked.Value)
                Sketch          sketch  = SketchTools.Clone(model);
                double          opacity = strokes.Count > 0 ? 0.8 : 1.0;
                Color           color   = strokes.Count > 0 ? Colors.Black : Colors.Green;
                SolidColorBrush brush   = new SolidColorBrush(color)
                    Opacity = opacity

                List <Storyboard> modelStoryboards = InteractionTools.Trace(MyCanvas, sketch.Strokes, sketch.Times, brush, duration);
                foreach (Storyboard storyboard in modelStoryboards)

            // animate the user's input strokes
            if (strokes.Count > 0)
                Sketch sketch = SketchTools.Clone(input);
                sketch = SketchTransformation.Resample(sketch, 128);
                double          opacity = 1.0;
                Color           color   = Colors.Red;
                SolidColorBrush brush   = new SolidColorBrush(color)
                    Opacity = opacity

                List <Storyboard> inputStoryboards = InteractionTools.Trace(MyCanvas, sketch.Strokes, sketch.Times, brush, duration, model);
                foreach (Storyboard storyboard in inputStoryboards)

            if (strokes.Count == 0 && !MyImageButton.IsChecked.Value)

            int numModelPoints = 0;

            foreach (InkStroke stroke in model.Strokes)
                numModelPoints += stroke.GetInkPoints().Count;
            int delay = (numModelPoints * duration) / 10000;

            MyPlayButton.IsEnabled = false;
            MyInkCanvas.InkPresenter.IsInputEnabled = false;
            await Task.Delay(delay);

            MyPlayButton.IsEnabled = true;
            MyInkCanvas.InkPresenter.IsInputEnabled = true;